Nano Mashine

Chapter 44 Nameless (1) #

This is a strange expression with an open mouth and spit.

The family members who had been together for a long time were different, even though they did not notice a big difference.

The subtle difference was enough to make the Elder's illumination dull.

“Th-this... hurts... ugh. ”


I grabbed her head and hugged her in agony, and she showed tears.

The elder Moon was deeply fond of the verses and the rules that could be called the remnant of the family after losing his child in an accident.


Mungyu also shed tears from his red eyes.

"How far is your ability?" ’

I looked at the thousand with the expression that vanity was surprising in the violent reaction of the literature.

Of course it was the same with Baekgi.

I thought I was good at medicine or medicine enough to know that I was addicted to it, but I didn't think it was this good.

"I'm an untouchable god. ’

I gave him my tongue every time he surprised me.

It was thought that maybe she was communicating with God.

The surprise and emotional aftermath did not go easily for a while due to the astonishment that was a thousand years old.

It is only after a single sighting that Thousand Wolves and the group come out of the Maw Dragon Warrior.

When you walk in, there are four of you, five of you.

One additional person was Moongyu's twin sister, Moongyu.

In the hand of the Empress Dowager, there was a pink roof to meet the faithful.

‘If the Lord is able to heal us, we don't need this hand. Please use it in a more useful place that the Lord of Sodao has. ’

Elder Moon Moon decided to leave the gospel to the guest house of non-returnees for a while.

It was because he had a strong connection with the eleven elders' hallucinations, and for a while he realized that he needed regular treatment to improve his disability.

‘Please take good care of your grandchildren. ’

With this passage, Lady Chun and her group return to non-return.

The time was in the middle of nowhere.

It was late and it was already dark.

When I returned to the guest house, the eleven elders who had returned first were waiting for someone.


She was a stubborn middle-aged noblewoman, and was a tranquilizer before the dislocation.

She was an agent of a carcinoma with an inflamed sphincter who had been trained in a non-comedogenic event and was acting as a smoothie instead.

The vision also comes down the floor to see if you've found a group of 1,000 coming into the guest house, and you find someone, and then you slip your lips.

It was because I saw a phrase that was peeling off the surface of the veil.

[My nephew has finally taken off his face. What a shame to hide it with cotton wool. It's so pretty. Hehe.]

Ugh! Uncle Hwan! ’

I blushed my face because I was ashamed of Mungyu's sarcasm in the voice of mockery.

If I stayed as a man for almost four years and made others realize that I was a woman, I felt embarrassed and strange.

I came to Lady Chun with a big smile to see if such a reaction was fun.

“Welcome. My lord, I hope you're well. ”

In response to the question of congratulations, she nodded and expressed her positivity.

With the contact of Moongyu in the case of the Dragon Warrior, the illusion that it would have good results was not very surprising.

“Your Grace. If you're a Dragon Warrior, you'd be a great help to Little Lord. Hehe.”

“I was lucky. There was Mungyu. What happened to Elder Hwan? ”

I asked him about the hallucinations and the former elder Samaritan who had gone to the master of the sword to recruit the six elders.

On one knee, I apologized to Lady Chun.

“Forgive me. The Elder Samar and I went to the Crucible Blade, but we couldn't find the Elder." ”

“You haven't met him? ”

“Yes. By the time we arrived, we had already had guests. ”

When I heard that I had a guest, I frowned and asked myself, in case there were any customers.

“Were you... a sword or a labyrinth? ”

“Oh! How did you know that? ”

I asked the question with a surprised expression.

As he expected, the first to find the master of the Monkey Blade was the two masters of the Black Horse and Blue Horse.

The hallucinations and Samaritans who had been robbed of their players by a short car waited and asked to see them, but had to return to the scorpion that today was going to be difficult.

"I see."

The four factions were making similar moves, just as the thousand yen wanted to recruit the elders in neutral as allies.

Of course it was natural.

They were somehow raising their forces to defend their right to self-interest.

However, even before seeing the Elder, if he had been beaten by the gate gate, he was more likely to have gone over to the side of the four sects.

“That's not good news. ”

“I'm so sorry. ”

“No, they were fast. But what about him? ”


Thousand Yeon asked the carcinoma agent who was wearing an inflatable sphere of figs waiting for their conversation to end.

He said as if he was waiting for the question.

“I was going to tell you otherwise. Our agents were only here a few days ago. Elder of the Year.”


The caller who was guarding the Thousand Wolves' side in the call of congratulations made a curious look.

She was also curious about the presence of an agent who was supposed to be acting as a Mage Swordsman.

“Greetings to the Lord and Elder. It's called Issue 24. ”

- Good boy!

An agent from the Infield, who has identified himself as issue 24, greets you first.

When she nodded lightly, she told me why the twenty-four agents of the Infidel Zone had come to visit the Minister of Home Affairs.

“Elder Yeon. There was an intruder in the chief of the poliomyelitis. ”

“Trespassers?..... You can't be from the sword horse again? ”

“No, I'm not.”

Unlike the anticipation of the atomization, the intruder was not a saboteur.

Twenty-four told me about what happened just before the clock.

Twenty-four, who were familiar with the usual radius of behavior of the figs, were reading books in the library of the main hall.

“When I was reading in the library, I heard a beep. ”


Twenty-four were out of the library surprised by the sound, but there was no one around.

Twenty-four, who thought it was unusual, tried to look around, but he heard a polite tone again.

[Act normal. Don't even think about looking for me.]


It was only then that the twenty-four volumes in vocabulary could see that the unknown man was without a high void.

Twenty-four people who felt afraid went back into the library and sat down as they were trained.

Then I heard a voice again.

[Things changed. I'll pull the deadline ten days. Then.]

That was the end.

After saying that he would change the day without going back and forth, he did not hear any more bells.

In case you were wondering, the twenty-four, which waited for about every day in the library, came out of the voice-over and found traces of the one who sent the recording, but there was nothing.

“I'm here to deliver this to Elder Yeon because it's not something I can solve on my own terms. ”

When her story is over, she looks at the lotus flower with serious eyes.

Smooth flowers also nodded their heads to such pretty gaze.

It seemed like I knew immediately who sent the recording that the twenty-four told me.

“No..... people. ”

She was convinced he was anonymous.

Three years ago, the three elders, including the fig itself, adhered to the identity of the agreement to meet at the Hundred Thousand Mountain Mountain Mountain's Own Temple after refining one herb of the twenty-four horse swords.


He frowns as he regains consciousness.

It was because he said that he would pull ten days from the date of the prelude.

It was five days ago when I told Lady Chun about her innocence. At that time, she said she would meet Anonymous after the full moon.

“..... Today. ”

It was today that I pulled ten days.

I tilted my head to see if the figs didn't make sense.

It was the first time I had met Anonymous several times and never changed the due date.

“I don't know why I pulled the timeframe. ”

At her question, she raises the tail of her mouth.

“Something's come up. That's great.”

Otherwise, it was a thousand years of desperation to meet a shameless swordsman who knows both twenty-four swordsmen and a thousand swordsman.

I didn't think it would pull like this.

* * *

Around noon that night.

Oh Hyun-bong, a hundred miles () southwest of Mahgio Castle.

Among the many mountain peaks of the 100,000 generations, it is a tall mountain with three fingers.

On top of the mountain top of Oh Hyun-Bong, there was a climber who swiftly opened his eyes.

Those who easily climbed the rugged foothills reached the top of the mountain in just a matter of time.

- Tak!

As I stepped on the top of the mountain, the mountain peaks of 100,000 mountains, reflected by the moonlight of the night sky, spread out.

It was dark, but the densely-looking mountain peaks were not too wide.


The cold mountain air gives way to the air.

The middle-aged noblewoman who climbed the mountain restlessly was a tranquilizer.

She came here in her old form wearing an inflatable ball from Issue twenty-four to hide the disfigurement.

“Elder of the Year. Hello?”

Then she hears a familiar voice in her ears.

At the top of Oh Hyun-bong, someone arrived before her.

He was a servant of a black horse with a short beard and beady eyes, and was this elder's bodyguard.

Sitting on a rock and waiting, he gets up from his seat and approaches the figs.

“I thought there'd be three of us again, but it's just the two of us. ”


At the end of the gymnastics, the figs snorted.

Since she knew that she hated hypnomas and sarcomas for more than 500 years in a polished carcinoma, the gynecologic machine had nothing to do with her cold reaction.

“Oh Hyun-Bong must have made good on the Grass, though. ”

“I don't mingle with the ignorant who betrayed him. ”

“Ha! Still. ”

The crown prince shook his head as he kicked his tongue.

Every time I meet her here, she never tries to talk to the elders and herself.

It was always consistent with despicable eyes.

‘Even if you do, it won't be much. This time, it will be our swordmaster who will make all the progress of the black horse ball. ’

Even though he was shredded, he was a shepherd who wanted to make progress.

In the martial arts, he was convinced that victory was his unless there was the strongest unmanned crew fighting in the third place.

And he learned one thing in his last encounter with Anonymous.

‘If he guesses right, he must be…… ah! It's almost time. ’

When I saw the moon floating in the middle of the night sky, I fell asleep.

Since he always appeared on time, it was time to arrive at the top of the mountain peak by now.

It was just then.

- Tak!

Someone appeared on the ridge.

He approached them with a light new stature.

The man wearing the black mask must have been anonymous.

“Right on time. ”

The voice was also the voice at that time.

When I saw the anonymous response, I was not at all strange, even though I was only with two people.

He was the one who freely went in and out of the church, so it was also natural to know the death of an elder.

Who is this guy, really? ’

There was a bundle in the eyes of the figs.

Even when it was a complete picture, it was still difficult to guess the unknown, even though it was on the pole.

In order to fully crave this energy, it is only possible to possess a power greater than the polarity of a picture.

“I've changed the deadline, but I salute you for being on time. So let's get down to business. Which one of you...”

- Fluffy!

“..... What are you doing? ”

Before he finished speaking, he asked with a look that he couldn't understand the attitude of the Black Horse Racehorse on one knee.

I had to wonder about the figs, too.

"Why is he kneeling? ’

At that time, the guard gathered his hands together and spoke in a respectful voice.

“Gyeongbeon, the master of the gumma spp and the elder of the main school, sends greetings to His Holiness. ”


At the end of the gymnastic period, my eyes grew wide and I looked at her.

She assumed that Anonymous was related to the main church, but never thought of her as a Buddhist monk.

‘At that time, the sword..... must have been. ’

This Elder reminded me of the trembling sword that was shown three years ago by anonymity.

The moment I saw the sword, I was surprised at the same time.

They knew how to use a thousand swords because they had fought alongside the current Catholic Church master many times. However, this sword blade that was unfolded was very similar to the Heavenly Sword method.

At first, he wondered if the bishop was testing them, but he couldn't have tried to weaken the six factions.

On that day, Kyung-bok returned to the Chief Minister, who was troubled, came to a conclusion.

‘Who knows about the Thousand Swords except the Church of God? Oh, really? ’

It was the Catholic Church.

No one could learn the Heavenly Sword except the Heavenly Catholic Church, who disappeared twenty years ago.

It was likely that he disappeared suddenly and was unable to determine life or death.

‘Yes, only the Pope can know the secret of the species by entering the main church so easily. ’

The gymnosophist, who was convinced that Anonymous Catholicism, had an example.

There's no chance he could be wrong, but if he was a Catholic, he needed to look good.

I didn't have anything bad to do with planting.

Anonymously, looking down at this elderly bodyguard silently opened his mouth.

“A light bulb. Something good...”

- Hmph!

The silent speaker pauses for a moment, then narrows his eyes and looks at the figs and the tilapia in turn.

“Who is it?”

The voice was somewhat overwhelming.

“What are you talking about? ”

“Who broke the treaty? ”

“Yes? That can't be right. I didn't tell anyone. ”


Anonymously, he creates a white sword with a checkpoint and flies it back.

- Aaaaah!

An anonymous blade surges towards somewhere.

“What the... what? ”

The guard, surprised by the sword, unravels and raises his head.

At that time, someone appeared on the other side of the bush, the half-split behind the unknown.

The two eyes of the gymnastics widened.

I couldn't understand why he showed up here.

“Bishop…!!! ”

He was a thousand years old.

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