Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 460: A Lifetime

It's clear after the snow, and the winter sky is desolate and blue.

Feng Yun was not sure when he fell asleep last night. When he woke up in a daze, his body seemed to have been pounded by a rice-pounding stone pestle. From the collarbone down, there was a trace of beauty, and it was sour...

She sighed.

Last night Pei Ran said, "How could I be born so delicate..."

In his mind, she was always squeamish.

But he didn't let her go because of this. The overwhelming situation was like picking a newly ripe peach. The more it was like this, the more he had to bite it through one bite at a time until the juice oozed out...

Feng Yun felt very wronged.

In fact, what he said was wrong. It was not that our own side was incompetent, but that the enemy was too brave.

Just like Pei Ran, two more Feng Yuns might not be able to bear it...

Feng Yun pushed open the window.

The sky was pleasant and the birds were chirping happily in the thin morning mist.

She felt happy all over, and just as she was about to stretch, Huan'er came to report.

"The Lord of Pingyuan County asks to see my wife."

Pu Yangyi's face was flushed, as if she had been soaked in rouge. She came over and praised Feng Yun for her good complexion, then her clothes, and finally started to pick her palms uneasily...

Feng Yun chuckled, "Just say what you want to say."

Pu Yangyi took a purse from the maid beside him and whispered:

"I prepared a unicorn jade pendant. I made it myself. I wonder if it would be too rude to give it to General Wen? Ayun, please help me think about it and see if this can catch the eye of General Wen... "

When she said this, she blushed.

Feng Yun understood the feelings of a little daughter and opened her purse with a smile...

Even though I was prepared, I was still stunned by the beauty of this jade stone.

The best mutton-fat jade is moist, delicate and soft. You can feel the woman's body temperature and fragrance when you hold it in your hand. Looking at the exquisite carving, it is obviously made by the palace craftsmen...

"Ayun, tell me quickly, how about Qilin Jade?"

Pu Yangyi couldn't wait and was very nervous.

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Good stuff. It would be even better if it was given to me."

Puyang Yi lowered his head and took out an jade pendant from his neck, "This is the amulet blessed by Abbot Yuan of White Horse Temple. Ayun, I will give it to you to keep you safe every year."

Feng Yun was just joking. Seeing how sincere she was, it was a beloved thing taken from her neck. How could she be embarrassed to accept it?

She smiled and pushed back.

"I'm joking with you."

Puyangyi's face turned even redder.

Feng Yun teased, "Don't worry, County Lord, etiquette is up to you. Whether the eldest brother likes it or not depends on who gave him the gift..."

This was the truth, but Puyangyi blushed again.

Feng Yun has never seen her so shy since he met her...

As expected, sweet admiration is the most intoxicating.

"Please Ayun, please pass this return gift to General Wen. Thank you."

"Little things." Feng Yun said with a smile: "In the future, when you get married, I will be the number one hero. If you have children, you remember to teach them. Without aunt, there would be no them..."

How could Pu Yangyi endure such ridicule?

He slapped Feng Yun hard and smiled with anger.

"Look what you're talking about, there's nothing wrong with it..."

Feng Yun said with a smile: "Based on my understanding of eldest brother, I already have a lot of these horoscopes."

How could a man like Wen Xingsu give something to a girl for no reason? Or for the daughter of the eldest princess of the Jin Kingdom, Pingyuan County Lord?

If he said this, he must have thought it over carefully.

Although Feng Yun was a little caught off guard by Wen Xingsu's emotional change, she was grateful for the union of the two.

So, I started planning for my eldest brother.

"Your Highness the Princess, what do you think of this?"

Although Pu Yangyi is in her early twenties, her fate is in the hands of her mother.

If he could not get the approval of the eldest princess, Feng Yun could conclude that their relationship would not go smoothly.

"I haven't told my mother yet." Pu Yangyi's tone was slightly hesitant, and it could be seen that she was also uneasy about her feelings.

She paused and bit her lower lip.

"It's better to wait until the birth date is changed before telling her. My mother is so worried about me, and I can't bear to let her down again..."

Feng Yun smiled and nodded in agreement.

Seeing that she really didn't want the amulet, Pu Yangyi took it back, saluted Feng Yun, and left.

Cars and horses were rattling outside, and people were buzzing.

Xiaoman walked in, took one look at Feng Yun, and his cheeks turned slightly red.

"Madam, we are about to set off, are you awake?"

Seeing her shy look, Feng Yun gathered her clothes.

"Is your luggage ready?"

Xiao Man said: "The maids got up early to prepare. Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang also came to help. Although these two little ladies are delicate and weak, their hands and feet are very fast."

Feng Yun walked out and saw a group of people loading luggage onto a flatbed truck.

Gold and silver pairs are also there.

The two sisters are very diligent, busy and quick with their hands and feet...

Feng Yun saw Ji You with a happy face.

Afraid that life would be tiring for the beauty, he carried a box and cage in one hand and placed it easily on the carriage frame.

Two sisters, gold and silver, thank you endlessly.

Ji You smiled so hard that he couldn't help but smile.

"Get in the car, you guys get in the car quickly. It's out in the sun, there's no need for you..."

There are so many tall and powerful guards, and these physical jobs really don't require a young lady with delicate skin and tender flesh.

But Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang felt very sorry.

"We have been taken in by the princess, so we should make more efforts to thank our benefactor... How can we feel at ease if we eat for free and don't work..."

Ji You smiled and said: "The princess is so kind-hearted, how can she be blamed for such a trivial matter? If you are really sincere, serve the princess well from now on, that's all..."

Jin Shuang lowered his eyes and said, "I don't know if my two sisters are lucky enough to serve the princess."

Although Feng Yun left them behind, besides Xiao Man, a useful maid, she also had Huan'er and Pei'er, all of whom were former members of the Sheriff's Mansion...

Gold and silver pairs cannot be used.

Ji You understood that they were in an awkward situation and said with relief:

"You don't have to do anything deliberately. As long as you are loyal, you will always find a place to settle down."

Jin Shuang saluted slowly, blushing slightly, "Thank you, Brother Ji, for your advice."

Ji You's shy expression made Ji You's heart tremble. Suddenly, his mouth was dry and his heart was beating as fast as anything, as if it was about to pierce through his chest in the next moment...

He had never felt like this before.

I feel sorry for her, pity her, I think so...

Want to protect a woman so much.

For life.


Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly, and slowly got on the carriage. He leaned against the wall of the carriage motionlessly, looking at the blue sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xiao Man was afraid that her waist would be tired, so he brought a soft pillow.

"It's a long journey, so I'll lean on it and feel more comfortable."

Feng Yun said nothing.

The green curtains on the car windows were hung up, and she saw Pei Mang coming over.

The guards and maids all saluted.

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang also lowered their heads, their long eyelashes drooping, and they did not dare to look up at Pei Madang.

Ye Chuang lowered his head and approached, handing him the reins of Tuxue.

The atmosphere suddenly condensed.

The chatting and laughing just now disappeared because of Pei Madang's arrival.

Pei Madang touched Taxue's head and walked straight to Feng Yun's carriage without saying anything.


Feng Yun looked at him through the car window and said, "The weather is so good. Your Majesty, you can ride a horse if you want."

For him, curling up in a carriage is not as relaxing as riding a fast horse and galloping in the wild...

If it weren't for accompanying her, Pei Ran wouldn't want to travel by car for a moment.

Pei Ran's chest suddenly relaxed.

Yun Niang would understand without him having to say anything.

He hummed and got on his horse neatly.


Feng Yun looked at the man's tall figure.

Ta Xue is the tallest, strongest and most majestic horse in the team.

Riding on the snow, Pei Madang, with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, a stern expression, a suit of iron armor and a large cloak, was as vigorous as an eagle soaring in the sky, blowing through the convoy like a whirlwind.

Such sound of horse hooves is enough to crush any heart in the world...

Feng Yun suddenly thought of the song "General's Order" played by Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang.

This feeling and scene surprisingly coincide with the artistic conception of that tune...


"Let's set off."

A cool breeze is blowing.

Feng Yun frowned and crossed his arms.

Pei Madang was not in the car, and only Xiao Man sat in the carriage with Feng Yun.

After leaving the inn, the sun became even brighter.

Seeing enough of the cold winter, Xiaoman rolled up the car curtains and looked out through the car window like a child, with a faint smile on his lips.

The sky was blue and bright, and Zuo Zhong was riding a horse to guard the side of the carriage.

From Xiaoman's position, you can see Zuo Zhong's heroic figure...

"Xiaoman, I'm a little cold. Put down the curtain."

After Feng Yun finished speaking, he coughed lightly without hearing Xiao Man's answer.


She raised her voice, and Xiao Man looked back in shock, as if frightened, and met Feng Yun's teasing gaze, his cheeks suddenly turned red.

She was too absorbed in watching it.

"What did the lady say? I, I didn't hear clearly..."

Feng Yun looked at the shy Xiao Man and suddenly thought of Pei Ran's words.

It's time for Zuo Zhong and Ji You to get married.

They are Pei Madang's personal bodyguards. Of course Feng Yun hopes to place his own people beside their pillows...

She is deeply touched by how powerful marriage is.

She was willing to fulfill Xiao Man's wish and make Zuo Zhong his "one of her own".

"Xiao Man, did you know that the king is planning to marry the left guard?"

Xiaoman's face turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he let out an oh sound and silently lowered his eyes.

"Are you ready to meet her? Which girl is she from?"

Feng Yun asked: "What do you think the left guard is suitable for?"

Xiaoman didn't look up at Feng Yun's face, biting his lower lip lightly, the sound in his throat was extremely unstable.

"Brother Zuo deserves the best, well, the best..."

Feng Yun said nothing.

He came closer to her and gently opened the curtain.

Jin Shuangyin Shuang and Huan'er were sitting on the cart behind.

The carts pull goods as well as people.

The guards followed on horseback on both sides of the carriage...

Feng Yun did not watch it intentionally.

Xiao Man suddenly realized something and his throat choked.

She saw Ji You frequently looking back at Jin Shuang.

Zuo Zhong also followed his line of sight and looked over.

On the flatbed truck, Jin Shuang smiled.

The expression is not hidden, as if a bright spring has come.

Xiaoman seemed to be choking.

"They are so beautiful."

Feng Yun looked sideways and raised his lips slightly.

In fact, Xiaoman is also a very good-looking little lady, but she is too childish, looks young and heartless, and lacks the charm to seduce men. And the males in the world... often can't help but be mated by exuding... Attracted by the scent of females...

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