Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 474: Tacit Understanding

Feng Yun never thought that this letter would appear in front of Pei Ran in this way.

At that time, Beiyong's army was approaching the city, and Feng Jingting was eager to offer his favor and beg for surrender. For Feng Yun, this sudden change was like a flash of lightning in the darkness, tearing her world apart in an instant.

There was no extra time to react, and she was unable to change Feng Jingting's decision. In the tide of fear that was almost overwhelming, all she could do was write a letter to Xiao Cheng...

She wrote that she missed you all night long and never forgot him.

She wrote that she fell into a devil's cave from then on and had no chance to be with him in this life.

She wrote that no matter where I am, my heart is with my husband.

She wrote a lot about the feelings that she had no time to express, the lifelong regret of not being able to marry her husband, her fear and hatred of Pei Madness, and her worries about life, death and fate when her life was in danger.

She even said that if she was lucky enough to survive, she would help the Qi army conquer the Jin Dynasty and be willing to sacrifice herself with complete loyalty...

She wrote it correctly.

But this letter was not handed out at that time.

Precisely because in despair and panic, she wrote about her lovesickness too deeply, and she wrote about herself too humble and tragic. She was very hesitant. After she finished writing, she didn't have the courage to hand it out for a long time...

Then, the letter disappeared.

She was searching everywhere at the time and was almost dying of panic when she heard the maid come to report that all the unwanted letters in her study had been taken out and burned...

Feng Yun likes to think randomly when he is reading. He often writes in his pen, and occasionally writes letters to old friends in Taicheng.

But after writing it, it will not be sent out. Most of it is just a temporary expression of emotions.

With the city of Andu destroyed, these things could no longer be kept. Feng Jingting happened to set up two large pots in the courtyard to burn the documents and books of the governor's mansion, so she ordered her maid to carry these letters out together...

She thought she accidentally got the letter wrapped up in the notebook.

Unexpectedly, as time passed, the letter that she thought had been burned would appear inexplicably in the court of Jin Dynasty, becoming evidence of her collaboration with the enemy and conspiracy.

Feng Yun slowly looked sideways and looked at Pei Ran's face.

An indescribable fear suddenly surged into my heart.

It’s not that I’m afraid of being held accountable by Queen Mother Duan, or that I’m afraid of being insulted by the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, or even that I’m afraid of being punished...

It's because he's afraid of Pei Madang.

This letter, which even she herself was ashamed of, fell into Pei Ran's hands...

Reading it word by word, what would he think?

"I've finished reading." Pei Ran's voice was calm.

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat, and he felt all kinds of emotions, but there was a hint of indifferent smile on his pretty face.

Just like that, looking at Pei Madang without emotion.

Pei Madang was also looking at her.

Their eyes met, and his dark eyes were cold, not as deep as Feng Yun could guess.

But the expressions of the two people were exactly the same, calm and calm.


"Fake things." Feng Yun saw Pei Madang's stern face turning away without any trouble, slowly uttering these words, then in front of everyone, he raised his arms and tore open the letter expressionlessly.

Two pieces, four pieces, eight pieces...

The whole hall was in an uproar.

"King Yonghuai!" Xu Yong looked shocked and stretched out his hand as if to stop him.

Queen Mother Duan, who was behind the curtain, stood up subconsciously and said, "No, Pei Aiqing!"

It wasn't as simple as him tearing up a letter.

He was destroying evidence.

How dare?

How dare Pei Ran?

This question is floating in the minds of many ministers...

Including Ao Zheng.

His ex-brother-in-law didn't even recognize Pei Madang anymore.

In his heart, Pei Madang was crazy and ruthless, but he always restrained himself and returned etiquette, and meticulously defended the imperial power.

By acting so blatantly, it was clear that Empress Dowager Duan and the young emperor were not noticed.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with him not seeing it privately. After all, everyone in the world knows that he is the rightful ruler of the Xijing court, inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people...

But isn’t there “one more person”?

This is the Jinluan Hall.

All the civil and military officials in the court were looking at him.

Cold sweat broke out on Ao Zheng's spine.

Pei Ran was incredibly calm.

The corners of his lips tightened and he looked at Feng Yun coolly.

"How can my beloved concubine, who is so proud and proud, be so humble and submissive?"

Feng Yun was speechless.

From Pei Ran's eyes, she saw a cold dark light.

Pei Ran knew the letter was true.

Is it because the matter is of no importance now, but I am still suppressing my anger and pretending to be indifferent...

Feng Yun couldn't guess.

The ministers also looked at each other and were speechless.

These princely and aristocratic families pride themselves on being strong and strong, but no one can stand up bravely and sacrifice their lives to defend the imperial power and restore their dignity that was trampled to pieces by Pei Mad.


Many things were broken at this moment.

Broken under Pei Madang's Piyong sword.

Broken into pieces in Pei Ran's python robe and jade belt.

Finally, someone spoke up.

"Is King Yonghuai trying to disobey His Majesty? What crime should he commit if he openly destroys evidence?"

Pei Ran glanced coolly.

This is Ruan Pu, the minister's servant, the in-law of the eldest princess and the leader of the old party.

In this court, only Ruan Pu dared to speak to Pei Ran forcefully.

Pei Ran said: "Shang Ruan, I have said that this letter is a forgery..."

He pursed his lips coldly, then raised his head and looked directly at Yuan Shangyi.

"Your Majesty, what do you think?"

Yuan Shangyi nodded vigorously, "I... deeply agree."

Before going to court today, he had no idea of ​​the existence of this statement and the letter, nor did he expect that Empress Dowager Duan wanted to question Lady Feng.

He had never encountered anything like this before. Both of them were people he regarded as mothers. He was very confused and didn't know what to do.

But there is one thing that Yuan Shangyi knows very well.

Mrs. Feng stayed on her own and had no intention of interfering in the government affairs. She just wanted to build her own Wubao in Huaxi Village. How could such a wise person be a spy of Qi State, and how could she betray King Yonghuai and betray him?

Yuan Shangyi doesn't know much about adults, but he is consistent with Pei Ran in protecting Feng Yun.

He nodded without hesitation, which made Pei Ran very pleased.

He looked back at Ruan Pu: "Shang Ruan said that this king was disobedient to the Holy One, but the Holy One said no. Who should I listen to?"

Ruan Pu was speechless, his old face flushed red, and he only looked at the curtain.

In the main hall, everyone's eyes also looked over.

Look at Queen Mother Duan behind the curtain.

Xu Yong, in particular, was angry and anxious as he watched the most powerful evidence being torn down by Pei Ran.

"Your Highness..."

He prompted softly.

Little did he know that Queen Mother Duan behind the curtain was so nervous that she was about to be frightened.

No one would have thought that Pei Madang would tear up the evidence.

That was a letter written by his wife to another man. How could he be so generous?

Even if he is really generous, but with all the civil and military officials here, isn't he afraid of becoming the target of public criticism?

Yes, he is not afraid.

He is not afraid of any consequences.

In fact, this itself is a kind of temptation for him...

Pei Madang is determined to protect his wife, but even if there is evidence, there is nothing they can do.

He doesn't need to be so ugly...

Therefore, his act of tearing up the letter in public was nothing more than giving power to the ministers and to her, the Queen Mother.

The pinnacle of power is when a deer becomes a horse, when people know the truth but are afraid to speak out.

There was silence in the hall.

Deathly silence.

Until Pei Madang's voice sounded again.

"The Queen Mother is requested to issue an order to investigate and investigate the crimes of Liang Huanzhang, the captain of Andu County, and Chen Jue, the governor of Xinyi County, who used power for personal gain and maliciously framed..."

Ruan Pu took a step forward and said, "King Yonghuai, you are forcing the Queen Mother and confusing the public!"

Pei Ran ignored him, emphasized his tone, and looked around at the ministers coldly.

"Please issue an order from the Empress Dowager to dismiss Chen Jue and Liang Huanzhang from their posts and investigate."

"Dear ladies..." Xu Shi's atmosphere in the main hall was too stagnant, as if one breath would kill someone. Every word Empress Dowager Duan spoke seemed to have exhausted all her strength.

"Aijia, Aijia...go change your clothes first. We'll discuss it later."

When she spoke, there were still ministers in the palace who had hopes.

Perhaps the Queen Mother can stand up, suppress Pei Madang, and change the situation where one person is dominant.

No one expected to hear such a spineless remark.

Everyone knows what this means.

Once you get down on your knees, you can't stand up again.

After giving in, trying to be tough again is harder than reaching the sky.

I don't know whether it was an angry sigh or a helpless compromise. For a brief moment, the expressions and standing postures of the ministers changed...

From facing His Majesty Dan, the little emperor, to facing Pei Madness.

Feng Yun was also looking at him, staring silently.

He looked scornful of all living beings, as if he could trample everyone under his feet with just one pair of eyes.

He openly despised the imperial power, he was so arrogant that he couldn’t even pretend...

She couldn't help but think of the day when the city was breached, when he was riding on a tall war horse, sitting upright and staring, watching her little donkey cart drive out of the city gate and drive past him...

What was he thinking at that time?

What was he thinking about at this moment?

This kind of Pei Madang was not only strange to Ao Zheng, but also strange to her.

"Your Majesty, please retreat from the court." Pei Ran said.

He stood in front of the ministers and allowed the silent undercurrent to flow among the ministers.

There are no soldiers, but one person completely shrouds this magnificent hall with sword light and murderous aura, representing the highest power of the Jin Dynasty...

Yuan Shangyi slowly tightened his hands, swallowed, and said, "Retreat from the court."

All the ministers were frightened, lowered their heads one by one, and kowtowed in unison.

But at this moment, only they know whether they are bowing down to the young emperor on the dragon throne or His Majesty Dan Yonghuai.

Pei Ran: "Send His Majesty back to the palace!"

The ministers stood still, their minds in a trance.

Whose country belongs to this country...

Whose world is this?

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