Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 531: A slap in the face

Feng Jingting had been in Huaxi for as many days as Feng Yun had ignored him.

He actually wanted to reconcile with Feng Yun, which was also the order from the emperor. But Chen went to Changmen and made a scene that day, tearing apart the last bit of warmth between them as father and daughter, and Feng Yun never paid attention to her again.

Hearing that Feng Yun invited him to Andu and gave him a generous gift, Feng Jingting was overjoyed.

Before leaving, he asked Chen to prepare a generous gift.

"My sister-in-law is in the mansion, and I can't see anyone with nothing."

Chen was very dissatisfied.

She didn't want them to get along and talk about family life.

But Feng Jingting didn't let her go. Last time, she and Feng Yun had such a quarrel, it would be best if they never had any contact, and she didn't have the face to go.


Feng Jingting entered the Pei Mansion with a smile on his face, and all the servants greeted him respectfully when they saw him.

He felt a little light under his feet.

After all, she was his biological daughter.

How can a daughter be honored without her father?

Twelve Niang was originally weak and longed for her father's love. She was very angry with Chen before, so she treated him coldly.

Now, she has calmed down and is here to show her filial piety...

Feng Jingting was invited to sit in the flower hall.

No one came to receive him, and no one paid attention to him. Only a servant said with a smile:

"My Lord, please sit down. The princess is still taking a nap. I don't want to disturb her. When the princess wakes up, she will come to see you."

"No problem, no problem."

Feng Jingting was full of smiles.

Even if he was a servant of the Pei Mansion, he couldn't be rude.

The servant left.

Feng Jingting realized that there was no tea or fruit.

It would be fine if Feng Yun didn't come out to receive his father, but no one from the Pei family showed up.

What's more terrible is that there was not even a stove. The flower hall was cold, and the windows were wide open. It was freezing cold in the twelfth lunar month.

This wait lasted for two hours.

Feng Jingting had never been on the bench for so long.

He closed the window, blew his hands in the hall, walked around, and was about to be frozen into an icicle. Finally, Feng Yun's footsteps were heard outside.

Feng Jingting hurriedly tidied his clothes.

He didn't know when he started to be cautious when seeing his daughter...

"Shier Niang, you are finally here."

Feng Yun stepped over the threshold, wearing a thick fur coat, holding a hot water bottle in her hand, and said calmly:

"I slept a little longer in winter, and my father has been waiting for a long time."

Feng Jingting looked at her face.

"Shier Niang said that she prepared a big gift for me, I wonder what it is?"

He was already impatient, and his body was cold, and he didn't turn around, and went straight to the point when he met.

Feng Yun curled her lips, "A big gift worth 20,000 taels of gold."

She smiled mysteriously and looked behind her.

"Bring it up."

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang were brought up by the attendants.

Since they were locked in the woodshed last night, it is almost dusk today. They have not eaten anything, their eyes are swollen from crying, and they look extremely haggard...

But the beauty's face is still eye-catching.

Feng Jingting asked in surprise: "Twelve Niang, what do you mean?"

Feng Yun smiled, "A beautiful woman in the prosperous times is worth ten thousand taels of gold. Ten thousand taels for each one, isn't it that I am giving my father twenty thousand taels of gold as a filial gift?"

Feng Jingting's back was slightly sweaty.

"This is not right."

In front of his daughter, he had to keep his face.

Besides, there was Chen, the tigress, at home, how could he dare to accept it?

"Twelve Niang's filial piety is appreciated by the father. But...I am old now, and I don't have those thoughts. I am afraid that I will offend your heart."

Feng Yun glanced at him.

In his early forties, Feng Jingting was used to a life of luxury. He not only looked young, but also had a handsome face. Even in middle age, he was still elegant...

She couldn't help but wonder, was it because of this good-looking face that her mother was blinded?

"Father." Feng Yun retracted his smile, stared at him coldly, and said in an unusually cold voice, "These two beauties are in troubled times and have no relatives to rely on. If you don't take them in, they will not survive..."

A double entendre.

Feng Jingting heard the threat in her words.

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang were the same.

Feng Jingting thought that Shi Er Niang sent two maids to disgust Chen.

If he refused to accept them, the father and daughter would be doomed.

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang heard that if they didn't follow Feng Jingting, they would only die.

Feng Yun would kill them.

He would definitely.

"Please take them in, Lord." Jin Shuang knelt down first.

The beauty knelt straight in front of Feng Jingting, slightly raised her head, tears in her eyes, and her extraordinary face of sorrow and grievance, like a flower stained with mist, was revealed in front of Feng Jingting.

Yin Shuang also knelt down immediately.

"Please accept my sister and me, we will serve you well..."

Feng Jingting's mind was throbbing.

Heaven and man were mixed.

He had seen countless beauties in his life. But he still couldn't help being moved by the twin sisters' tearful appearance.

"This... this..."

He was a little at a loss.

He knew it was wrong, but he didn't have the strength to refute.

Feng Yun pushed the boat with the current, "Then let's settle it. In order to avoid more trouble, the daughter will make the decision and hold a wedding banquet for my father and the two concubines."

The more trouble, of course, refers to Chen.

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang were shocked and changed their faces.

Feng Jingting smiled awkwardly, his cheeks slightly hot.


In the courtyard, Ji You turned his back to the flower hall, his eyes red like a rabbit.

Zuo Zhong approached him silently, "You have seen it all. Do you feel...a pity? Do you want the princess to give her to you?"

Ji You shook his head, "I only hate myself for being... blind."

He didn't look back at Zuo Zhong and fled in a hurry.

Zuo Zhong sighed.


It is really a ridiculous thing for a daughter to hold a wedding banquet for her father, but Feng Yun did it very seriously. He asked Wenhui to prepare several banquets in Yutangchunli, and asked Ying Rong to prepare a wedding dress for Feng Jingting and Jin Shuangyinshuang, etc. After everything was settled, someone was sent to invite Wen Xingsu, Puyang Yi, and the Feng family to come to the banquet.

When Mrs. Chen received the news, she was very strange.

What kind of wedding banquet would Feng Yun invite her to?

"I'm not going." She thought for a moment and flatly refused.

"Unless she, Feng Twelfth Mother, kneels and kowtows in front of me to apologize, she will never expect me to give her a good look in her life. She will bear the reputation of this unfilial daughter."

The person who came to deliver the message was Ge Guang.

Hearing the sound, the muscles in his cheeks twitched.

"Our princess has said that no one else needs to go to the wedding banquet, but Madam must go."

Mrs. Chen looked at him sideways.

"Why, what if I don't go to someone else's house?"

Ge Guang said: "If Madam doesn't go, we won't be able to drink Mistress Tea."

Mistress tea?

Mrs. Chen was stunned for a moment, still a little confused.

"You little boy, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Ge Guang decided to make her understand better.

"The prince found a good match in Andu and fell in love with the two beauties. He has decided to bring her back to the mansion to be his aunt, so that he can serve his wife..."

"What?!" Mrs. Chen gasped.

On the carriage to Andu, Mrs. Chen cried heartily in front of Feng Ying, crying that she had entrusted someone to whom she was entrusted, that Feng Jingting was not a thing, and that Feng Yun had gone too far in bullying others.

"I won't let them succeed. Not until I die!"

Mrs. Chen will come to Yutang to have a spring show, and Feng Yun has been prepared for it.

At the entrance of Yutangchun, there were twenty or thirty of Kong Wu's powerful Mei Lingbu, lined up in a row. When they saw Mrs. Chen and Feng Ying coming over, they shouted in unison.

"Ma'am, please come in!"

Mrs. Chen trembled.

Where is hospitality here? It's clearly a deterrent.

But she risked her life, risking her life, and she would never let Feng Yun be proud...

"I, Mrs. Chen, have never been so humiliated."

She was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but Feng Jingting was treated like a distinguished guest in Yutangchun, and there was a beautiful woman by his side, so her initial worries were gone...

Mrs. Chen cried when she entered the door, and after crying, she pulled him away.

"You come back with me, and I will pretend that nothing happened. Otherwise, our couple will be at an end."

Feng Jingting was still a little guilty at first and tried to comfort him weakly.

"They are just two concubines. They are not worthy of your anger. You are the mistress, so you should be more generous. Look, which aristocratic family in Taicheng does not have concubines?"

"No!" Mrs. Chen gritted her teeth, "Others are others, you are you!"

Seeing her arrogance, Feng Jingting's face darkened, "Ms. Chen, why are you so unreasonable? This is Ayun's filial piety to me, my biological father. If I go against her will, will we still be father and daughter?"

"Okay, Feng Jingting, you can't say such shameless words. A daughter sending a concubine to her biological father is really a stick but a pestle. It's a strange thing in the world... You can afford to embarrass this person, but I can't. Go, you Come back with me!"

As she spoke, she started acting up and wanted to drag Feng Jingting away.

While tugging and tugging, Feng Jingting ran out of patience and suddenly flicked his sleeves to throw her away.

"Have you forgotten the two concubines you gave to my brother? It is not shameful for a sister-in-law to give women to her eldest brother. How can it be shameful for a daughter to honor her biological father?"

Mrs. Chen was stunned.

She looked at Feng Jingting's cold face and was stunned for a long time without making a sound.

Feng Jingting has changed.

With the support of his daughter Feng Yun and the son-in-law like Pei Mad, does he feel that his back is strong? He actually said such things to her.

"Okay..." Mrs. Chen's face was livid, "So I have a grudge against this. Who am I doing to give my eldest brother a woman? It's not just for you. I want him to help you, a loser like you!"

The sound of being a coward can be considered as knocking off Feng Jingting's self-esteem.

What he hates most is that others call him a coward, saying that he relied on his brother's protection to obtain an official position...

"Ms. Chen, that's my biological brother. We have the same mother and father, and he will support me with or without you. But it's you, a sister-in-law, who runs into the eldest uncle's house. You know, saying that you are here for If you don’t know about the harmony between the two families, you’d think you were just showing off..."

"You!" Mrs. Chen stared at Feng Jingting in disbelief, "Are you crazy? Feng Jingting, are you crazy?"

Feng Jingting had been depressed all his life and had suffered a lot from the Feng family. After talking to this point, he gave up and stared at Mrs. Chen with cold eyes.

"If you are willing to give me a step today and drink the mistress' tea obediently, then we will still be a loving couple. If you don't want to, if you offend me and my daughter, I will... divorce you!"

Mrs. Chen took a step back, her face turned pale.

Feng Ying hurriedly stepped forward to support her, only to see her mother burst into tears.

"Father..." Feng Ying watched for a long time and finally said, "As a daughter, I shouldn't interfere in my parents' affairs, but dad... this is too funny. When your majesty asks later, can I How to say it."

When Feng Jingting saw her, he was furious.

"Your Majesty may not care about the affairs of your subjects in the inner chamber? Don't fool me with Your Majesty. Hurry up and help your mother wipe her face and tidy up her clothes."

He said and turned around.

Jin Shuang stood beside the door.

It was Feng Yun who sent her here with some fruit in her hand.

Feng Jingting saw her and smiled, "Why are you here?"

Jin Shuang lowered his head.

She knew that Feng Yun was sitting behind the screen, looking at her.

"Master Fu..." Jin Shuang lowered his eyes and said weakly: "I heard the noise and wanted to come and apologize to Madam..."

"Don't be afraid." Feng Jingting said softly, "It has nothing to do with you."

Jin Shuang's eyes lowered slightly, "Fortunately, the Lord of the Palace loves me."

Seeing the two of them leaving side by side, Mrs. Chen felt her blood rising. She grabbed Feng Ying's hand, her vision went dark, and she slowly fell down. (End of chapter)

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