Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 372 Hunger Needs

Chun Yuyan looked at her without saying a word.

Maybe it was because of the hot weather, but he actually made the woman express her sweat. From her forehead to her back, she was already soaked.

In fact, Chun Yuyan had thought about what Feng Yun said.

The person who threw out the bait and wanted to do business with him was not Zheng Shoushan, let alone his second brother, but Li Zongxun behind the scenes.

Today, the area under the jurisdiction of the Yecheng court has shrunk a lot with the great victory in the northwest, Rongzhou was captured by Pei Madang, and Pingcheng was recovered.

However, there are currently no graphite mines in several states and dozens of counties under the jurisdiction of the Yecheng court.

then what should we do?

Graphite is an extremely important fuel.

Let’s not talk about whether there are graphite reserves, and it is too late to mine them.

Li Zongxun may not care whether the common people have charcoal to withstand this year's severe cold. However, industries such as iron smelting and copper melting that the imperial court needed were inseparable from graphite.

He just buys it.

The business of the Xijing imperial court will definitely not be done.

Qi State is currently on good terms with Xijing, so it is difficult for him to take action.

The largest merchant is in Yunchuan, and Yunchuan is known for its neutrality.

Li Zongxun's target is Chun Yuyan, but he has concerns.

After all, Chun Yuyan is both good and evil, and his temper is like the wind. Who knows when he will go crazy?

What's more, there are rumors outside that he has a close relationship with Nagato...

In order to avoid trouble, Li Zongxun asked Zheng Shoushan to come forward.

In the name of profit, Chun Yuyan was promised benefits and cast stones to ask for directions...

Chun Yuyan thought of all this.

The only thing he didn't expect was the woman Feng Twelve, and he did.

The living room is quiet.

I don't know how long I waited before I heard Chun Yuyan's long and shallow laugh.

"You make sense. But I can't sleep if I don't earn the money I bring to you. Feng Twelve, I'm a businessman."

He has said more than once that he is a businessman.

Feng Yun has always thought of him this way.

Therefore, when it was time to discuss business, she would not use emotions to persuade Chun Yuyan, but would only use greater interests.

"Your Majesty has come back just in time. In a few days, Nagato's briquettes will be mass-produced. Why don't Your Majesty first take a look at the benefits of briquettes, look at the situation, and imagine its sales?"

Chun Yuyan looked at her and smiled.

"Feng Twelve, you dug a hole for me."

Feng Yun curled his lips lightly, "Where to start?"

Chunyu Yan snorted heavily.

After a short silence, he slowly spoke.

"Is there a possibility that Yecheng will win in the end, not Xijing? I could have avoided offending both sides, but jumping into your pit, being forced to take sides, and completely offending Yecheng, wouldn't it be laying hidden dangers for myself? ?”

Feng Yun's lips twitched, looking at him and smiling.

"no way."

Chunyu Yan raised his eyebrows, "Do you trust Pei Wanzhi so much?"

"No." Feng Yun pointed to the top of his head, "I told my fortune."

Chun Yuyan:......

If it weren't for Feng Yun's serious look on his face, he would have laughed out loud on the spot.

"How can a profiteer like me, who is doing evil and evil, believe in fortune telling?"

"Then what do you believe?" Feng Yun asked.

Chun Yuyan's face suddenly came closer to her, and he narrowed his eyes slightly towards her, his eyes were lingering, and his words were coaxing.

"Feng Twelve, please kiss me, and I can consider... giving up this fat piece of Yecheng for you."

"Hehe. Hehe."

Feng Yun sneered twice in disgust, sat upright, and jabbed his slender fingers hard on his forehead, which was getting closer and closer, and his nails dug deeply...

It wasn't until Chun Yuyan screamed in pain and retreated with angrily that she calmly wiped her hands on the dress on her knees, her expression calm and composed, but her voice became slightly louder.

"Is it the people all over the world who sell more, or the Yecheng imperial court gives more benefits? To help the people in the world to keep out the cold, you accumulate blessings, and to take advantage of sycophants like Li Zongxun, you lose your moral character. The prince wants to know clearly, which one Fattier meat?”

Chunyu Yan was duplicitous.

"Yin virtue, blessing? I don't care."

He turned and looked out the window.

A maid just walked in with noodle soup.

It was just right, breaking the stalemate between the two.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "Your Majesty, eat first and have a good rest tonight. At dawn tomorrow, I will take you to the briquettes workshop. You can make a decision later. I will not force you."


After staying in the living room for a while, Feng Yun and Chun Yuyan made an appointment to meet tomorrow and then left.

in the room.

Xiao Man is packing the quilt.

Huan'er and Pei'er were sweeping and cleaning the windows.

Pei Madang sat by the window and watched the roses blooming all over the courtyard, holding a book in his hand.

Feng Yun walked past him.

She was a little tired after talking too much...

Pei Madang grabbed her wrist.

"Going for so long?"

Feng Yun slowly lowered his head and looked at him without answering.

His grip on her wrists loosened, and his eyes softened.

"I'm hungry."

Feng Yun was slightly startled.

He turned to look at the maids and said in confusion:

"Someone is neglecting the king? The general is starved of food?"

Pei Madang raised his eyes, staring at her with cold, thick black eyes.

"I suddenly want to eat noodle soup..."

After hearing this, Feng Yun suddenly froze.

She suddenly remembered the reason why Zheng Shoushan betrayed Jin Ting that she had never been able to recall before.

Related to hunger.

In his previous life, Zheng Shoushan betrayed the Jin court three years later.

At that time, Feng Yun had returned to Taicheng, and I heard about it only afterward.

There was a drought in Chuzhou that year, and people could not eat. Zheng Shoushan asked the court for money and grain.

In fact, it was not only Chuzhou that was suffering from drought at that time. There were droughts and famines everywhere in the world. The granaries of the government were not full, and life was difficult.

But Zheng Shoushan was also a big official, a "frontier official", and he could not be offended easily. The grain that should be sent had to be sent...


The Jin court played a trick.

A cart of grain was sent to Chuzhou, but it was filled with stones and sand. Halfway through, it was suddenly robbed by mountain bandits. Many people died and the grain was robbed. Only 20 carts were left, which were sent to Zheng Shoushan.

These 20 carts were real grain.

At first, Zheng Shoushan was so moved.

In order to avenge the dead soldiers who delivered grain, Zheng Shoushan led his 3,000 followers and rushed to the "mountain bandit's nest" 200 miles away overnight.

Unexpectedly, the mountain bandits were not seen, but piles of discarded sacks filled with rocks and gravel were seen.

The people were chilled, and the seeds of betrayal were sown.

Xiao Cheng saw the right opportunity, bought people's hearts, and secretly transported 100,000 shi of grain to Chuzhou through a local merchant.

When Zheng Shoushan received the grain, he still thought that he had taken advantage of Qi State, and did not completely want to betray the Jin court.

But the news that he surrendered to Xiao Cheng and raised the flag of rebellion had already flown to Zhongjing.

The Jin court naturally couldn't bear the anger and immediately sent troops to suppress it...

But at that time, Pei Cong was shot by an arrow at Shiguan Wharf because he was chasing Xiao Cheng's tower ship. He was seriously injured and could not lead the troops to fight, and the Beiyong Army was also seriously injured by the backstab of Chu, Hu and Han...

Zheng Shoushan really rebelled, and found that the Jin Army without Beiyong Army and Pei Cong was vulnerable.

So he completely pulled Chuzhou to surrender to Qi State.

Xiao Cheng took over Chuzhou easily at the extremely small cost of 100,000 shi of grain, without spending a single soldier.

In a sense, this was a very successful battle in Xiao Cheng's strategic history.

It is comparable to using Feng Yun to recover the counties of Andu.

If we look back, the Jin court in the previous life began to show signs of decline from that time.

Of course, all this news was heard by Feng Yun when he was in Taicheng.

As for those sacks of stones and sand, whether it was Xiao Cheng who did it, or whether Li Zongxun really didn't want to provide food to Chuzhou, only they in the previous life knew.

The room was so quiet.

Pei Jue didn't see Feng Yun's reaction and frowned slightly.

"Is there no more noodle soup?"

Feng Yun came back to his senses and looked at Xiaoman.

Xiaoman tucked his neck in, hugged the quilt and walked out, pretending not to see his wife's eyes. Huan'er and Pei'er were also nervous and didn't dare to breathe.

They were not sincere.

The king asked, what did the prince do when he came...

They didn't say anything else, just said that the prince asked for a bowl of noodle soup.

This doesn't count as betraying the master, right?

The silence in the room was a little strange.

The slight sound of the small clepsydra was particularly clear.

Feng Yun stood up, pushed Pei Jue's hand away and turned back.

"Xiao Man, ask the stove to cook a bowl of noodle soup for the king."

Pei Jue was certainly not competing for a bowl of noodle soup. He just remembered that Wen Xingsu loved to eat this, so Feng Yun went to the camp to visit him, so he brought it for him. Chun Yuyan came all the way back and wanted to eat a bowl.

He wanted to try what it tasted like.

The noodle soup was served soon.

It still tasted like noodle soup.

"Is it delicious?" Feng Yun asked him with a smile.

Pei Jue: "It's okay."

Feng Yun nodded slightly and looked at him without saying a word until he finished eating slowly and asked the maid to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, then asked seriously:

"What do you think of the relationship between Zheng Shoushan and the court in Yecheng?"

Pei Jue pondered for a moment, "What did Chun Yuyan tell you?"

Feng Yun did not hide anything from him.

In terms of their attitude towards Li Zongxun, the two of them were in agreement, and their spearheads were directed outward.

When she finished speaking, Pei Jue understood the mystery behind her words.

"Does Yunniang want to alienate Li and Zheng?" (End of this chapter)

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