Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 472: Impeachment

Everyone in the court knew that the eldest princess kept her face, but few people heard about it.

If the news spreads so widely this time, the reputation of the eldest princess will definitely be damaged.

There were many good people who made a special trip to the door of the mansion and looked from a distance to see the excitement.

However, the door of the Grand Princess Mansion was closed today, and the surroundings were silent. No one came out for a long time.

When Puyangyi pushed the door open and entered, only the eldest princess was sitting in the inner room.

The fire in the stove had gone out, and the room was cold.

"Mother." Puyangyi approached cautiously, leaned against the eldest princess's knees, and looked up at her.

"It doesn't matter what others say. Let them speak. As long as my brother and I understand you."

The eldest princess lowered her head and looked at her sensible daughter seriously.

Pu Yangyi forced a smile and said, "There are many wives and concubines of men and no one talks about it. My mother is the eldest princess, so she just wants to find a few faces, so why not?"

In the past, Puyang Yi was the most invisible person.

To appease her mother, she even loosened her mouth.

The eldest princess also smiled bitterly, slowly raised her hand, and gently stroked Pu Yangyi's head.

"I should have sent them all away long ago... Yi'er, do you really not blame my mother? Because my mother ruined your marriage?"

After Puyang Yi became a widow at home, the eldest princess asked a matchmaker to find a partner for her. However, many things in this class are interoperable. Others knew about the eldest princess's affairs without saying anything.

On the surface, they did not dare to offend the eldest princess and found excuses and reasons to refuse, but in fact it was because of this.

At that time, the most outrageous thing was that an official named Qiu, because his position was too low, was afraid that the eldest princess would force his daughter on his son, so he was unable to politely refuse, so he arranged a marriage for his son overnight...

Pu Yangyi shook his head, "Mom, my daughter doesn't blame you. Really, mom, don't blame yourself, my daughter really doesn't blame you."

The eldest princess never talked much about who her biological father, the Prince Consort, was, and even more so after his death.

But Puyangyi still has memories of her childhood...

Grandma is not as glamorous as she appears.

"In your opinion, did Feng Yun do this?"

The eldest princess suddenly turned her face and looked at her coldly and asked.

Pu Yangyi was startled and subconsciously shook her head in denial.

"No, it can't be A-Yun...A-Yun won't resort to such despicable means to get revenge. If she really took it to heart, she wouldn't let it go."

The eldest princess sighed when she saw her eager to defend Feng Yun.

"So, there are people who can't wait to see me fight with King Yonghuai."

Puyangyi originally didn't think so much.

She was so simple-minded that she thought it was some useless servant in the house who was just talking nonsense and making people jealous.

Upon hearing this, her expression changed.

"Who is so bold?"

The eldest princess looked at Puyang Yi and closed her eyes slightly.

"You can find two people later to tie up Tan Tai and take him to Pei Mansion."

Puyang Yi was stunned, "Yes."

Tan Tai has been with the eldest princess for many years. He is more respectable than others, and he is closer to her than others...

It is said that there are so many celebrities in the mansion, most of them are just for entertainment, and there are very few who can really be the guests of the eldest princess.

Tan Tai is one.

Puyangyi often felt that her mother was sincerely interested in this person. Probably, this is also the reason why she feels bad...


When Pu Yangyi passed the house, Feng Yun was sitting by the window, warming up the brazier and watching Xiao Man and Huan'er clean up things.

The gifts for the previous wedding banquet were received by the Pei Mansion, but the money for the wedding banquet came from Xiao Man and Zuo Zhong, so Feng Yun gave Xiao Man everything she needed.

Xiaoman was generous and took out the cloth for several sisters to choose from.

When Feng Yun heard the report, he knew what Puyang Yi was doing here.

Therefore, as soon as Pu Yangyi entered the house, she greeted him with a smile.

"County Lord, come and sit down quickly. I was about to send someone to find you, and you came."

Pu Yangyi came in from outside. She was a little bit cold. She rubbed her hands and sat down next to Feng Yun.

"Ayun, my mother asked me to come."

When she mentioned this, she was very hesitant, "It's all my fault. I wish I had accompanied you to the bride's room yesterday... I brought Tan Tai here. My mother said, it's up to you."

Feng Yun looked at her calmly, still smiling slightly.

"This puts me in a difficult position. How can I, a servant, dare to deal with the eldest princess? I won't be polite to you. If Your Highness can't tolerate him, just deal with him by yourself. If you can't bear to let him go, there's no harm in keeping him." It’s not a big deal, so there’s no need to be so serious. Don’t listen to the gossip outside, don’t worry about it.”

Puyangyi didn't expect that she would comfort him in turn.

"Ayun, you are so kind."

Is this good?

Feng Yun laughed softly: "You are so easy to coax."

Puyangyi held her arm and leaned against her to keep warm.

"I don't need you to coax, I just stick to it. Ayun is warm and fragrant. Not to mention men, even I, a woman, want to get close to her..."

Feng Yun chuckled and did not answer.

Pu Yangyi raised his eyes again and asked curiously: "Did you just say that you wanted to see me if you had something to do?"

Feng Yun nodded with a smile, asked someone to bring Wen Xingsu's letter and handed it to Pu Yangyi's hand.

"have a look."

When Puyangyi saw the letter that said, "For the Waist," she shook her head.

Feng Yun took out the letter and pointed it to her.

The letter read: "I would like to say hello to the Lord of Pingyuan County on behalf of my brother: I have received the jade pendant. I cannot thank you enough. I will return to Xijing in the near future and pay another visit."

When Puyang Yi saw the powerful line of regular script, her heart beat as fast as a galloping horse. She held Feng Yun in both hands, feeling shy and surprised.

"Ayun, tell me quickly, does General Wen like the jade pendant, or does he like me?"

Feng Yun made her laugh.

"Don't you have the answer in your heart?"

Pu Yangyi bit her lower lip with a smile and shook her head.

"I hope he likes me, but...I'm not at ease."

From Wen Xingsu's indifference to her to the sudden change, it was so fast that she was caught off guard.

Feng Yun actually feels the same way.

But she thought about it and said jokingly.

"When the eldest brother returns home, there will be clan members urging him to get married, or arranging a girl from a certain family for him. The eldest brother will definitely think of... isn't the Lord of Pingyuan County who is far away in Jin Dynasty ten times a hundred times better than them? Thinking of this, I will remember you more and more..."

Puyangyi let her talk happily.

"Thank you Ayun..."

"Thank me for what?"

"If it weren't for you, General Wen and I would never be the same as each other..."

Feng Yun also laughed: "Then you should prepare a gift to thank the matchmaker earlier."

Originally, Feng Yun wanted to return to Andu after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, but because Wen Xing's letter said that he was coming to Xijing to implement the marriage, she could only change her schedule and leave some time. Wait until the elder brother's matter is settled.


Pei Ran returned home very late that day.

Since returning to Xijing, he has never had a day off. He goes to court every day regardless of wind or snow. Feng Yun has never seen a powerful official who is more diligent than him.

Feng Yun asked someone to take his cloak, wash himself, sit down at the wooden table, and have tea together by the fire.

"Pingyuan County Lord is here."

She told Pei Ran what happened today.

"I didn't keep him, so I asked her to take him back."

Pei Ran nodded.

Now that the eldest princess has relented and wants to calm down the trouble, of course they can't spend every penny...

But that was only for the eldest princess.

Regarding this matter, Pei Ran obviously didn't want to let it go.

"I have sent people to investigate the source of the rumors."

Feng Yun thought for a moment, and realized that this matter was about her and the eldest princess, but in the eyes of others, it was Pei Ran who was embarrassed.

Who wants their wife to be molested?

Her eyes flickered slightly, "Does the king feel that he has lost face?"

Pei Man glanced at her half-smiling expression and raised his hand to brush the strands of hair from her forehead.

"I don't want Yun Niang to feel wronged."

His voice was low and gentle, and his face under the firelight was somewhat inexplicably handsome.

Sure enough, if you don't look at the man under the lamp, you will feel confused when you look at him.

Feng Yun suspected that he was too lustful. Just looking at Pei Ran, he couldn't concentrate on what he was talking about.

"Let them be. Anyway, I will be returning to Andu soon. If you don't listen, don't take it seriously."

Pei Ran's face slightly condensed, he looked at her for a moment and then said:

"We won't be able to leave for a while."

Feng Yun raised his eyes and looked at him deeply.

There was something wrong with Pei Ran's expression tonight.

She asked: "What happened?"

Pei Ran said: "I saw two folds today. One is from Liang Huanzhang, the captain of Andu County, and the other is from Chen Jue, the governor of Xinyi County..."

Feng Yun: "What did you say?"

Pei Madang frowned, but without saying anything, he slowly pulled Feng Yun into his arms.

"As long as I'm here, nothing will happen."

Feng Yun felt suffocated, "Is he impeaching me?"

Pei Madang acquiesced.

Feng Yun smiled and raised his eyebrows: "Let me guess, you must be talking about me again. Is it someone like Nan Qi's fine craftsman?"

Pei Madang hugged her, keeping her soft body close to his arms, and his hot palms caressed her back, very slowly.

"The fold was handed to the Queen Mother."

"Where's the evidence?" Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "You can't have red lips and white teeth. It's just what they say, right?"

Pei Ran said nothing.

Feng Yun looked at the cold light that flashed across his sharp gaze, and his heart suddenly trembled.

"Or do they have any definite evidence?"

Pei Ran reached out and stroked the folds of her clothes gently.

"Come with me to the palace tomorrow to meet the Holy Spirit."

Feng Yun is not only Princess Yonghuai, but also the long history of Prince Yonghuai's palace. If this happens, of course it must be handled according to court laws.

She smiled and quickly calmed down.

"I'm telling you, why are you putting so much effort into it? It turns out that you are waiting for me here."

Liang Huanzhang, the captain of Andu County, was someone she had offended before, but Chen Jue, the governor of Xinyi County, had no grievances...

Moreover, this man was a staff member of the eldest princess's palace, and he was really considered a confidant of the eldest princess.

When Xinzhou was taken over, everyone wanted to get a foot in the door.

It was at that time that Chen Jue took office in Xinyi County.

Feng Yun curled his lips slightly, "Okay, I want to see how they plan to punish me."

"Punishment?" Pei Ran raised his eyebrows at her without changing his expression, as if he wanted to say something, but swallowed the words as they reached his lips, "Just watch it."

Dear friends, I didn’t write very well today, so I won’t update the second update for now. I will revise it and update three chapters tomorrow. Thank you~~ Thank you very much!

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