Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 514: Do whatever you want

Feng Yun didn't like living in Yecheng very much.

This palace has traces of Li's father and daughter everywhere.

Especially after the quarrel with Pei Jue, it was not so comfortable to think of Li Sangruo. No matter what her identity is, Feng Yun has only one position in her heart - enemy.

Pei Jue is very busy today.

After the siege, there are still many things to do.

The army is deployed for security. Removal and appointment of some civil and military officials to maintain normal order, intelligence collection, food and medicine supply, all aspects, one hair moves the whole body.

Li Zongxun occupied Yecheng for two years, and it will take a lot of effort to change the appearance.

Feng Yun is both annoyed and idle.

Once an idle person gets annoyed, he will inevitably find trouble.

While looking for it, he wandered to Fangyun Palace.

She glanced at Xiaoman, "Go visit the queen mother?"

Xiaoman glanced at her and muttered, "Didn't the lady come here specially?"

Feng Yun smiled.

She is not Li Sangruo, who once she gained power, would run to her enemies to show off her power.

Of course, she did not do this, not because she was kind, but because she was afraid of the backlash.

But today was different.

Pei Jue made her angry.

If she could not find the trouble with him, could she not find Li Sangruo? -

In Fangyun Palace.

Yuan Shuo, Li Sangruo's adopted son, cried very hard. She was already upset and could not coax him. She pulled out a handkerchief with a fierce face.

"If he cries again, I will block his mouth."

There were two palace maids in Fangyun Palace, and Yuan Shuo was also served by a eunuch.

Looking at Li Sangruo's cold and ruthless eyebrows, Yuan Shuo stopped crying almost instantly.

She shed tears silently, pouted her lips, and called out.


She shed tears again.


Pouted her lips and cried silently.

How could a child of a few years old be calm after such a change?

Knowing that Li Sangruo was annoying him, he dared not cry loudly, so he asked with sobs:

"When can we go out..."

Li Sangruo sneered, "What are you going out for? Going out again will mean death. How do you want to die? Beheading, beheading, or being torn apart by five horses..."

Yuan Shuo had been the emperor for two years and had learned some things. He was not completely ignorant. When he heard this, his face turned pale with fear, and he felt his chest churning. He immediately cried and retched.

Li Sangruo was very annoyed.

"Take him to the outer hall, don't let me see him upset..."

Before she finished her voice, she heard a light laugh.

It was very soft and gentle.

But the woman who floated in with the curtain had silent eyes, and there was no smile at all.

"Why does the queen mother have to show off to a child? What does a child know? The throne is not as real as a piece of candy."

She finished her voice slightly, then bent down to look at Yuan Shuo, smiled gently, and spread out her palm.

There was really a piece of candy in her palm.

That was produced by her own sugar mill in Mingquan Town.

Feng Yun was weak and could not stand being hungry. She would faint easily if she was hungry. When she went out, she would always have a few pieces of candy in her purse. When she felt uncomfortable, she would put a piece of candy in her mouth and the dizziness would go away.

The candy was very beautiful, Yuan Shuo liked it very much and looked back at Li Sangruo.

"What a good child." Feng Yun smiled and said, "Eat it. The Queen Mother is kind and will not make things difficult for a piece of candy."

Yuan Shuo still had tears on his face, and he happily took the candy and was taken to the outer hall by the palace servants.

He had been an emperor and had no shortage of candy.

But at the moment of being imprisoned, a piece of candy from outside and a kind-looking Princess Yonghuai could bring too much psychological comfort to the child.

As soon as the child left, Li Sangruo sneered.

"You are really a good person."

Although she was rescued from the city wall and kept in Fangyun Hall, no one made things difficult for her. Li Sangruo knew that her life was safe.

She didn't know whether Pei Jue recognized her as his sister, but Xijing Dynasty obviously recognized her as the Queen Mother.

Li Sangruo sat down and began to pour tea, stroking her with soft sleeves, acting pretentiously and slowly, just because she didn't want to be inferior to Feng Yun.

"If you come to see me laugh, you will be disappointed. There is no joke in Fangyun Palace. Whoever laughs at me is a joke..."

Li Sangruo raised her eyelids slightly, looked at Feng Yun coldly, and curled her lips.

"You said so? What's the use of hating me to death? My brother doesn't want me to die. He protects me and loves me. What can you do to me?"

Xiaoman got anxious when she heard it.

"How dare you!"

She didn't care about the Queen Mother or not.

In her heart, her wife was the most powerful in the world.

"You dare to act wild as a prisoner. Do you really think that our princess is kind and dare not punish you?"

Feng Yun laughed.

"It doesn't matter. You can be a little bit presumptuous, because I am his sister-in-law. If we really become a family, I will teach her a lesson on behalf of her brother. However, when I look closely at her face, how can I not see any resemblance between her eyebrows and eyes with Pei Lang? Could it be that Tang Shaogong picked her up from some cesspool and made a fake one?"

Li Sangruo's expression suddenly changed.

To her, Feng Yun's mockery of her was nothing, and this sister-in-law was irritating.

"Your Highness, don't feel bad." Feng Yun smiled slightly, without any sarcasm in his tone, but every word pierced his heart.

"If you can't be his wife, at least you still have a chance to be his sister, right? If I were you, I would be nicer to my sister-in-law, make me happy, and help you blow the wind in her ears, so that Pei Lang would turn a blind eye... Dajin doesn't lack that food, so it's nothing to raise one more useless person."

Li Sangruo was so angry that she almost died.

"Feng Yun, don't be so proud too early..."

"Too early? I think it's too late."

Feng Yun smiled faintly, her face was as delicate as a flower, and she was still calm and composed. "If you don't show off, you will be buried on your grave. Let's not delay, as soon as possible."

Li Sangruo laughed in anger, her eyes full of hatred.

"I really should let Pei Jue see your face of success. What a noble lady from a noble family, what's the difference between you and a shrew in the market?"

Feng Yun: "Are you angry? Then show off. If you dare to show off, I will make people in Yecheng mourn for the queen mother today!"

Li Sangruo's chest rose and fell, and her eyes were so fierce that it seemed to spit fire.

"Heh! No matter how powerful you are, you still have to serve men?"

She put on the queen mother's airs and looked at Feng Yun with contempt.

She wanted to show off that she was served by men...

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun laughed when she heard it, and couldn't close her mouth.

"Why don't you serve? Don't you want to?"

Don't you want to?

Don't you want to?

Emperor Xifeng died, and she couldn't serve.

She wanted to serve Pei Jue, but he wouldn't let her.

Other men served her, but they had to force themselves.

Li Sangruo was completely angry.

The softest part of her heart that hurt the most was cut open by Feng Yun, played with, and humiliated, which aroused her already excited emotions to the extreme...

For a while, her forehead was tense, her body trembled slightly, her eyes were like a beast that seemed to want to devour people, and her fists kept pounding on the table, making a clanging sound.

"Get out, get out..."

Feng Yun smiled lightly and stood looking at her.

The two palace maids rushed over and grabbed Li Sangruo to stop her.

"Your Highness, calm down, Your Highness, calm down..."

Every time Li Sangruo went crazy, they were the ones who suffered in the end.

The maids saw her being so angry, their faces turned pale, and they kept coaxing her.

Unfortunately, Li Sangruo was so angry that she lost all her reason and did not appreciate it.

"Get out, you guys get out too, all of you get out!"

The queen mother was used to showing off her power, and she couldn't restrain her temper when she got angry.

Xiaoman had never seen Li Sangruo so crazy, and she was shocked, frightened, and fortunate to see the two maids kowtow.

Her wife never tortured servants, otherwise she would have no life.

A teacup flew over.

With a bang, it broke on the ground.

Feng Yun observed Li Sangruo for such a long time, seeing her fingers trembling and eyes red, as if she was about to die of anger at any time, raised her eyebrows, looked at the two trembling palace maids, and said lightly:

"Haven't you heard yet? The Queen Mother asked you to get out, get out quickly, find a new job from the female historian, and never step into Fangyun Palace again. If you make the Queen Mother angry again, I will peel off your skin."

The two palace maids were scared and surprised at first.

Then they reacted.

The two looked at each other, overjoyed, and kowtowed to Feng Yun three times with a look of gratitude.

"Thank you, Princess, for your kindness, thank you, Princess, for your kindness. I will get out now, I will get out now..."

The two palace maids slipped away faster than anything else.

Until the people left, Li Sangruo looked at the breeze blowing on the curtains, and then realized...

The palace maids were called away by Feng Yun.

Who will serve her then?

"Come back! Come back for me!"

"Stop shouting." Feng Yun's expression was cold and calm, but her voice was smiling, "Who made you meet a vicious sister-in-law? You're unlucky, sister-in-law, bear it well."

Li Sangruo fell to the ground stiffly, panting.

Feng Yun stood up, "Xiaoman, let's go. My husband should be back, I have to go back to serve him..."


Everything on the wooden table fell, and Li Sangruo couldn't find someone to vent her anger on. She tore her dress hard, screamed hysterically, and her heart was twitching with pain.

"Feng Shier Niang, you bitch, bitch!"

"Someone come! Someone come, I want to see King Yonghuai, I want to see Pei Cong, I, I want to see my brother!"

Feng Yun walked out of the hall and could still hear Li Sangruo's crazy shouting.

Two guards looked at her, hesitated and stepped forward to ask for instructions.

"Princess, what should I do?"

Feng Yun chuckled, winked at Xiao Man, and said indifferently: "If your throat is broken, you will stop shouting. Don't worry."

Xiao Man stuffed a few big coins into the guard.

"Brothers, have some wine."

The guard was flattered and almost knelt down.

"I understand, I understand."


Feng Yun was in a good mood after returning from Fangyun Palace.

She had not had time to take a good bath in the chaos of the past few days. While Pei Jue was away, she took a comfortable bath. When she came out, Xiao Man had already made the bed.

Soft and fragrant.

So beautiful.

She guessed that Pei Jue was also angry today and would not come back at night because he was busy. She planned to go to bed early to conserve her energy and face the next wave of storms.

Anger is caused by others, but the body is taken care of by oneself.

She would not wrong herself again.

Sleep until midnight, it was a little cold around.

She tried to grab the quilt in a daze, and a big hand came around her waist. The tall figure immediately enveloped her, and a warm breath fell on her ears.

"I'm sorry today."

Feng Yun was startled and woke up.

Coming back in the middle of the night to apologize?

Did Pei Gou take the wrong medicine?

She looked up at him.

There was a lantern outside the screen, and Pei Jue's face was reflected by the dim light. His angular cheeks seemed to be coated with a halo, and the hair was clearly visible, but his eyes were not clear.

"What do you mean, Your Majesty? You're going to kill me."

Pei Ran didn't speak, lowered his head and kissed her.

Feng Yun was already sensitive, and he woke up from his sleep again. He was very angry when he got up. He couldn't withstand such a torment, and he groaned and cursed for a while.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

"Waist." Pei Ran's breath was unsteady, and he stared at her with cold eyes. He raised her chin and looked directly at her with black eyes. "It's me who is greedy. We agreed that everyone should get what they need, and I shouldn't go beyond it."

How dare you figure this out after being away for so long?

Feng Yun didn't know whether to laugh or be angry.

She smoothed her hair that was messed up by him. Some emotions were rushing around in her chest, teasing her, but she finally suppressed them.

"You are so condescending and petty, and if people listen, they might think that I am the reincarnation of some kind of demon, seducing the king, and wanting to burn me to death with a fire..."

Pei Ran leaned down and blocked her mouth.

When Feng Yun's aura was so messy that it was difficult to breathe, he raised his head and separated from each other.

His big hands smoothed her hair, and his voice was soft, low, and domineering.

"Don't say the word death again."

Feng Yun: "..."

Staring into his deep, ink-like eyes, she was full of complaints.

But my face is hot and I can't breathe, so how can I speak?

This man will kill you if you kiss him, it's irritating.

"Yunniang." Pei Madang held her hand and said in a low voice, "To show my sincerity, I will do whatever you want tonight."

After being husband and wife for so long, how could Feng Yun not understand what he meant?

Pei Gou is a prude.

Once the animal lust fills the heart, the brain will not work well.

Feng Yun blinked and said, "Didn't the king say that I am using you?"

Pei Man hugged her into his hot embrace, turned his head and nibbled on the white and slender neck, and pressed her up with heat all over his body.

"I'm yours, do whatever you want with me."

Feng Yun was lying on the bed, facing the crazily flowing desire in those black eyes, his breathing became obviously rapid, and he almost lost his mind.

Who is doing whatever he wants? (End of chapter)

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