Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 395 Good Thoughts

This is not the Huaxi Village of the past.

There are more people, and more wealthy people.

There is a widow named Zhou at the east end of the village. Her right hand was disabled in her early years, so she can't do farm work. Her son is a peddler who goes from door to door in the wind and rain, but he can't help his mother much.

Now, widow Zhou has set aside a room in her house, opened a window, and put a few shelves inside to sell the odds and ends her son brought back. Her business is booming, and she can make a living without working in the fields.

Next to widow Zhou is a small canteen opened by Wang the butcher. There are many vendors coming to Huaxi Village to do business. It is very convenient to sit here, drink herbal tea, and have a meal. Wang the butcher's business is getting bigger and bigger. He bought a piece of land and expanded the canteen.

One by one, Feng Jingting found that the people of Huaxi Village seemed to have lit up the way of business, and each of them had their own brains and could make money.

He sat down with his servant to eat in the dining room, and after asking around, he found out that all these businesses were encouraged by Feng Yun.

"I originally just wanted to set up a meat stall here. If it wasn't for the village head wife talking about it, how could I have thought of opening a food store?"

Feng Jingting was very surprised.

With Twelve Niang's character of sacrificing her life but not her money, would she push the money-making business to others?

"The village head wife said. A family is prosperous, not a prosperous family, a prosperous village, a prosperous county, that is the real prosperity."

"Isn't it? The village head wife said that Changmen can't do all the business and cut off other people's money."

"My wife can eat meat, so she won't forget to let everyone else share the benefits..."

They were talking to Feng Jingting, and also to the other people in the dining room.

Feng Jingting was confused.

This Huaxi Village was not the Huaxi Village he knew.

This Feng Shier Niang is even less like his daughter...

Feng Jingting is not familiar with everything now.

But the current Huaxi Village makes him very envious.

This kind of happiness and joy, even if he comes from a noble family and has been living a life of luxury since childhood, has never enjoyed it.

He said: "I have to write a letter when I go back and talk to His Majesty about it."

Jiang Da listened on the side and whispered: "Have you ever thought about what would happen today if you didn't send Shier Niang out of the city?"

Feng Jingting glanced at him and said nothing.

It's not that he hasn't thought about these things, but it's useless to think about them.

He said, "Your Majesty said he couldn't see through her, so how could I see through her?"

Jiang Da nodded, as if thinking of something, and suddenly said, "My Lord, don't forget about Madam..."

Feng Jingting glanced sideways, "What is it?"

Jiang Da's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked around before lowering his voice, "My Lord, didn't ask Twelve Lady for the recipe for the Golden Boudoir Guest..."

"Forget it." Feng Jingting waved his hand disapprovingly, "If I ask her, will she give it to me? You have seen how she treated me."

Jiang Da bowed his head and said yes, and then asked nervously:

"When Madam asks about it when we go back..."

"Just say that I asked, but she didn't give it to me." Feng Jingting said impatiently, "It's all because of Aying's mother. She has a good face, but she insisted on instigating her to use that secret recipe. Now it's fine..."

Jiang Da glanced at him, but didn't dare to say that he agreed at the beginning.

Now Mrs. Feng's face often breaks out in rashes, and she can't stand the wind, so her face turns red like a monkey's buttocks. They suspect that the ointment recipe is wrong, but he starts to shirk responsibility.


Feng Jingting stayed in Andu until dusk before leaving.

Xiaoman sent her out the door, and then came back, and sighed when she saw Feng Yun.

"The Lord wanted to stay for dinner..."

Feng Yun: "He didn't want to."

Xiaoman looked over in confusion, and saw Feng Yun slightly raised her lips.

"He's afraid he can't afford the food."

Xiaoman laughed with a puff.

"Madam, you asked for a sky-high price, which scared the Lord."

Feng Yun said seriously, "I'm not trying to scare him, I'm serious."

Xiao Man was stunned for a moment, "Madam, are you really going to teach them the arithmetic of Changmen?"

Feng Yun: "Of course."

Xiao Man was even more confused, "Why is that? Madam, you don't even want to teach them about wells and channels, why do you want to teach them arithmetic?"

Feng Yun slightly curled her lips, "There's nothing to teach about wells and channels. As long as they go around and take a look, they will understand everything. It's just that there are some particularities in digging channels and wells, which is not difficult for them. But Changmen's unique arithmetic is different, it can really be used for bargaining..."

Xiao Man groaned, "Then let them learn it, isn't it a loss?"

"No loss." Feng Yun said, "As I said just now, it can benefit others and yourself, that's a big profit. It would be great if everyone in the world could learn it, and it would be more convenient for Changmen to do business in the future."

Xiao Man seemed to understand and pursed his lips.

"From the maid's point of view, the Lord is extremely regretful."

"Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world."

"My wife..." Xiaoman suddenly pursed her lips, "Do you blame my sister?"

Feng Yun narrowed her eyes and looked at her, "What happened to your sister?"

Xiaoman was not fully aware of Daman's affairs, and pursed her lips, "The Lord said that my sister is now accompanying Qi Jun and is the most favored in the harem..."

As she spoke, her voice became much softer.

"It has been so long, and she hasn't sent a letter. I used to think that she was just living too hard and wanted those things too much, so she would be like this. Unexpectedly, she has everything now, but she has forgotten me and my wife..."

Feng Yun did not comment, "Everyone has their own ambitions."

Whether Daman had forgotten or not, she did not listen to Feng Jingting, but waited to hear Daman himself.


The moon was rising above the willow branches, and Pei Madang hurried back slowly.

Feng Yun was sitting cross-legged by the window, with a short wooden table in front of her and pens and papers. She was writing and drawing, her cheeks rosy and filled with a faint smile.

"Your Majesty is back? There is food left on the stove for you. Xiaoman..."

"No need." Pei Madang interrupted her to greet Xiaoman and sat down, "I've eaten."

Feng Yun looked up, saw his relaxed expression, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Any good news?"

Pei Ran hummed, his eyes swept over her exposed white feet, his eyelids twitched, he walked over and carefully closed the window, and then came back to cover her.

"Guess what I brought you?"

Feng Yun was suspicious: "What?"

Pei Ran took out a ball of cloth from his arms and shook it in front of her.

It was a bright red robe embroidered with mandarin duck patterns. When she first arrived in Andu, she had nothing to do and started embroidering the wedding dress. This robe was also one of the dowries she prepared for herself.

Later, she moved to Huaxi Village and left a lot of things behind, but she didn't care.

Now when I see the old things again, I feel like I am from another world.

She came over and said, "Thank you."

Pei Man stared into her eyes, thinking of her sitting under the lamp, embroidering the wedding dress with her own hands, stitch by stitch...

"Before Andu City was destroyed, were you still waiting for Xiao San to marry you?"

Feng Yun was silent.

Because what Pei Ran said is actually correct.

She really wanted to marry Xiao Cheng as her wife at that time...

If she hadn't come back before the city was destroyed, it would have ended tragically according to the footsteps of her previous life.

"What happened in the past, why are you bringing it up?" Feng Yun put the obscene garment aside quietly, not looking too concerned about it.

"I heard that the king is planning to transform the general's palace into a palace?"

Pei Madang nodded: "I have nothing to do, and I don't live there either. I went to check it out today. The house is spacious, bright, large and luxurious. It can be done with a little repair and renovation."

At the beginning, Feng Jingting was also a big spender. When he took office as Andu County, he was very lively and built a lot of construction projects in the former county governor's mansion.

It can be said that the best house in the entire Andu County belongs to the old Feng family.

Even for Feng Yun, the most unpopular daughter, the Meixiang Pavilion where she used to live had arch bridges and corridors, corner pavilions and ponds, flowers and trees, rockery stone carvings, and a number of maids...

Feng Yun thought of the past and smiled.

"By doing this, Your Majesty, I think I can silence the mouths of the courtiers."

Pei Madang: "No one objects to digging canals to divert water."

Feng Yun glanced at him and said, "If you are a capable king, you are truly capable, and if you are a prodigal, you are truly a prodigal."

She just took over the construction of a small house from Feng Jingting today, and then Pei Manang dedicated the best house in Andu County.

Pei Ran frowned when he saw her face.

"Yunniang doesn't want to?"

Feng Yun shook his head and chuckled, with a soft voice, "The house doesn't belong to me, so why wouldn't I want to? Besides..."

She glanced at Pei Ran, her eyes full of tenderness.

"You have to give up small profits to get big benefits. The difference between gains and losses is nothing more than this."

Pei Madang breathed a sigh of relief, "Yun Niang has great wisdom. If you do good to others, you will get the good. Extreme glory will lead to humiliation, only virtue can survive."

Feng Yun glanced at him.

"Did your Majesty listen to what others said?"

Pei Ran: "I read it in your book."

Feng Yun was stunned and laughed softly.

"What book are you reading? You and I can discuss it."

Pei Mant grabbed her ankle, bent down and picked her up, "Let's discuss it on the couch."

The day was interrupted in the middle of the day, and the two of them were busy with their own affairs, but they didn't find a chance to have a good relationship.

Feng Yun knew that he was a little impatient...

But he still couldn't help it, struggled to escape from his grasp, and asked in a low voice.

"When will the construction of the river channel be started?"

Pei Ran said: "It starts from Xinyi Mingquan in the south and ends at Andu Huaxi in the north. The total length is about one hundred and sixty-eight miles. The survey will take time, so there is no need to rush..."



Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, with surprise on his face.

"The king is saying that the ferry will be built in Huaxi Village?"

Pei Ran glanced at her with no expression on his face.

"The largest river basin in Andu County is the Changhe River. Judging from the topography, it is most suitable for building a ferry. The most labor-saving is Huaxi. Taking advantage of the dry season, widening the Changhe River will also save time..."

It was rare for him to say so many words, and Feng Yun nodded repeatedly.

"I almost thought that the king wanted to open a dock just for me for personal gain..."

Pei Ran lowered his head and pinched her cheek, "What good thing are you thinking of?"

"Of course your Majesty is not such a person." Feng Yun smiled softly and said: "However, I still take advantage."

"Oh?" Pei Ran raised his eyebrows.

Feng Yun said: "The person with the most land in Huaxi is me. The person with the most land in Mingquan is still me... Then for the rest of my life, I only need to sit on the docks on both sides and raise the price, and I will be rich until I grow old."

Pei Ran lowered his head, brushed the long hair around her cheeks, gently lifted it and slowly guided it down, and fell on her slender neck. There was a layer of lust in his eyes.

"Then how can Ms. Yun thank me?"

A dense numbness followed his fingers and climbed up his spine.

Feng Yun's mind couldn't think straight away. (End of chapter)

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