Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 362: Wealth Flows In

Two days later, Feng Yun returned from the Jieqiu Mine and went straight to Andu City.

He Qia was free today, so she brought an official media to the door.

"Ordinarily, I am the woman's mother-in-law, but since I promised to protect Mr. Ling, I have to keep my word. No, I came here in person."

When He Qia came home from Yutangchun that day, he interrogated his son.

He Chuandong fully explained everything.

It was he who had that intention towards the female shopkeeper of Yutangchun, but she did not make a promise to him, let alone give or receive in private.

In other words, even though the two of them saw each other, they were still innocent.

He Qia breathed a sigh of relief.

The He family is not a small family, and they don't follow any rules.

If it weren't for the son's hardening of heart after eating the weight, and Princess Yonghuai's matchmaking, the He family would not be too happy with this marriage.

Not to mention Wen Hui's humble status, she was a girl from Yutangchun before...

It is said that they only sell their skills but not their bodies, but how many clean geishas can there be?

He Qia knew the way in between, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

But this kind of fear is mainly due to the fear of being criticized by others and not looking good...

He didn't have any prejudice against Wen Hui himself.

A very capable little lady, who knows what's going on, has a good eye for things, doesn't talk much, takes care of Yu Tangchun in an orderly manner, and is a good hand both inside and outside.

It’s just that his family status is too low...

"Alas." He Qia sighed, "Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Since she is the girl that the dog likes, we as parents should take it for granted."

The matter was settled.

Feng Yun felt a chill in his heart.

Today, she actually had the intention of exploring a path for Wen Hui.

In He Chuandong's family, not only the Gaotang still exists, but the Gaotangs of Gaotang also live in the same house. He Qia was a little better. Mrs. He's expression was very stiff from beginning to end, as if she had eaten a fly and couldn't spit it out, and she smiled awkwardly.

Wen Hui is afraid that she will suffer some setbacks when she marries into the He family.

She decided to tell the truth.

"You have to think about it carefully. They say that getting married is a woman's second reincarnation. If you make one wrong step, you will make mistakes every step of the way."

Although Wen Hui gave birth to a fat boy for He Chuandong in her previous life, he was very favored by He Chuandong.

But at that time, Wenhui was just He Chuandong's concubine...

In addition, the two of them didn't have much contact, so only Wen Hui in the previous life knew how their life was going.

As an outsider, how much can she see?

Wen Hui hesitated, "What did He Langjun say?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said, "He will not marry you unless he insists. If he hadn't insisted on it, He's mother probably wouldn't have agreed."

Wen Hui pursed her lips and bit her silver teeth.

"If he doesn't leave, I won't abandon him."

Feng Yun sighed in his heart.

In addition to fulfilling her wish, all she could do was pretend to be a fox and a tiger, paving the way for Wenhui to be smoother, giving her more face, so that she would be less bullied when she went to Hezhao.

When he came to Andu City this time, Feng Yun brought some cold cakes made in Zhuangzi.

She also learned how to make cold cakes from books.

The description is simple, it is made in one go, and then placed in the well to chill for a few hours. It is refreshing, satisfying and has endless aftertaste.

She was very happy, and the little emperor liked it very much.

Feng Yun put some in Yutangchun and put them out as new products.

Unexpectedly, Wenhui came to Huaxi Village despite the heat the next day. Feng Yun thought that her marriage to He Chuandong had changed. Unexpectedly, Wenhui wiped the sweat on her forehead and said happily:

"I'm here to ask my lady to teach you how to make cold cakes."

Cold cake is not only a new product of Yutangchun, but no one has ever eaten it in any capital...

Wen Hui tasted it yesterday and thought it tasted delicious. When adding vegetables, she sold half of the food and half as a gift, and gave it to several big households in Yutangchun to taste it.

Today, several people came again and asked for nothing. They asked for cold cakes and the iced ones.

Feng Yun readily agreed and immediately ordered:

"Making cold cakes requires polished rice. Rice is precious, so cold cakes must be more expensive."

Wen Hui has been in business for so long and is very comfortable with it. As soon as Feng Yun opened his mouth, she understood instantly.

"Don't worry, madam, the cold cake will definitely be Yutangchun's signature food this summer, and it will definitely not be cheap."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said, "It's up to you."

I made cold cakes and sent some to Yang Xin Zhai, and asked others to send some to Dr. Yao, Yunzhuang, and Taiping Garden.

Of course, Feng Yun did not come forward to give it to the governor's office. Instead, he asked Wenhui, the prospective daughter-in-law, to take it back to He Chuandong.

When Yutangchun put the cold cake on the menu, he gave it a nice name.

——Cold cake melts snow.

In just a few days, the name became famous.

Andu currently has many royal family members and many wealthy families...

The servants who went to Yutangchun to order cold cakes every day would line up for a block, and even wealthy families would come directly to their door, demanding high prices for Wen Hui's recipe.

Wen Hui naturally refused.

She followed what Feng Yun taught her.

"The cold cake melting snow is Nagato's secret recipe and must not be passed on to others."

"But the sugar used to make the cold cake is made in Nagato's own sugar factory."

The sugar factory was in Mingquan, she also revealed.

Just like this chain reaction, the orders from the sugar factory also increased.

Nan Kui made a special trip back from Mingquan Town and happily told Feng Yun that the sugar shop had so many orders that it would be impossible to finish them by the end of summer.

The farmers who followed them to plant sugar cane were all smiling from ear to ear. More and more people are opening up wasteland to bury sugar cane. I am afraid that next year, more farmers will join the planting ranks.

Nan Kui added one more sentence at the end.

"How can my wife be so awesome?"

Feng Yun was very successful in this profitable business, not only because she had the first move, but also because she was bold enough to start when she saw the opportunity.

In fact, before making the cold cake that day, Feng Yun didn't know what flavor it was, it was just to make the children happy and play.

Now that she was praised by people and made a lot of money, she couldn't help but think of Xiaoman's words that day.

It's a pity that the king didn't eat it.

It was thousands of miles away, and she couldn't bring the finished cold cake over.

That's it.

Wait until he comes back next time.

Feng Yun glanced at the village road where Pei Jue rode away, and soon calmed down.

Many things have changed in this life.

Including her and Pei Jue.

Sometimes she would be in a trance and doubt that the experiences in her previous life were just a dream.

It had never happened. In fact, she had never been to Zhongjing or returned to Qi. She had just been in a relationship with Pei Jue...

But every time she saw the wind chime hanging by the window, she would slowly wake up...

It was not a dream.

Everything had happened.

It had happened.


Feng Yun had made money, and her waist was getting more and more swollen, but she bought the most grain.

Bags of rice were pulled into the cellar of Changmen Manor. Mingquan also had a secret large granary, and no one knew how much grain was stored in it.

By late June, the weather was even hotter.

Pei Jue sent a letter from Xijing.

"The court considered the terrain and took history as a guide. It plans to build a palace in Andu and set Andu as the auxiliary capital."

Repairing palaces and setting up auxiliary capitals?

The "two capitals system" was not an isolated case in the Jin Dynasty. It had been established since King Wu of the Western Zhou Dynasty, but would Pei Jue's decision at this time be too frivolous?

Renovating the palace in a year of famine would be a waste of money and labor, and the gains would not outweigh the losses.

Feng Yun did not dare to be sentimental about such a major event, and blamed herself, thinking that Pei Jue was doing it for her...

Then, Pei Jue had thought it over carefully, and was planning for the development of Dajin, or for his own family business.

She had no emotions.

Yuan Shangyi, who got the news, was very happy.

"Can I stay in Andu forever?"

"Can I be with my wife forever?"

Feng Yun smiled and nodded, unable to bear to break the child's beautiful fantasy.

Even if Andu was to become the auxiliary capital of Dajin, the little emperor could not live in Huaxi Village forever, living in her Changmen Manor.

That would be out of place.

The date was not set, and there was no specific schedule. It was not Feng Yun's turn to worry about such things. She put it aside for the time being and just sent a letter to Pei Jue.

"If you need me, I will send you."

Pei Jue replied half a month later.

"I know your letter."

These four words were so simple that Feng Yun wished he had never written them.

Why bother with the post office? It's so hot.


The wedding of Wenhui and He Chuandong is scheduled before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Matchmaker Li said that time is running out, there is still more than a month left, so we should hurry up and prepare.

Feng Yun decided to let Wenhui get married in Huaxi Village, and marry her to the He Mansion in a grand sedan chair.

She sent people to the manor to clean the room and start decorating the wedding room.

The six rituals with the He family were all in Huaxi Village, not Yutangchun, to show her importance of this matter.

This is clearly to support Wenhui.

Wenhui was so moved that she couldn't express it in words.

The other beauties also had some small thoughts.

They never thought that Feng Shier Niang would really arrange the wedding for them.

With Wenhui's example, those concubines who were idle in the manor no longer fantasized about being able to accompany Pei Jue and become his concubine one day.

They also wanted to be like Wen Hui, marry a good husband and become the mistress of the house.

Nan Kui and Chai Ying, needless to say, were appreciated by Twelve Lady, and they were both big shopkeepers, so they would definitely not have to worry about marriage in the future.

They naturally had to show off...

So a very strange grand scene appeared in Changmen.

When Feng Yun sat there, a group of beautiful beauties surrounded her, fanning her, pouring water, rubbing her shoulders, and making her laugh...

She enjoyed all the happiness that Pei Jue could have enjoyed...

It was also this change that made her discover Jiang Yin's uniqueness.

She was still indifferent.

Unlike other beauties who showed goodwill and courtesy, she was silent and kept reducing her presence, which made her unique and often made Feng Yun look at her more.

Chunyu Yan was also an outlier.

Jiang Ji, whom he missed every day before, is now by his side, but he seems to be very busy. He ate cold cakes and went out in June. He has not returned to Yunzhuang for a month, and no one knows what he has done.

Feng Yun can't worry so much, she is also very busy.

The farm tool shop has cast the molds for making coal balls, and the roads in Yunchuan are basically connected. After the beginning of autumn, she will make coal balls in large quantities to prepare for this winter.

Make a fortune.

That day, she brought back several trucks of graphite from Xiaojieqiu Mine and planned to try to make some samples in the farm tool shop. Just when she arrived at the gate of the village, before she had time to unload the graphite, she heard a scream from the village.

"Oh my God, what is that?"

"Locusts! It's locusts!"

"Hurry up and report to the village head, the locusts are coming!"

Chunyu Yan: If this continues, my reputation as the richest man in the world will be lost.

Pei Jue: My wife is rich, but I am a pauper. This... let's judge, can I be a gigolo?

Feng Yun: Get off the first floor and eat on the second floor.

Ao Qi: What about the third floor?

Xiao Cheng: What about the fourth floor?

Wen Xingsu: What about the fifth floor?

Feng Yun: ...feed the locusts.

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