Nameless King

Chapter 812 Tentacles


Several tentacles of the unknown monster swooped down on Wain like spears. Their speed was tremendous, and it seemed they needed only a moment to pierce Wain's heart.

'They're very fast... but what could be more satisfying than cutting tentacles with an incredibly sharp sword?' Wain inwardly said with an ice-cold look before stepping forward.

The tentacles whizzed right in front of him as Wain turned around at the last moment, letting the tentacles pass near his chest. Then, he gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, bringing it down on the tentacles.

Crack. Crack. Crack.

The tentacles were very similar to octopus tentacles, but not only in appearance as they were just as soft, so the dark blade sliced the three tentacles in two without any resistance.

Parts of the tentacles flew off to the sides, scattering on the ground while the damaged parts returned to the start of the portal.

"Well, well, you have fifteen tentacles in all.... and you've already lost three of them, surely this is a legendary artifact? More like someone tricked you and sold you useless stuff." Wain uttered in a careless manner as he placed the sword on his shoulder.

"Perhaps I made the mistake of underestimating how powerful your sword is, but I assure you, this artifact is far more dangerous than the previous two." Virion said as a devious grin appeared on his face.

Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

Suddenly the tentacles at the portal trembled as their wounds quickly recovered. In just a second, they looked as if Wain hadn't even touched them before.
'Regeneration...? Well, I should have known, otherwise, it would have been too easy.' Wain said to himself, about to attack as suddenly his eyes went wide and he slowly turned around, 'If the tentacles in the portals have regenerated, then what happens to them...?'

The three severed tentacles began to mutate as their red cells began to proliferate at an enormous rate. Gradually, the mess of flesh began to take some form as three new monsters appeared.

They looked strange as they were just huge eyes moving on three tentacles. They didn't look very dangerous as they didn't have any weapons, clawed paws, or sharp fangs, but Wain felt that it wasn't as easy as it looked.

'Fuck... So every time I attack a tentacle it will regenerate and so will those eyes appear? In that case... how do I win?' Wain internally muttered while in confusion.


Suddenly, the monsters' pupils lit up and the next moment, three purple lasers flew out of the massive eyes. Wain reflexively jumped up as the lasers whizzed under his feet.

There were only a few walls left on the top floor that still didn't break because they were reinforced with ash threads, so the lasers flew out beyond the shining tree, reaching the nearest hill in a heartbeat.


The lasers exploded as purple energy destroyed part of the massive hill, leaving a wide crater and dozens of fallen trees at the site of the collision.

'Damn... Not only are these lasers fast, but they have tremendous power... If they were to hit me, I would definitely be seriously injured.' Wain muttered inwardly about to land.


Suddenly eight tentacles headed toward Wain, tightly encircling his arms and legs, preventing him from moving. Wain didn't expect them to be so fast, but he was in no hurry to get out of this trap as he realized that the tentacles would just regenerate.

'Hmm? He just let himself get grabbed... Hah, it seems the longer the fight goes on the more he gets used to my methods... I need to change tactics if I want to surprise him again.' Virion inwardly muttered as he swung his arm.

The two lightning beasts behind him moved as their silhouettes blurred. A moment later, massive electrical sparks appeared next to Wain and the two beasts attacked him from different directions.

Wain's pupils narrowed as he realized he could wait no longer and his eyes became as cold as ancient glaciers.


Wain's hand turned into a dark flash that moved in a circle as a moment later all eight tentacles were sliced in two and the lightning beasts' paws flew off to the sides. Wain, in mid-air, bounced off one of the tentacles and jumped aside.

'Damn... Virion outplayed me again, now I'll have even more trouble than before, but at least I did damage to the lightning beasts.' Wain inwardly muttered as a shiver ran through his body.

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As he expected, the eight damaged tentacles recovered as many more new monsters appeared, but the lightning beasts also handled the damage easily. The paws severed by Wain joined their bodies with lightning discharges.

'Bastard... That's why he kept these beasts for so long...' Wain said to himself with a complicated look, 'They can hardly hurt me, but how do I deal with these tentacles. Also, Virion looks like he won't be taking part in this fight.'

Virion looked calm as though he was ready for any turn of events, but in fact, he was spending a lot of energy controlling the tentacles. The lightning beasts could fight on their own, but if Virion didn't control the tentacles then real chaos would ensue.

There were eleven eye-monsters now, and they all acted as one mechanism, so they attacked Wain again. A plurality of lasers with tremendous speed headed towards him, but this time Wain didn't even jump up, he just took two steps to the left with a calm look.


The lasers flew past Wain, reaching the rock a moment later, causing a mighty explosion.

The energy of the eleven lasers was enough to half-destroy the rock as well as create shockwaves. A powerful stream of wind blew across the top of the shining tree, fluttering Wain's hair and causing his dark coat to scatter.

'Agh... They're pretty slow, I can easily dodge these attacks, but what will I do when there are more of them...? I need to figure out a way to kill them before they're done.' Wain muttered inwardly with a serious expression.

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