Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 408 Sudden Shock

He responded suspiciously, straightened his clothes, and walked out slowly.

There is a gorgeous carriage parked outside Zhuangzi.

The car curtain opened, revealing Yuan Keng's smiling face, "Brother Zi Fang."

Puyang Zong was stunned for a moment, shook his sleeves and robe excitedly, and stepped forward to salute with clasped fists.

"Brother Cunjian."

The two looked at each other, Puyang looked him up and down and laughed.

"It seems that Brother Cunjian is in good health?"

Which pot is not opened and lifted?

Yuan Keng teased Feng Yun in Xiaojie Qiu and almost had Chun Yuyan chop him into pieces. He was seriously injured afterwards and narrowly escaped death. No one in Andu County knew about this. Yuan Keng felt extremely embarrassed, so why did he want to hear it?

He smiled, and the coldness in his eyes flashed past. Pu Yangzong didn't notice it. He strolled over as usual and got on Yuan Keng's carriage skillfully.

"Brother Cunjian, why are you here at this crappy place? What, you made a special trip to see me?"

There was no expression on Yuan Keng's face, and his thin face was even more cold with his overly prominent aquiline nose.

"I'm here to get some medicine from Dr. Yao, and I'll check on you by the way."

Yuan Keng's injury did not heal after a long period of treatment at first. Prince Hui's Mansion in Xingyang searched for good doctors, and finally found Dr. Yao from Huaxi Village, and he gradually improved.

Puyang Zong knew this.

But Yuan Keng's expression made him feel very uncomfortable, as if he had been scratched by some burrs, and he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"You've been recovering from your injury for several months, but it's still not healed?"

Yuan Keng smiled bitterly, shook his head, and suddenly looked at Pu Yang Zong with a fixed gaze.

"Zifang, are we good brothers?"

When Puyang Zong heard this, he stared at him with big eyes, "Does this need to be said? We have been friends since we were young, and you still don't know who I am?"

Yuan Keng put down the curtain, suddenly supported Pu Yangzong's shoulders, and patted him hard.

"Good brother, do me a little favor."

Puyang Zong hesitated for a moment and said, "You tell me."


Feng Yun caught up with Puyang Yi outside her new house.

Before anyone got closer, she could faintly hear her suppressed crying.

The two maids followed nervously, not daring to express their anger.

Feng Yun called her, and the maid quickly stepped aside.


Puyang Yi loves face.

He secretly raised his sleeves to wipe away his tears and turned back to smile at Feng Yun.

"I'm fine, Yun Niang, don't worry about me..."

Feng Yun looked at her holding on and smiled slightly.

"Didn't the county gentleman invite me to come and see your new house?"

Puyang Yi was stunned, and her face immediately relaxed.

"Then come and help me take a look. I can't make up my mind on many things..."

As she spoke, she walked back and took Feng Yun's arm intimately.

Pu Yangyi's body was fragrant and soft, and Feng Yun did not object to her approach. He smiled softly and let her hold hands and walk inside, looking at the newly built house a hundred steps away.

The construction of Wen Xingsu's new house started at the end of last month.

At a glance, the foundation has just been completed, and the craftsmen are carrying the foundation stones inside...

At the beginning of building the house, she asked Wen Xingsu for his opinion, but he had no objection, so the final construction plan was still made by Feng Yun.

In order to show his sincerity, Feng Jingting sent a general manager to take charge of the matter without delaying the construction period.

But the steward brought a letter.

It was not written by Feng Jingting, but by Xiao Cheng.

The letter was given to Feng Yun, but it was not written to Feng Yun.

Brother Xingsu raised his head and reminisced a few words about old times, and then said: "I know that building a house is not your original intention. As a humble gentleman, I won't take anything away from you. Brother Xingsu must be in trouble. But in my opinion, we don't need to give up." A Yun’s good intentions are hers.”

Be polite, gentle and courteous without losing your grace.

It's as if the person writing the letter is not Qi Jun, but an old friend of Wen Xingsu, and Feng Yun's nominal fiancé...

Feng Yun had just forgotten to hand over the letter to Wen Xingsu. When he saw the house and thought about it, his eyes darkened a bit when he turned to look at Pu Yangyi.

I feel sad for her, and also feel sad for the Feng Yun from my previous life...

This new house completely inherited Pu Yangyi's preferences and style, with carved stone bricks, a wide porch, exotic grasses and vines, fish ponds and rockeries, guqin bronze mirrors, and inkstone and pen holders, everything is exquisite.

It can be said that this is the most exquisite house in Huaxi Village at present, worthy of the noble lintel of the Grand Princess Mansion.

Pu Yangyi introduced the house, walking and talking, smiling like a flower. Feng Yun occasionally interjected a few words, never mentioning her uncontrollable crying just now, as if nothing happened...

Some people are reluctant to show their wounds to others.

Pu Yangyi didn't want to say it out loud because she didn't want Feng Yun to sympathize with her...

Feng Yun didn't mention it, because he was so wise that he didn't need to say some innocuous comfort.

When it comes to emotions, others are the most powerless.

Those subtle emotions cannot be explained in just a few words...

She really gave some advice to Pu Yangyi's house, and then said goodbye and went home amidst Pu Yangyi's joyful thanks.

Yuan Keng came to see Puyang Zong, and Feng Yun got the report when he returned home.

The concierge didn't know what the two men said.

But Puyang got on the carriage and did not get off. He only raised the curtain and shouted to the concierge.

"I have an urgent matter and I have to leave the village. Please take three days off from school for me in the village and make up for it when I come back."

He is the king of Danyang County, and the concierge has no control over him.

He was also assigned by the eldest princess to give lectures in the village, and no one else could interfere.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun's expression changed after hearing this, he got up and went to the next door.

In the medicine room, Yao Ru was grinding medicine. When he saw her coming, he wiped his hands and stepped forward to pay his respects.


"Doctor Yao, I have something to ask you." Feng Yun said in a hurry, motioning him not to be polite, and said, "Has the prince of Prince Hui of Xingyang been here?"

Yao Ru nodded, "He has been here, but he has been gone for almost an hour."

Feng Yun said, "Why did he come? What did he say?"

Yao Ru smiled, "He didn't say anything, just to get medicine. But it's strange to say that Prince Hui of Xingyang used to send people to pick me up to the city, but this time it was the prince who came in person. The prince has survived the disaster and is much more humble..."

"I understand."

Feng Yun didn't wait for Doctor Yao to finish speaking, and hurriedly bowed and saluted, strode out, and asked Ge Guang to harness the carriage.

"Hurry, I want to go to Andu."

Even though Puyang was sent to Huaxi Village by the eldest princess herself, if something really happened, she would definitely keep this bad debt on Feng Yun.

Feng Yun didn't have time to catch up with Puyang Zong. She got on the carriage, asked someone to tell Puyang Yi, and drove directly to Andu...

Andu was like other cities. When the time came, the city gate would be closed, and the people could not enter and leave freely.

When the carriage arrived at Andu, Feng Yun lifted the curtain to take a look at the towering city gate.

"Ge Guang, hurry up."

"Yes." Ge Guang responded, and with a whip, the carriage sped up...

Feng Yun's attention was completely focused on the city gate that was about to close, and she didn't realize that a fast horse passed by her side.

Then, the carriage seemed to pause, and in a blink of an eye, someone got in...

Feng Yun was startled, and before she could see clearly, she realized that someone had broken into the carriage, and reached out to grab the Jianshui hidden in her boots...

Her wrist was pulled by someone.

The next moment, she didn't have time to react, and fell into a solid embrace.

And the carriage still didn't stop at this moment.

Feng Yun's heart was beating violently, and she came back to her senses at this time, looking at him sideways and asking.

"What is the king doing?"

"Don't make a sound." Pei Jue's voice was cold, and he didn't even look at her, but stared at the car window motionlessly.

Feng Yun didn't know what happened. She took a look at his face and was about to lean over. The curtain of the car whizzed and inserted a long sword. The cold light shot into Feng Yun's eyes. She widened her eyes, shrank her neck, and buried her head in Pei Jue's chest.

"The king, be careful."

She grabbed Pei Jue's clothes, and her palms were full of sweat.

Pei Jue wrapped her in his cloak, stretched out his hand to pinch the tip of the sword, and pulled it hard.

The people outside couldn't stop and rushed straight into the carriage.

The people and the carriage collided with a loud bang.

Pei Jue took the long sword and stabbed it back without blinking.


A scream broke through the sky, blood splattered on Feng Yun's carriage, and the lilac curtain was stained with a layer of blood, becoming dark and particularly terrifying...

Feng Yun was shocked, "Someone assassinated you?"

Pei Jue was silent for a moment, "It was to kill you."

Feng Yun:...

She hadn't figured out the whole story yet, she glanced at Pei Jue, curled her lips indifferently, and said, "Puyang Zong was taken away by Yuan Keng in Huaxi Village, I was just about to go to the Grand Princess's Mansion to inform her of this..."

Pei Jue hummed, "No need to go, the Grand Princess already knows."

Sisters, explain two points.

First, the "Grand Princess" in the front is actually a misuse of "Grand Princess". At first I wrote the Grand Princess, and sometimes I wrote the Grand Princess... In fact, it's wrong. The emperor's aunt is the Grand Princess, so I'd like to correct it.

Second, about land, someone asked, how many acres are there, the number is relatively speaking, a bit ridiculous and ridiculous. Although it is fictional, I will pretend to explain it seriously. Ancient times are different from modern times. At that time, the land was vast and the population was sparse (although not all the land was arable, there were many barren mountains). A male adult was granted 20 mu of land, or even hundreds of mu of land... That's probably what it means. Just understand it.

Feng Yun: I see, I see. I have a lot of land and a lot of men...

Pei Jue: What do you mean?

Chun Yu Yan: Men. For example, me...

Feng Yun: Men, people who work hard in the fields! !

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