Nano Mashine

Chapter 34 Now (5) #

The hysema that occupies the account of the six factions.

One Elder Moon Jin, the leader of the species, was an absolute master who occupied the topless sequence in the classroom with both feasts spread simultaneously with both hands and changed sides.

Right Legend (25484;). Head of left sword 25484;).

It was conceptualized from the binary pumpkin, the memorial of the disappeared forward wave. It was hard enough to learn to blow another hole with both hands.

This shaman, known only as the shaman, in addition to the shaman, was shown in front of everyone to obtain a yellow badge in the three phase exam.

"Right Swordsman"?

It was concluded when LEPA first saw the body of White Iron Ball, the blood of a poisonous species.

With a master of that size, the scars alone could easily distinguish between the injuries caused by the perforations.

“Do you have any excuses? One thousand shares.”

There was only one person who could open the Right Armpit in Mado's palace.

The candidate for the Pontiff of Hyun-Majong is Cheon Si-yeon.

What the hell did you do? Wealthy. ’

In her ears, she did not hear the voice of Ehwa in the Leftovers Act.

I was confused by this ridiculous trap that destroyed my common sense.

"You only did this once? Does this make any sense? ’

We know the killer is a thousand years old.

By the way, who can remember the herb that was held three years ago at a moment in time and reinvent it?

This was impossible even if it was the elder of his outer wife.

‘..... You're a loner. ’

All this was a trap made by Lady Luck, and it only made sense if he opened the vinegar once and claimed to have killed the White Balls of Poisonous Horses.

It was a perfect trap, so there was no way to defeat it.

“Wow, Your Royal Highness! ”

When all that remained on the bodies pointed to the culprit of the Heavenly Smoke, the blood of the Hyundai species, Mujin, lost his composure.

“This is someone's trap. So far, 1,000 weeks have been practicing in the concert hall. How do you kill them? ”

Of course, one thing was true without a lie.

However, there was no way to explain the scars left on the body.

Lee Hwak-nim said to Mujin without letting out his cold eyes.

“A trap? What's a trap? ”

“Well, that's...”

For a full explanation, I had to explain everything that happened here.

It also reveals that they are involved.

Eventually, you will be harmed in some way.

‘No. If this case gets you kicked out of Madowan, the small bishops' battle will be a complete and utter victory. ’

- Yuck!

He gritted his teeth to see if he was angry.

I didn't know anything else, but I had to stop him from getting out.

The more impatient he was, the less impaired he chose.

“Your Highness! This has nothing to do with us. ”

“An explanation is an excuse if there are no symptoms. Listen to them.”


When Ehwa tried to order them to be confiscated, he exclaimed in a hurry.

“Me, all of you! He's the one who made it up. ”

He closed his eyes and sighed as he shouted.

I told him to be selfish, but he ended up blowing it up. But I couldn't blame him.

If they are released from Mado Cove under the guise of murdering the same student, they will take the place of the minority.

- Good boy!

Lee Hwa's eyes widen, and he raises his hand to stop the coming headless schools.

When he showed interest, he thought he was heartless.

‘Explain as much as possible that we are not involved. ’

When Lee Hwa gazed quietly, he said what had happened to him, which he accepted to mean to tell him about the chaos.

There were, of course, some variations.

The dead man was silent anyway, so he took all responsibility to the White Iron Balls of Poisonous Horse species.

“... but I refused to believe it was cowardly. Think about it. What's in it for us to kill them? Moreover, if Chow Chun is expelled, there is no reason for him not to go to the Capture of the Minnesota. I didn't know they were dead until I was called here. ”

However, Lee Hwa's expression was strange the whole time he listened to the story.

I tried to be reasonably varied, but I wasn't at all doubtful.

When he was frustrated, he took out the last means.

“Summon the Thousand Wolves and the other cadets to fight! Even though I explained it, it doesn't make sense that we're the only suspects. ”

There was a precise escalation that was unrelated to the incident.

It is even more certain if they testify because they were with the thousands and thousands of the astronauts at the time of the incident.

“Please hurry! ”

I was not holding on to the thousands of henchmen for this purpose, but I felt lucky.

However, the reaction of LEPA was different from what he expected.

He shakes his head and opens his mouth with a voice, "This is ridiculous."

“The godmaster. This irrigation was a joke to me. ”

“Yes? I can't. ”

“Did you think that nonsense would work? ”


“Who do you think found these bodies? ”

“Weren't you blue-collar schools? ”

“The elder of the cloth, along with other shareholders, discovered the site and reported directly to the irrigator. ”

“Well, that's ridiculous! ”

Lee Hwa said, "It's absurd."

Does it make sense that the person who did this reported it?

I have now complained, forgetting the situation that Yoon Jun was accused of because he was furious.

“Your Highness! He's the real culprit! Why...”

“Why am I the culprit? ”


A familiar voice led to a natural sound in the direction of the gaze of see-through and skyscraper.

Thousands of miles have come inside among the shameless bridges surrounded by their lanterns.

'Ha! The real culprit is coming to the scene? Are you brave? Are you crazy? "

In the appearance of surprises, Yoon was completely baffled.

As soon as the millennium approached, the bureaucrats bowed their heads in reverence at the same time.

“A humble elder to see you! ”

“To see the Elder! ”

More than seventy bureaucrats showed examples at the same time.

At that moment, I lost my words.

Though I thought I had gotten the position of Elder because I passed the six-stage test, I was still the same student in their heads and was only a trivial servant's child.

“Be respectful. ”

Two people's expressions were stiffened in the words of LEE Hwa.

Although the position structure of the bridge was clearly correct, I felt a strange sense of otherness.

As they hesitated, Ewha's aura was becoming more and more overwhelming.

“I told you to be respectful. ”

When she bites her lips, she forcefully bows and respects her head.

“I am pleased to meet you… Elder. ”

“Ugh!..... I meet the lovely Elder. ”

I had no idea that even the situation where they had to bow their heads to the woman they had despised so much.

Damn it!

Extremely arrogant, but I couldn't help it.

He raised his head again, and said to him with a cold look.

“The godmaster. Did you say I was trying to trap all these people in poison and gamma and granulomas and swords? ”

Things got weird.

If I said yes here, I would claim that the elders of the main school were accused of murder.

When he couldn't say anything, Lady Chun asked, looking at LEE Hwa's name.

“Your Holiness, do I know how these bodies died? ”

“There must be something difficult. ”

- Exactly!

As Lee Hwa flicked his fingers, the headless bridges gathered the bodies together.

An anal pony carrying the corpse of an anomaly of a phoenix explained its condition.

“The monarch of antiques was severed by the flotation method of the dome, and poisoned by the dome of white iron balls of venom. ”

The shaman pony, which brought the corpse of the specimen, explained subsequently.

“The Grand Master of Gyeongju died of an anti-Semitic Grand Master's sword pierced his heart. ”

In the description of the two shamanstones, the eyes of the astronauts shook.

At first, he thought it was just a case to frame him for a thousand years.


Apart from the realization of something, the shaman pontoon, who took the body of the Toma Bell floating river, explained the cause of death.

“The Master of the Rising Tide... sustained internal injuries to a longevity method thought to be the Yoohyun field of Hyundai spp. His head was crushed and died. ”

The body of the last body, the White Iron Ball of Poisonous Horse species, was right in front of it, and LEE explained directly.

“One hundred and fifty weeks died of internal injuries and excessive bleeding from being placed in the right bayonet, which is the boil of the horse species. ”

Then he looked at the heavenly ash with his face reminded him of.

Just like you emphasized once again that the killer is him.

Chun Yeon nodded, this time looking at the heavenly ash and azure.

“That's odd. You think I know how to do this much maneuvering from scratch? ”

“Well, that's...”

He was speechless.

There were no traces of 1,000 nautical miles on any of the bodies.

“And when I hear the stories of the parishioners, it looks like there were only five of them fighting and killing each other. ”

You little...! ’

I stared at her with wide eyes, whether she was shocked or not.

It was because I was certain of the conjecture I had learned in the middle of hearing the signs of the bodies.

"You intend to contest the Five Factions! ’

At first, I thought it was just to get rid of myself, the only enemy left in the Sovereign Union's capture.

But it wasn't.

The true purpose of the millennium was not only its own.

If these bodies were to spread to the four sects, the culprits would have no choice but to identify the culprit by the wounds left on the bodies.

Among them, by the ratio of Yoohyun-run field and right bayonet, the guinea pigs and venomous tumors whose blood was killed will be burned with hatred for their own base.

‘..... I was beaten! ’

He received the number of nowadays that he had planned.

This one move eliminated the enemy number of the Civil War and forced the five factions to dispute.

In addition to the wife who is the mother of none in her life, she had never seen such a profoundly precise tactic.

I was just too clever.

- Pussy!

Rrrrgh! So cute! ’

In the yard where everything had already been revealed, even Matter couldn't have missed it.

But they knew the truth and couldn't do anything.

There was no way to explain anything from a corpse's wounds to a burial ground to prove that Lady Chun had done all this.

It's a perfect victory.

LEFTWARD LEAF gave orders to the parishioners, raising their mouths.

"Imprison the two of you."


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