Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 86: Borrowing a Knife to Kill

The four looked at each other.

Feng Yun looked at Puyang Yi calmly and greeted her generously, "I'm sorry to make you laugh."

Puyang Yi didn't smile, she groaned and turned back to knock on the carriage.

"Why don't you come down and meet your uncle..."

After a pause, she looked at Feng Yun, "Uncle's concubine."

The carriage curtain opened.

Two children aged six or seven jumped out.

They looked like twins, reluctant on their faces, and their voices were even more angry.

"You're not my aunt, why should I call you..."

Feng Yun didn't pay attention to what the children said, and her eyes were still looking at the carriage.

There were still people on it.

They could sit in the carriage of Pingyuan County Lord without saying a word, so they were certainly not servants.

Before she could think about it, the two children suddenly widened their eyes.


The two children said in unison, very excited.

Feng Yun looked back.

The young man frowned, tall and slender, with a sharp aura.

This sharpness was originally directed at Feng Yun. When he saw the two children, he stopped and looked like he saw a ghost.

"A Zuo, A You? Why are you in Andu?"

The two children were not afraid of Ao Qi. They stuck out their tongues at him, ran over one after the other, and hugged Ao Qi.

"We want to learn from our brother and fight with our uncle..."

"Fight a ghost!" Ao Qi pinched their faces hard, "How could your father and mother agree to you coming to Andu?"

The two children were very proud and glanced at Puyang Yi.

Puyang Yi raised her eyebrows, "I found it when I was almost at Andu County. It's not good to abandon it halfway, right? If you want to send it back, you should do it. This county lord doesn't have the patience."

Ao Qi believed her, Puyang Yi was just afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

He pulled the two children, "Go back, I will send someone to take you back."

"No, we won't go back."

"Brother, my brother and I won't go back, okay..."

"Be obedient, Zuo and You be obedient."

The two children pestered Ao Qi and started to yell.

Ao Qi refused to pay attention, and asked Ye Chuang to come and pick them up with a gloomy face.

Zuo suddenly pouted his lips in grievance and glanced at the carriage.

"Sister-in-law didn't say anything, brother is so fierce..."

Sister-in-law? Ao Qi's eyelids jumped.

The carriage, which had been silent for a long time, opened a thin gap again.

There was a woman sitting inside. The light in the carriage was dim, and she was deliberately avoiding it, so it was not very clear.

But the voice was thin and very soft, "My husband has something to do, so I will take care of Zuo and You first."

The two children immediately felt like they had something to rely on, and raised their lips to hum at Ao Qi.

"We came with my cousin and sister-in-law, they will take care of us."

Ao Qi finally came to his senses.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

He subconsciously glanced at Feng Yun, not knowing whether to explain to the two children or to Feng Yun.

"Brother is not married yet, how can there be a sister-in-law?"

The child smiled.

A Zuo said: "Mother said that when brother returns to Zhongjing, he will marry sister-in-law. Sooner or later, he will call her sister-in-law. Why are you embarrassed, brother?"

A You said: "A Zuo is right, sooner or later, she will be sister-in-law..."

Ao Qi was almost mad at them.

The girl in the carriage coughed lightly and spoke again.

"Children speak without restraint, why should you be angry with them, young man."

Ao Qi stopped talking, bowed to the carriage, glared at the two children, and then walked towards Feng Yun.

"I will accompany the girl to meet the Yuan family."

He hurried over when he got the news.

Unexpectedly, it would be like this...

At this time, Ao Qi was in a state of panic. It was like a small flame burning in his heart, which made him feel hot and could not be extinguished.

He was afraid that Shi Er Niang would think too much and believed his sister-in-law's words, but it was unnecessary to explain to her.

Because Feng Yun was standing there, watching calmly, without any waves in her eyes.

She didn't care.

This discovery made Ao Qi very depressed.


Feng Yun looked at the mist in his eyes and smiled.

"Don't worry about the Yuan family, I have my own way to deal with it."

Ao Qi shook his head, his eyes were full of struggle, and his eyes were red with anxiety.

"I didn't mean to say that..."

"Guard Ao." Feng Yun glanced at the carriage that drove into the mansion. Two children were sitting on it happily, waving and calling "brother" all the time, very anxious, and Ao Qi was still following her foolishly.

She was a little funny.

"With He Gongcao here, nothing will happen here. Go and see your brother and sister-in-law."


Ao Qi wanted to say something. At this moment, he even had the idea of ​​grabbing Feng Yun's hand and leaving Andu far away, leaving these annoying and worldly absurd ideas...

But his feet were nailed to the ground, his mouth couldn't open, and he couldn't be so willful.

Ao Qi bowed his head, "Okay."

Feng Yun turned sideways and walked up the steps. As he was heading to the government hall, a scream suddenly came from inside.

"Where did this ugly monster come from? Do you want to scare people to death in broad daylight?"

It was Puyang Yi's shout.

In order to create a tragic scene of being bullied by Feng Yun, the Yuan family carried Yuan Dalang to the door of the government hall. He didn't change his bloody clothes, and several servants were also in messy clothes, as if they were begging for food.

Pingyuan County Lord had a bad temper. When he saw this when he went in, he immediately cursed.

He Qia looked at these ancestors and was in a big trouble.

What if he bumped into the daughter of the eldest princess?

He Qia was about to rush forward to comfort and explain when Feng Yun stopped him.

"Congratulations to Cao."

Feng Yun walked towards him and smiled softly.

"The general said that when the sword is not powerful enough, it is a good strategy to kill someone with a borrowed sword."

Kill someone with a borrowed knife?

He Qia was not stupid, he understood it as soon as he heard it.

There is indeed a good knife readily available.

"But the knife is not in my hand and I can't control it, so what should I do?"

Feng Yun said: "The sword is dead, but the person is alive. As long as He Jun uses it properly, why worry about the blade being bad?"

She glanced at Pu Yangyi and whispered a few words to He Qia.

He Qia immediately became happy and said, "High, very wonderful."

After receiving the opportunity from Feng Yun, He Qia shook his sleeves, stepped forward in two or three steps, cupped his hands, and apologized with a grimace.

"County Lord, please calm down. County Lord, please calm down. This is the victim who came to complain..."

After that, he didn't wait for the Yuan family to say anything, and then told what happened in Yutangchun, focusing on Yuan Dalang's heartlessness, immorality, and unreasonable troubles. Wen Hui will suffer a loss if no one upholds justice.

"That's unreasonable!" What does Pu Yangyi hate most right now?

A heartless man! Immoral man! Unreasonable man!

In her eyes, this Yuan Dalang has the same bad character as her bitch man who died in Huajieliu Lane.

"A dignified man who signed the contract and refused to acknowledge it, I say, deserves to be beaten to death! Yu Tangchun was kind enough to spare his life."

He Qia sneered, "This... I called both parties to the scene today because I want to mediate the conflict..."

Pu Yangyi was annoyed, "I think you are just a weak official, why are you trying to mediate? Just beat him to death and carry him away, so as not to stain the eyes of this county king."

He Qia knew that the effect of "borrowing the knife" had been achieved, so he smiled slightly and continued to add fuel to the fire.

"Andu has been decided for the first time. The general will implement benevolent policies for Your Majesty. Peace should be the most important thing in everything..."

He also winked at the Yuan family, signaling them to beg for mercy quickly, otherwise they would be beaten to death.

The old man of the Yuan family trembled and let his two servants support him, walked over and bowed deeply.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to speak... Yu Tangchun was violent in the street and beat Lao Cheng's grandson like this, but he actually instigated the people to take action. This move seemed to be venting anger, but in fact it was not to put our family in danger. In his eyes, if He Jun doesn’t deal with the murderer, he will be ridiculed by all the famous families in the world.”

His words were soft yet hard.

If the Jin court wants to govern Andu and other counties well, it is absolutely impossible to offend all the wealthy families.

This is not in the interest of the Jin royal family.

He Qia quickly handed over the "Book of Ten Thousand Words".

Pu Yangyi didn't even look at it and sneered.

"According to you, what is the appropriate way to deal with it?"

Mr. Yuan said: "Yu Tangchun will return the land deed, and the matter will be settled..."

Pu Yangyi suddenly turned his head and looked at Feng Yun who said nothing, "What do you say, Yu Tangchun?"

"Easy to say." Feng Yun stepped forward with a smile and spoke calmly.

"We at Yutangchun don't want to embarrass the county prince and He Gongcao. The land deed can be returned, but there is one condition..."

After saying that, she turned back and asked Wen Hui, "Which hand of Yuan Dalang made the mark on the deed?"

Wen Hui: "Right hand."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said with a very tolerant smile:

"That's easy to handle. As long as Mr. Yuan cuts off Hua's right hand on the spot, we Yutangchun can pretend that the deed does not exist. Return the land deed and everything will be cleared."

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