Nano Mashine

Chapter 36 in the jaws of a snake (2)

Starting with a single gesture, he was looking closely at his actions, which meant he was in this guest.

He pretended to be passionate about eating without trying hard to make threats to his voice.

Mungyu and Hubong, who knew nothing, were already talking with a nervous face about when the enemy would come in contact.

It was a short while, but I was wondering if I should let her know by whistling.

However, it seemed like it would be a problem for escort Jang to do something unnecessary because he could see whether or not the chords were echoing.

‘...... They are not ordinary people. ’

It was different from when I was in Mado tube.

I heard the sound of the bells again as the millennium gave way.

[Warning. Don't even think about trying to figure out where I am. If you do anything wrong, he dies.]

They were already threatening Zhang Fei, assuming they knew he was missing.

Damn it!

The words that provoked me beyond the threat made my eyes turn cold.

I had never been threatened by kidnapping my own people before, but I didn't think it would make me this unpleasant and angry.

Of course, threatening not to look was not enough to follow.

‘Nano. I need you to locate the earpiece you're hearing. ’


It detects frequencies with different vibrations.

We have adjusted the sound of different frequencies to be heard by your ears.]

At the end of Nano's words, the frequencies were adjusted as the strange, thinner sound was blazing through the thousand thousand ears than the whistling sound.

I heard a polite tone again.


Found it!

I did not look at it as much as I could, but the sound of a reverberation was coming from the entrance of the guest cup. I couldn't make eye contact, so I couldn't see the exact face.

The beep continued.

Come to the Master of Poisonous Horse Species until the end of the festival.]


When the unexpected cult was discussed, she became complicated in her head.

I thought it was one of the three sects: gumma, hypnoma, and hymnoma. Suddenly, the poison spurt popped out, so it was okay.

[You must come unarmed when you come as an officer. If you bring a Blade on his back, he will cut off one arm before entering the entrance.]

- Tight!

I didn't try my best, but the fury that was rushing up rushes into my left hand, hidden under the dining table.

[And of course, the chancellor requires you to come alone. Imagine that if you shine a shadow within a 300-foot radius, you won't have his life. There are no people around at the time of the festival, so cut the crap.]

It was a trap to isolate her thoroughly.

I knew and knew that I had to go into the snake's jaws.

I didn't have to see what was going on there.

In a way, if I just gave up one chaperone, I didn't have to listen to these ridiculous requirements.

Escort Jean...

However, Zhang escort had a different meaning.

For the other minority candidates, the Escort Blader may have been assigned by the Bishop, but escort Jean was like a parent to Lady Chun.

He was like a father who had been raised since birth until entering the Mado tube.

[If you don't show up at the appointed time, I'll think I've given up on him and kill you. I trust you will judge well and act accordingly.]

They knew this, so they made some crazy threats.

The thought of wanting to cut the throat of the bearer who sent the message to himself in the corner of the thousand woman's heart, which was furious to the end, rose like a chimney.

[The anomaly is over. For the record, don't even think about chasing me.]

At the end of the speech, the messenger hides his tracks from the entrance.

Within the radius, a thousand would-be believed something had to be done before the pilgrimage completely disappeared.

- Ugh!

Then, four men who were sitting around the table, as if they were waiting, stood up and stared at the thousand foods.

- Blame it!

The thousand leagues rushed to those who were staring at themselves, moving like lightning.

- Pufferpuck!


A thousand luck appeared in front of the men who woke up from their seats, punching them in the abdomen and knocking them unconscious.

Except for one person.

- Heave!


The middle-aged man's body, strangled in the palm of his hand with the super-strength of the millennium, is lifted into the air as it is.

He was quite large, but I couldn't believe he held it with one hand.

“Queek! Sa, save me! ”

“Which sect are you from? ”

“Joe, what's a Jongpara? Hiic!”

The livelihoods of the famous masters of photography, even the hottest masters, are intimidating enough to feel their hearts throbbing with fear.

However, the man who was caught in his neck was just a tribal defender from a common martial artist.

- Bloop!

The middle-aged man's trousers get wet wet.

He does not overcome the horror and faints as he pees.


“Lord. Could it be these people? ”

Mungyu and Vanity, who were sitting on nothing, hurriedly rushed over and asked.

I was so tired of peeing, I looked at the man who was unconscious, and I muttered with an impression.

“...... I don't think so. ”

One of the six factions was an ordinary skill fighter.

- Speechless!

As the guest's attention became focused, she took Thousand Wolves and the men who were stunned outside.

After escorting them off the streets of Wahho, she came to her home at the southern gate of the city of Mahgio.

After they woke up and interrogated them, I also had the results I expected.

“Well, we were asked to keep an eye on you. ”

“Save me. I really do.”

Four people said the same thing with Lee Dong-sung.

Those who received the silver coin were asked by a man to just stare at the group.

I asked him what he looked like, and all I could tell him was that I didn't know because he was hiding his face in a piece of meat. I checked their identity cards to say it was a lie, and they were just ordinary dancers in the school.

“I won't kill you. But I need you here for a couple of days. ”


- Tata! Tata!


So far, she needed to be sure, so she trapped their bloodstream and locked them in a storehouse.

"It's only until the end of time, the end of days, and the end of days. ’

When the three men who went to study the three factions come, they will know the truth.

Perhaps you've seen trends moving from the outside to the inside or vice versa, and soon it will reveal which faction is the real culprit.

Yuxi Seconds

It was time for the three of them to return.

The first person to arrive was the king's day when he went to examine the birth of the phoenix.

Going back and forth reported that there were people traveling to and fro with a harmony, but there were no special signs that internal power was moving or anything.

I asked about the dead man, but I didn't see him at all.

“You're not a gonoma. ”

“I think so. There seems to be a high probability of a hysema or a hysema. ”

Although the bell had a sword, the main feast was the phoneme.

Now, if the remaining two come, it will be clear which sect they belong to.

That's how the half hour passed.

No matter how much time passed, there was no evidence of black horses and white horses.

“It's too late. ”

It's already half past dusk, so the sun is setting.

Hubong stood outside the gate and continued to look, but he did not see a shadow of a person who resembled them.

Damn it!

Thousands of women and their men instinctively felt that something was wrong.

General Hyun-Majong from the north gate of the castle at the same time.

There was a middle-aged woman sitting on the floor of the main hall of the Jangwon Church, looking at the red bitten sky and enjoying her tea.

She was a hypnomatous woman.

Then, through the front door of the palace, Hyung-jong's martial artists entered the car as well.

In the lead were an elderly man of half a hundred and a middle-aged man with a long beard, followed by two young men who were injured and stunned.

The young men stand in line, placing the young men in front of the widow.

The old man smiles satisfactorily at her.

“Like you said, I found this one hiding near the shepherd. You're a pretty tough guy. ”

There were footprints all over the old man's table.

I looked at the young man who was unconscious on the floor.

He was no different.

His face is pale, if he has internal injuries, and his clothes are covered in blood, if he has a sword in his blood in his chest and abdomen.

But the other young man who was lying next to him was a quadriplegic.

The middle-aged man with a long beard was the one who hid near the master of the hippopotamus and suppressed the samosang that had been studying Dongbu.

Like the white period, the middle-aged man's clothes were full of signs of injuries, unlike those with poor blood smears.

“You must have been hard on yourself. ”

“..... He was a complete superstar. ”

The middle-aged man in the beard is ashamed but unable to conquer the quadriplegia on his own.

It was only a whistle, but I would have missed it if it wasn't for the foreign party martial artists he led.

“I'm ashamed.”

Towards such a middle-aged woman, the widow faintly raised her mouth tail over the veil.

“It's okay. I've accomplished my mission. I see you've made your point. I can see the look on his face that would be confused as to where he took his escort from between the black horse and our scorpion by now. Hohoho.”

Looking at the joyful mistress, the middle-aged man with the beard thought to himself.

‘He is really scary. ’

He had been with us for almost twenty years, but he was as brilliant as anyone.

As soon as she heard that Thousand Wolves had exposed himself to the streets, she immediately discovered that he had set a trap for backtracking.

‘If he did not want to be the wife of the Pope himself, the seat of the next servant of Hyun-majong might have been his wife's. ’

She was such a scary woman.

“By the way, which sect are these boys from? ”

An old man from Banshee answered her question.

“This young man is called Baeki, the purest of disciples. ”

“Innocent? A young man of the upper order. Hmm. Looks like you got it pretty banged up in the maze. I can't believe you did this. ”

Even though purebreds were not the top sect, they were fairly famous as nothing among the top sects.

Though he assumed he was gathering his men for the Civil War, he was curious that he had gained more talents than he thought.

“What about this young man? ”

“I was going to ask you what you were going to do if you didn't. ”


“...... I think he's the elder's disciple. He said he was from an office. ”

“Samujong? You must be the son of the former Elder Samar's ball? ”

“Yes, it is. ”

At first, he was captivated by the command of his boss's mistress, but he was as difficult to do as the one called Zhang Escort.

I hesitated for a moment when I said it was an office bell.

However, his identity seemed to surprise him in a different way than that of the old elder.

"You made even the clerks on your side?....... he's really dangerous. I knew I was right. If we don't kill him now while the Lord is away, we may not be able to do it any more in the future. ’

Unsullied, resourceful, and fortunate about people.

The first two things can be reversed by effort, but the last three were different.

The fate of the chief to rule over others was impossible unless he was born.

The widow was convinced that she should not remove the thousand lashes one more time.

* * *

Xxxxx (19985; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

Bridge's interior makes cold night air cool to the lungs.

On the west side of the castle lies a master of poisonous species.

On the ceiling of the building up to a 300-foot radius of the Poisonous Horse Master, the Hyundai Horse Warriors were hiding and watching as they moved in all directions.

In their eyes, they saw a young man walking towards the Longevity Monk.

He was an impressive young man wearing long hair with red symbols on his black face.

‘I didn't bring any weapons. ’

There was no black and white leather on my back all the time.

The Spirits Bladers on the ceiling, who confirmed it, raise their flags.

Stop, stop, stop!

Then the flags rose sequentially, eventually reaching the master of the poisonous species.

The Poison Bell's inner court had a large garden and a courtyard, where hundreds of hippopotamus were armed and waiting.

There were archers on top of the palace buildings and the outdoor buildings, and from the moment the red flag rose, they started to draw arrows in their bows.

In front of the palace building was a table, and the wife of a red cotton wooden woman was sitting and drinking tea.

On either side, an old man of Antigua and a middle-aged man of long beard escorted her like a left and right kidney.

“Hehe, you're here. ”

It was a hippocampus that had already come from half a mile long and was waiting for the camp.

I am ready to send a thousand moons to the afterlife.

Soon, a thousand fathoms entered the Poisonous Species building.

‘You've been meticulously prepared. ’

When she passed through the external party and entered the internal party, she sensed that there were close to 200 people, but she put her tongue out.

I would not have prepared it like this without deciding.

The tail of the widow's mouth in a red cotton cloth rises as she looks at the thousand passes through the front of the inner circle.

"That's when he became a young man. As a cancer that threatens me. ’

Before entering the mado tube, I tried all the means and methods I could to get rid of the poisonous and swordmaster, but I survived and even hit my own back.

- Gross!

As I warned you, the intense energy emanating from the body of a thousand generations ago was revealing its strength.

I couldn't believe it was up to the camera, but it was a blank slate.

At this level of strength, it was no exaggeration to say that the school was strong enough to hold five fingers.

- Cough!

The archers on top of the building aimed at the demonstration with tense faces.

To make a thousand bucks a beehive at any time.

The wifeless lady relaxes her hands to the thousand women entering the front entrance.

“We meet at last. Come this way."

"She"? ’

There was a bundle of twinkle in her eyes.

It was Mrs. Hwa, the mother, who came to her with several wives before she died of poisoning, and finally made her promise not to learn internal medicine until she entered the coffin.

‘...... It's awful. Are they after me to the end? ’

The anger that was strong enough to burn the entire chest made even the saliva in your mouth smooth.

But he was not the fence of childhood.

With a cold look on her face, she confronted the wifeless woman around the table.

His wife smiled and said.

“It's been a long time since I was a kid. Time is running out. You really do look a lot like your mother. ”

The moment I saw her for the first time, I thought of Mrs. Hwa's face.

It was even worse for me because I looked more like Mother than my father, the Catholic Church Yoojoong.

“The same is true for the filthy mother and the woman you saw. But it's falling apart. I can't believe you fell for this trivial trap. I don't think you're up to the task. Hehe.”

She seriously laughs at the thousand winds that have come this far, knowing it was a trap, risking her life for a trivial escort Blader.

Despite her attitude, she did not waver and asked me expressionlessly.

“Where is escort Jang and my men? ”

“Hohoho, is that naive? Do you think she brought them here? What a fool.”

From the beginning, she had no intention of letting them go.

If we take care of the thousand moons here, we were going to kill escort Jang, and convince his henchmen to follow his son, Jellyfish.

However, his attitude was strange.

"Why are you still staring at me? ’

Even though it was a completely disadvantage, the thousand eyes did not die at all.

Rather, his eyes seemed convinced that he could reverse this situation at any time.

“That looks... arrogant. Let's start with the internal air and finish the conversation. ”

The middle-aged man standing next to the widow came forward and approached Lady Chun.

“If you want to save your escort, do not resist. ”

The middle-aged man with a long beard warned her with a whisper.

At that moment, she glanced at him with sharp eyes and said in a cool voice.

“Was it you?”

- Hmph!

The voice of a middle-aged beard.

It was like the consonant that threatened him in the guestroom.

A middle-aged man with a beard who felt a strange fear in the voice of the thousand who remembered him reached out with his hands raised in horror.

“Don't be presumptuous! ”

- Pot!

The moment that hand was about to reach the edge of the thousand leagues,

- Tight!

“Yi, this guy? ”

A thousand luck grabbed his wrist with a quick flick.

I try to pull up the middle-aged, embarrassed beard air and pull it out of my hand, but I don't move as if I'm trapped in a giant crevice.

“Let go. This one...”

- Wood Duck!


Just as she broke the stick of a tree, she gave strength to her grip, the middle-aged man's wrist of the beard was broken to the opposite extent, and her bones protruded out.

Then the wife of Wukong shouted to Lady Chun in a loud voice.

“Even if your Escort Blader dies, you're sure you won't regret it. One gesture from the woman who saw him, and her life...”

Before she could finish, she pulled something out of her chest and threw it on the table.

It was a little neck.

An unknown object asked with a cautious expression.

“What is this? ”

“Open it yourself. ”

She hesitates for a moment and picks up her throat and opens the lid, feeling something ominous in her attitude.

At that moment, the two pupils of the wifeless woman were severely shaken.

“...... What the hell is this? ”

If she were an ordinary woman, and not an unmanned martyr, she would drop her neck.

Inside the neck was the eyeball of a different person.

It was only recently drawn, and even her eyes were filled with blood, and she was embarrassed.

Thousand years later, I spoke to her in a heartfelt voice.

“Whose eyes are those? ”

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