Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 556: The Heart of Stealing the Country

Feng Yun looked at Pei Ran for a long time.

Just stand in the pleasant spring light of March and look at him.

After a long while, he smiled.

"very nice."

She didn't show any surprise, or even the slightest bit of surprise. She just accepted and believed the result calmly, as well as the deeper nature of the result——

Xiao Cheng wants Feng Jingyao's life.

The Feng family formed an alliance with Xiao Cheng, overthrew the Yanping Emperor Xiao Jue, and put Xiao Cheng on the Dragon Throne. Relying on the merits of Conglong, he was in power in the Zhengchu Dynasty, looked down upon his ministers, and acted arrogantly for several years, finally ushered in the victory. inevitable fate.

The king is the king, and the minister is the minister.

If you have too much merit and don't know how to behave with your tail between your legs, sooner or later there will be such a day - just like Yanping Emperor Xiao Jue did to the Feng family. Either you die or I die.

However, last time, it was Xiao Jue who was abandoned, and this time it was the Feng family.

Because Xiao Cheng is not the stupid Xiao Jue.

He is very calculating.

Terribly fine.

An emperor who kills meritorious ministers will inevitably remain infamy in history.

But the Feng family relies on their merits and is constrained everywhere, and no accomplished emperor is willing to do so.

So Xiao Cheng sent Feng Jingyao as an envoy to the Jin Dynasty to use Pei Madang's help to eradicate the serious troubles in his heart. From then on, he was in charge of the government alone. He would no longer have his relatives to point his fingers, and he didn't have to get a trace of blood on his hands, and he didn't have to harm his virtuous people. Your clear name.

When he thought of Feng Jingyao, who was as disgusted as if he had eaten a poisonous fly, and was on the verge of despair and helpless, Feng Yun felt very happy in his heart.

After being reborn, what could be happier than seeing your enemies killing each other and dying unexpectedly?

"I guessed that Xiao San would cross the river and burn the bridge. There would come a time when the Feng family would no longer be able to tolerate the arrogance. But I didn't expect that it would happen so soon."

Pei Ran said: "The Feng family is pushing too hard."

"Really?" Feng Yun asked with a smile, "What did you force him to do?"

Pei Madang stared at her, "I used to force him to marry an equal wife, but now I force him to have a queen."

Ah! Feng Yun didn't even frown, and said calmly: "Like what he did. How can he be willing to be manipulated by others?"

Pei Ran's eyes were deep and his mood was very complicated.

He was always happy about her tacit understanding with him, but also very jealous of her understanding of Xiao Cheng.

Yes, jealousy.

Pei Ran didn't want to admit it, but he had to face the strange emotions.

After standing calmly for a long time, he asked: "Yunniang said, should I comply with his wishes?"

Feng Yun chuckled lightly, "It depends on the king's choice. If Xiao Cheng is a tiger, then Feng Jingyao is a poisonous snake. If he is released into the mountains and forests, it will be difficult to catch him again."

Pei Ran asked: "Do you want him to die?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly: "Before he died, I wanted to know the truth about my mother's tragic death."

Pei Ran was silent.

This was the great gift Xiao Cheng gave them.

It should be said that it was a great gift to Feng Yun.

His dark eyes were faint and faint, he raised his head to look at the blooming crabapples beside the road, broke off one, inserted it into Feng Yun's hair, and said calmly: "Mother Yun, have you ever thought that he did this because he misses you so much?" "

Feng Yun stroked the flowers on his temples and looked sideways. The man was as handsome as usual, but his expression was dull.

She smiled, "Your Majesty, you think too much."

Feng Yun and Pei Ran had different ideas.

She didn't think that people like Xiao Cheng would still remember her after so many years.

In the past three years, without Ren Rude and Jin Ge, Xiao Cheng seemed to have completely disappeared from her life. He occasionally mentioned it once or twice in Daman's letters, but there was no love story at all.

What's more, having been married in a previous life, Feng Yun always knew that Xiao San's ambition was only in the country, not in women.

In the past three years, there have been new beauties in Qi Palace from time to time. There is no shortage of women around Xiao Cheng. How could he miss a woman for so long?

If she had to impose something, she might be "unavailable" to Xiao San, and she would be a little bit upset.

Feng Yun disagreed and said: "Don't say that Xiao San will not indulge in the love of his children. Even if it is... I will not remember his favor."

"Really?" Pei Ran's voice was light.

It sounded like he was asking casually and didn't care.

Scatter all those emotions that are so thick that they cannot be dissolved into the wind.

Feng Yun didn't check what was wrong with him, but smiled and said, "I would rather see how the Feng family will go crazy after learning the truth?"

Pei Ran said: "Without Feng Jingyao, the Feng family would never be able to make waves again."

Feng Yun thought for a while and nodded, "Xiao San is really cruel when he hits a snake seven inches away. If Feng Jingting is the envoy to Jin today, it can be said that the Feng family will not be hurt at all."

Pei Ran glanced at her.

In her heart, her biological father was so useless.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "That Xijing defense map is a fake that the king found somewhere. I think it fooled a group of people."

Secrets such as defense plans are not something everyone can see.

Feng Yun thought it was specially placed on Duan Wu after Pei Madang asked him to drink the spiked medicinal wine.

It was also determined to be false.

Unexpectedly, Pei Ran said, "It's true."

Feng Yun was slightly startled, "What?"

Pei Ran said: "The defense map is true."

Feng Yun: "..."

After looking at each other for a moment, she saw that Pei Madang's face was serious and did not look like a joke, so she said in confusion, "No, how could you use it seriously... What on earth is going on? Why am I confused?"

This birthday party and the layout of the west wing were all designed to plot against Feng Jingyao.

The first time the maid delivered a message to Feng Ya, she was caught by Feng Yun and instigated a rebellion.

Later, Feng Yun knew all the correspondence between Feng Ya and Tao, as well as their shady activities.

Precisely because of this, they were able to treat others with their own medicine - making Feng Ya mistakenly think that the side room was drugged Pei Man, sneaking in to take advantage, and then they set out to catch a turtle in a jar -

In full view of everyone, Feng Ya and Duan Wu were caught on a date in the wing room, and secretly exchanged information.

But this information was originally an official document that the Pei family could steal.

After all, Feng Ya was staying in the Pei Mansion for a short time, and stealing official documents and giving them to his father's officials was reasonable and reasonable, and it was enough to convict Feng Jingyao.

She had never thought that Pei Madang would use defense plans, or even use real ones.

Because the real defense map is something that should not appear in Pei Mansion...

Pei Ran frowned when he saw the confusion in her eyes.

"I did not do that."

"Not you?" Feng Yun was startled, and his heart trembled inexplicably, "You mean, the defense map obtained by Xiao Cheng was placed on Duan Wu to frame Feng Jingyao?"

Pei Ran was silent.

"No, no, no." Feng Yun shook his head, "I think there is something wrong with this matter. In order to eradicate the Feng family's influence, Xiao Cheng knowingly knew that we hated Feng Jingyao, and personally sent him to Jin Dynasty to be slaughtered. I can understand this. . But Xiao Chengyuan is in Taicheng, no matter how long he stretches his hands, how can he get the real defense map? No matter how much he wants to, Duan Wu can't get it. "

Pei Ran still didn't speak.

His dark eyes flickered, seeming to be thinking too.

Feng Yun had the illusion of seeing a ghost, "In other words, this formation diagram appeared inexplicably?"

She took a deep breath and suddenly felt a chill running down her spine.

"The existence of the defense map not only confirms Feng Jingyao's crime, but also hides a killing move against the king - if Duan Wu can't throw it away in the imperial city, it is the defense map secretly hidden in the Pei Mansion. Doesn't it mean that the king has it?" The desire to steal the country?”

Pei Ran hummed, "What Yun Niang said makes sense."

Feng Yun was surprised: "Who could have done it?"

Pei Ran gently hugged her and held her hand in his palm without using too much force. His big hand wrapped his small hand, as if he wanted to tolerate everything about her, "Wait until I check."

Feng Yun glanced at him.

Something went wrong with the plan, and she wanted to find out.

But when he thought that today was Pei Madang's birthday, he let go and smiled.

"I have also prepared a gift for the king, do you want to go and see it?"

Pei Madang received many gifts today, but he was not as happy as hearing these words.

He hummed, "Mother Yun is thoughtful."

It was a black double-breasted coat, made of light and thin silk, with folded branches and hidden flowers, elegant and soft, just suitable for this season.

Feng Yun said: "I have been busy at home these days, and I made it myself."

When she was in Andu, she was very busy every day. It was rare that she had time to sit down and tailor clothes like an embroiderer. Even the clothes she wore came from Yingrong or a tailor shop, and she hadn't used needlework for a long time.

But she grew up in Feng's family, so she was no stranger to female celebrities, and she also made clothes with style...

"Try?" she asked Pei Ran with a smile.

Pei Madang held his clothes and remained silent for a long time.

Feng Yun rolled his eyes, "That's all, if you don't like it, you don't have to wear it..."

"I like it." Pei Man's hands held the clothes tightly, as if holding some lost treasure, for fear that Feng Yun would take it away.

"I'll wear it, just wear it."

He stared at Feng Yun, opened his arms, and motioned for her to help change clothes.

Feng Yun followed the good advice and stepped forward with a smile.

"Who told you to be the birthday boy today? I obey you."

As gentle as water, she changed the man's clothes, then pulled him to the bronze mirror, and said with a proud smile: "I'm pretty good at my craftsmanship, and it looks good."

The tall and straight man looked even more handsome because of his clothes.

Feng Yun was very satisfied and waited for praise.

Pei Mang looked at the person in the mirror, his eyes sparkling, as dark as a deep pool, unable to see the bottom. Feng Yun was very strange. He tilted his head and looked around. Just as he was about to ask a question, he suddenly pulled her hard and hugged her tightly.

The begonias on the temples fell silently and fell into Pei Madang's arms.


"What's wrong?" Feng Yun pinched his thin lower back and said with a smile: "It's just a piece of clothing, don't be too moved."

Pei Ran didn't say anything, and hugged her tighter and tighter.

Feng Yun was about to die from being hugged by him. He pushed him and looked sideways at the bronze mirror. Then he suddenly remembered...

She also made similar clothes for Pei Ran in her previous life.

That day, an unpleasant thing happened. (End of chapter)

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