Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 507: Troops approach Yecheng

Before dawn, Feng Yun was awakened by the sound of footsteps in the camp.

There were no lights in the tent, and she vaguely saw a tall figure.

He was groping for his armor, holding the sword in his hand, holding a phoenix-winged helmet under his arm, and was tiptoeing out...

"Your Majesty." Feng Yun sat up neatly.

Pei Ran stopped and turned around, "It's still early, you can sleep a little longer."

Feng Yun: "I don't."

Glancing at him, she followed suit and put some clothes on her body.

"wait for me."

She still remembered the fear caused by the people in Andu City, including herself, when the Beiyong Army came to the city. This time the person in the city was Li Sangruo. She wanted to be the person riding on the horse outside the city to watch her with her own eyes. The country was destroyed in one fell swoop...

"Yunniang." Pei Ran was silent for a moment, then came back and pulled the quilt, wrapping her tightly and looking directly at her.

"The sword has no eyes. On the battlefield, I have no skills at all times, so I may not be able to protect you."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "I brought the soft armor given by the king."

In the darkness, she couldn't quite see Pei Man's face clearly, but she thought he was frowning, so she touched it and pressed gently between his eyebrows.

"To take a step back, if there is any accident, it will be my own choice. I can't blame you."

Pei Ran took her hand down and held it in his palm.

"Wait for me, okay?"

Feng Yun: "We agreed to live and die together, but you want to abandon me?"

Pei Madang sighed helplessly, loosened the quilt and took her out, put on soft armor for her with his own hands, found a long sword for her and put it on her waist.

Feng Yun turned around in front of Xiaoman.

"Does it look like it?"

Xiao Man was in high spirits, with admiration in his eyes.

"Like! Female general."

Feng Yun smiled and walked out of the camp.

The sky has not yet opened, the night breeze is blowing, and the entire camp is silent in a dark shadow.

she knows.

It will be daybreak soon.


On the school field, soldiers lined up to wait.

The cold wind blew through the flags, and the flags fluttered. On the black flag with gold rim, the big word "PEI" gradually became clear in the morning light...

Amidst the sound of horns, war drums beat.

Although Li Zongxun had laid countless trench traps and fortifications around Yecheng, the three armies of the Northern Yong Army hardly encountered much resistance, and they pulled out the fortifications and marched to Yecheng without any effort.

Feng Yun reined in his horse and stood beside Pei Man, looking across the wide moat at the distant city...

She had waited long enough for this day.

Two lifetimes.

It wasn't today that Pei Madang fell out with the Li family and his daughter, and it wasn't the first time that the two sides met at war. But last time they escaped from Beijing, something was wrong...

Not eliminated.

Not to the end.

This time, it's really coming to an end.

Pei Ran said: "Ao Qi, call the formation!"

Horses neigh.

Ao Qi responded by cupping his hands, riding his horse forward with a trumpet in hand, and said loudly toward the towering gate of Ye City:

"Listen to the defenders in the city. Ye City has been surrounded by the Northern Yong Army. If you know what's going on, open the door and surrender quickly. This will save your life and save the people in the city from the disaster of war. If you are stubborn, start a war with our army. , The city can only be destroyed in a matter of seconds.”

The cold wind howled by.

The city gate is closed.

On the city wall, the flag was blown high by the wind.

But there was no sound for a long time.

Ao Qi raised his voice and shouted twice more, each time more harshly and extremely humiliating.

However, the Yecheng army in the city seemed to be dead and refused to respond.

Ao Qi looked back at Pei Madang.

Pei Ran nodded.

Ao Qidao: "If you are not willing to surrender within the time limit, then attack the city and kill them without mercy. The brothers of the Yecheng Army in the city should listen to my advice. Don't make mistakes when it comes to life and death!"


In the city, the wind blew through the long streets and deep alleys, bringing out a lot of crying.

"The Beiyong Army is coming!"

"The Beiyong Army is about to come in!"

"Where is the Yecheng army? Why don't the Yecheng army meet the enemy?"

"The half-million-strong army has been fighting to this day. It is scattered and scattered, and it is dead. How can it still resist..."

Half a million.

Five hundred thousand.

In just a few months, they were completely eaten up by the Northern Yong Army. Now there are less than 100,000 soldiers and horses trapped in Yecheng. How can they compete with the Northern Yong Army?

The city is filled with incense.

In the panic spreading like a plague, the helpless people of Yecheng lit incense and chose to pray to God and worship Buddha.

In the Fangyun Hall, Li Sangruo also knelt on the futon, clasped his hands, closed his eyes, and murmured something in a low voice.

There were footsteps behind me.

She didn't look back.

Li Zongxun slowly approached and stopped beside her.

"Pei Madang's troops are approaching the city, but you have the leisure to worship the Buddha."

Li Sangruo opened his eyes, looked away, and saw Li Zongxun who had put on the dragon robe as he wished, with a mocking smile in his eyes.

"You are the one who should be afraid."

She stood up slowly, her eyes filled with contempt.

"I am the wife of Emperor Xifeng and the mother of Emperor Xinghe... Oh, before he died, Uncle Shao Gong also told me that I was Pei Madang's sister. With such an identity, what do you think I am afraid of?"

Li Zongxun smiled coldly.

"Even now, you haven't learned to be wise. The dead emperor can't protect you. The living Pei Mang doesn't want to protect you. Your life and death are in the palm of my hand."

Li Sangruo raised his chin and exposed his neck.

His eyes were so sarcastic as he looked at Li Zongxun.

"Kill me."

Li Zongxun smiled coldly, "It seems that Tang Shaogong's death still failed to make you remember. Li Sangruo, I raised you in vain."

"Don't mention Uncle Gong again!" Li Sanruo's voice suddenly became sharp, and the deep hatred turned into cold daggers in her eyes, and she stared at him, as if she wanted to eat him alive.

"Also, the most unlucky thing in my life is that I became your daughter. Li Zongxun, you are a father in vain—"

Li Zongxun sneered, "You are not my daughter."

Li Sangruo felt dizzy.

After a moment of silence, she looked at Li Zongxun and smiled silently.

"If I'm not your daughter, then whose daughter am I? Whose daughter am I? You still want to lie to me. I am Pei Ran's sister. Will Pei Ran cherish me?"

She pointed to the door.

"Go to the city gate and ask, does Pei Madang recognize him? Hahaha."

She kept laughing, laughing without restraint.

Crazy and roaring.

"What's more, what difference does it make if she is your daughter? Even if she is your own daughter, when someone wants to die, you will still push it out without mercy and block the knife for you. People like you only have yourself in their hearts. Do you deserve a daughter? You don't. Go back and guard your golden chair. If you don't sit down, it will be too late. The emperor will die within a few days, and there will be no one to support you and your family will be ruined. , I don’t know who is the most pitiful..."

Her eyes were red and she was yelling like crazy.

"Evil!" Li Zongxun raised his hand and slapped Li Sangruo hard on the face.

Five bloody fingerprints, of course, emerged from her pale cheeks.

Li Sangruo stroked his face and looked at Li Zongxun, "You hit me?"

Snapped! There was another heavy sound, and Li Zongxun slapped her again with an expressionless face. Li Sangruo screamed and avoided it. Unexpectedly, Li Zongxun suddenly grabbed her wrist, pushed her out, and slaps followed...

"I've wanted to give you this slap for a long time."

"If it weren't for you, an idiot, who ruined my good deeds several times, how would I be where I am today..."

"Tell me. Did Tang Shaogong instigate you?"


"Did he instigate you to ruin my plans again and again?"

Li Zongxun asked and slapped him.

A slap and another question.

Li Sangruo's cheeks were swollen rapidly, her ears were buzzing, her hair was disheveled, and she looked as embarrassed as a madman. She raised her sleeves and wiped the corners of her mouth, yelling viciously.

"I told you not to mention Uncle Shao Gong! It was you who killed him. In this world... the only person who was kind to me! You killed him."

"Idiot!" Li Zongxun slapped him again, "Even now, I still don't want to wake up - no one is really good to you, and Tang Shaogong is just using you."

Li Zongxun looked him up and down with sinister eyes.

"Can't you see it yet? Tang Shaogong is Xie Xian's person. He has repeatedly instigated you to deal with Feng Twelve Niang and Pei Ran in order to speed up the separation between Pei Mad and Jin Dynasty and force him to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan as soon as possible. His parents who died long ago are crying in their graves..."

Li Sangruo screamed, held Li Zongxun's shoulders with both hands, and pushed him away hard.

"What's different about you?"

She was beaten until stars appeared in her eyes, her temper was out, her eyes were glaring, and every word she spoke was filled with sarcasm.

"Tang Shaogong is your trusted adviser and the most capable subordinate around you. You obeyed his words and fell into the trap. Who do you blame? I trust him not because of you! Old man, you have wasted your reputation all your life. To be manipulated by others..."

At this point, she hissed and sneered again.

"You pride yourself on being clever and foresighted, so why are you being fooled by a staff member...? Could it be that you are like Long Yang? You just see him as good-looking, and that's why you trust him so much and take him so seriously!"

"Ridiculous! You unfilial thing -" Li Zongxun's face turned red and he pointed at her face, his arms trembling as if he wanted to beat her to death.

Li Sangruo quickly backed away, covering his face with his hands, looking horrified.

"Don't do it again. If you hit me again, I will hit my head against the pillar and die. Let's see what you do. If I die, you won't survive. Pei Madang will not spare you!"

"I won't kill you." Li Zongxun's voice was sinister and his face was cold. He slowly approached her, grabbed her collar and tightened it.

"I'll take you to meet your good brother right now!"

Li Sangruo: Trembling.

Feng Yun: Don’t be afraid, I will make your death look nicer

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