Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 568 Old Friends in the Nunnery

When Pei Madang came back, Feng Yun sat on a soft chair under the camphor tree with squinted eyes, looking at the thick dark clouds on the horizon, in a daze.

The wind carries the fragrance of flowers in the yard, which is very pleasant.

The man's footsteps were very light, a pair of hands came from behind, and he carefully tightened her waist. His breath fell gently on her ear, and he kissed her gently, speaking in a low tone.

"Zuo said, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Feng Yun looked back at him and smiled lightly.

"I'm just a little dizzy after sitting for a long time. It's nothing. Don't listen to the nonsense of children."

Pei Ran twitched the corners of his mouth and hummed softly.

"Then don't sit outside for too long. I'll carry you back."

During this season, once the sun sets in the evening, the scene in the yard is the most pleasant. Feng Yun likes to sit here, eat something and read lazily.

But she didn't object, and it was too late to object. Pei Madang had already hugged her sideways.

Pei Madang had just come out of the palace and had not had time to change out of his clothes. Wearing a long robe with long sleeves, it swings with the steps, full of majesty and elegance.

During this time, he was running around the palace and outside the palace, and his daily life was still the same as when he was the regent. Feng Yun didn't know if the courtiers had any objections. Anyway, she felt a little awkward.

How can an emperor not live in the palace?

She put her arms around Pei Man's neck and smiled:

"If you are busy with business, you don't have to come back every day."

Pei Madang lowered his eyebrows and asked, "Kick me out?"

Feng Yun smiled, his eyes were watery, and he smiled softly: "In the whole world, is it the king's land? This house belongs to your majesty, how can I dare to evict it?"

Pei Ran frowned slightly.

Recently, the two of them got along in private, and everything was business as usual. He didn't really like Feng Yun calling him that. "Your Majesty" seemed to cut a long gap in the middle.

Feng Yun noticed the unhappiness in his eyes, stretched out his hands to pull his face to both sides, and said dissatisfiedly: "For the sake of your body, you are not happy? You are already an emperor, why do you want to go back as long as you live?"

Pei Ran suddenly stopped, looked down at her, tightened his arms slightly, and gently lifted Feng Yun up.

"Yun Niang is already fat, why can't I change?"


Feng Yun rolled his eyelids, "Nonsense!"

She is not someone who gets fat easily, and she refuses to admit that she is fat. She slaps Pei Madang on the arm in a funny way, and when she wants to talk again, Pei Madang gently places her on the soft couch in front of the window.

He said: "It's not very hot yet, so don't be greedy for the cold. Isn't sitting here reading a book better than sitting in the yard?"

"Yes, yes, what His Majesty said is absolutely true." Feng Yun responded, glancing at him slowly, "It's strange, are you so free today? You came back so early, and the Emperor's grace has been showered on me..."

Pei Madang held her hand and held her lips slightly, "Mother Yun is blaming me for neglecting you recently?"

Feng Yun stared at him intently.

Sword eyebrows, starry eyes, extraordinary heroic appearance.

This is the new emperor of the Yong Dynasty, who is above tens of thousands of people.

Power can bring everything to a man, even his appearance.

Pei Ran's face seems to be even more beautiful than before. Even his eyes are intoxicating. The majesty radiating from the inside out is so strong that people dare not look directly...

Feng Yun sighed slightly.

"Pei Gou, you are dishonest."

Pei Ran: "?"

Feng Yun pouted.

Of course she was embarrassed to say that a man was too good-looking, which would make people's hearts beat faster and their minds wander. She just found an excuse to tease him with a smile.

"Your Majesty has become more and more heroic in recent days. But in the palace of the imperial city, there is a new beauty who is very popular with the king?"

Pei Ran lowered his head, looked at Feng Yun for a moment, and kissed the back of her hand silently, his voice gentle and warm.

"It seems that I have to spend more time and stay at the house with you."

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing when he saw that he was speaking seriously, "Aren't you afraid of people saying that you indulged in boudoir pleasures as soon as you ascended the throne?"

Pei Ran snorted, "If anyone dares to be so rude, I will sue him..."

Feng Yun couldn't help but wonder when he saw his strange expression.

"What are you telling him?"

Pei Ran said: "Tell him: you are right."

Feng Yun was startled, then smiled and punched him on the shoulder. Pei Madang tightened his arms and leaned forward to kiss him. He was very good at entangling, but Feng Yun suddenly felt short of breath and quickly refused.

"I'm not feeling well today."

Pei Man kissed the corner of her lips reassuringly, stopped teasing him, put a pillow on her waist, and then sat down to talk to her.

The new emperor ascended the throne and made drastic changes in the government affairs. People and things in the court were changing with each passing day, faster than the sky. If Pei Madang didn't mention it, Feng Yun would never mention it.

Today, I saw that he came back early and had tea and chatted. When I was free, I immediately vomited out the "little ninety-nine" in my heart.

"I've wanted to ask you something for a long time, but I don't know how to do it?"

Pei Ran looked at her hesitant gaze and his dark eyes lit up, "You ask."

Feng Yun said: "After you ascend the throne, will it be inconvenient for Li Sangruo to still live in the palace?"

Pei Madang's expression changed slightly.

He thought Feng Yun would ask about Li Hou...

There was a huge quarrel between the government and the public, but the rightful owner remained unmoved.

"No." He muttered.

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and laughed softly, "Since you think there is no inconvenience in having a front-running Queen Mother in the palace, you can only blame me for talking too much."

"I mean, she doesn't live in the palace." Pei Ran said.

Feng Yun was very surprised, "She is not in the palace, where did she go?"

After pausing for a moment, he frowned in confusion and asked with a half-smile, "Is it possible that you really gave her the title of eldest princess and left the palace to open a mansion?"

Pei Ran glanced at her coldly.

"She asked herself to become a monk."

"What?" Feng Yun was very surprised, "When did it happen?"

"Today." Pei Ran's eyelids were slightly lowered, as if he was afraid that she would see his emotions, and his expression did not change at all. "I went to Huixintang. I only hope that the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng can make her understand her heart and nature."

Feng Yun squinted his eyes slightly and looked at his expression.

"Did she really do it voluntarily?"

Pei Madang pursed his lips and sighed slightly for a while.

"This is the best place for her."

Best place to stay?

Pei Ran thought so, but Feng Yun didn't. Li Sangruo, it seems that it would be too easy to just die like this.

But according to her temperament, it is impossible to see her nature clearly. If her days are like years, she will definitely have it. In the past, I always had my face by my side, but now I am alone, how can I endure the loneliness?

She smiled, said nothing, lay her body on Pei Man's chest, slowly closed her eyes, and smiled faintly.

"Your Majesty's important matter is over. It's hard for me to sit idle in Xijing. I'll just go back to Andu in two days."

Pei Ran looked down at her and said, "Okay."

He agreed readily, which made Feng Yun feel a little suspicious.

She didn't dare to say anything else, but Pei Ran never liked her leaving his side...

Especially now, he is different from the past. He is the king of a country. When two people get along, although he has not developed the habit of being a king, how can his emotions change?

Feng Yun had many doubts, but she was too sleepy.

She didn't have time to ask anything, so she just lay on Pei Man's chest, let him hold her waist, and slowly fell asleep.


Since May, she has become a little sleepy. Feng Yun feels that she is free. There are few people in the Pei family, the housework is simple, and Pei Yuan is taking care of it, so there is no need for her to worry...

After staying for a few more days, she couldn't sit still anymore and ordered her servants to pack their luggage and prepare for the trip back to Andu.

"My lady, my lady..."

Xiaoman came in happily holding a bouquet of half-full flowers in the garden and told her:

"Do you know that something serious has happened, madam?"

Feng Yun yawned and glanced at her.

"Tell me, what other gossip did you hear?"

Xiaoman snorted cutely, "But this is not gossip. It is widely spread that Empress Dowager Li asked herself to become a monk and became a nun at Huixin Hall..."

Xiaoman's happiness is visible to the naked eye.

But Feng Yun had known the news a long time ago, and his heart was as calm as water at the moment.

"Why are you so happy that she left her home?" Xiao Man said, calming down his smile and glancing at her secretly.

"Madam, don't you want to see Queen Mother Li with her hair shaved off?"

Feng Yun lazily gathered his clothes and glanced at her, "Do you want to see it?"

Xiao Man nodded desperately and vigorously.

"I think. The maid wants to go. Huan'er and Pei'er also want to go! Huan'er said that Queen Mother Li's head is slightly pointed and she must be ugly without hair!"

Feng Yun glanced at her speechlessly.

"Is this what you usually say?"

"We also said..." Xiao Man glanced at her, "We usually say that it would be great if one day we could call you to be your queen. Say hello to the queen, may she be safe, may you wish her well, may you be blessed, may you live forever..."

Feng Yun let out a sigh and narrowed his beautiful eyes.

"Shut up now. Before returning to Andu, I will take you to visit the old nunnery, so that you can gain insights and learn enough..."

Xiao Man and Huan'er looked at each other, smiled and saluted.

"Thank you, madam, for your support."


Huixintang is located on the hillside of Cuiyun Peak, thirty miles outside Xijing City.

What Feng Yun didn't expect was that not only Li Sangruo, but also many concubines from the previous dynasty were sent here together.

However, while others were "cultivating with their hair", only Li Sangruo "asked himself to become a monk". The concubine next to her didn't need to shave her head, but she had her hair shaved off.

She is not yet thirty years old.

At such a young age, he has to spend the rest of his life in this ruined temple?

Pei Ran is too cruel.

Too cruel.

There was no mirror in the nunnery, so Li Sangruo stared at the water in the basin, looking at himself without hair.

Smooth scalp, clean shaven, but still has some short thorns to the touch.

She's not used to it yet, very unaccustomed to it.

Angrily, she subconsciously poked the basin with her finger.

The water rippled slightly.

That thin reflection was swaying on the water, just like her wandering life...

Li Sangruo smiled.

Facing the basin.

She also smiled crazily at the reflection in the basin...

A breeze passed through the window and blew on her blue-gray monk's robe with wide waist and wide sleeves. In the silence, footsteps came from far away and stopped at the door of the room.

The place where Li Sangruo lives is the most secluded part of the nunnery.

She had a palace maid named Mei Xiang with her, but it was not the one who listened to her, but the person Tang Shaogong pointed out to serve her.

Li Sangruo turned his head at the sound of pushing the door and saw Tang Shaogong coming in. When he saw Mei Xiang retreating with her head lowered, her expression immediately changed.

It was cold and seemed to be filled with resentment.

"What else are you doing here? Are you laughing at my joke?"

Tang Shaogong stood in front of her without saying a word, staring at her with cold eyes.

"Get out. Get out now!" Li Sangruo pushed his chest with both hands, his voice trembling with pent-up anger.

"Get out of here, get out of here -"

Normally, Tang Shaogong would not have entangled with her.

If you don't make any remarks, you'll just turn around and leave without saying a single unnecessary word.

But today he didn't leave.

He looked at Li Sangruo with pity in his eyes. He looked at her and was forced to step back by her, but his expression remained unchanged.

Until his back hit the wall and there was no way to retreat, he slowly stretched out his hand, strangled Li Sanruo's arms, and signaled her to calm down.

"Before I leave, let me talk to you."

Li Sangruo sneered.

Those eyes flashed with cold light, as if they were hiding knives.

"Stop being hypocritical. If it weren't for you, how could Pei Madang treat me like this? He has ascended the throne and is the emperor. I should be enjoying the glory and wealth with him in Xijing City at this moment, instead of coming here..."

She glanced around with dissatisfaction, her eyes so sharp that she was almost crazy, "Look at this place, is it a place where people live? Does it look like a place where people live?"

"All this is thanks to you. It's all your fault. Do you know how humble my life is humble that I would rather...have never lived..."

"Do you understand? I would rather die than live here."

"Tang Shaogong, take me back, take me back!"

"I want to see Pei Ran! I want to see Pei Ran!"

The Queen Mother came to court in such a dignified manner and ended up like this.

Li Sangruo couldn't figure out his fate and hated everyone.

She stared at Tang Shaogong fiercely, pleading and insulting one after another.

"What's the use of a man like you? You got me, but you don't even have the means to protect me. You don't deserve it, you don't deserve it... you're a coward, you're a coward!"

Tang Shaogong pursed his lips slightly, and the trace of pity disappeared from his eyes. The warmth disappeared and was replaced by bone-chilling indifference.

"In that case, I will make it happen for you."

His voice was cool and without warmth, he slowly put his arms around Li Sangruo's waist, lowered his head, and sprayed his cold breath on Li Sangruo's white neck...

"You asked for it."

Li Sangruo subconsciously shrank his neck, his hands and feet were cold...

The moment she sensed danger, many thoughts ran through her mind.


The cry for help is just instinct...

Unfortunately, Tang Shaogong's dagger was too fast.

So fast that before she could finish shouting, the tip of the knife pierced her abdomen diagonally...

Li Sangruo frowned in pain, looked at the blood gushing out from his waist and abdomen with disbelief, and slowly raised his eyes.


"I'll help you."

" are are afraid that Pei Ran will know...that you slept with me...he will kill you..."

Tang Shaogong sneered and his eyes turned red.

"I'm going to kill you because you are so dirty... you have stained the Xie family's loyal family, and stained my lord's name..."

Li Sangruo's eyes widened, "What did you say..."

"That's right. You are the daughter of the Xie family, you have always been." Tang Shaogong stared at her coldly, "It's a pity that Pei Madang won't hear it..."

Li Sangruo's eyes were distracted and widened unwillingly. His face was pale and lifeless.

Tang Shaogong has been misleading her all this time. She was made to think that "Xie's daughter" was just a temporary measure, an excuse used by Tang Shaogong to deceive Pei Madang into trusting her.

" lied to me?"

"Because -" Tang Shaogong's expression remained unchanged, the fierce murderous aura in his eyes became more and more intense, as if he might penetrate her at any time.

"You do not deserve."


Tang Shaogong raised his arm forward.

Li Sangruo spat out a mouthful of blood.

Just at this moment, Mei Xiang's shout came from outside.

"The princess is here... Your Highness is still taking a nap... Please wait a moment, I will report..."

Li Sangruo could no longer hear what he said again.

But Tang Shaogong's face changed color in front of him.



Mei Xiang's screams echoed throughout the nunnery.

Feng Yun and Xiao Man looked at each other, stepped forward, pulled away Mei Xiang who was trembling with fear, stepped over the threshold, and walked towards the woman lying in a pool of blood.

"Xiaoman, save people." (End of chapter)

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