Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 378: Better than the others

"My cousin gave it to me..."

Yang Lingxiang's voice was weak, but she refused to let it go.

He Chuandong squeezed through the crowd and protested loudly.

"You are talking nonsense. My jade pendant fell off a long time ago, and the note was not written by me."

He suddenly turned his head to look at the servants and guards around him, and said coldly:

"Although I don't know where the jade pendant was lost, it can't leave the governor's mansion anyway. Who took it, or stole it, and what was the intention? Now there is still a chance to explain. If I find out, I will not let it go easily."

The servants of the He family all lowered their heads.

The people present were a little frightened.

No matter how careful you are, you can't guard against thieves in your own home.

If someone from the He family betrayed their master and made such a farce, I'm afraid it's not as simple as helping a poor girl from a noble family to become a concubine.

There must be a deeper conspiracy behind it.

The eldest princess also realized something.

Her eyes passed over Feng Yun, her expression was extremely cold.

"Miss Yang San, you still don't want to confess? Who instructed you and what was your purpose?"

Yang Lingxiang shook her head.

"No, I didn't. The child is my cousin's, it's my cousin's..."

He Chuandong had calmed down at this time.

He stopped arguing and bowed to the princess.

"On the day of the wedding, it was a huge injustice. If it was just me, it would be fine, but if Yecheng had the intention to sow discord and made trouble, it would not be a private matter, but a state matter. Please investigate it carefully..."

The princess nodded slowly and looked at the maid.

"You, tell me in detail, how did Miss Yang San seduced Xuanping Hou?"

She didn't say it was an affair or an affair, but "seduced", which was to put all the responsibility on Yang Lingxiang.

The maid was already scared.

When she heard the princess call her name, she quickly came over and knelt on the ground, confessing everything she could and couldn't say.

"Mrs. San didn't let me know everything, but I saw the incident with Marquis Xuanping with my own eyes..."

The princess's face fell.

"What did you see?"

The maid lowered her head, not daring to look at Yang Lingxiang.

"Marquis Xuanping visited Mrs. San's residence late at night..."

The princess: "How many times?"

The maid thought for a moment, "several times."

"How many times?"

"About... four or five times."

"How long did he leave?"

The maid's cheeks flushed slightly.

"Sometimes an hour, sometimes half an hour, sometimes shorter. But never overnight."

The princess looked at Yang Lingxiang coldly.

"What else do you have to say..."

"No, it's not." Yang Lingxiang's throat was hoarse, and she still wanted to quibble.

She stared at the maid, "Have you ever seen me and the Marquis of Xuanping doing something indecent?"

The maid lowered her head, bit her lower lip and shook her head under the gaze of everyone.

"Every time the Marquis of Xuanping came, the third lady would send the maid far away, and the maid couldn't hear anything..."

If you can't hear anything, how can you see it with your own eyes?

However, how many masters would let the maid come close to see such things in the room?

The eldest princess snorted coldly, and her eyes slowly dropped to Yang Lingxiang's belly.

"Since you deny it, then I will ask you again. What did the Marquis of Xuanping look for you late at night for? Could it be that he was reciting poems and talking about things in the middle of the night?"

Yang Lingxiang's face turned pale, the corners of her mouth moved, and she smiled bitterly, "No one will believe anything I say today. If that's the case, then I can only... die to show my determination."

Before she finished her voice, she suddenly took advantage of the situation and turned around and hit the doorpost.

Xiaoman was quick-witted and reached out to stop the man and pulled him over.

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

"How could the third lady commit suicide?"

If she died without explaining the matter clearly, wouldn't it be a waste of her plan and the curiosity of so many people?

Xie Lingxiang struggled hard in Xiaoman's arms for a few times, crying for death, her lips trembling, and looking at Feng Yun for help.

"Princess... spare me..."

She still remembered Feng Yun's gentle and shallow smile in the banquet hall.

Like a spring breeze, she could not detect any malice.

At this point, she didn't believe that it had nothing to do with Princess Yonghuai.

She was stupid and was deceived by Feng Yun, thinking that she was really kind.

Otherwise, why would she let down her guard and let her calculate like this?

But these words were unfounded, and she couldn't say them.

Only one word "spare me", pointing the finger at Feng Yun...

"It is my fault that I did not recognize the great man and offended the princess. It is my fault that I should not have been so foolish as to stay with my cousin and become a concubine..."

Her body was shaky and she looked extremely fragile.

And her words were requests, and every sentence was saying that Feng Yun framed her.

"It doesn't matter if the princess blames me or resents me, but how can you be so cruel and want to kill me..."

If it were someone else, they would be angry to be accused like this.

Feng Yun, however, had no emotion at all and smiled lightly.

"It is human nature for the third lady to have wild thoughts when she is pregnant."

She looked at the princess who pursed her lips and said nothing, bowed slightly, and saluted.

"It is up to the princess to decide."

She was modest.

She gave the princess face...

and... an opportunity.

After all, it was rumored that this Xuanping Marquis was once the princess's lover.

With the princess's strong and overbearing personality, even if she didn't want the Marquis of Xuanping, she would still be dissatisfied with his other lover.

"The princess has been wronged." The eldest princess's face slowly darkened.

Since the last time she went to visit Pei Ran in Changmen and was rejected, the eldest princess was actually dissatisfied with Pei Ran and Feng Yun.

But in her position, she understands very well that as a human being, you have to be aware of current affairs.

Not to mention that this little bitch knew at a glance that she had an affair with Qu Gong, so that old thing would pretend to be dead and fall down. Even if she and Qu Gong were not on good terms, the eldest princess had to help Feng Yun in order not to have any grudges with Pei Ran again. say.

"Someone's coming."

The eldest princess had a calm expression.

He acted impartially, without any emotion or anger, and without a hint of personal grudges.

"Yang made a big fuss in the governor's office, maliciously framed her, and refused to tell the person behind the scenes. The crime is aggravated. I thought that I had a fetus in my belly, so I took her down to the detention dungeon to find out the truth before making a decision."

Very fair and reasonable.

But the dungeon is damp and gloomy...

The ladies and ladies present here felt chills running down their spines just thinking about it, and they sweated a lot for Yang Lingxiang.

Yang Lingxiang was already pregnant and was stimulated by this. Before the eldest princess's voice fell, she fell down like a piece of paper.

It was Xiaoman who gave her a hand again.

Yang Lingxiang fell on her strong arms.

But I would rather she not come to pull...

It would be better to die against the doorpost than to be stared at by everyone...

"You are such an evildoer." Mrs. He started to cry, feeling angry, hateful and distressed.

"Your parents are gone. Who else are you worried about? What can't you say clearly? How did you get the jade pendant, and who wrote the note? Please explain it quickly."

Yang Lingxiang's heart was as sharp as a knife when she heard Mrs. He's voice.

This lady really felt sorry for her.


She was riding a tiger and couldn't get off. Even if she died, she could only kill He Chuandong. Only in this way can her face look a little better, and maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

"Aunt, save me." Yang Lingxiang looked at Mrs. He pitifully.

"The Lin'er in my belly is my cousin's flesh and blood, and everything I say is true... Please help me, aunt..."

"You won't repent! Why don't you take her with you?!" The eldest princess shouted impatiently, waved her hand, and looked at He Xia again.

"I should not have interfered with the affairs of the governor's house. The next matter will be left to the governor. If you find out the truth, just send someone to inform me."

This is to directly give up the pick and return the potato to He Xia.

He Qia sighed and held his hands towards the eldest princess.

"I will definitely live up to my official position."

He couldn't shirk it.

Both public and private, you should come forward.

He Qia asked people to take Yang Lingxiang down. Mrs. He stared at Yang Lingxiang's belly, opened her mouth, and tried to stop her several times, but He Chuandong held her tightly.

She finally caught her breath.

"Dong'er, do you really think it's not yours?"

It would be great if it were.

This is what she thinks...

However, He Chuandong felt angry and suddenly threw away his hand, then strode away with the crowd and never looked back.

He Qia glanced at her coldly, "Have you not returned to your parents' home for a long time? I will send someone to take you back in two days."

After that, he supported his angry mother, apologized to Feng Yun and the eldest princess, exchanged a few words with each other, and left.


The ladies left with their own thoughts. Feng Yun saw that the banquet was almost over, so he didn't go to the wedding room. He asked someone to send a message to Wen Hui and got on the carriage home.

Next, she didn't need to do anything else, someone would naturally spread the word about the He family's wedding banquet.

In fact, she originally didn't want to crash Wen Hui's wedding.

It was only once in a lifetime, and the two of them valued it so much. If it could be done safely, she would let it go.

At least I won't start today.

It was because they were ignorant of praise and underestimated her.

Back at Zhuangzi, Pei Madang was still reading in the study. Zuo Zhong and Ji You were waiting outside the door. When they saw Feng Yun, they automatically got out of the way.

Feng Yun nodded slightly towards them, and met Pei Man's eyes when he walked in.

He put down the book.

Looking at Feng Yun, he said nothing.

Feng Yun gently stroked his hair, half smiling.

"Why does your Majesty look at me like this?"

Pei Ran showed no expression and stretched out his hand towards her.

Feng Yun pursed his lips, poured a cup of herbal tea on the table and drank it. After calming down his mood, he slowly walked over and sat next to him.

"With today, I don't think we have to worry about sales of briquettes."

Pei Ran never doubted this.

He frowned and stared into Feng Yun's eyes.

"If it is Li Zongxun behind Marquis Xuanping, what are you going to do next?"

Feng Yun looked sideways slightly, looked at him and smiled faintly.

"Next...are you going to sell briquettes?"

Pei Ran:......

Feng Yun laughed lightly.

"My main job is business, and my side job is helping Wang Jian get rid of aphids. Then again, the king is very well-informed. Do you know what happened just now?"

Pei Man glanced at her, put a soft cushion under her waist, and motioned for her to lie down and rest, his voice light.

"There are spies from Li Zongxun in He Mansion, so naturally there will be others."

"And yours?"

Pei Ran's face was expressionless.

"He's my man."

Feng Yun was stunned, "Yes."

Pei Madang: "Li Zongxun used the same strategy as you."

Neither wants to fight and use force to deal with each other. Instead, they want to disintegrate the opponent from within, without using any weapons to kill them, and only taking advantage without contributing any force.

When Feng Yun heard what he said, he felt that this was really the case and immediately laughed.

"Then let's see between me and Mr. Li, who is better?"

Pei Ran hummed.

"According to Yunniang's plan, how should we proceed?"

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and thought seriously for a moment.

"Starting tomorrow, I will sell coal briquettes more seriously."

Pei Jue: ...

Er Jin has something to do and is out today. I will update one chapter first. The other chapter will be later. You can read it together tomorrow.


Feng Yun: Make way. Don't hinder me from selling coal briquettes.

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