Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 573 The Emperor Arrives

Feng Yun gave a faint hum, and raised his eyes lightly, looking at the pine cone wind chimes hanging by the window, with a trace of imperceptible tenderness in his eyes.

The sun shines through and shines on the wind chimes, and the shadows are mottled, like a circle of delicate ripples.

After a moment, she sighed quietly.

"I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

Xiaoman's eyes widened and he didn't understand the lady's thoughts at all.

"This is a good thing, how can it be a bad thing? My wife has a little prince, and if Your Majesty knew about it, I don't know how happy he would be..."

Feng Yun curled his lips, "Yeah."

She was still very sure of this.

This thing in the belly will definitely be liked by Pei Ran...

But for some reason, she has always dreamed of Qu'er since she was pregnant.

In the dream, it was every detail of their mother and son getting along in Qigong...

Then you wake up feeling guilty.

Will he be unhappy if she has another child?

Just like when she gave birth to Yu, she could see a flash of pain in Qu'er's eyes.

It's just that Qu'er is too sensible, so sensible that it's heartbreaking...

Even if she felt bitter in her heart, she wouldn't express it, making her worry about him.

Xiaoman had no idea what Feng Yun was thinking and happily made arrangements. If you want to make some small clothes, a small hat, or a small pair of shoes, you can do it excitedly.

Feng Yun couldn't laugh or cry.

She held Xiaoman's hand to calm her down.

"Don't do anything, just don't know."

Xiaoman was puzzled, "Why? I don't understand."

Feng Yun's eyes were slightly raised, "Have you forgotten the defense map of Xijing found on Duan Wu's body in the wing of Pei Mansion?"

Xiaoman was stunned, "I understand."

There are people in Xijing who would do such a big thing without anyone noticing.

In Nagato, it's not impossible.

"My wife is right."

The relationship between this child and the baby is very important, but it is too delicate to cause any trouble.

As long as the lady gives birth to a little prince, she can shut up those gossips. From then on, no one would believe in the lady's status.

Xiaoman clasped his hands eagerly, "But it must be a little prince. Bodhisattva bless you, Amitabha. Amitabha, Bodhisattva bless you."

Feng Yun glanced at her, "Is my daughter not doing well?"

"It's not a bad thing." Xiaoman pouted, "If we were in Nagato, the girls would also be excellent. But His Majesty is the emperor..."

She couldn't speak anymore for fear that Feng Yun would be angry.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Go and prepare food. I'm hungry."


Pei acted wildly and acted vigorously and resolutely.

After the imperial edict was issued, Si Tianjian was optimistic about the auspicious day almost on the same day.

The time is set for the Mid-Autumn Festival in August.

"The moonlight is like a train, and the clear light fills the courtyard. It is an auspicious day when heaven and earth are in harmony, and yin and yang are harmonious. Moving to a new house, bringing good luck, and receiving auspicious blessings will surely bless me, the great Yong, prosperous for thousands of years, long-lasting blessings, and endless eternity. decline."

Pei Ran waved his pen and said, "Yes."

too fast!

This is the common thought of the courtiers.

But what kind of temper Pei Ran is, everyone knows that the court was cleaned up not long ago, and those who can still stand in front of Pei Ran to discuss matters with the emperor are those who surrender to him.

Life is just fine, but who wants to be tortured and killed, and their bodies exposed in the wild?


Talk about accommodating!


Feng Yun waited for the sun to set the next evening, and took a carriage to Andu to look at the house.

Pei Ran's house has been completed and is very close to the expanded palace.

The houses are all brand new and have never been lived in. Outside the palace, many people are watching and pointing.

Further away, there are many craftsmen busy.

It used to be used as a companion, but the emperor never came to stay for a day. Now that the new emperor has taken over, everything that needs to be repaired, repaired, and added needs to be added as soon as possible...

Everything is going step by step and in order.

Obviously, Pei Madang didn't just make a sudden decision, but had a plan.

The crowd was discussing enthusiastically, but no one noticed Feng Yun's carriage.

She looked quietly for a moment and then ordered Ge Guang.

"Let's go."

The carriage moved slowly and the curtains swayed lightly.

Feng Yun's eyes were half closed and a little distracted.

No matter what the outside world thinks, it is said that Emperor Jing Ning is bowing down to beauty...

Feng Yun didn't believe it.

Even if there is her factor, it will not be the absolute factor.

If Pei Madang was really such a dim-witted emperor who had no regard for the safety of the country and the people's well-being, and moved the capital just for a woman, she would look down on him.

Then, Pei Madang had other plans.

Now the world is at peace and there has been no war for several years.

But peace will not last forever.

Andu's location is here...

Does that mean Pei Mad wants to be the master of everyone in the world?



When Feng Yun's carriage drove in, she saw Xing Bing and Hou Zhun waiting for her.

Guan Wei also came, holding her little daughter who had just learned to walk, and followed Hou Zhun.

After getting married, she lived in the tribe camp in Xiaojieqiu, which was now greatly expanded. As the coach, Hou Zhun had his own house, and she lived a very comfortable life.

But the joy of returning to "my parents' home" is completely different.

As soon as Feng Yun opened the curtain of the carriage, Guan Wei's eyes lit up.

"Jin Zhi, my wife is back, call her quickly..."

Little Jinzhi has just learned to call her father and mother, but the words are not so clear, and the word "mother" seems vague and cute.

Everyone laughed together.

Guan Wei took one look at Feng Yun and stayed there.

"Madam, why are you..."

"You've gained weight." Feng Yun interrupted her, so as not to arouse unwarranted speculation, and glanced at Xing Bing and Hou Zhun.

"Let's talk in the study."

Hou Zhun came to Changmen in person, so he naturally had something to say.

The two of them bowed and followed Feng Yun, not paying attention to anything else.

But Guan Wei was a woman after all. She stared at Feng Yun's back, looked at her carefully for a few times, and shook her head.

That's not right.

How could my wife gain so much weight?


Hou Zhun was a straightforward man. He sat down and took a sip of tea, and then spoke frankly.

"Today we came to see you, my lady, to discuss the matter of His Majesty moving the capital."

Feng Yun nodded, "Go ahead."

Hou Zhun looked at her calm face and said seriously, "There are no outsiders here, so I won't beat around the bush. My lady, the Mei Ling troops have always attracted the attention of the court. It was okay when the capital was in Xijing before, as the emperor was far away. As long as His Majesty didn't pursue it, he would just turn a blind eye and let it go."

Xing Bing nodded, "Yes."

Hou Zhun said again, "Once the capital is moved to Andu, it will be at the feet of the emperor. It's possible that the Mei Ling troops will become a thorn in the eyes of the court. I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

Over the years, the number of Mei Ling troops has exceeded 30,000. With generals like Hou Zhun, they are trained completely according to the regular army...

It can be said that this is already a team with extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Although the outside world does not know the number of troops, everything is based on speculation, but everyone knows that Feng Yun has a group of private soldiers in Xiaojieqiu.

Even if Pei Jue didn't think about it, what about the court officials?

Hou Zhun was an experienced person and understood the situation very well.

How could anyone sleep soundly beside the bed?

A memorial today, an impeachment tomorrow.

Will His Majesty really remain unmoved after a long time?

Feng Yun looked at them and smiled.

"I understand your concerns. In the future, we must be more cautious in our words and deeds. As long as the court can't find any fault with us, it won't matter. When recovering Yecheng, Mei Ling's troops made great contributions. They were also rewarded by the court."

Hou Zhun sighed.

There are not many things that use people to move forward and not use people to move backward? A lot.

Xing Bing asked: "I have a question. What if His Majesty asks you to hand over Mei Ling's troops and let the court recruit them?"

Feng Yun smiled, "Changmen's troops can only be Changmen's."

The two exchanged glances, understood her meaning, and bowed together.

"I obey your orders."


August 15th is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

According to custom and the practices of previous years, Changmen will offer livestock sacrifices on this day, cook sheep and slaughter pigs and ducks, celebrate well, and then wait until nightfall to worship the moon together.

This Mid-Autumn Festival is destined to be extraordinary.

Ten days ago, the county officials began to prepare for the big event of welcoming the emperor.

Repair bridges and pave roads, sweep the streets, not only officials at all levels must be present to welcome, but also a group of people must be selected from scholars, farmers, merchants and businessmen to welcome the new emperor.

Before dawn, the intersection outside Andu City was crowded with people.

Soldiers stood on both sides of the road, the crowd was dense, and they watched from both sides of the road. People squeezed people, sweating but unwilling to move half a step.

It's not that they haven't seen the current emperor.

But they haven't seen the current emperor who has become the emperor.

Curious, excited, crowded like ants on a hot pot...

The jailer came over with a clapper and knocked it heavily.

"Silence! Silence!"

"Do not make loud noises!"


"Do not bump into the emperor!"


"Do not fight or walk!"


"Keep solemn!"

The jailer who knocked the gong did his duty, but he stopped at certain places. As soon as he left, the crowd started to whisper and it was impossible to control him.

Until the horses' hooves flew on the official road, and a loud shout whistled over the eardrums.

"Your Majesty has arrived--"

The crowd's attention was attracted by the rolling tide of the emperor's ceremonial guards.

Pei Cong did not ride a horse today, but a carriage.

He was guarded by rows of neatly arranged imperial guards, six horses abreast, and the emperor's majesty, from far to near, slowly walked in the whistling wind, in the crowd of people lining the road to welcome him...

Pei Cong narrowed his black eyes slightly.

Standing steady, sitting high in the carriage, his cold and solemn eyes swept the crowd carelessly.

He saw a lot of people from Changmen.

I just didn’t see Feng Yun’s familiar face.

Damn it, he didn’t even come to pick me up.

This really gave him a “surprise”? (End of this chapter)

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