Nankoufuraku no Maoujou e Youkoso

214 ◇ It's much harder to hold your hand than it is to fight any powerful enemy.

Here's why Phoenix and Lily have been rushing on the dragon, I mean.

Originally, the Phoenix party watched a video board (TV) and knew about my participation in the original dungeon.

Nothing wrong with this.

Because that news would be on the air for a long time, given the period between leaving the city where the Demon King Castle was located and coming to the village and the number of days it took to investigate the original dungeon.

So, when I watched it, the Phoenix and the others were on the way to a certain dungeon's offense.

There are Mr. Ex and those Demon King's Castle Four Heavenly Kings, and it's not enough to worry because they investigate with the Magic Body (Avatar).

Naturally, they continued their offense.

I decided to ride the dragon because Mr. Canary emailed me about the village dweller being invited to the original dungeon.

A party headed to the Adventurers Union facility to send offensive footage to those who are always asking for video editing.

It's more certain to head to the union in that city than to look for a facility where you can rent a device.

So, I checked my e-mail.

And then I left "going to the village" and flew out of the union and jumped on the dragon.

Lily decides it's such an emergency because Phoenix is so suddenly popping up.

He associates me from "The Village" and chases Phoenix aggressively.

"Elves value friendship. If it's a friend crisis, what's the wonder of rushing?"

is Lily's valve.

The expression was as crisp as usual, but the beautiful blonde hair was bossy because of the wind she received during the fall, and the crusty hair, which was just stretched from the top of her head, was dripping like boredom.

I was delighted, so I said thank you.

Mr. Canary initially thought Lily was Phoenix's lover, but he listened to her and said, "Remember, is it a hot period? You're here, aren't you? But more than I decided to be Mira's mom..." or something.

I don't know, but it seems to be a troubling problem.

Me and Phoenix laugh bitterly near Lily spinning her words hard to solve the misunderstanding.

"You, what are you going to do on your way home?

"Oh, the dragon's supposed to be here in three days"

"Heh. Oh yeah. For once, thanks. You came to help me, didn't you?

"Everyone in the village."

Phoenix laughs jokingly.

"Haha, don't you worry about me?

"You'll break through any trial, you will."

"... that's all"

Yeah, let's not say we had a huge struggle.

"Haha, it's hard to live up to expectations if you're so trusted by a Fire Spirit contractor"

Black chick says for fun.


Phoenix suddenly reached for my head.

Others may have seen this guy try to stroke my head for some reason.

But it looked like I was trying to grab a black chick.

"Oops. Well, you don't have to avoid it to be touchable, somehow. '

Is that an explanation for me, a black chick flying around the sky saying that?

- In the first place, can't you see?

'I don't see it. Same as a heavy geek. I saw you, I thought you existed. "

That's what the black chick calls it, Mira.

Sure, Mira seemed to notice me talking to this guy, too.

... Uh, there were times when Phoenix was staring into the void, and I wondered if he was interacting with the Spirit, but did they do the opposite?

No, I didn't even know where the fire spirits were...?

[Brave Man] 's sharpened sensation? Let's just say that.

"Lemme, are you there?

"... yes, I am. Talk to you later."

"Right.... and that sword"

"You know what I mean?

It's a holy sword for once, but it's a little weird.

The grid of the Holy Sword is determined by the grid of the Spirit.

The Sacred Sword of Phoenix, which is contracted with the Body of the Fire Spirit, has become the highest famous sword among the existing weapons.

Lined up are Mr. Aerial's holy sword and Rayce's one day when he has a weapon.

But from this sword, I do not feel the power peculiar to the Holy Sword.

In the sense of the same Spirit's protection, I can say that Mr. Merlin's wand also sanctified the Sacred Sword - exactly the Sacred Sword, around not exerting his power even when held by him - but that felt more plain and like a sign.

'That's right. I made it into a holy sword, but I'm not pouring my strength.'

Is there any condition?

"Every time you entertain me, I'll make that sword stronger."

... I see, it really looks like this spirit.

"Finally, a spirit has appeared that recognizes you. Glad to hear it."

I say that with a sparkling smile.

... It doesn't seem surprising that I'm possessed by the Spirit in this guy.

But soon, I looked diagonally down. Like trouble.

"But spirits are hard to handle... please be careful"

"Oh, I've already realized that."

"Hey, Tundele, would you mind not joining the fire spirits? I'm always honest with my feelings, so it's easier if you need to read the back of your words or something. '

Take the word as it is, and I think that can be a hassle.

"Aren't you a little cold with your partner? Are you still mad about the villagers?

It's only been a few hours.

"Leme. I miss you, Citrie, when you leave me alone too much."

That said, Mr. Citrie takes my arm. [M]

"Spirit? Did you just say Spirit? Did Leme do something with the Spirit?

Lily, who had her hair done with a pair that Mr. Canary had removed from somewhere, comes as surprised. Kuse Hair regains vitality and stays invigorated.

I asked her before that spiritual contractors are subject to respect and jealousy just because spirits are honorable to elves.

In Lily's case, she admits that Phoenix, liked by the Four Spirits, is an amazing one.

"... Leme, even when Miss Nicolas is here, but I'm not impressed with Miss Mira."

"Shut up, it's not like that"

"Huh? Aren't Leme and Citrie friends?

"No, I'm a friend, but that's not what Phoenix is saying..."

"Um, the story of the Spirit..."

"Oh, Lily. Apparently Leme was liked by the Spirit. Of the original dungeon, I'm sure."

"Hehe, I panicked. Leme is cute."

"... don't make fun of me"

"Become, the protection of the Spirit......!? REME! Is it true......!

"Oh, oh, yeah. It is."

"Ku, let me talk to you in detail.... and I'm not impressed with that either."

"So, no."

"What, Leme and Citry?"

Something's already messed up about the conversation. No, it's surprisingly well established.

Pan, it was Mr. Canary who slapped his hand.

"Don't get me started, let's throw a party! It's a feast...... Huh!

Mr. Hawk nodded happily, too.

"Right. Celebrating everyone's safe return and their sons' return."

"And let's also celebrate the fact that there are so many cute kids here!

Taking advantage of the couple's words, everyone in the village who was watching the situation gets on and makes a scene.

First, Phoenix was surrounded by your ladies and girls.

This is what happened in every city, and I remember the Phoenix party days.

"Leme. I'm not saying people aren't faces...... but it's not just faces! [Title (Job)] is also important, but that's not all...!

Mr Citrie tells me to encourage it.

"Exactly. What you should see in a relationship is not what you were born with, but what you should have been cultivated in life. Except when work is involved…"

You reminded me of my party exit, Lily adds, as it seems difficult to say.

[Black Demon Instructor] Suitability was only found at the age of ten, born and held.

That's why I left the party, apart from my personal relationships.

I know exactly, and it's important to be able to think separately there.

"Thank you, both of you..."

When I said, they were both surrounded.

... I see... well, I already talked to everyone earlier...

Soon my father, who had come near me, pounded me on the shoulder.

I thought it was comforting, he looked serious.

"Until a few hours ago, like a lie, everyone is laughing. I'm sure you'd call someone who can do something like this - brave?

"... I woke everyone up with a guy named Fulcus in turn..."

Poop, and get slapped in the head.

"That Lord Fulcus said." I just followed Leme, "he said."


"A human being who takes the first step to help those in need, and who gathers those who follow with his courage, will not despise what he has done. Putting your chest up would also be brave."

"... isn't your father more familiar with brave men?

"Whose fault do you think it is?"

My father says with a deliberate disgruntled face.

"Haha, I wonder if it was my son's fault that he was so embedded in the strategy video"

That was worth it.

See everyone again.

Sure, I'm laughing.

"Yeah. Right. I hope so."

If my behavior is affecting this end at all.

I thought it was something to be proud of.

A feast. Nice, ah, don't eat chicken, okay? 'Cause I feel a little down when I'm like this now.'

... It's ruined.

With the feast ready, me and Mr. Citrie went back to camp once.

Phoenix was caught by Mr. Canary and Lily got caught up in it, too.

Well, it's a reunion with my son who's not coming home at all, so it would be an irresistible reaction.

I went back to the carriage so I could escape before I got involved. [M]

I needed to go back with a report or something, yeah.

Well, about the original dungeon investigation that followed.

Whether or not to challenge the fifth tier seems to have broken my opinion.

I want nothing rewarded...... not.

I fear the Spirit's actions.

When I thought about it, I thought that if no further challengers showed up, I might tempt people from somewhere else.

"From people who don't know your relationship with us, it's a natural reaction."

Absolutely right.

Again the Spirit who became a lump of light explained this in front of everyone, and it became a one-off settlement.

Participants do not refuse, but do not imitate the use of ordinary people like hostages.

The Spirit does not lie.

Decided not to participate in the fifth tier.

I didn't have a voice to spare, but enough for that Mr. Ex to swallow once. No one was proud that he could do it himself.

Next, investigations and strategies up to the fourth level.

This continues.

I heard that the dungeon will disappear within a few days, and that one way or another there will be an attack for the purpose of collecting treasure (offal).

Incidentally, one of the measures to be taken against the dungeon adapting to the attacker was to install a transfer recording stone in the dungeon.

Not in the safe room, but in the area where the monsters come out.

If this happens, even if the enemy comes in a configuration adapted to "The Adventurer Now," we can transfer the people in the camp to deal with it.

It seems like a good idea at first glance, and there's nothing I can't use, but there are difficulties.

Metastatic recording stones must be securely secured. Then register the coordinates.

It's unrealistic to use this measure from a sudden battle because this task takes time there.

It's not something you can do with your usual offense, and they're going to try things a few times.

And about the spirits possessed by me.

Mr. Merlin looked difficult.

"Well... it's good news that Arthur isn't the only exception. Leme, if you can, can I talk to you in more detail?"

Mr. Arthur looked subtle.

"I'm glad to be able to protect you... but I'm glad you called that spirit. You should talk to him as soon as something happens, he's possessed by the same spirit, there may be things he can do to help."

Mr. Ex laughed lavishly.

"Haha! It's a spirit with eyes to see. If you don't like it, I'll show you the rest of your life. [M] They are free, but they can be friends and partners. At least don't worry about me getting in trouble."

Mr. Fulcus said while eating a magical dish with no expression.

"... no matter what power you acquire, the importance of your own power remains the same. I'll resume my training when I get home. Make sure Mira doesn't push you down."

Mr Citrie had already found out in the village, but he had said so at that time.

"Is that spirit cute?

Mr. Mira got a complicated look.

"I'm so, so glad that Mr. Leme gets protection... heck, is that the Spirit... is that the Spirit..."

Mr. Mal solidified.

".................. Ha. I see... the protection of the Spirit... that's Leme, isn't it?

Confusing like her is the normal reaction.

By the way, Yosu-kun said, "Yea......!? Spirit......!?" I was very surprised.

The camp then celebrated the original dungeon trespass and a sumptuous meal behaved at noon.

Mr. Ex and Mr. Arthur drink and hang out.

Mixed up with the guys I fought with there.

Mr. Merlin gathers all who drink, and all the challengers are defeated.

How dare Mr. Fulcus, who eats regular dishes as well as magical dishes - for the first time I've ever known, inflate his stomach a little.

Yosu-kun, who saw it, shook up and said, "I didn't know your stomach would swell as much as Lord Fulcus... she'll be stronger," or with a serious look.

Soon the women gathered around Mr. Citrie and eagerly listened to the saying, "There's also a 'cute' way to eat rice".

Everyone seems to be having fun.

I'm walking to get a drink now. [M]

Mira needs food.



"Hey, buddy."

- I wonder how you call it, if you're going to settle it.

'Cause your best friend, your mentor, your parents and your kids already have a relationship, right? That's about the space we're going to put in.'

Well, I guess it's no use telling you not to call me.

"Yeah, well, my partner remembers fast."

So, what can I do for you?

"Come here. Important story, really. It won't take long, it'll be over soon. '

Black chicks fly all over me, so I have no choice but to follow them.

I just left the camp for a little while, but the moment - the view switches.


In the woods. But I can't hear everyone.

It's metastasized.

- Well, I thought you'd do something.

"Tsumana. Well, no. We talked about the original dungeon disappearing within a few days, didn't we?

There was no one else, so I decided to speak up.

I can have a conversation in my mind, but I feel subtle when they read my mind each time.

It may be the same if we talk, but it's a matter of feelings.

"You heard."

"It will disappear because there will be no interference here. There's still magic left in the magic buildup. '

Fly around the place where the black chick is.

If you noticed, there were crystals out there that mimicked the core.

I guess this spirit made it.

Core functions have not been imitated. It just looks like it.

That look just looks like it to me, too, and I guess the magic buildup is actually just there.


'All you can suck is magic that hasn't stained anything. Looks like you still need to be aware of "taking it in your hands." Touch the core and suck from it. "

They are peeking into memory, so they are also known around it.

When it comes to absorbing the magic around you, you're a fairy, but you also have magic that the fairy can't suck.

For example, it's someone else's magic.

It seems very difficult to force it to be your own, as other orders are engraved in the form of magical ceremonies.

The dungeon's constructs are created with a mixture of magic that belongs to no one and 'the intent of the designer'.

This falls under the magic formula, and that's why, for example, it absorbs the magic used to create the pillars into the horns! I can't do that.

Maybe it's not impossible, but I can't.

"You mean absorb this...?

'Melt in the world and disappear anyway. Interestingly enough, I want you to use it. "


"There's enough left for the other spirits to find and make little dungeons to play with, right? Who else could solve this besides you?... That belly peco turns it all into cooking, maybe he can. '

Imagine, I laugh.

"You, what's your name?

"Oh? You're a cash person's kid.... a black chick is fine. I don't have a name. '

Speaking of which, I've heard of it.

The name of the Spirit was given as a need, and the Spirits do not have their original name?

'If you don't know how to say it... right, Pippy or something'

"I don't like it..."

"Haha.... Well, yeah, you are '

After a troubling time, the Spirit said.

"- What about Dark? You sound like your partner, don't you?

More than a black chick, it could be a seemingly named.

"Bye, Dirk. Thank you, I'll take it."

Reach for the core.

"It didn't belong to anybody."

"Yeah. So this is a thank you for your choice. Thank you for bringing me here."

"Aren't you angry anymore?

"And apart from this"


Blackhickey returning over my head with his tongue pounding...... Dark.

I laugh small at such spirits and absorb the massive amount of magic that has appeared on my core - into the corners.

"Mr. Leme is terrible."

Mr. Mira was in a bad mood.

"I was very worried, wasn't I? Besides, didn't you promise to talk to me later? Yet they didn't just go right to the village with Citrie, but disappeared somewhere at lunch. I just stuck with you guys and talked about the Spirit. I was wondering if you and I could go into more detail."

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

We were in the carriage now.

The village feast will be held tomorrow.

Since I was given permission to go home today, I decided to show my face to my parents again with Mr. Mira.

I'm going to tell my family about my current job.

"Oh, and... oh. Oh, is the Spirit here now?

"Yes, yes, Plummer."

Dark flies away.

"I went somewhere."


It was also an instant that I showed relief.

Mr. Mira looks at me with a jittery gaze.

"I don't think it's fair."

"... yeah"

I know what you're talking about. [M]

"My wish... is that Leme is right. Whereas I directed that...... against Mr. Leme, it remains unclear to whom Mr. Leme's protection was granted......!

Mira's wish is the same as mine. In turn, I made the same wish as Mira. [M]

May your loved ones live well, and.

The Spirit turned the subject into a lover, but when Mira wished... my body glowed.

One, I mean... that's what I think.

But at my time, no one on the spot glowed in a relationship where the spirits lost their glowing performances because Mira leaked her dissatisfaction.

But of course my parents, Mr. Canary and Mr. Hawk, and then Phoenix are just like my family. Definitely included in the subject. It would include a master.

Even when it comes to love, there are a lot of things.

As a matter of fact, I think Mira might be anxious.

I wondered if I was included in the subject.

In fact, it's not fair.

As soon as she wished, I got the answer. [M]

Because Mira doesn't have the results.

In the awkward air, a carriage arrives in front of the village.

Like one night, the moon was out beautiful.

Unlike usual, Mr. Mira takes a few steps ahead instead of walking side by side.

The back looked terrible.

I just wish I could say one word.

Still my heart can't let the emotions in my chest fall into words.

But I don't even think it's a good idea.

I catch up with her early and squeeze my courage.

I'm not so sure that the feeling of my body, which is usually clear, is going to float into the universe even now. My chest is pounding, and I can tell my cheeks have heat. Sweat floats on his forehead and his hands get damp. Yet my throat was dry. I felt my body trembling so much that I needed to be careful walking as well.

If this is a battle, you can stand up to whatever powerful enemy you want.

She stops and tries to say something with a carefree smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lemme. You've said mean, I, I said wait - to... of... what?

She couldn't react well to what had happened in the middle of her words.

Squeeze your courage, what I've done.

In some people, maybe it's no big deal.

But for me right now, it was a token of intent.

My hand is overlapping and gripping Mira's white fish hand.

Oh, I'm glad it's night.

Because I'm sure my face is bright red and it won't be very much what I was shown.

But it was for nothing.

I knew this moonlight was illuminating everything. [M]

"~ ~ ~ ~............!!

Because Mira's face is turning bright red, because I can just see it.

She trembled and then, roughly, shook my hand back, frightened or disappeared.

And tremble again, as if surprised by the feeling.

I couldn't say anything, I just managed to smile.

I guess that's what my smile looks like to see the firmness of the smile she gave me back.

If you put too much emotion in front of you, you don't seem to know how to express it correctly.

We've been doing that for a while.

I could see her shining in the moonlight.

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