Nano Mashine

Chapter 48 Inauguration (1) #

The Elder Monkey King and the Six Elders Monto led the mountain troops in the campus and rushed to the chief of the Assistant Swordsmen in the east.

Not many suspected civilians were planted among the escort fighters.

It was because the criteria for choosing the fighters for the escort was that difficult.



There was a reason why Monkey King and Elder Monto were in a hurry as president.

Earlier, some of the guards in the convoy sounded the flute, but I couldn't sense what the signal was.

We had to take him down quickly, in case he tried to escape.

We sealed all the outer gates and assumed we wouldn't be able to escape easily because we entered the emergency system.


“Hey, look over there! ”

Black smoke rises from the east side of their path.

You can see even the flames burning through the cracks of smoke.

The monarchs and Mongols who arrived as soon as they jumped into the sky had to start with catching fire from an undertaker who was burning more vigorously than dealing with the enemy.

“Put out the fire! ”

“Keep the fire from spreading! ”

- Bloop!

“Hehe! You're one step behind. ”

I could not enter the palace with hot heat.

The fire was swallowing everything, whether it had been prepared and oiled the entire cabinet.

All I could do was prevent the fire from spreading elsewhere.

The remaining forces searched the castle for those involved in the necropsy while suppressing the fire in the Six Elders Monto and the three altars beneath the mountain.

* * *

So, three days passed.

There was a lot going on in the meantime.

I subdued the cauldron that burned the autopsies, but there were no living ones in it.

Most of the bodies were burnt to a crisp, and those found at least on the side of the fire committed suicide.

They were prepared as if they had always tried to get rid of the remnants.

It was not just an autopsy.

Of course, they were investigated in the upper sect of the autopsies, where all the people involved in the autopsies were found dead bodies.

The only survivor of the necropsy was a woman who was incarcerated and investigated after receiving emergency treatment for the amputation.

The blood of the Black Horse was all arrested and taken to the gilded cell for investigation, and all the fighting squads and their armies under their mountains were disbanded and put on hold.

“A total of 14 of the gunfighters in the escort battlefield were found to be from sub-autopsies. ”

“I see.”

Among the 300 escort fighters, there were 14, including the newly appointed leader of the guard.

“According to the records, there were only five of us, but this time there were nine more. ”

And he was just one of the three deputies, but since the bishop returned from a rigid redirect, he has been in charge.

Since yesterday, LEE Hwa-hyun was directly in charge of the interrogation of the defeated and unfaithful, but there were no results to be said.

Those who were having these conversations were the Thousand Wolves and the Supreme Court Marathom.

Their location was the office of the Church.

Since the incident three days ago, Thousand Yeun entered the inner city with the help of the three law and the elders under the mountain.

No one could argue with him because he had the title of a minority and the title of a thousand horses.

- Knock, knock!

“Cheonmary, the eleven elders ask you to meet John. ”

“Tell them to come in. ”

The door of the office was opened and the eleven elders' hallucination appeared.

The colorful clothes with butterfly symbols on them were still different, but the inlet was different if there was one thing.

If he was originally an off-white man, he was now somewhat ordinary man.

Of course, it still feels neutral with tinted makeup.

“I see your John. ”

“Are you back already? ”

“Huhu, how can I rest when Heavenly Mother is suffering for the main school? ”

The eleven elders went on a ship called the Bok-Sung Journey on behalf of 1,000 women.

At that time, if the rescuers hadn't arrived in time, I would have been ruined.

With support from the two armies, the congratulations fought with them against the army-slayers of the reverse hematoma.

They were ahead of them in number, but they also sacrificed a lot because of the fierce force of the reverse hematoma fighters.

“I came to see you because I have something to report. ”

“..... Is this about tracking? ”

“That's right.”

The hallucinations defeated them after a fierce battle over two sets of eyes three days ago.

A few people were shorthanded when collecting the cadavers of the underlings.

When he learned that the underdog and about three people were lacking, he sent a pursuit team to search for the reconstructive and forceful sides through the carcinoma's contact network.

“I have a message from the Northern District of Bok-Gun Province. ”

“Did you find it? ”

“Yes. I found their trail in the village of Wumun in the north of Bogqen Castle..... I'm sorry. ”

“You missed it?”

“We called for backup at the North Moo 'an branch, and two men tracked them down, and they went missing. ”


The eleven elders who kneel on one knee and apologise rose to their feet.

Then I approached the preaching of the middleman hanging on the wall of the office.

A right village in the north of Bok-Gun Province was the border before it almost entered the bulwark.

“You've gone over the edge. ”

“I'm guessing so. ”

Apparently, forces from the Muan branch in the north of Restorative City searched the area, but found nothing.

The last trace of the carcinoma crew was traced back to the incision site.

So I entered beyond the boundary, but I had to come back because I could no longer track it as it became an area of extreme meat.

“There's a good chance it has something to do with them. ”

She speculated that there was extreme meat behind this incident.

There was a good reason for that.

It was because the only secret that had not been unlocked was that those who were still alive and taken prisoners were keeping their mouths shut.

‘I guess I was right. So was the bottle.'

At the banquet with the sectarian Muslims, there was medicine in the bottle containing poppy.

At that time, there was only one Ganja in the banquet hall.

I had doubts about the fact that only one liver had put drugs in many bottles without being noticed.

At that time, I heard that they were in charge of inspecting food in the Escort War, but if there were these runners, there were enough to hide large quantities of medicines.

If you think about it, it was likely that the adjunct autopsy was related to the Department of Extreme Physical Education.


The Supreme Court searched and found out that the autopsies were imported from outside about sixty years ago.

It was originally said that it was a gateway gang operating at the Mingju Gateway, but it was said that it was converted and defeated by the Northern Punishment during the Sichuan Emperor's heyday.

‘I don't understand. Have you been waiting for all these years? ’

Since then, if it had anything to do with extreme meat, it has been infiltrated the campus for a really long time.

It was only a month before the Extreme Meat Gate appeared in Moorim.

The gap in the period was too large to make a connection.

However, if there was anything that bothered me, it was what she said before she tried to kill herself.

[Woof! Don't like that you've overcome the current crisis. There is no place where the power of the text cannot reach, not just the bridge. Woof!]

He said as if his strength extends throughout the midterm.

However, the text did not seem to refer to necropsy.

"If you let him open his mouth, you'll know..."

It wasn't easy.

On the first day, she interrogated the watchman with a torture machine and supported him with pharynx. She tortured him with all kinds of torture, but she never opened her mouth even though she was in pain.

‘There's got to be a way to get him to open his mouth... ah! ’

Suddenly, I thought of a way that I had never cared about her at all.

I did not intend to try it in particular, but it seemed unlikely.

- Tak!

Suddenly, when she got up from her seat, Maramagym and the eleven elders wondered.

Maracum asked.

“You're welcome. What's the matter? ”

“I think we need to see the horse. ”

“Yes? But soon the battle council...”

The battle council was to be held in the middle of Xinshi.

From half time before the battle, the acolytes of each faction were gathering.

“This will only take a moment. ”

“I understand.”

Eventually, they followed the millennium to a resistance ceremony.

The ceremony was guarded by more martial artists than usual.

It was because there was the most prestigious presence in the main school.

- Good boy!

“Your Highness! ”

At the beginning of the thousand leagues, all the martial artists who guarded the ceremony knelt on their knees and paid their respects.

If it weren't for him, they would have been dissolved by the end of the law, so they were taking thousands of years deep in their hearts.

As you enter the ceremony, the horse's Baek Jong-woo and the Immune Councillors hear the screaming outside.

“I will betray you. ”

The congressmen who expressed their respects took over a thousand dollars lightly.

Looking at the councilman's kangaroo face, everyone looked tired all night.

Thousand Yeon said to Baek Jong-woo, the wizard.

“You've been through a lot. The Magic Ball.”

“No, it is a natural mission as the Lord's physician. Reprimand me for my sin of making no progress. ”


A sigh came out of her mouth.

Because I understood what the surgeon was saying.

Three days ago, Yooseong Chun has been hospitalized here and is receiving medical attention, but he has not done much.

He controlled the incomplete inverted clot with nano force in the battle.

Thanks to this, the counter-current bet was able to resolve the implications of the brain.

I thought everything had gone in the direction I wanted it to, but it was just hope.

The monk who woke up for a while fell down after being caught in a vision.

I fell into a coma at that time, but I still haven't woken up.

‘What's the problem? ’

The whole body and head were scanned with MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) with nano, but no specifics were found.

Internal injuries or carotid injuries were natural, so they allowed treatment, but I still couldn't figure out why they were hallucinating and why they didn't wake up from the coma.

[The correct cause cannot be diagnosed as there is no case in the medical records of stored data.]

Nano said it was only possible to inject nanomachines directly into the body for reliable analysis, which was impossible because the program was funded.

“........ ”

I looked at the Catholic Church Yoo Jong who was lying on the bed.

When I saw him, I was frustrated.

I wanted to know the truth from him and what was hidden in him, but I didn't know this would happen.

The last vision that Cheon Yoo Jong saw was unexpectedly not his other sister, Cheon Yoo.

‘Hwa-yeon... Hwa-yeon... You said you'd wait for me. Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh.’

The bishop was upset and sad, but all of a sudden he reminded me not to be like someone who was hit by something.

I never saw the people around me.

He called him several times, but it didn't work.

“I'm sorry. I don't have enough psychic medicine to know exactly what happened to the Pope. Reprimand God. ”

He lowers his head as if he were ashamed of the horse.

In fact, the medical skills of witchcraft are equally good for imperial fishing.

The fact that he could not even determine the cause meant that the state of the Church was unusual beyond what was common.

“...... No. ”

I could tell by the sheer look of them that the narcos and the Resistance were doing their best.

But now I have to trust the senators.

Suddenly, she remembers the pink top shelf in her arms.

It was a prison sentence that I could meet my loyalty.

Maybe if we can't bring the bishop back from their hands, we'll have to meet the faithful.

It's only been three days, so I decided to watch a little more.

“My Lady, the battle council is about to begin. ”


Only after hearing the words of Maracum the Great Hoho Act, Lady Chun remembered the original purpose of coming here.

She hurriedly asked the witch.

“The Magic Ball. Did you finish the tox screen you found at the banquet hall with the spermatologist? ”

“You mean the one with the poppy in it? ”

“That's right, can you make the drug the way it is? ”

“It's possible. How?"

She glanced at the mysterious White Bell Woo.

* * *

The elders and the acolytes of each faction converge in the battle building, bearing the massive pillars. The elders who had been dispatched to the conspiracy of the convoy returned, so the elder was no more empty than the last battle council.

The three elders, Bucheolyong the Elder, Wang Kyung the Elder, Anti Owner of the Five, Monto the Six Elder, Moon Yeon the Eight, The Old Elder Sama, The Ten Elder's Figs, and The Eleven Elder's Hallucinations.

The sound of a shout echoes through the back of the seat.

“Here comes the Lady of the Age. ”

At the entrance of the street behind the war, all the Christians stood up and knelt on one knee, wearing a robe with a golden number on it.

“Thousand Faith! Thousand Years Old! ”

After chanting the thousand years, the three elders shouted as representatives.

“A humble Catholic man beware of the Holy Spirit of the time! ”

Then, everyone in the war doubled at the same time.

“One bowl of the Angel of the time!!! ”

Although he was still a young man who did not meet the terms and conditions, the weight of the thousand years was great enough for all the churchmen in the war.

The title "Thousand Horses" was so symbolic for the Christians.

A thousand wagons of bilateral favoritism and Great Lakes walked in and headed toward the seat.

Next to the seat was a magnificent seat in the parish.

It was a temporary new position at the Elders' Meeting for the thousand year old woman named Thousand Ma.


A new seat that had not been seen until this morning in the battle was covered with a thousand eyes.

It seemed like it meant to sit here, not as a church.

It seemed obvious who put it there.

‘Couldn't resist that bird. ’

Her gaze naturally directed to the elders of the three sects.

They acknowledged the thousand millennia and held hands to resolve the situation.

However, since the crisis had retreated, it was clearly their opinion.

‘We cannot sit on the throne because the Lord has not given us the throne yet. ’

If you want to sit down in the Church, you will have to consult with three factions, the foundation of the main church, just as the previous bishops did.

She shakes her head and smiles in horror.

Together, I grabbed the newly placed seat naturally with the palm of my hand and passed by and sat on the seat.


I was embarrassed by the face of the three elders, the four elders' vice president, and the five elders' protest.

I reported what had happened at the meeting of the elders to Maracum the Great Law, but it was absurd because she was seated in the church.

“Hmmm, Cheonmarsh. The seat next to it...”

- Fascists!

"Oh, Aniet? ’

At that time, the seat next to me fell apart before the end of the word for vice president.

Because I just put air in the seat when I touched it.

When I broke the place I had been preparing for and sat down in the seat, the three elders lost their words for a moment.

- Tak!

When she sat down and lifted her hands lightly, Maraheum, who was standing right next to her, cried out.

“Please be seated.”

“Thousand Faith! Thousand Years Old! ”

Once again, all the peasants of the battle shouted for the millennium sat down.


"You're dead meat."

Although I was filled with complaints about sitting down, the elders of the three factions were reluctant to sit down.

The war council was a temporary countermeasure meeting to firmly build a line of defense at the main office that allowed for two visits to the previous three days, and to fill the vacancies of the empty-headed.

Everyone was summoned with the consent of Thousand Yeon, temporary head of internal affairs, because everyone agreed at the Elders' Meeting last night.

“Then I will hold a war council. ”

In the cry of the Supreme Court Maracum, the current senior elder, Vice Cheolyong, stood up to announce the decisions made at the meeting of the elders.

It was an amendment to the current Elder's Office.

“First things first...”

At that time, Maraheum stopped speaking to him.

“I hope the three elders are seated for a moment. ”


“Before I enter the agenda meeting, I would like to discuss the issue regarding the inauguration of the current Catholic Church. ”

“What, what? Inauguration?”

Even until the Presbyterian Council, the faces of the three elders and the two elders were distorted.

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