Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 441 The One I Love

Feng Yun was still a little uneasy before seeing her mother's notes and letters. Mrs. Tu's hesitant look was too serious at that time, and she couldn't help but think wildly.

After seeing it, all that was left was a knowing smile.

My grandma is a person who loves taking notes. She is also good at writing in regular script, and her notes are very neat.

She must have maintained this habit for many years before she wrote so many handwritten letters in Tujiawu Fort, as well as the Lu family and the Feng family, leaving them a valuable asset.

But the mother during the Wubao period was obviously much more lively and cheerful. The tone of a little girl is often seen in the notes, as well as the occasional little temper and willfulness.

Everything you think about comes to life on paper.

Feng Yun often felt that his mother was alive.

She is in the book, and she will pop out from time to time, with her hands on her hips, giving her pointers...

"My grandma is so cute."

When she was young, Mrs. Lu Sanni was slightly different from the image of her mother in Feng Yun's memory, and she watched it with gusto.

"Here, madam, look here..."

Where she pointed, Lu Sanniang wrote a sigh of relief.

"Ni Rong let a man take away her soul. She talked in her sleep in the middle of the night and called the young castle master. It made me, a single man, numb from head to toe... I can't sleep well tonight. I won't write notes tomorrow. I'm tired."

Then the next day, she wrote again:

"It's better to write notes, otherwise you'll have to watch Rong Niang's Love for Spring."

When Feng Yun smiled, Mrs. Tu's face turned red.

"Hey, it's your mother who is not serious and always makes fun of me..."

It's impossible to tell what happened when they were young.

Seeing her shy look, Feng Yun seemed to be back as a young girl in an instant, and suddenly smiled and asked: "Does my grandma have a man she likes?"

When Mrs. Tu heard this, her expression suddenly became silent.

She pushed the letter that Lu Sanniang left behind when she left Tujiawu Fort in front of Feng Yun.

"You'll know after seeing it."

This was the reason why she hesitated just now whether to show Feng Yun the letter.

In the letter, Mrs. Lu Sanniang told Mrs. Tu in a relaxed tone that she had a sweetheart, a person whom she loved passionately.

After three years in Tushan, she didn't wait for him to pick her up. She couldn't wait any longer and went to find her true love.

She also said that she had wanted to leave a long time ago, just to have a sip of the wedding wine between her and the young castle master, to send her to the bridal chamber in person, and to see her get happiness, and now she has waited until today...

But all good things come to an end. After leaving Tushan, she will not come back again. I wish her and Tu Boshan grow old together and have a son soon.

At the end of the letter, she reversed her joking tone and said solemnly that she gradually remembered a lot of things, so she still had a mission given by some secret, and she had to save the people and prevent Ni Rong from looking for her... …

"I was very worried about your mother at that time. I suspected that she..." Mrs. Tu pointed, "Did she fall into the water and have hallucinations? Is there something wrong here? She was only twelve years old when she went to Tushan, and she was younger than me. Where did my sweetheart come from when I was only one year old? What kind of mission was there? It scared me to the point of breaking out in a cold sweat."

Feng Yun smiled slightly.

The way my mother speaks is indeed different from others.

But Feng Yun knew that at this point, Mrs. Tu was overly worried. My mother must be normal, more normal than normal people.

As for talking about sweetheart...

Girls' love affairs are always childish and innocent...

Didn't she also like Xiao Cheng just as passionately?

But in the end, it will all disappear.

Mrs. Tu sighed: "In the period before she left Tushan, she didn't go out all day long and often said things I couldn't understand..."

She sighed again.

"It's also my fault. I've been busy with the wedding every day and neglected her. Do you think your mother would blame me?"

"No." Feng Yun said: "My mother knows what she wants to do best and will not be influenced by others."

In fact, when she missed her mother countless times, she would ask herself what kind of person her mother was.

Then, based on vague memories, conclusions are drawn.

A good person, a capable person, a person with great love for the world.

Otherwise, it would not lead to a fatal disaster...

"I miss your mother so much." Mrs. Tu took the letter and read it again. It was full of mottled marks left by her repeated reading.

"She and I have really been separated for too long. I never thought that Tushan's separation would be forever..."

"Over the years, I have often wondered where she is, how she is living, whether she is married to someone else, whether she has children, whether the husband and wife are still harmonious, and whether the children are well-behaved... I have thought about it a lot, but I have never thought about her. No longer alive."

Mrs. Tu choked up as she spoke.

Feng Yun silently handed her a handkerchief, his eyes moist.

"I miss my mother too."

The room fell silent.

After a while, Mrs. Tu sighed and said with some hesitation:

"Over the years, I have often wondered who the sweetheart she was talking about was. Because she left on the second day of my wedding, I even doubted..."

She glanced at Feng Yun and her voice became a little lower.

"The man she likes could be our...Lao Tu, right?"

Feng Yun was stunned.

She really hadn't thought about this.

In terms of looks, Tu Boxan is far inferior to Feng Jingting.

But in terms of character and responsibility, Feng Jingting can't even catch up with Tu Boxan.

It was difficult for Feng Yun to guess whether his mother, who was fifteen or sixteen years old, would be attracted to the young and promising young castle master. However, because he was the man that his good sisters liked, he restrained his emotions until he left. …

Nothing can be seen from the notes.

There was not even the slightest hint of it in the letter.

But Mrs. Tu’s guess is not completely unreasonable.

Judging from the notes that Feng Yun brought from the Feng family, Mrs. Lu Sanniang never showed any emotion toward Feng Jingting as written in the letter...

The man who made her passionately happy was either Feng Jingting or someone else.

Looking at the old and yellowed letter paper, and facing Mrs. Tu who had the same doubts, Feng Yun actually felt a little curious...

Who is the person written in the letter? -

Feng Yun returned to the house under the starlight, and Pei Madang had already fallen asleep.

There was a weak light left in the room, which reflected his clear and handsome face, which was still as neat and tidy as a landscape with splashes of ink on rice paper, shrouded in clouds and mist, and fascinating.

Feng Yun's heart moved slightly.

He lowered his head and raised his hand to touch his eyelashes.

He stopped in mid-air again, and the throbbing thoughts passed in an instant...

She came back from outside the house with a cold feeling. She didn't touch him, just washed up and changed her clothes. When she came back, she saw the account books neatly placed on the table.

She yawned, put the account books in the drawer, and went to pick up Pei Madang's robe that was draped over the citron. She wanted to tidy it up, but unexpectedly a small bottle fell out from it and rolled to the ground.

She bent down to pick it up and look at it.

There is no label, so I don’t know what kind of medicine it is.

She frowned and looked at Pei Ran.

Is he uncomfortable somewhere?

Why do you need to take medicine when your body is as strong as a cow?

Feng Yun placed the vial in a conspicuous place on the wooden table, climbed in and lay down gently, for fear of disturbing him, but Pei Ran was usually very alert and would open his eyes at the slightest movement, but tonight he didn't react at all. .

Feng Yun leaned sideways, supported his head with his hands, and observed him for a moment. Then sleepiness came over him, so he lay down and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, Pei Ran was not around.

The small bottle on the wooden table is not in its original place either. It must have been taken away by him.

Feng Yun pondered for a moment and decided to find an opportunity to ask Puyang Jiu.


The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month is a good time to get married.

Perhaps God was kind enough to arrange Ao Qi's marriage. When she got up early in the morning, the sun showed its red face.

Because they are direct relatives, Feng Yun and Pei Madang will go to Ao Mansion earlier to help Pei Yuan organize things. Tu Boshan and his wife made an appointment with Chun Yuyan to attend the wedding banquet at dusk.

Feng Yun sent someone to load the gifts that were to be delivered to Ao's family. After waiting for a long time without seeing Pei Madang, he turned around and went to the dining room.

As soon as the servants put breakfast on the table, Pei Madang walked into the courtyard with the Piyong Sword.

On a cold day, he was sweating profusely.

Feng Yun glanced at Xiao Man, prepared a warm and clean handkerchief, brought it to him, and said with a smile: "It's just right, it's time to eat."

Pei Ran glanced at him and said, "I'll just wash it with cold water."

He said and went back to the house.

Feng Yun looked at the tall and straight figure and was slightly startled.

Which muscle is cramping again?

Could it be that she went back too late last night?

The two of them had breakfast alone. Sitting opposite each other, Feng Yun took a special look at Pei Madang's expression.

He talks little but is very calm and doesn't look angry.

An unfathomable man...

Then she would take a test.

"Your Majesty." Feng Yun stretched out his hand and put it on the back of Pei Man's hand, frowning, "But why is there any discomfort on your body?"

Pei Madang raised his head, noticed her emotions, relaxed a little, and shook his head.

"I'm fine. Eat quickly."

His voice was no different from usual. Feng Yun pondered for a moment and said, "I saw you carrying pills with you last night..."

After a pause, he pretended to be confused and said:

"If you have any incurable disease, you should tell me earlier so that I can be mentally prepared..."

"Feng Yun." Pei Ran called her by her first and last name, with an ugly expression on his face, "I hope that I will die soon and you will remarry?"

"Tsk tsk..."

It's not like Pei Ran could say such harsh words.

Feng Yun didn't meet his knife-like eyes, and slowly took the hot handkerchief from Xiao Man, wiping the corners of his mouth with bright eyes and a gentle smile.

"Eat, husband, don't keep your eldest sister waiting."

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