Nano Mashine

Chapter 47 Cardiac chest (1) #

Tighten Qi 39341; tighten.

An item that can be used to wield a sword with a proper edge.

Herbs are much more versatile because they fly freely than they move around with their own swords.

It is a high-level technique that has the advantage of maximizing the power of the blade blade by handling the sword in a direction that is difficult to use with the human body, which has limits on the movement of the arm or joint.

However, this victory sword did not have any weaknesses.

A sword that can be used to wield a sword connected by a strong intensity based on its enhanced mental strength while climbing the surface of the victorious sword.

It meant that if the caster's concentration was lost or his mind was not intact, it was that hard to handle.

- Whip, whip!

Even when the bishop was perfectly sane, he was able to handle up to ten swords freely, but now even seven of them were too much, and he was barely able to use herbs.

‘This guy. Have you ever experienced a victorious sword? ’

The dizzy Masters were frustrated by the danger of winning swords, but they responded with another high-level technique called the Right Sword, without any confusion at all.

‘You should be thanking the Supreme Court. ’

If you had not experienced the sword of victory through him, you would have been quite embarrassed.

But even more fortunately, the energy on the sword was weaker than when the monarch spread a sack of winning black marahem.

"Break the rest of your sacks and move on!" ’

- Cha-chang!


Another sword was broken.

Every time the sword is broken, the Buddha feels pain.

Your sack's already broken.

- Tak!

When four of the seven sacks were broken and weakened, a thousand strong women proceeded forward, spreading their second herb in succession to the right and right swords.

- Whip it up!

This guy!

- Wheelic!

The bishop shakes the checkpoint, controlling the remaining three sacks, and tries to stop them by attacking the advancement of the Thousand Wolves.

- Wook-sin!

A severer headache was troubling the parishioner than the pain coming through the checkpoint after the sword was broken.

- Flammable!

The blood vessels swelled to the parish's forehead and burst.

Despite not expanding the reverse hematoma, the red bitten eyes did not look so good.

‘My head is going to break. ’

After the pain persisted, the bishop was unable to open the sword completely.

As you lose your concentration, the three swords that were barely holding out as if they had been torn from the ground.

- Squeak!

‘It's shaking. Now's your chance!'

As the obstacle disappeared, the new statue of Heavenly Mother swarmed to the monarch like lightning.

The parishioner stepped on the ground, holding one head in agony.

- Bam, bam!

A crack breaks in the ground and splinters gush out, blocking a thousand miles in front of you.

It was like a memory because it was loaded with shrapnel.

- Whip it up!

Thousands of thousands of years ago, she was able to use her right hand to shield the debris from the blade.

The bishop opened the streets even more, using a lot of impressions.


The elders watching this and the faces of all the acolytes were filled with excitement.

I don't know why it was in English, but the side effects of the reverse hematoma were getting weaker and the bishop was getting weaker.

I felt like I could easily subdue him if I didn't miss this opportunity.

But not everyone wanted a thousand years to triumph.

There was a person who took the duel seriously with a darkened look on their face in the gaps between the peasants.

‘At this rate, the bishop will die. ’

When the bishop dies here, Bridge will be restored to its original position by the powerful absolute one, the Thousand Hours.

It was an unpredictability about the Heavenly Spirit and the Heavenly Magic Sword.

I have not yet achieved all of my goals, but I cannot let the bishop die helplessly here.

‘There's still work for you. ’

Even his child, Thousand Young, should be killed by his hands when he is confused by the side effects of the reverse hematoma.


The parishioner held the broken head with his left hand and shook off the gallstone with a fake thousand swords, preventing the millennium from approaching.

“Don't come any closer! ”

- 52517;! 52517;!

Flying a sword like that only delayed time a little.

She slashed it away lightly as a two-legged recruit emitting a black force.

From one point on, the eyes of the Catholic Church looked like a vicious sorcerer.

“Ha… ha…”

At that moment, I heard a voice in the ears of the churchgoer, who even let out cold sweat.

[Are you going to die at the hands of the man who plotted this plot? You're just going to let your mother and the six factions that killed your beloved wife die?]

The eyes of the churchgoer who was giving the impression of headaches in a familiar voice were shaken.

Meanwhile, a thousand luck approaches him.

The frightening castle that emanates from your body is like a giant black dragon approaching with its mouth wide open.


[Use the Reverse Blood Clone. Defeat the enemies in front of you with the Reverse Blood Clone and behead the remaining heads of the three factions to correct the religion!]

"Reverse Blood Clot"... Reverse Blood Clot "? ’

- Squeak!

The bishop dropped even the fake thousand swords on the floor.

The reverberation of wearing the inverted hemorrhoid was confusing, and the bishop stumbled, holding his head with both hands.

‘Reverse Blood Clot......’

For a brief moment,

A lot of the past has passed in the head of the Church.


He was the birth of a adopted adopted by Kyung-bon Kang, the former servant of the gumma spp.

I originally had a daughter in Gyeongcheon River, but I had many relationships with the Tai Chieftain, but I did not have children.

In the end, the subordinate shepherd accepted the amphibians to cast out the minority candidates.

However, I couldn't help but be sophisticated.

Soon after Kyung-hyung, the adopted daughter, was pregnant, too.

‘If they are both children of the throne, who can give them a chance? ’

The Catholic Church recognized the two sons of Cheonayujong who were born that way as candidates for the Catholic Church.

But even though he admitted it, the reality was not greedy.

He despised Milky Way, who came into his home as a adopted daughter after giving birth to a son, and it was the same with the wives of the other six sects.

Did it come with mental pain?

Kyungeun suffered from a severe illness before the milkmaid even breathed.

"Who is your great mother? Call me your wife. ’

“...... Yes. Ma'am. '

The Cheon Yoo Jong also grew up and had to be discriminated against.

He had an outstanding talent for nothingness, but was strictly discouraged because he was not fully born of the species.

"All you have to do is help them become bishops. Remember. '

"Yes, sir."

Kyung-bon Kang emphasized that he was stuck in his ears until he entered the Mado tube.

Ever since I was a child, my life has been taken for granted because I knew that it was the only purpose.

‘Brother, did you hear what you said to your mother again? Phew... If I become a Bishop, I will never let you be ignored. ’

‘...... Thank you for saying that. ’

You know how much I care about you? ’

The only joy of life I've ever had since I was a child was being friendly and I was in heavenly oil that regarded me as my brother.

But things have changed since the opening of the mao conduit.

Even when I first joined the Mado tube, there was no special problem, but at some point, the candidates of the other five sects began to despise the Celestial oil race.

"Do you want to play at our level? ’

‘If you are fortunate enough to be born in the six sects as the offspring of the Future, take good care of your master. ’

It was increasingly difficult to understand why he had to listen to this.

However, I tried to help my younger brother, Cheonaryong, with the belief that all of this would be better if he became a minority monk.

However, it was like an awl in a sack.

His talent for nothingness was unparalleled compared to the tribal candidates of the six factions, so he passed the Maguire's Five-Stage Exam in less than three years.

‘Yoo Jung-ah.’

"Don't call my name. ’

At some point, his attitude became cold.

You stay away from him as if you were restraining other minority candidates.

He was not a fool.

He realizes that his talents have distanced him, so he stops training from that day on and doesn't reveal his existence.

None of the other tribal minority candidates passed the five-phase exam and gathered supporters for the battle.

At that time, there was one who insisted that he wanted to enter the kingdom of Heavenly Yooseong.

‘It's called female lowland, a minority autopsy worker. Please accept me. I'm going to make you a minor bishop. ’

Knowing that it was a sect under the shepherd's belly, I urged him to go under the thousand oil several times, but he chased after him.

By the end of the four years of the Maguire, Yeouido had found him.

‘Duke, you have to hit the other candidates after the marquee is over. ’

What are you talking about? ’

‘All the other Confucians are united to eliminate you first. And the same goes for Gong-ju Cheon. ’


He could not believe what was said.

Even though he had been distant from himself lately, he could not have been like his brother Cheonan.

The Bible says, "I will show you the evidence, and you will tell me where they will meet."

A mountain ridge at the back of Mado's residence.

In the middle of the night, six minority candidates gathered in one place.

“Now, have you prepared your mind? ”

He expressed his intentions one or two by one in the words of Cheonajin, a minor bishop candidate of Hyundai spp.

Most of the participants expressed their intentions and the only person who did not answer was Cheonayuan, a candidate for a small bishop of the species, and his brother, Cheonayu.

I don't want to do it that way. ’

Chon Yu-ae, the owner of a somewhat mild nature, refused to be a martyr.

She had no great interest in becoming a socialist from the beginning, so everyone could understand.

"Oil. What are you going to do about it? ’

‘You can't change your mind just because you have feelings for the same species. ’

The treasures of the other candidates of the Minnesota Church came out of heaven's mouth with an attitude.

‘What nonsense. I'll admit that son of a bitch. I'm in.’

So, everyone except the anomaly agreed to join the anomaly and kill it.

After they went down the hillside, the celiac oil species that was watching this after killing the critter on the tree could not come out of the shock.

‘Why…… why did you……'

That's how much he called himself a brother and recognized him.

However, the words that came out of the mouth of Heavenly Oil were not as filthy as they were hard to argue about.

The disappointment and anger I had never felt before could not be accomplished with words.

At that time, she said that she had killed her neighbor and had watched this scene.

‘Now you know. You have to hit them first before you can actually hit them. ’

‘...... Why did you tell me this? ’

I even thought it might be better to die without knowing it.

I brought out the reason with a face that was somewhat different from the usual.

because I have the same blood as you. ’

The same blood? ’

‘Your mother, Sir Lee Kyung Eun, was originally our great aunt. ’

Kyung-hyun's real name is Yeon-un.

She was from a necropsy.

In the mystery revealed by surprise, Yooseong couldn't hide his embarrassment.

When I was a swordmaster, no one revealed my mother's true birthright to him.

But now I know that.

‘My aunt was forcibly adopted as a foster daughter by the elder of Gyeongbon River, the servant of the gumma. ’

Originally, she was supposed to marry Hye Hyun, the servant of the autopsy, and she had to follow orders powerlessly just because she was a servant of the mountain.

"My aunt died when I was adopted to Swordsmanship just because I had to give birth to a minor Catholic candidate. ’

She listened to her father, Buddha, to put her ear on a ticket.

The case was as close to a grudge as it was to the bones in the necropsy.

"Fuck! Fuck!" ’

Through the gospel, I heard about Mother's death and the exhausted years, and I felt loathed by the years that I had lived thinking that I had been gracious to them.

‘Beat them first. So that you can survive and unravel your aunt. ’

‘But how am I going to deal with them by myself? ’

I had to kill them to survive.

The problem was that his skills were stagnant after stopping training for a year.

Meanwhile, other tribal minority candidates also passed the five-phase test, reaching at least the pinnacle of complete supremacy.

It was hard to deal with these five alone.

Moreover, there was no force to help him, and he was unable to move because of the dominance of the six factions.

‘There is one way. ’


‘It's the only way you can defeat them. ’

‘...... Where could such a method be in such a short time? ’

Reverse Blood Clone!

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