Nameless King

Chapter 1024 The Trouble

The Progenitor's energy was on its way to find its master. It was definitely going to take some time, perhaps as little as a couple of years, maybe hundreds, but the most important thing was the beginning.

Moreover, every Plant, once again, was convinced that Arden was a worthy ruler. Even though he didn't want to be King, that could no longer be changed as it was what the people in their hearts wanted. Until the one who absorbed the energy of the Progenitor appeared, Arden would be the ruler of the Plant World.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Sven clapped his hands slowly, with a serious expression and a sincere easy smile on his face.

"Unbelievable. I'm actually shocked. Perhaps your heart is purer than my energy, and that's the highest praise I'm capable of." Sven said quietly, continuing to clap.

Marlis and Osvald exchanged glances, then they joined Sven, beginning to clap their hands.

Gradually, the Plants began to do the same, they all agreed that Arden deserved it, he was worthy of receiving a round of applause in his honor as their new King.

Arden didn't know how to respond to this. For most of his life, he had power and definitely power, but in the end, he was a guardian who remained in the shadow of the Queen. It was his role and duty that he was bound to fulfill. However, he was now the center of the whole world's attention.

"Arden..." Sven spoke briefly in a deep voice.

"Agh...?" Arden turned around.

"I'm glad it ended that way, but I think you understand that I can't leave without a dew. At the very least, it would mean that Olax would know that something didn't go according to plan. In that case you will be in for another disaster, and no one will be able to help you." Sven said calmly, Arden straight in the eye.

Arden gulped. He was not frightened that he had to give up the most valuable resource of all Plant World, it was expected since that was what Sven and the others had come here for.

"Khm! I think you need to make a decision right now." Marlis coughed, "We've already spent more time than necessary."

"Arden..." The man in the long green robe muttered with a complicated expression, "If we lose the dew this century, the next generation will be weak... It will be a great blow to our race..."

The villagers frowned as their faces grew dark. They clenched their fists tightly and stared at Sven, who floated in the air like a god.

He had revealed the true face of their queen and perhaps saved them from future disaster, he had made it possible for Arden to become their king, but he was still their enemy. It was Sven, along with Marlis and Osvald, who started the chain of events that led to this result.

The Plants had mixed emotions, they could not hate Sven for what he had done, but he was definitely not their ally either. They just wanted him out of their world as much as possible and never to return. This desire was shared by everyone, the weakest and the strongest.

"Don't worry, as your new King I know how to solve this problem." Arden said confidently as if the plan was already in his head.


Everyone was puzzled, as the inhabitants' eyes went wide. Sven, Marlis, and Osvald were surprised too, they didn't understand how Arden could solve this.

'Hmm, I wonder what he came up with? Crystal Mind Dew is definitely not a resource he can restore. It's a unique thing.' Wain pondered, looking at Arden curiously. He was sure Arden wasn't lying.

Arden smiled, 'Frankly, a few minutes ago I wouldn't have known what to answer. But, thanks to the support of all of you, I now have that opportunity."

Everyone still didn't understand anything, but suddenly Arden's eyes sparkled with brilliance, and massive streams of golden energy came out of his body.

Arden didn't use his Form or anything else, his energy only increased, the huge currents were only a small part that his body couldn't contain.

Sven's eyes grew wider.

"I see... You've been on the God Stage, and it looks like you've been on its edge for a long time, doesn't it? Now with the energy of all those Plants, you've reached a breakthrough and broken through the barrier, right?" Sven asked, staring at Arden.

Arden smiled slightly and nodded, "Can't hide anything from you, right? I may be a long way from your level, but I know how to use my new powers."

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.I think you should take a look at

The space around Arden trembled as he moved rapidly from the God Stage to the Transcendence Stage. It was an event most could only see once in a lifetime, so millions of residents never took their eyes off Arden.

His appearance immediately changed, as his black hair became longer and his eyes golden.


Arden flailed his arms, pointing one palm toward the other, but not squeezing, as if there were something between his hands, though there was an emptiness.

At the same moment, huge masses of energy headed toward Arden, as new streams began to emerge from his body. They all followed to a single point, gradually forming a tiny golden orb between his hands that rapidly increased in size.

Everyone understood what Arden was trying to do. He had a lot of energy, so he was trying to use it to replace Crystal Mind Dew, or rather its effect.

'Hmm... As I understood the main purpose of Crystal Mind Dew is to fill the entire Plant World, with extra energy that will help all Plants to develop especially future generations. Arden cannot create a new Crystal Mind Dew, but he can share his energy. Well... I doubt he can do it.' Wain shrugged his shoulders.

He liked the way the situation was unfolding and the fate of the Plant World was quite poetic, but they all had to keep in mind that they lived in a brutal real world.

Wain clearly understood that Arden did not have the energy to do this, even though he was now at the peak of his powers and would no longer have that much energy at the moment.

Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

All over Arden's body, tiny cuts suddenly opened up from which blood gushed out. His body struggled to keep enough pressure at one point to create a golden orb.

The inhabitants shuddered with horror. They could not believe that this was happening and that Arden had already sacrificed himself for them.

"Wait! Arden! It's not worth it! One hundred years we can survive without Crystal Mind Dew! Our world will just have a little less energy, but that's fixable!" A man in a long green robe exclaimed with a worried expression.

The inhabitants joined him, in fact, none of them were willing to sacrifice their new King for any resource, even the most valuable in their world.

However, Arden did not heed them. He continued to siphon energy from his body, increasing the pressure between his hands to compress the energy. His gaze quickly became emaciated, and wounds continued to open all over his body.

Sven's gaze became deep. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't help Arden since they were of different races. The energy in the sphere had to be pure to favor Plant World.

'Damn... Will his selflessness not be rewarded...' Sven muttered inwardly with a complicated expression, 'I didn't think I would feel anything like this, but I really would be sorry if it ended so tragically.'

It seemed that Arden's fate was sealed since he was the only one who could stop it, but he wasn't going to.


Suddenly there was a powerful current of wind that brought with it millions of petals that appeared out of nowhere.

Each petal headed towards the inhabitants, exactly one petal per inhabitant.

ƥ The Plants were puzzled, this had never happened before, and they didn't understand what was going on, no one did except one man.

"Hahaha, that's why I love this world!" Wain smirked, looking at the invisible streams of energy that emanated from each petal and linking them into one unified network, the center of which was headed for Arden.

After a while Sven guessed what was going on and his eyes went wide.

"Well... Looks like you're an amazing man since the world itself decided to use its hidden reserves to help you..." Sven muttered with a dazed expression, though Arden couldn't hear him, he was completely focused on his mission. 

Petals and invisible bundles of energy summoned the very core of the Plant World. Normally, the world never took part in anything, but in exceptional cases, it could use its energy to restore which would take a very long time.

Each inhabitant was able to transfer a piece of his energy directly to Arden. He immediately felt a lightness that spread through his body, and the golden orb in his hands began to grow rapidly.

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