Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 571 Imperial Decree to Move the Capital

Ao Zai escaped within a quarter of an hour after returning to Huaxi.

Xiao Man smiled and said, "He must be looking for his little wife again."

The maids were busy packing their luggage, chattering and laughing.

Feng Yun sat down lazily, looked at them, propped up his forehead, and waved his hands dizzily, "Go and prepare some water. I'll wash up and take a nap first."

All the maids responded.

Feng Yun raised his eyes again and ordered Xiaoman.

"It's been a long journey and I'm really tired. I don't want anyone to bother me these days."

Xiao Man was slightly surprised.

Usually when the wife comes back from a long trip, she has to meet with the stewards and shopkeepers of each shop and shop without stopping, and she also has to go through the account books one by one, never getting tired.

Why are you so tired this time?

Since last month, my wife has suddenly become unfamiliar with her.

She used to take care of everything in the house, and my wife never avoided her. Nowadays, the wife often avoids her, especially on those days of the month, she is even more cautious, as if she is afraid that she will be contaminated by something...

Xiao Man was slightly disappointed.

What's more, I didn't expect that my wife has been so tired that she has been living in seclusion since then. She rarely goes out. She seems to have lost some energy. She doesn't like to have maids around to serve her anymore. She often stays alone in the room. No one was seen for a long time.

People in Nagato rarely see her face.

On the contrary, Yao Ru went to his wife's room and asked for Ping'an Pulse twice within ten days. He was locked in the room for an hour or two each time, mysteriously...

Everyone was panicked.

Could it be that the lady has some fatal symptoms and is deliberately hiding them from them?


Are you depressed because Your Majesty did not appoint a queen?

On the day Feng Yun came back, Chun Yuyan was scorned by her. She went back to feel angry for half a month and didn't bother to see him. On the day before leaving Andu, after hearing these bad things, he changed his schedule and returned to Yunzhuang. He asked Qu Ding to prepare the business account books and come to see him.

Feng Yun was very considerate and met him in the study.

"I really feel sorry for keeping the prince waiting for so long."

"Xiao Man, serve tea——"

She sat leisurely behind the wooden desk with a lazy posture and a faint smile on her lips.

The wind entered the flower window and carried the fragrance of flowers across her face, which was as white as jade. There was an indescribable tenderness.

When Chun Yuyan encountered that smile, all the anger in his belly instantly disappeared.

"Feng Twelve...are you okay?"

He suspected that Feng Twelve was out of his mind.

Or perhaps he was driven crazy by Pei Ran.

He smiled lightly, as he was accustomed to, in a playful and appeasing manner.

"You feel like a different person since you came back from Xijing. How come you are so weird? Are you sick?"

Feng Yun chuckled lightly, "I've been a little lazy recently and haven't entertained you well. There's no need for the prince to curse me like this."

Chunyu Yan choked and looked away.

"Who cursed you, I care..."

He looked quite uncomfortable, and his ears were strangely flushed.

This is not what he wanted to say...

He, Chun Yuyan, has always been unkind and unkind, how could he care about others?

I couldn't say it, so I said it again.

His heart beat faster for a moment, and he didn't dare to look into Feng Yun's eyes.

Feng Yun frowned slightly, "Your Majesty, what are you doing? You and I have been dealing with each other for so many years. Business matters should be handled according to the rules... If anything happens in the future, you can make your own decision without consulting me."

Chunyu Yan was startled, turned to look at her, and hummed lightly.

"You just don't want to see me."

Feng Yun restrained his expression and looked at him with twinkling eyes.

Chun Yuyan was slightly startled, "Did I say something wrong?"

Feng Yun said: "Your Majesty, I am already a wife. Such ambiguous words are inconsistent with etiquette and may cause trouble. From now on, Your Majesty, please don't say it again."

Chunyu Yan's hot chest felt as if a ladle of cold water had been poured on it.

All concern is like a joke.

There was also a cold air that seemed to come up from his heels, which made him feel extremely panicked for no reason.

In the past, he often joked, and Feng Twelve would also talk about him, even scold him, and ridicule him. His words were much sharper than today, but he had never felt like this.

This moment is different.

Feng Yun's cold eyes and his alienating expression were no longer the same as before.

Chun Yuyan felt that the person in front of him was no longer Feng Twelve.

Not the Feng Twelve in his heart.

"Sure enough, today is different from the past. It seems that I have to address you as queen?"

She has not yet been crowned queen, and these words are nothing but mockery.

Feng Yun glanced at him, raised his brows slightly, and smiled at the corners of his lips.

"According to your good words, I hope that day will come."

Their eyes met, Chun Yuyan looked at the blazing light in her eyes, and his heart gradually became cold. The unwarranted ridicule flowed out uncontrollably.

"Feng Twelve, it turns out that you are not exempt from the secular world. When Pei Wangzhi ascended the throne, did your soul fly to the sky? Is it him who you love, or the power in his hands?"

Feng Yun looked at him and smiled.

"Yes, I love power, and I love powerful men. The satisfaction and pleasure he can bring me are unmatched by others... From body to heart, no one can replace me."

Chunyu Yan's eyes darkened and he stared at her.


She must be crazy.

Only then would he say such disrespectful words in front of others.

"Are you willing to destroy your reputation in order to get rid of me?"

Feng Yun's expression remained unchanged and he smiled brightly.

"Your Majesty, you are too worried. What I say is true. Please don't be sentimental and misunderstand my husband."

Chunyu Yan's heart ached slightly.

He was very fortunate that the cold light of the mask covered him from shame and humiliation.

No one would see the turbulent emotions in his heart...

He had seen from many years ago that in his heart, Feng Yun was an outstanding woman. All her "differences from others" were magnified advantages that expanded in his heart over and over again until she could completely support the whole heart. Can't let go of anything else.

For many years, he struggled.

Chun Yuyan thought he was unlucky at first.

I also hated the humiliation she brought.

Later I convinced myself...

This is luck.

Feng Twelve has such charm. What's wrong with letting her influence his emotions? When I think of her, there will always be some sweetness. Occasionally, I can make a joke and talk about business matters, so that's it...

But she must break all this.

Break all his illusions.

"Why?" He laughed at himself, "Why do you have to be so cruel? You want me to give up, right?"

Feng Yun's face was expressionless, but there was a smile in his dark eyes, a smile that no one could see through.

"I never care whether the prince gives up or not."

She paused for a moment and lowered her eyes, not looking at Chun Yuyan's rather injured eyes.

"I just don't want to be disturbed by others anymore. The prince is a very noble person, so you should take care of yourself."

"Feng Twelve!"

Chun Yuyan stood up, his mask reflecting the cold light and looking particularly cold.

She was dressed in noble and luxurious clothes, swaying lightly in the breeze, looking a little desolate.

"You hate me so much and don't tolerate me? Even if you know that I...why are you so entangled?"

Having said this, he stopped, glanced at the people around him, and gritted his teeth secretly, not daring to mention that unspeakable secret in public.

"I never expected that you would harm me to this extent, and you wouldn't even give me a glimmer of mercy..."

Chunyu Yan's eyes were sore and he lost his composure in frustration.

"No light will be given to me."

he repeated.

When he saw Feng Yun, he was sitting there upright, his face beautiful but not changed at all.

It was as if he was quietly watching a clown's play, without being moved at all by his sadness.

The feeling of being out of breath became a little stronger.

Chun Yuyan took a deep breath, and the clamoring dignity in his chest swelled, and he was not allowed to show any mercy to this woman.

Silently, he glanced at Feng Yun, pointed at the pile of account books with a sneer, and avoided looking.

"Qu Ding, you stay and reconcile the account with the empress. Remember, the empress is of high status, and things are different now. The delivery is clear, and from now on... don't cooperate anymore."

He just left.

The steps are hurried and very fast.

It's like if you take a step slower, something will grab you back...

Feng Yun didn't say a word.

His eyes followed the tall figure until he disappeared from his eyes, then he looked back and smiled faintly at Qu Ding.

"Mr. Qu, I'm done."

Qu Ding was embarrassed and emotional at the same time. He sighed heavily, nodded, and saluted Feng Yun.



Chun Yuyan left Huaxi that night.

He left very resolutely. In the huge Yunzhuang, only a housekeeper and a few servants who looked after the house were left behind. The rest were all taken away, as if they had never been there.

It wasn't just once or twice that he got angry with Feng Yun, and it was even more common for him to get angry.

But this time, it's true...

It took a long time for the people of Huaxi to discover that the mysterious Yunzhuang was closing its doors day by day and was no longer open to receive distinguished guests, just like a ghost house.

And the eccentric Crown Prince Yunchuan, together with his arrogant subordinates and servants, seemed to have disappeared in Huaxi overnight.

The public has been discussing this for several days.

But today's Huaxi is expanding again and again, with more people coming and going, and there is something new every day.

Soon, no one talked about him anymore.

People seemed to have completely forgotten about Prince Yunchuan. Occasionally, when someone passed by Yunzhuang, they would point and say something mysteriously...

"This house belongs to Yunchuan people."

"Prince Yunchuan has lived here for a long time."

Feng Yun got the news the day after Chun Yuyan left.

She said nothing and was not affected by him.

The maids found that the lady took care of her body more than before. She would personally take care of the daily meals, and would even prepare some recipes and give them to the stove.

Grandma Han was very happy to see this and stared at the cook preparing meals for her all day long.

Feng Yun did not disgrace his mission. His face became rounder and rounder, and his waist became visibly plump...

Most people don't get fat.

Being fat will ruin everything.

But they were surprised to find that the lady was actually better-looking even when she was fat. She also seemed to be a little gentler, more smiley, and easy-going. Her whole body seemed to be bathed in the sunshine, and she no longer had the sharp and resolute appearance she had before.

During Feng Yun's days in Huaxi, he did not correspond frequently with Xijing.

Xiaoman had taken a sneak peek and found out that the lady and His Majesty had some correspondence, but the words in the letters were mostly simple...

Two people who were so loving were not even as nice as the letters between her and Zuo Zhong.

Xiaoman is someone close to Feng Yun, and she is the one who can most intuitively feel the changes in Feng Yun...

But people outside think completely different.

At first, people saw that Feng Yun didn't like to go out, and they had various speculations.

In the end, almost everyone unanimously agreed——

Feng Twelfth Mother has become ill with worry.


Of course it's a matter of course.

She was Pei Madang's first wife. She was supposed to be a honorable wife and reach heaven in one step. Who would have thought that she would be sent back to Huaxi?

Pei Madang didn't establish a queen, didn't divorce his wife, and didn't even have a title. Everyone else felt sorry for her, let alone herself?

He must be feeling extremely uncomfortable to be so abnormal.

People understood what Feng Yun had done, and the situation in the Yong Dynasty Hall became much warmer because of Feng Yun's departure and Pei Madang's cold treatment.

All matters in the court were entangled and needed to be resolved urgently. After all, the emperor was still young and had a fickle temper. He had already compromised on the matter of Feng Twelve Niang, so the courtiers could not push him too hard.

So I no longer mentioned the matter of establishing a queen and choosing a concubine, but worked conscientiously and stayed in public all day and night...

New dynasty and new atmosphere.

Two months later, before the autumn wind, everything in the new dynasty has changed.

The three provinces and six ministries each perform their duties, and the world is clear and orderly...

The court affairs were all sorted out, and the courtiers finally breathed a sigh of relief after working hard for so long. They were about to bring up the old matters again, but unexpectedly Pei Ran spoke first.

As soon as he spoke out, he issued an edict directly.

"Since ancient times, emperors have inherited the mandate of heaven and governed the people. They must choose an auspicious place to build their capital to appease the country and establish a new foundation.

Although the old capital was the place where dragons prospered in the past dynasties, it can no longer reach its former prosperity.

I observe the general trend of the world and review the changes in ancient and modern times. The most important thing for cities and towns is to consolidate the land and fertile territory and to block the thoroughfares.

Andu was the capital of the former dynasty, with beautiful mountains and rivers, outstanding people, bounded by hills as a screen, a long river to guard, connected to the sea, and connected to nine roads. When it is in harmony with the sky, it welcomes people and has a newly built palace that is idle, which is exactly what I want.

That is, from the date of the edict, Si Tianjian was instructed to choose a good and auspicious day to move the capital to Andu, so as to calm the hearts of the people, strengthen the foundation of the country, and lay the foundation of Dayong for all generations.

Since I ascended the throne, I have eradicated old disadvantages, promoted benefits and eliminated harms, and all loyal ministers and kind words are doing good. With this one move, I have made up my mind and there is no need to say anything more.

Those who offer suggestions and suggestions will be generously rewarded.

Those who do not understand my heart will have their own consequences.

Announce it to the world, and the envoys will hear about it. Admire this! "

After hearing the edict, the courtiers in Chongzheng Palace were all stunned and caught off guard.

The decree was spread all over the world, and the whole world was in an uproar.

I have to work on some information tonight, and also work on the next plot.

Today is a long chapter, sisters, take a rest early...

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