Nano Mashine

Chapter 45 Walking Into a Trap (3) #

“My lord! My lord! ”

One of the guards leaps forward as he makes his way to the guest house.

The hallucination that was on top of the auditorium stood up and asked.

“What's going on? ”

"Beyond the chief minister," he said, "there's a man called the Underboss Master and a messenger from the Church. ”

“Booju... the Dagger? ”

In response to the astonishing miraculous cheer, I asked.

“What's the matter with you? ”

“...... It is operated by an adjunct autopsy, one of the carcinoma species under the gumma. ”


They were the hidden power of the Black Horse.

Three years ago, there was an autopsy of a woman named xenograft, but the prisoners of the Maguire were involved in the study of the reverse hematoma, so the whole sect was disbanded and is now called a carcinoma.

What was important was that they were the forces under the sword.

“Now that's embarrassing. ”

The circumstance also did not predict that they would move this fast.

I don't know what the purpose is, but it must not be a good purpose for the underbody to surround the non-homing.



She sighed and looked up at the sky.

Recently, I was getting ready, but it was too soon.

I had never dreamed that I would face him, not the six. It was just a grudge against letting the portrait go.

‘...... It's fate. ’

In an urgent situation, everyone was silent and watched, with a thoughtful attitude.

The only thing that was impatient was the guard guard.

She sighed at the sky for a long time.

And he looked at the illusion with a resolute eye.

“What I've asked you to do before. Are you ready?”


The question sparkles with the eyes of joy.

On the other hand, outside the minister of non-hominid, there were more than 300 martial artists surrounding the camp.

A middle-aged man in a brown armored mustache and a middle-aged man in a biblical outfit were waiting for him at the chief's gate.

The middle-aged man wearing the armor was named Joogyeom, the sole owner of the undersword.

“The Hand Ball. I think I'll be right out. ”

A middle-aged man wearing an eye patch to the words of Joogyeom, Ji-hyun nodded.

It's been a while since the Guard Blader arrived, but I doubted whether it would draw power in the non-homing event, but there was no movement.

- Ew! Ew!

The gate of non-homicide opened and four people appeared in it.

It was a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old, and ten years old, and eleven years old.

The tranquilizer still stood beside him as if he were a thousand strong bodyguards without using an inlet.

“I'm learning from the Bishop. ”

I greeted Joogyeom, the underdog, and Ji-hyun from the Papal War at the same time while taking the custody of Lady Chun.

I nodded, taking charge.

We were greeting each other, but there was a strange chill in between.

Then the eleven elders' hallucinations opened their mouths first.

“I don't know why so many of these Bladers surround our master of non-hominids. ”

The answer was Ji-hyun, a member of the parish.

“I'm sorry you feel that way. Elder of the hospital. The undertakers are not here to threaten non-homicide. ”

He said so, but it was a threat from surrounding the Chief.

He said, looking back at the thousand times, with a grumpy look on his face.

“The Bishop receives the bishop's edict. ”

For a martyr, the order was absolute.

A few moments ago, Lady Chun knelt on one knee and shouted.

“The Catholic Church receives the Catholic Church. ”

Then he opened his lips and read the two coiled orders that were written by the Bishop.

“I give an order to the Bishop. On the cutting edge, there was an emergency telegram that said the power from the Ultimate Butcher Gate was going south to the north of Bogotán. I am giving a task to the Bishop of Soju, so make a march and assemble the northern divisions of the Restorative City to stop it. ”


I shook the gaze of a thousand angels in a sudden order.

I knew something was coming, but this was completely unexpected.

She raises her head and gazes at the dead men surrounding the non-returning minister.

Armed as if we were going to war together.


The order with the order of the bishops was once again desperate, he said.

“It's urgent. The Bishop has run out of bishops, so let's take the underlings and march immediately. ”

I looked at her with astonished eyes because of her hallucinations and figs.

This was completely unexpected for them as well.

I sent a message to Lady Chun in an urgent voice.

[Yi, this is a trap!]

The order was just a good excuse.

In other words, he said he would do it in the suburbs, not kill a thousand women on campus.

I don't know if I want to take off all the thousands of feet, but it was a deceptive trick to turn on the power under the sheathed horse.

Moreover, he said that he would not give us any room to defend ourselves.

‘Khh! I'm hit. ’

If they were to march here, they would surely attack it with a whirlwind.

It was literally a setback.

As he gritted his teeth, he said, as he was angry at the situation of driving the thousand clouds to the cliffs.

- Boom!

“Well, then! I'll go with you! ”

“...... The Lord commanded me to go alone. Where does the order come from? ”

I was angry at his stubbornness, but I had to keep my mouth shut.

The order was that absolute.

The choir was heard from Lady Chun, who was kneeling on one knee on the floor, with her hallucinations and figs standing dumbfounded without concealing her embarrassment.

The two of them bitten their lips tightly and had to accept it.

‘I thought it was a trap, but I had to walk...'

The tranquilizer was genuinely furious with this plot in the Old Testament.

Even though he threatened his own power and sexuality, it was thought that the death of his child, Thousand Wolves, was beyond coolness, and there were no blood or tears.

To them, Faithful, a servant of the Church, laughed bitterly.

“Let's go. ”

* * *

Maracum returned to the countryside after two shakes and half.

I returned to the fortress with the body of this elder who was buried in another mountain peak near Oh Hyun-bong.

Obviously, the corpse that had become heavier due to the inverted hematoma was barely able to be transported unless it used the inner air.

But between the two watches, the atmosphere of resistance was strange.

I felt a sense of otherness from some of the Bladers and acolytes running around the Resistance.

Despite the unknown anxiety, Maracum did not tolerate it, but took the bodies with the escort soldiers and moved to the parish.

I told the guards to move the bodies to the morgue in the nearby building before the Bishops.

“Since I have to show it to the Pope, I'll clean the body first. ”

It was buried in the ground, but not so dirty.

However, Maracum nodded because it was not strange.

The escort fighters jostle the body of this elder guard and move it somewhere.

But in that direction,

“Wait, that's the incinerator...”

“Supreme Court.”

The middle-aged man in the hood of Marahem, who was about to call the Defenders of the Escort, stands in the way.

He was Faihyun, the leader of the gunfighters in the Escort.

“Wait a moment. ”

Maracum crosses the Passage and tries to summon the guards again, but he stands in his way as he unfolds the law.

Maracum's eyes became cooler, looking through the gaps in his mask.

“What... what are you doing? ”

“Do not engage the corpse anymore, as the order of the Pope. ”

“The order of the Pope? ”

Maracum is out of his mind.

I brought a body with a reverse hematoma to keep it undisturbed, and now he's trying to burn it to the incinerator.

Then I had to stop it.

I smiled and said to Maraheum who was in a hurry.

“I can't afford to be bothered over there right now. The Pope asked us to bring him here right away if the Supreme Court came. ”

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

“You can go to war now. ”


Maraheum wondered what was unexpected.

Resistance clashes are not open except at meetings with all the peasants in the school.

Due to the recent advent of the War Conference, nothing will be held for a while.

“What the hell is that? ”

“It's been about a day since the war council started, so you'd better hurry. ”

“....... What is the agenda for the meeting? ”

“Huhu, this is a meeting about the collapse of the small lord. ”


On an unpredictable issue, Maraghem reacted with a puzzling voice.

I thought the bishop would move in some way, but I didn't think it would go this fast.

"Hehe, you got him. ’

I had to hurry if this was going to happen.

It had to be stopped before the Sovereign Church could go any further.

Or maybe I should take advantage of the crisis and try to reverse it in front of all the acolytes.

Unfortunately, Maracum did not know that he had gone to Bok-hyun because he was carrying the body.

“Excuse me. ”

- Blame it!

Along with that, Maracum quickly opened his airstrip and headed for the battle direction.

Looking at the rear view of Maracum like that, I kicked his tongue.

“Tsk, tsk, you must be a socialist. ”

Otherwise, I had no reason to rush into such embarrassment.

But it is too late to change the trend.

Now, the role of Maracum was definitely to drive the thousand years into the lungs.

And he had a role to play.

“Hey! Don't go in there! ”


He shouted at the maiden who almost went in the direction of incineration.

The Elder's body was completely incinerated and had to be controlled so that no one would come near it.

Meanwhile, massive columns of people gathered inside the battle building.

There were all the acolytes and elders in the school today.

Most of the acolytes were present, but many of the elderly seats next to the seats were empty.

Those who attended were the three elders, Vice-President Cheolyong, the Elder Mong-gyeong, the Elder Anti Owner, the Six Elder Monto, and finally, the Eleven Elder's Exhortation.

- Tata!

Maracum, who arrived at the Feud Conference Room, carefully entered the room.

Since the bishop was already seated, the Blader guarding the entrance to the Feud has not made his position known.

However, the war was very quiet, so everyone quickly noticed Marahem's position.

What is it?

Marahem's eyes, which were hidden in the mask, narrowed.

I thought the meeting was going on for a long time, but it was strange that everyone couldn't help but be silent.

Maracum turned his eyes and tried to find her.

But it was strange.

I couldn't see the thousand fathoms that must be at the battle council.

Moreover, among the elders, the eleven elders were the only eleven.


Then Maracum realized that something was wrong.

Despite discussing the abolition of the minority, it was ongoing without the minority principal who was a party.

As he walks toward the altar where the elders are, the parishioner in the seat opens his mouth.

“Perfect timing. The Supreme Court has regained control of the case. ”

The case? ’

The bishop opened his mouth to Maraheum who did not know what was in English.

“Come to the center of the Great Barrier. ”

“..... people. ”

Maracum slowly walked and stopped in the middle of the elder's meeting.

It was the first time I stood among them because I had always kept the seat next to the Church.

Maracum sits on one knee on the ground and bows his head.

“I'll ask the Great Hoho Law. Just say what you said to the main table earlier. ”

“I understand.”

“Is it true that the Catholic Church of Sodom saw this Elder's bodyguard assassinated by surprise? ”


Marahem's eyes, who was bowing his head to the question of the Church, shook.

I made it clear to the parish clergyman that the Elder had mastered the reverse hematoma and was drunken up. What is the intention of asking the question like this?

“My lord. I'm sure...”

“Just answer the questions. Is it true that Catholic woman ambushed this Elder and killed him? ”

Maracum bites his lips in the stern voice of the churchgoer.

I was willing to listen to only the answers I wanted.

‘I can't do that. ’

If the intention of the Church works, the power will be lifted up over the lungs of the Minocchist.


At that time, the voice of the churchgoer was heard in Maracum's ears.

[Once the throne injects the inner airspace into eternity, solitude will erupt.]

As soon as I heard that, Maracum's body trembled.

The tail of the churchgoer's mouth went up.

His aim was this:

As long as solitude under eternal rule is in the body, he can never refuse his command.

‘Since you saw that his supporters weren't here, you know. ’

It was already hopeless to stop the collapse of the small bishop.

No matter how supportive you are, you won't be able to defend your loyalty by risking your life.

The bishop opened his mouth again.

“One last question. Is it true that Catholic woman ambushed this Elder and killed him? ”

‘Answer me. ’

The answer was decided.

His role is to put an end to the thousand-year period here.

At last, he stopped shaking and opened his mouth.

“The Lord didn't ambush this elder. ”


The unexpected words that came out of Maracum's mouth stood in the eyes of the Catholic Church.

Gekko disobeyed his orders.

“And the Bishop...”

‘..... I can't help it. ’

I had to open my mouth again to stop the reverse hematoma from talking.

The bishop injected an internal air into the zero in his body.

It was originally triggered only by the Great Barrier law, but it was made stronger by the narcissist so that loneliness would roam when eternity disappeared.


“I didn't kill this Elder's bodyguard willingly...”

What is this? Why aren't you listening? ’

I injected an internal air into the territory, but I did not stop speaking normally, rather than causing Maramagym pain.

“This elder is back-blooded...”

No! No! ’

Here, if he speaks the truth, what he falsely publicized in order to overthrow the minority is revealed in front of all the servants.

Without even thinking about it, the confused bishop blew out a new sentence at once and blew up the checkpoint to block Maracum's mouth.

It was that moment.


Someone stands in his way and blocks the checkpoint.

He was a vision of the eleven elders.

Aniet? ’

Thanks to this, Maracum was able to speak aloud so that everyone in the war could hear.

“The Sovereign Lord overpowered me by learning reverse hematoma. ”

- Speechless!

Eventually, the truth came out.

But even more suddenly, when the bishop suddenly attacked the Great Lakes law, and the eleven elders stopped it, the attention of all the peasants turned to them.

The bishop stared at the hallucination with furious eyes.

“Elder Hwan! How dare you defy the throne? ”

"I'm not the Elder of Hwan."


Then the eleven elder raises the tail of his mouth, grabbing the joint in his chin and raising it.

My skin grew longer.

- Chuuuh-uh!

"What, this? '

Surprisingly, the man who stopped the Church's checkpoint was not a fantasy.

To be precise, he was a hidden figure in a hallucinatory veil.

He was...

“Little bishop? Yes, why are you here? ”

It was a thousand fathoms that should have been dealt with by now on the way to restore health.

I whispered in a heartfelt voice to the parishioner looking at me with frightening eyes.

“I'm here to take over my tenure. ”

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