Nano Mashine

Chapter 34 Now (3) #

Nano was instructed to analyze the ingredients of the soup on the chopsticks, putting it slightly on the tip of his tongue.

[Hazardous substances and noxious substances have been detected that cause energy dissipation in the body from food.]

Suspicion arising from suspicious behavior of proficiency.

In case you were wondering, it was right to check.

The word "scattering of energy" must have been the acid toxin that scattered the air.

He was the one who thought he would just eat the food, but changed his mind.

‘If you think I've noticed, the person who was after this won't show up. Nano, can you collect the harmful ingredients separately so they don't spread to your body? ’

[Yes, you can.]

With the function of the nanomachine, she purposefully ignored the poisonous ingredients in her body and ate all the Marathon.

And the poison was released like this.

- Cheers!


Along with the sound of burning thighs, the polyp's antiques screamed in agony.

Three people, including the white iron balls of Poisonous Horses, did not conceal their embarrassment.

No way! You had the poison in your system and then you drained it? ’

Draining out the poison that had been absorbed into the body was something only a few poisonous masters could do.

However, it was not possible for him to gather and release poisons even when he was consumed with scattered acid poisoning.

“Yes, how can you do that? ”

“I don't have time to explain. ”

Along with that, the new stature of the thousand leagues suddenly appeared behind the floating river of the gecko.

It was hard to visually determine how fast the work was.

It was a thousand years since I had mastered the great law of Maracum's German synesthesia, which was an exceptionally fast walk or walk.

“Buoyancy! Behind you! ”

“Damn it!”

- Yippee!

At the cry of the bell race, the floating river was startled, and I turned around to spread a defense herb for the method of circumcision.

However, there was no time for that in the situation that had already been caught.

A splendid herbal remedy was spread in the hand of the thousand leagues and struck his back with a swift blow.

- Papa Papa Papa Pa!


Eight longitudinal moves in a row on his back, the floating river bounced forward, vomiting blood.

Because the gap in the air was so severe, I couldn't stand it even with my curiosity.

- The coup d 'etang!

The floating river collapsed on the floor and began to faint.

“Boo, after just one vinegar? ”

The Black Horse's horn was frightened and he couldn't help but step back.

I knew I was strong because I had been hit once, but this was too one-sided.

‘Dammit! I shouldn't have listened to him. ’

This is why it was no different than before.

The millennium was not poisoned by the monster itself.

I just got out of the infirmary.

It was the judge who had to go back to the infirmary.

He tried to run away, but his guard was so fast that he couldn't escape his grasp.

But I thought I was going to go after myself or the White Steel Ball, but I approached the stunned floating river.

It seemed strange to have a deep life spurting out.

I lifted my foot over the head of the floating river with cold eyes.

“Now, hold on! What the hell are you doing? ”

“You're not mistaken about me being able to take care of an arm, are you? ”

“No! ”

- Qasim!

As the force entered the feet of the millennium, blood burst out with the sound of smashing in the head of the floating river.

“Oh, my God…"

"Kill him?"

The cheekbones of the black horse and the white iron balls of the poison horse suddenly became white.

I never thought I'd actually smash his head in.

It was useless.

Kyungpyo, who was afraid of the rest of her legs, was relieved of her strength, and was only limited by the struggle.

“It's your turn. ”

After killing the floating river, I turned to them.

A terrifying gust of life suppresses them under pressure.

Are you really going to kill us? ’

So far, it was quite different from the walk that the thousand women had shown.

He didn't take the lives of the minority candidates as much as he did to limit himself, but he didn't put matters in his hands as if he had lifted the restrictions.

- Tick-tock, tick-tock!

Kyungpyo sat on the floor.

I didn't know when I was hiding my energy, but the enormous ability I felt in the Thousand Woman on the pole of the picture was like birth.

‘No. I, I can never survive. ’

There was no way to defeat a thousand monstrous creatures.

Unlike Kyungpyo, who was trembling with fear, the captivated species of White Ball urgently shouted, thinking that we should somehow strike this situation.

“Yes, you're crazy. You're not afraid of the wrath of the Six? ”

“Are you afraid of the Six? ”

- Boom!

As she reaches out her hand, something that was on the ground shook, floating into the air in his deep air and swarming towards the bell bell.

- Puck!


Something was stuck in Kyungpyo's chest, trembling with fear.

It was a blade in the form of a broken, non-wave form of an anti-oil drum of the polyp.

“You! Really? ”

I spoke in a cool voice to the White Ball of Poison Horse who was angry at the image of Kyungpyo falling painfully with a sword in his heart.

“If I was afraid, I wouldn't have started from the beginning. ”

I did not feel any fear or hesitation in his eyes. White iron ball bites his lips tightly and curses with a poisonous voice.

“You made a mistake that can't be undone. The Six Factions will never leave you alone! ”

“I don't know, is it? ”

- Blame it!

In the end, a thousand years old was swarming with white iron balls.

* * *

After half an angle,

The thousand women who dug a trap with the poison and resolved the blood of the four cult who were aiming for themselves quickly opened their mouths and widened their gaze to find their henchmen.

According to the White Iron Ball of Poisonous Horse, the underlings were in danger.

In the absence of him, the candidate for the small bishop of Hyundai spun was forced to be pushed out of power, no matter how much the shaman rose.

I was in a hurry.

As he hurriedly expands his horizons towards the concert hall, I can feel the energy stimulating his senses.


Quite a number of people were approaching quickly from the direction they were headed.

On the other side of the dark maze, I was able to meet with those who were approaching me with a view.

They are:


"Duke of Thousand! ”

They were the servants of a thousand women, including King's Day and Heresy Bong.

Seeing the steam rising in the sand with the heat that lifted the air from their bodies, they seemed to be searching as urgently as possible.

As he expected, the thousands of his henchmen started around the two concert halls of the Mado Canal and wandered around looking for them and headed towards the direction of their accommodation.

“Ah! Thank God. I wasn't worried. ”

I swept my heart, thankfully, that Mungyu had confirmed that she was okay.

I was relieved that the other guys had the same heart.

“Lord! Are you all right? ”

Rather, I was curious about the worrying questions of King's Day.

“That's my point. Wasn't he attacked by the Celestial Dragons? ”

When I heard the words of White Iron Ball of Poisonous Horses, it was definitely not a lie.

It was a great opportunity to get rid of his henchmen at once if the millennium was really poisoned, simply to be a threat to chaos.

He frowned as he asked.

“How can you do that? ”

But no one was hurt in the attack.

“It wasn't just a raid. The henchmen of the Celestial Diamond came and offered to recruit us. ”

“Offer to recruit? ”

It was only three angles ago. Those who were heading to the restaurant for dinner did not attack, as expected, the superficial and natural servants who intercepted them.

Rather, I made them an offer.

Since the Thousand Wolves, not the Six, could never become the Bishops in any way, it was an offer to follow their master, Hyungamma-majong, as a candidate.

"I hear your loyalty is high. But there is a trend. It's under the protection of Maguire, no matter how strong it is now. You think he's gonna be able to handle the six factions and the top factions on his own if we get out of here? ’

‘Confucius Sichuan's inclusion is wide enough to gather everyone here. I hope you don't make foolish choices by trusting him. ’

He emphasized that Yeon-hyeon's supremacy and hyun-jun's infinity were not inevitable in front of the overwhelming forces of the six factions.

However, there was no way those who chose to follow the thousand wolves feared the supremacy of the six factions.

The words that insulted the Lord made them angry, and a huge hubbub struck them down.

"Ha! Don't bullshit me. ’


"Did you really think that we would bow our heads to a hippopotamus? And you keep spitting out the name of your honour, which is a thousand years old. Call me Elder. Ultimate Master! ’

In the middle of the day, the two of them stood still for a moment.

It was right to argue.

‘..... You're alive. He's a weakling of the small and medieval sect. ’

"Do you want to play with that weakling? ’

What's wrong with this guy? ’

"Extreme! We're not here to fight. ’

Though Yeon-hyeon's fervent spirit was aroused by the provocative words, he was withheld by Hyun-mae's amorphous.

I went straight to them as if they were unpleasant.

‘I hope you don't think the Lord is alone. We're always willing to lay down our lives for him. ’

‘Poor... The Elder must have some virtue. Seeing you like this, I don't want to give up on my offer. Think about it.'

Despite his superiority in terms of power, he clearly said he had no intention of fighting, leaving only the words to think about the proposal once more.

“Just leave? ”

“We tried, but we were hostile, so we went back. ”

He was ambushed, but his eyes narrowed as he said he had left his henchmen alone. It was hard to understand when I was just thinking.


"The bastards of your sect dug a trap to assassinate me. However, the current horseshoes only made that offer..."

When she was in doubt, she remembered the situation several times and realized why.

It was never an offer to use this situation to gain men's speed.

“..... Now it's time. ”

* * *

On the other hand, the bloodline of Hyun Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Yoon was returning his henchmen and contacting someone in the intensive performance hall.

He was a candidate for the Pontiff of Hyun-Majong.

Whether he spent the whole day practicing or not, his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Mu Jinyun said to him with a frowning face, "What's so fun?"

“I did as you said. We have nothing left to lose, whether the humble man survives or dies. Hahahaha.”

“I don't know. He resisted German poison. ”

Surprisingly, he was aware of everything that had happened to him so far.

This is why the henchmen wondered at yesterday's meeting.

Since the kingdom of heaven is flesh, we do not give all power to him. Moreover, it was especially true when it came to fighting the small bishops.

“After all, if he dies, you will be the final winner of the Fellowship, and if he survives, he will incur the wrath of your people.“ ”

Due to the nature of the millennium, we couldn't let those who were after their own lives remain intact.

Not a single sect and the blood of your sect will be touched at the same time, so the aftermath will be unparalleled.

"Hahahahaha! It's the best number."

Whatever it was, it was a gain.

Moreover, even if they survived, they had a reason.

It could be surrounded by a proposition from a venomous species, but rejected to avoid cowardice.

She abandoned her pride and coldly evaluated her current power.

Even if he added all of his own strength or the strength of his henchmen now, he could not defeat the thousand yen and its waves within the madove.

If you can't touch it yourself, the best thing to do is to use a different power.

“The real number of Ijj! I learned a lesson from my brother. ”

I'm sorry for the white iron balls of the poisonous species that suggested all of this, but everything was a competition.

For them, it was enough to draw the right amount of time to prevent the thousand runners from joining.

Having heard all the reports, the angel shook her hand to see if she was no longer interested.

“Now go back. I will continue my training. ”

“Very well. I'll be going, then...”

- Bang!

At that time, someone knocked on the thick stone door of the performance hall.

Not once.

- Bang!


I'm sure they're in use. Who keeps knocking?

He said it was okay to open it with a nod.

As he opened the door of the intensive performance room, without hesitation, a senior parish guard, Hojin Chang, with a bright lamp, appeared.


However, Hojin Chang was not alone.

Since then, there have been a number of bureaucrats waiting with their swords drawn and their weapons armed.

Given my strength, I felt like I could always use my strength.

“Ah....... what's going on? ”

I don't know what's going on in English, but I looked back at the heavenly body with a confused look on my face.

“Phew. Perfect timing. With you two in one place. ”

“Yes? What are you talking about? ”

“I've been ordered to deliver you both to the irrigation chamber. I don't want to take her by force, so I don't want any useless rebellion. ”

- Chang!

Hojin Chang's eyes, drawing his sword, were telling me that it was not a lie.

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