Nameless King

Chapter 222 - Purity Of Blood

Chapter 222: Purity of Blood

"Inerians... This race is more interesting than I imagined." Mumbled Wain.

"Yes, I have something else to say. The Inerians, because of their society, tend to be arrogant and haughty. It's nothing more than a peculiarity of their communication, though."

"I see, I want to know about the next race, but before I do, I have to ask one question. Given that the Inerians have a matriarchy, I can't help but ask it."

"I'm listening to you carefully."

"Who's in charge in bed?"

"Huh, that's obvious. It's pretty hard for their men to endure a night together with their beloved. After all, unlike the other races, they do something else at night, namely the energy transfer. As a result, after such a night, a man looks like a dried-up rag." Sven smiling, replied.

"All right, let's move on. Vampires, I know rather little about them. Who are they, and what are they known for?"

"Like the previous three races, vampires are one of the strongest races in the entire world."

Sven touched the crystal ball, and an image of a man and a woman appeared. They were beautiful and coldly attractive. The man looked like an aristocrat, while the woman looked like a countess or duchess.

They were dressed in gothic noble clothes. The man wore a long red cloak with black stripes around the edges. Under it was a white shirt with the buttons unbuttoned at the top and lose cuffs.

The girl was dressed in a scarlet dress with a wavy outline and a tight outer corset. Her hair was gathered into a bundle and pierced with a decorative needle-shaped hairpin.

"Vampires are considered one of the most beautiful races, no wonder. Their coolness, grace, and sense of style are really appealing."

"Yeah, they're good at that..." Wain muttered.

He had never seen Vampires before. He knew of their existence from Black Rabbit's words. So had he imagined what these creatures looked like from the stories he'd read in his world, but the reality exceeded his expectations.

"Vampires are tall, have incredible physical stats and amounts of energy. They are stronger than Ashens and more adept at managing energy than Elves."

"Oh, that sounds serious. They look like absolutes." Wain muttered.

"Yes, but they all have their weaknesses, but we'll get to that later. As usual, let's start with looks. Vampires usually have pale or pale skin. It's as smooth as jade and yet quite tough. Even newborn babies' skin can protect against a steel blade."

When Sven said that even the baby Vampire's skin is so tough, Wain realized something.

'Not only do all races have different living conditions and abilities, but also the beginning... It is impossible for an adult human to have skin so robust that a steel knife cannot damage it. However, this is a normal condition for a vampire, even for an infant...' Mumbled Wain to himself.

It stunned him. Such a difference terrified him. Simply put, a five-year-old vampire child would be stronger than an Olympic champion. 

How could that be called fair? Someone from birth is at a level that others can't even reach in a lifetime.

Sven continued, "Vampires usually have blond or white hair, but sometimes there are other variations. Some people think the most beautiful vampires have black hair, but that's subjective. Vampires' eyes can be any color, but they are often blue or red.

Usually, men with long hair are quite a few, but not vampires. Many men have long hair, just as many women have short hair. Of course, their main distinguishing feature is their fangs."

Wain nodded. It was the fangs that vampires were known for in his world.

"Vampires prefer to live in ruins, abandoned castles, dungeons, caves, and other such places. It used to be thought that they made that choice because they were afraid of the light, but that's not true." Sven muttered.

"Hmm? Don't vampires avoid sunlight?" Wain asked surprised.

"No, that's a myth." Shaking his head, Sven said. "Vampires do dislike sunlight, but not because they can burn under it. Their eyes are very sensitive, and they prefer cool places. Also, the sun significantly slows down their regeneration."

"That's it? They don't get any more negative effects from the sun?"

"Yes, if necessary, a Vampire can come out of his shelter even when the sun is at the zenith. It won't weaken him, and he can quickly destroy his enemies."

"I see. How is their society structured? Who's in charge?"

"The men, that's for sure. I don't know why, but women are literally ready and willing to worship men. It's pretty weird, but I would call it voluntary submission. Men don't like to abuse it, but they have no choice. Girls behave as if they were willless puppets or slaves.

Perhaps it has to do with their sexual preferences. I don't know why, but all vampire girls are masochists, but they treat men of other races like sadists. Figuring out their psychology is almost impossible. Everyone has a little madness, and vampires are no exception."

"Oh, one race is dominated by women and the other by men. That's pretty interesting. Tell me about their abilities. According to you, they are superior to Ashens and Elves."

"Yes, that is indeed true, the power of the Vampires is astounding, but they have disadvantages like everyone else. First of all, they are quite vulnerable to fire attacks, and so even though they are superior to Ashens in every way, the two races are on the same level.

Secondly, as I said before, their regeneration suffers in the sun. The others know this and will never fight vampires in their territory. It's suicide. That's really where the weaknesses end, but there's more."

"Hmm?" Wain was interested. At this point, the Vampires looked like true kings, unmatched.

"Vampires are too lazy. That might sound strange to you, but it's a fact everyone has accepted. They don't like to train, sleep a lot, and spend most of their time sipping wine and enjoying each other's bodies. Maybe it's a curse, or perhaps it's their psychology.

It doesn't affect their strength much, but it keeps possible conflicts with Vampires to a minimum. They are banal lazy and have no reason to fight. Also, unlike Elves and Inerians, Vampires are always happy to make new acquaintances and guests."

"They're pretty sociable, aren't they?"

"They are. If you come to a vampire with good intentions, he will treat you to great wine, give you a tour of his castle, and encourage any conversation. However, if the vampire decides you're the enemy for some reason, you're finished. 

Vampires are notorious for rarely killing their victims right away. They like to stretch out the process and enjoy it. Vampires will grab you, immobilize you, and torture you. As I said earlier, girls vampires treat other races as sadists, and that's why they do this dirty work.

Vampires are skilled at torture, so if the skin you alive, that's just the beginning of your torment. In general, it's best not to piss off vampires when you're in their territory. It usually ends sadly." Sven pronounced.

"Yeah, it's definitely better to be friends with them. Moreover, it seems that, unlike other races, it is much easier to make friends with vampires."

"That's the right choice. Also, besides being quite sociable and hospitable, vampires are active in trade. Many vampires are very wealthy, and conventional methods cannot measure their wealth. 

Also, vampires are very fond of various antiques, ancient objects, and rare alcohol. They can be called aristocratic collectors."

"Trade? But, how? You said vampires are lazy and spend most of their time in their castles."

"Huh, maybe that's their talent? But maybe it's all about the Ghouls. They help the Vampires supply goods, extract goods, and solve various problems. The Vampires direct the process and personally handle the trade as they are masters at it."

"The Ghouls? Who's that?" Asked Wain.

"The faithful servants of vampires and their indispensable helpers, and it is one of the most powerful abilities of vampires. In a nutshell, Ghouls are any creature, be it a monster or an elf, that has been bitten by a vampire and drank his blood.

For example, take such common monsters as Trolls. If a monster bites a vampire and the Troll drinks its blood, it becomes a Goole. It has almost no effect on appearance, but it changes many other aspects." Pronounced Sven.

"Doesn't that mean that in this way, Vampires can conquer the whole world?"

Wain decided that Vampires could endlessly create their servants.

"No." Sven shook his head. "Don't forget Ashens, Vampires, with all their might, can't turn them into Ghouls. Their flames will instantly burn the bite site and the vampire's blood. Like vampires can't turn those with the attribute of fire or light into Ghouls. 

Furthermore, each vampire has a limit on the number of Ghouls that can be under his control at one time. The stronger the vampire, the greater the number."

"Hmm, the Ghouls are required to obey vampires, right?"

"Yes, but when a monster or member of another race turns into a Ghoul, his powers increase significantly. He becomes faster, stronger, more resilient, and his energy reserves increase many times over. 

On the downside, it's hard for ghouls to stay out in the sunlight for long periods. They also sometimes need a boost in the form of blood."

"Is there any way to stop being a Ghoul or, conversely, to become something more powerful?"

"Of course, anything is possible in this world. Various spells and light rites can destroy a vampire's blood with almost no consequences. A little rehabilitation is all it takes. 

Also, Gooley's can gradually become stronger, I'm not sure, but there's probably even a way for Gooley's to become vampires themselves at one point."

"You're not sure?"

"Yes. I've never seen it with my own eyes, and I also don't have 100% proof that such a rite exists. However, it most likely does. After all, new vampires are slowly emerging." Sven muttered.

"Isn't it natural that the number of Vampires is increasing?"

"Hmm, the thing is, even though they have an incredible libido, they have a tiny chance of getting pregnant. What's more, often, the baby dies before it's even born, which makes the situation worse. 

However, even if the Ghouls can't become vampires, the race will never go extinct anyway. You're right, children, though rarely, are born."

"I see, now tell me about the powers of the Vampires." Wain decided to get to the fun part.

"Sure. Basically, Vampires use three elements, ice, darkness, or blood. They could use other attributes in theory, but that's too inefficient. Of course, vampires can't use fire or light."

Wain nodded. He expected to hear something like that. 

Vampires were creatures of darkness and cold. It would be strange if they used light or flame.

"I also want to tell you about blood purity. I'm sure you know what it is, but I doubt you're aware of the details."

"Of course, it will be quite enlightening." Mumbled Wain.

"Every creature has a certain percentage of blood purity from birth. Take the Elves as an example. As I said earlier, High Elves are all Elves whose blood purity is 75% or higher."

"I also know that to be pureblood. You have to have a blood purity above 50%."

"Yes, all true, but blood is not just a status, it is a power, and it is divided into several stages and ranks. The lowest rank is the first. It is a person whose blood purity is below 10%. They are called lower mudbloods." Sven said seriously.

"Below ten percent? That's pretty low."

"The fate of lower mudbloods is rather sad. Many equate them with slaves. Of course, it depends on the race, but no one treats them well. They are destined to live in slums, eat scraps off tables and work for a lifetime for a pittance."

'Huh, how similar to my world, only in humans no one cares about the purity of each other's blood. It's probably even worse.' Wain thought.

"Next up are second rank or middle mudbloods. Their blood purity ranges from 10% to 30%. Their situation is much better than lower mudbloods, and they can be compared to the poor. They are quite weak and poor, but they have a chance for a bright future.

Third rank or higher mudbloods, their blood purity is between 31% and 50%. They are considered middle class, and many of them have a good chance of becoming a pureblood." Sven pronounced.

'Hmm, if an Elf is born with a blood purity of 48% or 49%, then he's still mudblood, but all he has to do is increase his blood purity by a few percent. It's a doable task.'

"Then comes the fourth rank or lower pureblood. These are the true nobles who enjoy all the benefits of civilization. Often mubloods serve purebloods. Lower purebloods have excellent physical and energetic stats, but it is pretty difficult to rise higher. Their blood purity ranges from 51% to 74%.

Fifth rank or middle pureblood, their blood purity is 75% to 90%. If lower purebloods can be compared to barons and viscounts, then middle purebloods are counts and marquis. They are stronger, more skilled, and richer. Creatures with such a concentration of blood are rare.

Rank six, higher pureblood, their blood purity is 90% to 95%."

"Hmm? There's only a 5% difference?" Wain asked.

"Yes, but when the blood concentration reaches those heights, even 1% is like a canyon. Beings with such blood purity have almost limitless power. They are the strongest members of their race and have endless potential. Even middle purebloods should treat them with respect."

Then Wain remembered the effect of Vial of Pure Blood Essence. It was possible to increase blood purity with this vial, but the higher the percentage, the lower the effect was. 

Moreover, it was impossible to increase blood purity above 90% with this vial.

"I see. That's to be expected. Then, what are those with blood concentrations above 95% called?" Wain asked.

Sven smiled, "They are the seventh rank and are called absolutes. However, their blood purity ranges from 96% to 99%. Absolutes are like a bright sun leading the others or a black hole that destroys enemies."

"But, it's not 100%, right?"

"Yes..." Sven smirked slyly and said, "Maybe it's impossible to even for the gods, who knows?"


Hey, thank you all for reading this story. I want to apologize that lately, the release of chapters has been unstable, and there have been quite a few chapters.. But now it looks like I'm back on pace. Have a nice day!

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