Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 424: A Small Space

Feng Yun's days of recuperating from his injuries were extremely boring.

When she didn't have time to read, she wanted to have free time every day and could stay in her room all day long, but she couldn't really go anywhere. She was trapped in a small space and felt as if she was going crazy. Similar.

"My foot is not that serious. I don't need to stay in bed..."

"Madam, look at your feet being swollen." Xiaoman objected immediately.

Huan'er also followed: "The king gave special instructions before going out, asking the lady to have a good rest and not to run around and cause more injuries..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "I have the final say, but he has the final say."

Huan'er shrank her neck and lowered her head, "My lady has the final say."

Feng Yun was discouraged, "That's all, bring me a pen and paper."

The huge Nagato, with so many people and personnel, will not stop functioning just because of Feng Yun's foot injury.

Although she has many people to help her, she still needs to handle a lot of things every day.


There is also Ao Qi’s marriage at the moment.

And those briquettes shipped from Nagato.

It has been three or four days since Hou Zhun and Ren Rude left Huaxi, and still no news has come back. She was feeling anxious in her heart, fearing that something would happen again...

"Here comes the pen and paper."

The wooden desk and the four treasures of the study were placed in front of the bed. The two girls carefully helped Feng Yun down and sat on the cushion.

Feng Yun supported his waist, looked at his swollen ankle, and exhaled.

"With this feeling and this scene, I really want to make a painting to keep it as a memory."

Xiaoman asked: "Did you draw the lady's foot injury?"

Feng Yun smiled and hummed, "I won't draw today, I'll wait until I have free time."

Then he ordered, "You guys can go down and have a rest. Ao Zai can just stay with me."

Ao Zai moved his tail and ears and pressed them against her legs, indicating that he understood.

Xiaoman refused, "How can that be done? The king has ordered that you must never leave the ground..."

Feng Yun stared at her with a smile.

Xiao Man quickly swallowed back what he didn't say.

"I'm of use. I stay here so I can sharpen my wife's ink."

As she spoke, she rolled up her sleeves, picked up the ink stick, and signaled to Huan'er and Pei'er.

"You guys can go down. Ao Zai and I can keep watch over my wife. I'll call you if I need anything."


Compared to Xiao Man, the other maids were not so casual and acted very cautiously in front of Feng Yun.

Feng Yun didn't object. He waited for them to go down and rolled his eyes at Xiaoman.

"I'm used to you. I originally wanted to keep you for a few more years, but since you are so annoying, I have to send you out early..."

She spoke seriously and with a straight face, which scared Xiao Man to death.

Just a little bit, if Feng Yun didn't smile, she would kneel down.

"Madam, please don't..."

Feng Yun's mouth twitched, "I'm joking, can't you tell?"

Xiaoman laughed, showing a few white teeth.

"I was joking too, and my wife didn't notice."

But she was so proud.

Feng Yun smiled and shook his head, thinking of Daman unintentionally.

In the past, the two of them were waiting in front of her. Xiaoman was also lively and cheerful, but Daman often made people feel that she was full of tricks and calculations...

Feng Yun thought for a moment, then took it back and started writing on paper.

She has the habit of writing down charters and clarifying plans before doing anything, but this time she found it very difficult to write...

She has never performed a wedding.

"Xiao Man, send someone to invite Grandma Han and Mrs. Chang."

Mrs. Chang is the steward who came with the Ao Mansion's motorcade and used to wait in Mrs. Pei's courtyard. Feng Yunchu looked at her as a shrewd and capable person, so instead of staying in Zhuangzi, he asked them to go to Ao Qi's house in Andu.

Grandma Han came quickly.

She is getting older, and Feng Yun doesn't like to let her worry about her. But Grandma Han is restless. She carried a bamboo basket on her back early in the morning to dig for herbs...

As soon as he landed in the house, he heard Feng Yun's call and rushed over.

"Poor Twelfth Mother, your feet hurt again? Come on, grandma will rub them for you..."

Feng Yun laughed softly, "My feet are fine, but there is something wrong with my brain."

Grandma Han made a sound and looked at her nervously.

Feng Yun said with a smile: "The Ao Mansion asked me to handle Xiaoqi's wedding. I don't know much about some of the etiquette, so I have to rely on my grandma to answer questions..."

Grandma Han breathed a long sigh of relief.

"I don't think it's a big deal, that's it. I'll leave it to grandma to take care of the little things..."

Her natal sister used to be a matchmaker and was no stranger to wedding planning and preparations.

As she spoke, Feng Yun wrote.

By the time Mrs. Chang arrived from Andu City, she had already finished writing.

"Ms. Chang, please take a look. If there is anything wrong, point it out and we will discuss it carefully..."

Mrs. Chang had a smile on her face and was very polite, "No, no, no, madam, everything is decided by the princess. How can I, a servant, point my fingers and say something bad about the princess..."

She said this, but her hand picked up what Feng Yun had written.

The mistress of a wealthy family would have a few literate people around her.

Mrs. Chang is one.

She looked at it for a moment and suddenly frowned.

"I dare you to ask the princess, are the wedding etiquette too complicated?"

What Mrs. Chang means is what the Ao family means.

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, "According to Mrs. Chang's wishes?"

Mrs. Chang said: "The bride's natal family is far away. I heard from my wife that she set off from Cangyan Mountain at the end of last month..."

He smiled again, as if he didn't want to correct Feng Yun.

"Chief Wuhe sent a team of 220 people to send off the bride, bringing a lot of dowry. In other words, the send-off has already begun. We will have a banquet at the house for the guests, and other regulations can be avoided if possible. Anyway, Mr. Lang is not too happy about this marriage..."

Feng Yun heard it.

It's not that Ao Qi doesn't care about marriage, the Ao family is not very satisfied with this wife.

The prospective daughter-in-law in their hearts should be a daughter of a well-educated family, not a chief's daughter from a distant desert...

The Wuhe chiefs were looking around in the Black Back Canyon, but in the eyes of the Ao family, they were probably no more than savages...

Of course, the Ao family is not short of this money.

They felt that their son's grievance was one aspect, but more importantly, the Ao family needed a gesture to let the three relatives and four friends who secretly laughed at Ao Qi know that the Ao family was not forced to marry the chief's daughter...

It's so subtle that it's hard to describe in just one word.

Feng Yun thought for a moment, raised his head and smiled:

"I'll send someone to ask Xiaoqi before making a decision."

Ao Qi's marriage should be decided by Ao Qi. What's more, if she neglects the bride because of her words, she will have more to say...

Feng Yun should not be taken advantage of.

Mrs. Chang sighed and had nothing to say except agreement...

Feng Yun sent Ge Guang to the Red Armor Army camp in Shiguan to deliver a message to Ao Qi.

Unexpectedly, what Ge Guang brought back was not Ao Qi's reply, but another piece of news.

Ge Guangdao: "I went to the Red Armor Army camp, but I didn't see General Ao. The guard said that Li Zongxun gathered tens of thousands of troops and raided Wenchang Palace last night. General Ao led his troops to fight before dawn."

Feng Yun picked up the tea cup and carefully brushed away the foam, his voice was so calm that no emotion could be heard.

"Li Zongxun has come at the right time..."

Ge Guang pursed his lips, hesitated a little, and his voice became a little lower.

"When the villain left Shiguan, he accidentally ran into General Hou's messenger. He was injured, so he asked the villain to return to Zhuang quickly to report to Madam Ming... The coal briquettes that Nagato transported to Chuzhou were robbed..."

He clenched his fists slightly, his face full of nervousness, and his secret glances at Feng Yun were even more serious.

The lady is so worried about briquettes and has been working on this business for a long time...

Ge Guang couldn't imagine how angry she would be when she heard the news. On the way back, he rehearsed this scene in his mind countless times...

But he never expected that Feng Yun would smile when he heard it.

"Well done!" (End of chapter)

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