Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 464 A sleepless night

Feng Yun took advantage of Pei Ran to go out to practice and called Xiao Man to him.

"Zuo Zhong has agreed to the marriage, what do you think?"

"Madam..." Xiao Man suddenly raised his head, looked at Feng Yun who was sitting upright, and frowned slightly.

"The person that Brother Zuo likes is Jin Shuang?"

Feng Yun chuckled and said in a gentle voice, "Ji You likes it."

Xiao Man hesitated for a moment and then said calmly: "The maid is very confused and doesn't know what to do..."

With that said, she gave a big gift to Feng Yun, saying that she could not afford a single blessing.

"The lady is the reborn parent of the servant, and the servants obey the lady."

Feng Yun looked at Xiaoman silently and didn't say anything for a long time.

The reason why she worries about Xiaoman is not because she likes to worry, but because Xiaoman is different to her from others...

Xiaoman is a sincere person.

In her previous life, she led Da Man into the Jiafu Hall alone and bravely, and rescued her in front of Li Sangruo without any hesitation.

It was also because of her incompetence that she could not protect Xiao Man, which led to her death by Li Sangruo's rod...

Even after rebirth, there are still regrets of one kind or another that she wants to make up for...

Xiaoman is one of them.

"Get up." Feng Yun supported Xiaoman, motioned for her to sit next to him, and asked slowly: "Did you hear what Zuo Zhong said?"

Xiao Man lowered his head and blushed in shame, "The maid is guilty and shouldn't have eavesdropped..."

Feng Yun pursed his lips, and his clear voice was gentle and gentle.

"I bet you're devastated. What sister? Who's going to be his sister, right?"

Xiaoman's face was as red as blood, and his head hung lower.

Feng Yun looked at her from the side, "But Xiaoman, it's extremely difficult for love to be perfect in this world. No matter who you marry, there will always be unreasonable intentions. If you are more serious, you will be easily hurt..."

Xiaoman slowly raised his head and looked at her.

"Is the lady saying that a servant should get married?"

Feng Yun smiled: "I'm not your decision. Whether you want to marry Zuo Zhong or not, you can consider three points. First, what is his character and temperament? He is a man worth trusting. Second, do you want to marry? Marry. Will he embarrass yourself? Thirdly, can you become a better Xiaoman in front of him?"

Xiao Man was stunned.

She was trapped in her emotions and never thought about these things.

Under Feng Yun's gaze, think carefully.

Zuo Zhong's character and temperament are naturally good.

He looks serious and rough, but he is actually very cautious, meticulous and responsible.

She also really wants to get married.

As for the third point...

She used to not like reading and literacy, so Zuo Zhong also devoted herself to literacy and arithmetic from her husband, and learned embroidery skills from Lady Ying...

She had practiced martial arts with the Feng family since she was a child, and she had a solid foundation. In Nagato, she would sometimes ask Zuo Zhong for advice, intentionally or unintentionally. He would teach her carefully and never neglect her because she was a woman...

"He's fine. But..." Xiao Man looked at Feng Yun.

"If he has his heart set on something, wouldn't I rely on my wife's favor to step in and ruin his marriage?"

Feng Yun thought for a moment, "He doesn't belong to anyone in his heart. If there is one person, it must be the king."

She half-leaned on the cushions and spoke carelessly, but Xiao Man was stunned when he heard it, and then he let out a puff.

"Are you kidding me?"

Feng Yun also laughed, "It's not a joke, Zuo Zhong only has the king in his eyes."

He added: "The one who likes Jin Shuang is Ji You."

Xiao Man didn’t pay much attention to Ji You.

Ji You is usually a warm and cheerful person, but she didn't realize this...

"Then, does the lady want to give the golden double promise to Guard Ji?"

Feng Yun shook his head, "Both Jin Shuang's parents are dead. How can he get married while observing filial piety."

Xiao Man heard the same thing and nodded, "They are also pitiful people. Every time I see them, I think of the hardships Da Man and I went through in those years..."

Feng Yun asked: "You like Zuo Zhong so much, don't you blame her?"

Xiao Man pursed his lips.

After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head vigorously.

"That was a misunderstanding. Brother Zuo just wanted to save her. Jin Shuang told me, and she was afraid that I would misunderstand and kept apologizing..."

She lowered her head.

"If I blame her for this, then I am a petty Xiaoman, so annoying..."

Feng Yun smiled and said nothing more.

Regardless of whether Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang are good people or not, Xiaoman has to sort out her own understanding.

You have to hit the southern wall yourself, and only if you have a bloody head will you remember.

When Pei Madang came back with the Piyong Sword, Ao Zai also sneaked into the tent, crawled on the ground, and leaned against Feng Yun to keep warm.

Feng Yun smiled and hugged him, "Where have you gone?"

She asked Xiao Man to bring hot water and wiped Ao Zai's body and mouth with a smile.

"What is this?" She suddenly paused and grabbed Ao Zai's mouth.

Xiaoman looked over.

Feng Yun gently pinched a broken piece of clothing thread from between Ao Zai's teeth...

She was slightly startled.

This is consistent with what Ji You and Zuo Zhong said...

Did she really misunderstand Jin Shuang?

Jin Shuang fainted in the grass with disheveled clothes. Was it because he was attacked by Ao Zai?

Everything makes sense.

But Ao Zai never attacks people without any reason.

"Zai..." Feng Yun held Ao Zai's face, "Why do you want to knock down that pretty little lady?"

Ao Zai opened his big round eyes and tilted his head, as if he was thinking about the meaning of Feng Yun's words.

Then, he raised his furry paws, put them on the back of Feng Yun's hand, and nudged her with his head, as obediently as a child begging for a touch.

Feng Yun touched the fur on its back and slowly picked up a few wisps of smart hair on its ears. "You've stumped my sister."


I don’t know how many people could not sleep in the camp that night.

When Feng Yun and Pei Ran fell asleep, Zuo Zhong was still on duty outside.

He has always been like this, fulfilling his duties, not too little, not too much, but rarely making mistakes.

But today, he stood behind the big tent with a knife, looking at the distant moon in the horizon. He didn't react until he smelled the aroma of wine on the tip of his nose.

"What are you thinking about?" It was Ji You, looking at him with a half-smile, holding up the wine bottle, "You didn't answer my two calls."

Zuo Zhong frowned and brushed away the wine bottle: "I didn't think about anything."

Ji You sneered lowly, "Is it because the princess wants to propose marriage to you?"

Ji You sat down next to him, removed the stopper of the wine bottle, and took a sip, "Xiao Man is such a good little lady, what are you dissatisfied with?"

Zuo Zhong glanced at him and ignored him.

Ji You played with the wine bottle and looked at him for a moment, "The person in your heart is not Xiaoman, nor Jin Shuang Yin Shuang, who is that?"

Zuo Zhong's eyelids twitched slightly, and he lowered his voice, "There is no one in my heart."

"Tsk, you're still lying." Ji You glanced at him, "You can deceive others, but you can't deceive me. If you didn't have something in your heart, how could you be hesitant about marriage... It doesn't make sense, everyone has to get married, like Xiao Man good……"

Zuo Zhong pursed his lips, suddenly grabbed the wine bottle from his hand, raised his neck, and drank it down viciously.

It was not until the pot could no longer be poured out that it was thrown back to him.

"get out."

Ji You got up, turned sideways and stared into his eyes.

"You can't really cut off your sleeves, can you?"

Zuo Zhong's eyes were as hard as ice, staring at him, "Go away or not?"

Ji You raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. Zuo Zhong saw that he was being honest and looked away.

Unexpectedly, Ji You suddenly leaned into his ear and whispered three words in an extremely soft voice.

"It's the princess..."

Zuo Zhong turned around suddenly, with a moment of panic in his eyes, and then he covered Ji You's mouth, pushing him to stagger a few steps, and finally managed to stand still.

"Ji You." Zuo Zhong's eyes were wolf-like, deep and cold, "I warn you, don't talk nonsense. Otherwise, I will recognize you as my brother, but my sword will not."

Ji You was shocked by his eyes and nodded vigorously.

Zuo Zhong let go of his mouth and lowered his eyes.

"Some jokes are not allowed."

Of course Ji You also knew the seriousness of the matter, and he would not say such things in front of others.

What I did just now was just to test Zuo Zhong...

I just didn't expect his reaction to be that big...

Far beyond the fear of being heard.

"It's up to you." Ji You sighed lazily, but he admitted it very calmly in front of Zuo Zhong, "As long as you don't grab the gold pair, I won't bother to marry whoever you like."

Only then did Zuo Zhong look at him seriously.

"Your marriage and mine all depend on the princess' wishes."

"I know." Ji You said, "When her filial piety period is over, I will ask the princess for permission."

Zuo Zhong said solemnly, "Since you have such thoughts, you should restrain yourself and keep a distance from Yin Shuang."

When Ji You heard this, he cried out that he was wronged, "I have no other thoughts about Yin Shuang. I only care about her because she is Jin Shuang's sister..."

Seeing Zuo Zhong staring at him, he smiled awkwardly.

"The two sisters look so much alike. Yin Shuang looks so much like Jin Shuang when she smiles. I sometimes get lost in my thoughts, but I understand in my heart..."

Zuo Zhong said nothing more and straightened his back to straighten his light armor.

"You should go back and rest."

Ji You said: "I'll sit with you for a while."

Under the night, two tall figures cast a shallow halo in the moonlight.

Xiao Man sat in the carriage, watching, watching, and slowly drew the curtains.

She couldn't hear what they said...

But when she looked at Zuo Zhong, she suddenly felt that what the princess said was right.

As long as there is no one else in his heart, just treat him like a younger sister.

My sister is always closer than others...

As long as the other person is good, relationships can always work out...

Xiaoman didn't sleep well all night and tossed and turned in agony. When Feng Yun woke up, he knelt down and prayed in front of her.

"Madam, I have thought about it. I am willing."

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