Nano Mashine

Chapter 44 Nameless (4) #

His words were unknowable, and he couldn't hide his embarrassment.

I couldn't understand why Maracum referred to himself as "the thousand words."

I thought Thousands were the founding investigators of the main institute.

“Supreme Court. What are you talking about? ”

“Just as I said. I have a respect for the Lady of the Age. ”

His words were serious and he frowned.

I looked at the Great Barrier Act with the expression that the Ten Elders' Figs, who came near them with their injured bodies, did not understand English.

“Is this guy anonymous? Little Lord.”

“..... It's the Great Escort Act. ”

“Yes? He's the Supreme Court? ”

The consistent smoothing with a cold expression never hides my surprise.

The first surprise was that the identity of anonymity was the Great Barrier Act, and the second surprise was because of the Great Barrier Act's face, which had been masked and never seen before.

As a complete middle-aged cause, there was a strong sense of exotic appearance in the Great Lakeshore Act.

"To this day, it was a great honor to summon the three elders..." Ha! ’

Maracum, who was looking at the thousand years, fell down and lifted his head slightly, said to her,

“Elder of the Year. Show some respect to the Heavenly Horse of the time. ”

“Yes? … the heavenly host of the time? ”

The phrase "Thousand Horses of the Age" hardened the look of the figs.

Her eyes turn naturally towards the Black Sword in her grasp.

A black sword shining on the bright moonlight in the night sky without a single cloud was engraved with a hymnal sword.

“Stop, you can't be...”

“You know the Elder since you've attended Investigator's Altar. ”

"Thousand Sword!"


The heavy voice of the Greater Protection Act brings the atonement directly to the ground, knelt on its knees and pinched its head.

As she tightened her head, she asked as if she couldn't understand.

“Hah, what's wrong with you people? ”

“It's because the Lord is really CheonMai. ”

“A real thousand words? ”

The answer to that question was not the Great Escort Act, but the Figs.

“To the north of the Resistance is a shrine dedicated to the supremacy of the lords of all time, and an altar that left behind the supremacy and will of the Inquisitor. ”

It was a memory I had heard before.

The Catholic Church performs a sacred ritual only one day a year for the monks of all ages.

It was a day when Thousand Horses, the investigators of the uprising, fainted.

When the ritual is performed, there is a majestic baptism ceremony throughout the city. Nearly half the day, the Christians fall down and commemorate it.

At that time, they organized the ceremonies, including the parish church and the elders, and they were the only ones to enter the thousand horses' altar once a year.

“On the altar is the inscription written by TianMa Investigation before the folklore. ”

Every time he performed the ritual, he saw the inscription.

The inscription was engraved by Heavenly Horse, so I remembered it vividly.

“The inscription said that the one who obtains the true Thousand Sword would inherit the title of the throne. ”


It was the name of the Empress.

I first learned about it when I saw it engraved on the memorial stone of the altar.

The Thousand Sword the Bishop is holding is not the true sword.

“The inscription is engraved with a thousand spirits. ”

Thousand horses.

It was the pattern of the commandment left by the founding investigator Sheema.

Everything is determined by the order of the Church and the Council of the Elders, but the most basic law is based on the Celestial Decree.

It was a commandment that no Catholic could refuse or disobey.

Even if it's the current monk of diarrhea.

“However, the current Catholic Church has never inherited the title" Thousand Horses. "”

In the practice of martyrdom, the study of the heavenly host was like a god.

Even though it was the Church's heavenly realm, I could not break the scripture triggered by the Holy Spirit.

It was the same for the six dominant factions.

The moment the system was broken, it was because the skills of the Catholic Church with the best stature in the Middle Church were broken down as a single assembly.

“The Thousand Sword that the Pope is carrying is a forgery. That's what all the elders know. ”


She looks at the Black Sword in her hand.

I wondered why the black sword was engraved with a thousand swords, but the secret was solved.

The Black Sword of the Thousand Fortune was truly the Thousand Horse Sword.

“Strange, though, that the Catholic Church would have deceived even a thousand witches if only they knew the true meaning of a thousand swords. The elders also acknowledge it. ”

The bishop he had seen could have been enough.

Although the Heavenly Spirit was said to be absolute, the majesty was damaged just by having a fake Heavenly Spirit sword as a bishop.

Knowing this as an altar ritual that is performed every year, I did not understand it.

“It is a question of me that the Pope does not hide it, as the Pope said, but the elders have acknowledged it since our forefathers. ”

“What's that? ”

It was rumored that a true Thousand Swords were hijacked in the extremist incident 500 years ago.

Since it was a shameful history in the matter of the church, the parishioners and elders have kept this fact to themselves.

I thought it was reasonable enough, so I nodded my head.

At that time, Maraheum shook his head and interrupted.

“The Figs Elder is also partially correct, but I think I need to fix it. ”

“? ”

“The Catholic Church does not speak of the Thousand Horse Sword because of the Guardian of the Heavenly Spirit. ”

“Guardian of the thousand spirits? ”

The figs made a curious look on their faces.

I did not know the situation in the school better than the other elders, but I had never heard of it.

Then Maracum continued to talk.

“The Guardians of the Heavenly Spirit have protected the Heavenly Spirit since the time of the Heavenly Horse investigation, and have protected the monks from time to time. The duty of the Guardian has been to keep the guardian bishop at the center so that he doesn't violate the Heavenly Spirit. ”

The Bible says that the guardian of the Thousand Horses was the one who made the guardian of the Thousand Horses.

The guardians of the Heavenly Spirit, who were handed over to the Emperor directly, were as skilled as the parishioner.

“I can't believe there was such a hidden strongman in the school...”

I couldn't hide my surprise from the truth that I first learned from the figs.

“The guardians of the spiritual spirit who received the command of the Emperor have always served as the shadow of the Pope, so the other Christians do not know. ”

Maram knew what the other Christians did not know.

“Wait…… what does that mean? ”

Maracum nodded his head in response to the thousandfold question.

“Yes. I am the Guardian of the Thousand Horsemen." This is the hidden position of the Great Lakes Act. ”


Maracum took out a blue top sheet as big as the palm of his hand.

On the front was inscribed the [Great Lakes Act].

And I'm going to turn it around, and surprisingly,

It had a thousand spirits engraved on it.

“Wife, the Great Sage! ”

The Thousand Horses' command and seal were hidden behind the identity of the Great Hall of Fame.

Of course, if there is one thing unusual, the engraved part of the Thousand Spirit was engraved in letters.

It seemed to prevent the seal from being reused.

“This hand was made by the Searcher himself. ”


Because I had this, I had no choice but to consciously guard the Heavenly Spirit.

At that time, she asked one question.

It was because, in the view of the Catholic Church, even the positions that had come down from the thousands of years ago could feel frustrating.

“If the Supreme Guardian is the Guardian of the Thousand Spirits, the Pope might think it's dangerous. ”

“Not really. I cannot harm the Pope. ”

“...... Will the Pope believe that? ”

I could not believe it easily because of the nature of the current Christian Church.

Maraheum solved such a thorny question.

“The Emperor put a restriction on our Guardians. It's a special kind of solitude. ”


It was a worm with a parasitic venom in its body.

The Supreme Court has inherited this solitude from its predecessors.

This loneliness, handcrafted by the Emperor, is dug into the heart of Great Barrier Law, and is said to be triggered if he harms the Church's life himself.

“Because the Pope took eternal life, if I hurt him, I will die. ”


Only the Supreme Court clans knew how to make an Englishment using the Gogo, and they pledged their allegiance to the new monk.

Knowing this secret was also only for the bishops and the Great Lakes.

However, even though the Great Law could not harm the Pope, it could not be carelessly violated because it showed a thousand spirits.

It was a strange relationship.

“I didn't know there was such a secret.....”

Looking at the rather bitter thousand women, Maraheum continued to talk.

“Investigator Chunma said that he had sealed the church. The Bible prophesied that a qualified person would receive a thousand swords. ”

That was the legend of the Beacon Mounds.

For hundreds of years, countless minority candidates were tested, but there was no one who found a thousand swords.

There was not even a man who had mastered the last of the thousand horses.

“My clan of protectors continued to wait for the maintenance of the Emperor. ”

That was hundreds of years ago.

But after a long time, there was no heavenly host, and increasingly the family of guardians gave up on this.

“But things are different now. ”

“Different? ”

“It's because the Lord is truly the heavenly host of the age. The Guardians of the Heavenly Spirit take only the Heavenly Spirit as their Lord. ”


My body trembled with the trembling sound of the sound of the thoughtful Supreme Court Act, Maracum's voice.

It was because I understood what he was saying.

Marahom acknowledged the Thousand Mains of the age as the true Roman Faith, not the current Catholic Church.

“Bring down the Heavenly Qi on me. ”

“Thousand Magi?”

“Don't you have the energy from the Thousand Horse Sword? ”

“...... Are you talking about this? ”

The Black Light Sword rose from the thousandfold sword, filled with a dark darkness as it filled it with the horrific energy of Magic Castle.

- Whoo-hoo!

“Ah! I knew it! ”

When I saw this right in front of him, Marahim's eyes were moved.

When I defeated this Elder's bodyguard, I was sure to look at the Black River, but it was definitely Thousand Magi.

“Is that correct?”

“Yes, I am. Please spare me the Thousand Horsemen so I can serve the Lady of the Age." ”

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

“The loneliness in my body was created by injecting the Thousand Seasons of Investigation. ”

According to Maracum, Youngo has no heir to the Thousand Horses investigation at the time, so it is a temporary minimum of gold.

“The CheonMa Investigator said that my loneliness perceives me as a host with a thousand talents. Please take me away. ”

It was Marahim who wished to have control of solitude.

When he showed his loyalty, his heart moved.

Without a word, he drew and injected some of the horrific magical energy into the white blood on his head.

- Whoo-hoo!

When the aura of Mars entered the white blood, Maracum circulated it through the air to the jugular vein of the whole body.


The loneliness that had been dug into Maracum's body came into contact with Thousand Magi.

I felt the pain of sticking a needle into my heart and a short circuit for a moment, but it was not long.

Marahem's eyes were filled with intense glare to make sure that he had received all of his energy.

- Tak!

Maracum clasped his head on the ground and shouted out in a loud voice.

“Thank you for the gods. The Guardian of the Heavenly Spirit and the Supreme Court Marrakeem pledge allegiance to the Heavenly Mother of the Age. ”

The tail of a thousand mouths rises.

Marahem swore allegiance to the Supreme Patriarch Act, the best of the martyrdom.

In doing so, she gained all the power of the guardian law.

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