Nameless King

Chapter 458 Ice Coming

"Bastard..." Cursed Swordsman muttered angrily as a torrent of cold aura erupted from him.

The water beneath him quickly froze, part of the lake covered in a thick layer of ice as if a severe winter had suddenly arrived.

Robber Leader flinched, but his dagger was still pressed tightly against Kael's neck.

"What is this child doing here?" The Guard Commander exclaimed, "What the fuck happened? How did a simple boy get past you?!"

"I'm sorry, Sir, I don't know how it happened!" The Guardian said with an apologetic look.

"So... Was that really your plan?" Cursed Swordsman calmly asked.

"What? What are you talking about?" The Robber Leader was puzzled.

"The Moon Lotus is the most valuable treasure of this village or even the entire region. Do you think this kid's life and the Moon Lotus are equivalent?"

'What the hell is going on here?' Everyone thought at the same time.

The guards and robbers had expected a very different reaction from the Cursed Swordsman. They thought he would start negotiations or try to save the kid somehow, but instead, he acted like a cynic.

Kael was the worst off.

"Uncle Swordsman... Why are you...." Kael muttered as tears came out of his eyes.

A little later, the guards and robbers realized that this reaction was natural, especially for a man with a bad reputation.

However, they were all wrong. Someone saw perfectly well what the Cursed Swordsman was really experiencing at that moment.

'Creepy... There's such a dense aura coming from him... It's anger, no, rage. I've never seen anything like it,' Wain thought.

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The Cursed Swordsman concealed this part of his aura, for he understood that it might give away his true intentions. Wain was more experienced than the guardsmen and robbers, he had no trouble noticing it.

"You can kill him. I don't care, but for daring to blackmail me, I will chop you into cubes and freeze you!" Cursed Swordsman said angrily.

The Robber Leader was distraught. He was trying to figure out how to get out of this situation and suddenly realized something.
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"Huh, you almost had me fooled." Robber Leader smirked.

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't believe you. I watched you closely, and your gaze kept going off the battlefield. I couldn't figure out what it was then, but now it's all clear to me. It's this kid, right? You cared about him but couldn't protect him at the most important moment. What a pity."


Robber Leader punched Kael sharply in the stomach. Kael was a child, and the blow from a grown man was very painful for him. He vomited a mouthful of blood as he crouched in pain.

"Stop now!" The Guard Commander exclaimed.

"What? Why? Isn't this fun?" Robber Leader punched the boy again.

Guard Commander was literally tied up. Even though there were more of them, they couldn't save a mere boy. This infuriated everyone, but they were helpless.

"Come on. Are you really so cruel that you will continue to watch this? All you have to do is hand me the Moon Lotus. If you do, I won't touch this nice guy again. You have my word." Robber Leader smirked.

The guards were hesitant, they didn't know what was more important or how to act, though it wasn't up to them to make a choice anyway.

"I agree." Cursed Swordsman said coldly.

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"Are you sure?" The Robber Leader was wary.

"Yes, I'm fucking sure. You outplayed me. Are you satisfied? Let the boy go and take the Moon Lotus. I hope that after this, you'll remember for the rest of your life what a pathetic lowlife you are. That flower will be the symbol of your fucking shame!"

"Huh, don't try to hurt me with words. It's pointless. The Moon Lotus is the way to riches, so thank you for being cooperative." Robber Leader mouthed as he looked at his men, "Bring me that flower!"

"No!" Kael suddenly shouted, "Please don't do this! Don't give him the Moon Lotus! Not that!"

"What's wrong with this kid?!" Robber Leader punched him again.

Only the Cursed Swordsman understood why Kael said that.

'Damn, damn, damn! This kid is willing to sacrifice himself but to save the last thing left of his mother. I have to help him, but... Fuck I can't do it! Cursed Swordsman inwardly muttered.

He was already ready to give up the Moon Lotus. However, now the situation has changed. He had no right to do this to Kael.
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'I can only do one thing at a time, but all at once. Fuck, if someone would help me... then...'

"Exactly." Suddenly there was a strange voice as if It was coming from everywhere at once and at the same time from nowhere.

"You!" Cursed Swordsman exclaimed.

"Yes, you finally figured it out. Sometimes it takes mates to get things done. For loners, many situations are hopeless."


Suddenly a silhouette appeared next to the Robber Leader. It seemed to come out of the darkness.

'It's him again!' Wain inwardly exclaimed.

The same aura emanated from the Silhouette as in the memory of the Code of Light and Darkness.

"What...?!" Robber Leader exclaimed as he tried to attack.


The Silhouette kicked him and tossed him aside. It was too fast for the Robber Leader to react.

The Dark Silhouette caught the guy and stepped aside.

"Hey, even though I said everyone needs help sometimes, you could have handled this without me. Stop holding yourself back. I'm sure you're capable of more." Silhouette smirked.

"Shut up. I was just caught off guard." Cursed Swordsman threw the Moon Lotus to Guard Commander, "Take care of it."


The chains on Cursed Swordsman's left arm suddenly began to tremble. The chains were covered in a thick layer of ice and cracked.

"Kill him!" Robber Leader exclaimed.

Cursed Swordsman clenched his sword tightly and struck the chains. They shattered into small shards as a dark blue aura burst from the ground. It engulfed Cursed Swordsman.

"At last, I get to see it." The Silhouette smiled enigmatically.

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