Nano Mashine

# 33 Hidden Underground Report (4) #

“Open the door to underground reporting. ”

- Hmph!

The three middle-aged people who stood guard in front of the Iron Gate in the order of Ewha, looked stunned.

They were the ones who thought that they would never open the gates of the underground report even after the end of their duty here.

"This young man has defeated the Elder of the Academy? ’

He had a cool atmosphere on his white face like the cold wind of a northern wind.

When I saw the sunblood sinking to clean skin during the osteoclastosis, I also looked like a nobleman who was unfamiliar with the arthritis.

It must have been hard for them to notice that they were on the verge of a complete superstar.

‘I never thought I'd open this door. Haha.’

- With Charles!

A middle-aged man in charge of the three masters took the key out of his arms.

Looking at the thick iron gate, there were three key holes.

One of them was the head of the guest book, and the other was the head of LEE.

‘If I didn't have a key, I wouldn't let you open it. ’

It was a subterranean report with more than five floors of vigilance.

“I'll count. One, two, three! ”

- Bang!

Three people hold the key in the keyhole and simultaneously turn it to the middle-aged man's relief.

At that moment, I felt a vibration on either side of the wall, and the closed iron door split in half and the entrance began to open.

- Yuck! Yuck!

The old, thick iron door is twitching and difficult to open, even if it has been neglected for a long time.

The entrance opens completely, and a cool air gushes out.

It was cold because of the winter, but the air inside the library building in Mado was relatively warm, but this was different.

When I opened my mouth, I could feel my breath.

What is that smell? Leather?

It smelled funny.

Something smells of medicinal herbs to make me rot.

Several things mixed up and stimulated the tip of my nose. However, compared to the black water in the Beacon Mounds, it did not belong to the stench at all.

- Bloop!

The middle aged master lit a torch on the wall and revealed a dark interior.


A small elasticity flowed from the mouth of the millennium.

The interior wall of the underground report, lit by torches, is covered in a subtle blue glow.

“Han Ok-Seok.”

The head of the guest book whispered to Lady Chun.

Cold pigmentation.

It was a stone with cold cold air.

The whole wall was covered with litter, so the air inside was cool.

“Come with me.”

You take a torch with a spare torch attached to the wall by Ehwa, and guide him inside the passageway.

As I entered the passageway, a wide pentagonal space appeared.

In front of the passageway was a large table made of stone, on which was surprisingly placed the forearm of the severed person and the leather speculated as inferior to the inside.

“What the hell is this place? ”

It was different from what he had thought of underground reporting.

“This is the second answer. ”

Ehwa suggested that you approach the Hanok Seok table with your palm pointing.

There was no great objection to cutting off the right arm of several minority candidates, but it felt strange to hold on to it.

Approaching the Hanok Seok Table, you can smell the medicine coming from the entrance of the iron gate.

Did you take care of the preservation? ’

The medicine must have been done to prevent inflation or decay of the severed arm.

The thousand-year-old's eyes shook as he approached.


From a distance, I was medicated, but I didn't know because it was bleeding and dry, but when I looked closely, my right arm was full of numerous injuries.

Similarly, the five infestations had sharp wounds.

It was traces created by the dojo.

“Figure...... Shake? ”

The scars were not just simple.

The scarred scar gives me a sharp feeling.

The thousand-year stature at the pole of the picture rose to an unprecedented degree.

After looking at the scars, I closed my eyes, and Black Ingot appeared, and it was a stubborn dojo that was convoluted enough to spread a unique method.

Even though it was only the herbal herb of the slaughter compared to the sword combining slash and stab, this was the first time.

‘Oh my… there was such a dojo. ’

I imagined the application method unfolding, but it was hard to stop more than two.

To deal with this, it seemed impossible to respond smoothly, at least not with a sword saboteur or a thousand swordsman.

‘They seem to say that the law is different. ’

I opened my eyes when I was closing my eyes.

I felt like I would fall in love if I focused more.

Lee Hwak, who was approaching his side, said.

“Do you know what that is? ”

“..... Is the owner of this arm a black horse ball? ”

The severed arm was holding something with its hand, but if you look at the grip of the finger, it must have been holding a sword.

He said with a brighter face, as if Lee Hwak was impressed by the words of the thousand.

“You're brilliant. That's right, the right arm of the black horse ball. ”

“What about these infestations? ”

“This is the refuge of the Pope's escorts and friendship laws, which were raided 500 years ago. ”

“...... These are the scars of the Hypocrite? ”

The arms and inferno that were preserved on the Korean marble table were the scars left by the greatest thief in the world.

I didn't know it would be preserved in the basement of Mado's secret library.

In a sense, it was a dojo of extremism.

As she turned around, she saw a bookshelf on one side of the five corners, and there were only three emergency books.

The Secretariat:

[Shrouded New Shin Blade]

[Twenty-four swords]

[Epistemological Analysis]

The Shin Ma Sword was the Black Horse's secret sword.

I have two disciples following my progress, but it is known that I did not turn over the feast, and there is a secret certificate in the underground report here.

I didn't know what the other two letters were, but it was clear that the Black Horse had left behind.


Thousands of years later, she could see why this underground report existed.

“Not just the heir to the true Emperor's progress, but a disciple who will inherit the heart of the Black Horse Ball." ”

In response, LEE Hwa smiled and replied.

“That's right, to raise a successor who can retaliate against the laws of extremism, to be precise. ”

She said she had never had a true disciple in her life.

His two predecessors were more powerful and ambitious than looking at the high sword.

He originally taught them shamanism to train guardians to protect the murdered Christian ceremony, the celestial flower.

At some point, they forgot their own mission and began to be caught up in vain ambition.

The disappointed she-war did not accept them as formal disciples.

“I told you before, when I spoke to the Grand Duke, you said the Black Horse had won a draw against the Extremist? ”

The only one who survived the battle against the extremists was the Black Horse.

Despite the loss of his right arm, the extremist who was achieving the myth of invincibility was hidden from the Moorish.

“Here's what the gumma bear said before she died. ”

“What is it?”

“The extremist suddenly disappeared somewhere in the middle of a fight. The gumma bear said it was just a draw because it didn't stop the battle. ”

During the battle with the sword, the extremist who cut off his arm on the subtle road suddenly stopped the fight and disappeared.

“After leaving a message about coming back, the gumma bear waited for four days, but she didn't show up, so she became a draw. ”

Black Horse, who fought fiercely day and night for three days and night, feared that extremism would reappear when his arms were cut off and his body was exhausted.

Fortunately, even after fifteen years, the extreme body did not appear until the Black Horse died.

She died worrying about the future of the Church, saying that even at the moment of her death, an extremist or descendant might reappear.

“Five hundred years have passed since. To be honest, I don't think the descendants of the Extremists will ever reappear, but you must break his scars and unravel the swordmaster ball. ”


I nodded my head in a scorching look, looking at Lee Hwa-hyung, who takes possession of the law.

Despite dying and worrying about the future of the martyrs, the gumma who left everything behind was truly faithful.

So, LEE went underground with a satisfactory face.

I'm going to give you the key to the underground report. Inside, there's a device that allows you to get out even if the door is closed, but you have to have a key to get back in. ’

Unlike the emergency library to the fifth floor, where there was a time limit to view, it was said that the underground report could be reported at any time.

But she didn't have to come back here or take long at all.

Soon after Ewha's name left her, she scanned three nonsequential books he left her.

‘A recipe for a proper shepherd ball. You're lucky.'

It was a sword that contained the essence of the black horse, and it contained an elaborate blade that did not consist of the usual way, but required strangeness.

"Hm. Better than the Six Factions of Unsullied..."

It was lower than the thousand swordsman or the retardation method.

I thought it might be good to pass it on to someone who handles the sword.

However, the twenty-four sword was surprisingly a new sword made based on the twenty-four swords that destroyed the three herbivores of the thousand swordsman.

‘Ah! Amazing. ’

Although the Retaliation Slash was a thorough slaughterhouse to deal with the astrologer, it was a technique based on the realization that the Retaliation Slash was the fastest.

Technically, this was the ultimate sword created by the Black Horse to deal with extremism.

"Ultrasonic hyperanalysis."

I looked at this lightly, and it was a record that analyzed the scars.

Even just before she died, she tried to examine the extreme body to determine its weakness. However, it did not make much progress than I thought.

It may have been natural.

I approached the Hanok Seok table, where the black horse's arms and infernos were left with extreme religious scars with a striking face.

‘It is a sad story for the gumiho ball, but if he kept fighting until the end, he would have been defeated. ’

It was a sword revered by the Christians.

Lee Hwa Nam also told me that he would be maintained, so there was no need to disappoint him.

The extreme cult that I felt through my heart was trembling itself.

"You're a genius swordsman! ’

The dojo of the extremist was surprisingly cutting-edge compared to a thousand swordsman.

The pottery of the scar left on the severed arm that I felt through my heart was powerful, as well as the fourth herbal herb of the Thousand Swordsman.

Nano, augmented reality. ’

[Implement augmented reality in your visual information.]

The thousand years' pupils were shaking rapidly, and white light particles drawn lines and augmented reality was conceived.

Nano. Can you extract the scars on your arm and use stereoscopic imaging? ’

[Yes, you can.]

‘Match the stereoscopic image of the incision with the fourth herb of the Thousand Swordsman. ’

[Yes, sir. I will activate the stereoscopic image of the drawing herbs and the fourth herbalist of the Thousand Swordsman in reverse mode.]

- Whoo-hoo!

The particles of white light moved and took the shape of two people.

The figure of the two men holding the sword slammed into each other, spreading out the two herbs indicated by Thousand Wolves.

- Whip, whip!

The sword of the diligent astrologer and the defeating scheme crashed violently and scattered white particles everywhere.

In an instant, the result of the sword battle with the figure appeared.

In the same way, the Thousand Swordsman's herbivores destroyed the supreme cultivation, but were pushed back about three feet by the overwhelming force.

The sophistication of herbivores was above the thousand swordsmen, but the power derived from the dojo was extremely strong.

“Oh, my God! ”

Throughout watching the two battles, she couldn't help but admire.

The implementation of Nano's augmented reality concluded.

The way of the extremist who gained the title of the greatest man under heaven as a passenger was a tax collector equal to the thousand swordsman left behind by the thousand thousand thousand words of research.

However, if the scar left on the sword's arm was the last herbalist, it would be one step below the thousand swordsmen, and if there was a herbalist of the spleen, it might be the only one capable of countering the thousand swordsmen as long as she knew it.

"Exterminate a dojo"? No. '

The gumma was left to shred these scars, but the Thousand Woman had nano that could accurately implement the herbs left in the scars.

The tail of her mouth rises to satisfaction.

“A technique fit for a thousand swordsman… what a performance! ”

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