Nano Mashine

Chapter 49 The Moorish Way (2)

Just ten days ago,

In the deep forests of the early dawn, a white mist was enveloped and blinded.

The valley was often a foggy area.

The four Muslims in black belly dancing are ready to leave for the valley dressed outside their guests.

They were a special dispatch from the Bridge.

He was a member of the short-lived, white-term, and middle-aged carcinoma team, including this elderly anthrax who had dislocated his skull.

“If you go through that forest, you'll be upstream in the valley. ”

An old man biting a bear stand in front of the guest points to the forest on the east side.

A kind old man greets me, taking control.

“Thank you."

“Something to be thankful for. I taught him how to die. Tsk, tsk. I told you that going to that valley on fog day was suicide......”

The old man kicks his tongue and goes into the guest cup as if he were sorry.

“....... ”

Baekgi regretted expressing his gratitude for a moment.

As the old man said, not long after I moved east, I saw a dense forest through the mist.

Through the forest, you can enter upstream of the incision.

At the entrance to the forest is an old wooden log.


It was engraved with a pulmonary sword song.

The banned text written on the plank had a dark red color that made the viewer creepy for no reason.

The Abandoned Sword Track has always been rough and crappy, so even mountain rangers rarely come in and out.

Especially on foggy days.

The forest as they passed by was so dense that they almost had to go through the forest.

- 52517; 52517;!

A member of the carcinoma was leading the way, cutting through the bush with his sword, and I wasn't sure if it was going right because of the fog and lack of vision.

“I've never been to a Abandoned Sword before, so it's kind of creepy. ”

The oncologist said no one stood up to him.

Since they were three people who couldn't speak their own words, I thought the members of the carcinoma were the same.

‘...... You refer to them as special dispatchers because they have heavy mouths. ’

The three of them did not poison the conversation like the first person they met.

Except when it's absolutely necessary.

Thanks to this, even the crew of the carcinoma had fewer horses to drown in during the middle of the summer coming here.

- Whoo-hoo!

‘I can feel resonance. ’

As I entered the dense forest of fog, I felt a strange feeling as I entered.

It was like a sharp sword.

‘Shall we follow?’

I was confident that I could follow the resonance of this resonance since I said I didn't know the cancer crew in the Abandoned Sword anyway.

“The girl who saw you will lead the way. ”

“..... Go ahead. ”

As the ornamentation follows behind her, the group naturally changes their lead.

She digs through a dense forest of fog like a person drawn to something and heads somewhere.

After a long time, something appeared after the dense forest had ended.

The figs standing at the front looked at it with surprised eyes.


The three people who followed saw the figs and reacted similarly.

I look at it with admirable eyes.

With a puzzling look on your face, you draw your sword from the scabbard of the waist dance.

- Chang!

Immediately, a black figure rushes at them at a rapid pace.

* * *

It's been twenty days since.

To the northernmost tip of the male is the Yellow Sea, which cuts off the castle of Hobok.

When a stranger first sees this Yellow Bride, he is surprised by its vast appearance.

It originates in the Qinghae Mountains and runs along the sensitivity to the onset of the acidity, through the arithmetic, filamentous, and masculine.

- Dagdac!

“Whoa, whoa!”

The riders stop on the hill where the Yellow Sea is visible.

Elasticity flows from their mouths, staring at the vast Yellow Sea with long hooves.

“Wow! It's huge. ”

“Yi, is this the Yellow Brick? ”

The two of them were nothing but punctuality and vanity.

In the wilderness they had never seen before, their gaze was taken from them.


There was a man who sighed as he looked at them.

He was a middle-aged man with a vivid look on his dark eyebrows, turning his head back, and this time he was the newly crowned elder of the four shoes.

There was a young man with long hair riding side-by-side on a horse, who was a thousand feet tall.

How did these four get here to the Yellow Bride?

It was personally led by a thousand women in search of a special squadron that had gone missing.

It was originally a thousand years of trying to send others, but I never went outside the bridge since I was born, so I came out here.

"No! ’

What do you mean, the Pope is going himself? ’

Of course, the bishop strongly disagreed that he was looking for the missing persons himself.

Maracum said it was dangerous not only for the Supreme Court, but also for the Seven Elders.

However, I wanted to explore the Middle East freely for once, so I strongly exerted my will this time.

‘Okay, then I'll follow. ’

Of course, Maraheum followed the Supreme Court because he was supposed to be escorting the bishop.

But she refused.

I was about to leave the station because this time it was informal to go to Moorish.

If you don't have enough to fall for, you can find a strange spike in the Supreme Court, so leave it to Maracum.

‘Phew, you should never be alone. So here's what you do. ’

The hallucination was a beginner this way, so it was recommended that you take someone who knows the situation of the sectarian forest.

Someone with the skills to escort him, of course.

Though he felt he wanted to sit on the throne, he couldn't leave the school for a long time.

The borrowing was that of the four elders.

He was a branch manager in the north-eastern corner of Homan, so his geography was clear across the Middle East.

Moreover, he was a master in the midst of a complete picture, so it was enough to support him.

‘I, too, will go. Principal.’

Herbong, who is in charge of the escort guard, said he would accompany you.

He was trying not to fall by the side of the millennium.

Thanks to her strong willingness to follow the porter, she decided to go quietly as three.

By the way,

‘....... how long have we been waiting? ’

At dawn, there were four men waiting in front of the northern gate of the castle.

They were the remaining kings' days, mungyu, quadruples, and adoption of the meat sword.

They were in charge of protecting the monarch, so they were prepared to accompany them as well.

‘We will also escort the Pope. ’

‘There are too many. If you all leave, it will definitely hurt. ’

It was hard to blame because it originated from loyalty.

In the end, she decided to take only one of them.

It was decided that way.

In terms of his skills, Goku was ahead of him, but he was so blinded by the bowl that he was immediately excluded.

‘Archbishop! ’

‘No. ’

For the first time, his loving muscles were grumbling.

He was the one who wanted to go on a trip together because he heard that the auspicious painting had disappeared.

"Next time, I'll do all the meat swords together, so stay this time. ’

"Very well, I wish you luck. ’

She instructed them to train hard during their journey and to raise their level.

The four people who came to Moorim were rushing to the branch of the church for the last ten days, switching horses.

Here, the two Moongyu and Thousand Wolves were wearing inflatable faces.

She needed to hide her face because she had shown her face at a banquet hall before for alliance with the sectarian Muslim alliance.

In the case of Mungyu, it was so borderline that I came out wearing an inlaid face made after the face of the tattoo that had been worn since the days of the Mado tube.


He sighed, gazing at the excited vanity and mungyu, and carefully said to her.

“Lord. Once you cross the Yellow Sea, you are in the Realm of the Faction. You should be nervous, it can be dangerous. ”

After leaving the palace of Mahjo, the disciples swallowed the title of the bishop.

It was because the position could be exposed.

What she said was strictly to two people who were still excited after leaving Mahjo Castle, not a thousand years old.

‘No matter how unusual it may seem. ’

What surprised the elders after seeing the vanity for the first time was that he was the deputy commander of the guard, Hojin Chang.

In a sense, it was higher in the escort battlefield than the hexadecirca.

However, what he felt was only the ultimate drama.

It was hard to believe it was a thousand-year salutation for talent focused on talent.

However, I had no choice but to acknowledge my loyalty as much as I did when I moved here without taking a break.

‘Well, I was when I first met the Pope. ’

After the competition to elect a new elder, I saw the first millennium when I became an elder in the Resistance.

At that time, she couldn't help but be surprised.

It was not easy to come to terms with the destruction of half of the six factions that had previously wielded the regime and saved the crisis in the main school twice.

What was clear was that he was a superior master over himself, who was hardly a complete picture.

‘Second Lady of the Church's history. ’

I heard that heroes are different in walking since childhood.

He thought he was lucky.

This opportunity brought me a thousand millennia, so I might be able to see the value with my own eyes.

“There's a ferry underneath. ”

He pointed his hand at the ferry in the river.

They found the ferry because they were traversing, not going up the river.

A flooded ferry was home to numerous boats.

“Lord, I've never been on a boat before. ”

“Heh. Me too. ”


The only thing that suffered from their indignant appearance was the isolation.

As soon as I crossed here, it was enemy territory.

Thousands of women and their group head down the hill to rescue the ferry.

We had to save at least two ferries to cross all four horses together.


Unlike when he was up on the hill, he called out with a solemn look.

Heo Bong looked at her curiously.

“Be careful when you cross the river. ”

It was a reasonable thing to say.

However, when I arrived at the realm of the sect, I was cautious and relieved of doubtful shoes because of the vanity that appeared to be the nature of the escort.

“I read in the Journal of the Middle Circle that there are a group of bandits in the Yellow Sea who have been trained to do eighteen jobs in the Longevity River. Master Muwi will lead us, but the enemy in the river...”

“...... Deputy Heo Bong, no. ”


“Eighteen conductors in long rainfall aim for a merchant ship going down the river. Not these little ferries that cross the river. ”

The words of the pair of shoes rebuking the wrong common sense made me blush.

“...... Ah. ”

It was the limit of common sense I learned from books.

After waiting for about half an hour, they were able to board the ferry.

In my heart, I hoped that the bandits from the waters would show up, just as I saw in the book, but that did not happen.

‘The river is cloudy. ’

On a floating ferry, the river looked a thousand shades of dirt.

Huangxia is the most turbulent near the middle stream, because it is trapped in the soil of the Yellow Shore Plateau.

Is that why they call it Yellow? ’

Local people watering around the Yellow Sea have a habit of boiling and drinking tea to remove the soil mixed with water and the taste of the soil.

- Tak!

I finally crossed the river and stepped on the land of Horbuk.

For the first time since I was born, I entered the realm of the clean forest, not the martyrdom.

“Since there is no branch of the Headquarters from here, I will replace the horses at the station. ”

However, there were no big problems with their movements thanks to the experienced desalination.

Unlike when they were nervous, they fled most of the large villages, so there was little contact with the Muslim sects.

After five days of nonstop travel, they finally reached the vicinity of the Abandoned Sword Valley in the northwest corner of Hobok Province.

“Looks like it's going to rain. ”

- Cough!

Around noon, the sky was cloudy and cloudy.

The thunder sounded like it was going to rain soon, considering it was heard once.

At that moment, I saw the guest glass with a bright lamp in their eyes.

“Lord, we should rest there today and leave early in the morning. I have to ask if I can borrow it from the guest. ”

At the words of the boots, she nodded and agreed.

I heard that there is a pulmonary sword among the tough-looking mountain peaks that they see.

It might be difficult to move through the forest if it rains at night, so it might be better to rest in the guest cup.

And I was tired because I was homeless for two days.

[Party Member's Guest glasses (26848; 26855;)]

It was the name of the guest.

It wasn't that big because it wasn't a guest in town.

But there was everything that could have happened.

“Oh! There's a stable. I'm going to tie up the horses and go in. After you, Lord. ”


As Hubong drags the horses into the stable, the rest of the party enters the guest cup.

However, the steps of Thousand Wolves and the group into the guest's cup pause for a moment.


I was embarrassed by the eyes of the four elders.

In the meantime, I've been moving around as far away from the Muslims as I can, and within the guests, a group of potters in white robes were sitting and eating.

They were pagan thieves.

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