Nano Mashine

Chapter 54 Don't you think it's me? (1) #

The old man who slashed his upper half didn't die.

One of the eight notches extending around the thousand millennium was the only cut.

It was where the old man had fallen.

When she opened the newly cooked herbivores, she controlled her strength on the way not to kill him.

He was the head of the Extreme Meat Ministry who appeared before the incisive takeover, so he was more likely to know information than any of the guards who infiltrated the bridge.

- 52517;!


With a scream, the last masked man falls to the ground.

No matter how brilliant the masks were, they were just a puppy one day compared to the elder's trapeze and the president's shoes.

Like the Thousand Wolves, they left each of them alive without dying.


I couldn't help but wonder how God's fever rested on Baekgi's back.

She thought she'd done a great job of running away through them.

But I didn't know that this would happen.

‘That boy is a monster. ’

I still can't forget what I just saw.

A scent of trajectory made by numerous swords flying through the Abandoned Vale cliffs.

The constant screams of the masked people bore the God's intuition of watching this.

‘There are monsters like this in addition to the Muslim monks… and they are young. ’


As the situation cleared up, the four elders ran forward and knelt on their knees.

And I felt sorry for him, putting my head on the ground.

“Lord! Please punish the gods. ”

Whenever I think of the thousand years that fell on a cliff, I was captivated by guilt.

Is this the lord who said he was dead? ’

It was only after hearing his words that the prisoners realized that the so-called Lord they had mourned was a thousand.

- Bang!

I saw him grinning on the floor and smiling bitterly.

Who's to blame for what happened so suddenly?

I told her to get up. She said she's fine.

“But Baekgi. On your back, huh? ”

Suddenly, while looking at somewhere, the image hardened.

A questionable pair of shoes raises its head.


She looks up at the northern forest, and soon reaches under her feet to lift something up.


Then, a dead masked man's sword, which had fallen to the ground, was drawn into the thousandfold hands.

Meanwhile, it is located about two klicks north of the closed track.

Two blood-stained shaman robes hardly cross the forest.

The master of the strong impression of the white beard was a shaman swordsman, and the other was a mediator of the shaman's unruly march.

- Pot!

The expression on their faces was desperate.

It was to somehow get out of the scrap track and into Wudang territory in the north.

‘We must hurry. ’

Why do they keep running like that?

Thousands of henchmen have broken the secret passageway's steering wheel and have to fight off enemies who have infiltrated the ranks.

He wiped out all the enemies who fought in the General, but they were also the only ones left to grow and survive.

He barely made it out of the Wall alive and saw an unbelievable sight.

I couldn't help but be appalled by the slaughter of so many winning swords.

‘Figure, we should run. There's nothing I can do about that monster. ’

No matter how much you think you're one of them, you don't have the ability to deal with monsters like that.

Luckily, the creature was distracted by the masks.

‘We must return to Wudang and bring power. Maybe we should call in reinforcements to the Union branch in Maine. ’

We had to hurry before they took him away.

Fortunately, we will arrive within two days if we don't rest until the Wudang Mountain from the closed quarry where they are.

If we hurry, we might be able to spread a net in the North.

“Huff... puff... puff...”

However, another master who was doing the work next to me was impressed.

He was injured as well, but his breath was rough and bleeding all the way through his internal injuries.

“Hang in there. ”

“Huff... huff... yes. Boarding.”

It was better to rest after a little distance.

At least five miles away was considered dangerous.

‘But we have to deal with a lot of them, so we can buy some time. ’

Of course I thought so.

It was just then.

- Shhh!

You hear something fly across the forest from afar.

I quickly ducked down and shouted, sensing sharp noises only when it was close.

“Get down!”


It was before the peacekeeper of a no-man's parade even bowed down.

- Puck!


A sword flew from his back and stabbed him in the back.

“Sa, Boarding....”

The sovereign in the seamless parade who was pierced through his heart once called out to him and died.

Hyundai's whole body gives him the creeps, and he has nothing to say.

Did you get rid of all the masks on that short bird?

‘Nonsense. You've detected this street. ’

It was also a monster to throw a spear or a sword at the pole of the picture, but to throw it across the forest like this.

It meant at least twice as much aerodynamic power as he did.

‘The master of the microscope is indeed a monster. ’

At this rate, Safa or Mahjo must have been the top contender.

We should hurry and ask for help from our allies.

‘Primitive. Primitive. I'm sorry.'

There was no time to recover the body.

The brochure is taken out into the arms of the fallen ruler of the feudal order.

The book was called the treasure that God's prisoners had.

The blade pierced his chest and punctured his booklet, but he was the wiser to take it.

- Pot!

Until now, Hyundai, who had not been able to speed up to keep up with his apprentice, raised his whole body's air and saluted him.

Soon after, someone arrives where they were.

It was this Elder's Anthrax.

After the slaughter, she hears the command of a thousand women who have exhausted the inner airspace, and comes all the way here to catch the one who's on the run. She finds the body of a Master lying on the floor.


The black swan woman on the corpse was glancing at it.

The bush is so dense that it can hit it, but it shoots accurately.

‘You avoided one. Just like that..... Is that him? ’

There were two footprints on the wet ground in the forest.

She was the one who had been tracking it.

She decides to follow in the footsteps of the remaining person who has escaped.

If the person who ran away missed it, it might be dangerous to return to the main school.

- Pot!

The smoothing spread out in the direction of the trail.

* * *

An officer hidden within the stone walls of the Abandoned Sword.

In the Medicine Party building in the Senate, the Divine Priest was rumbling around everywhere.

She doesn't like the look of losing something precious.

“Where the hell is he? ”

Obviously, I had the book in my arms.

However, the book disappeared all the way out of the way as we were preparing.

I had to find it because it was a precious treasure that I had inherited for generations.

The Divine Instinct was busy collecting the bodies outside the wall while he was busy looking for them.

- Groaning!

“Ugh. That's heavy. ”

“Make sure to erase the marks on the floor. Hubong.”

“Of course.”

The corpses of the dead masks were being collected in one place.

There were so many bodies, it was hard to build them all and burn them, so I gathered twenty of them and burned them.

Are you talking about the outside? ’

She told me to leave the bodies alone.

In her opinion, the elders mutilated.

The bodies outside were confronted by them anyway, so they had to be erased, but it was better to leave the bodies in the palace as it was a fight between pagans and masks.


The expression of the elder's shoes, which had been looking into the inside of the general, darkened.

There were numerous bodies inside the officer who had been messed up by violent fighting.

Among them, the one who was looking for was the body of a shaman swordsman.

‘Is that the same person that the Pope sensed? ’

The person who should not be missed the most has escaped.

If he had seen a thousand goddesses, he would have brought an ally of the Shaman.

‘I hope the Elder doesn't miss it. ’

The Elder's Brownflower was also a strong five-finger figure in Bridge.

I don't think she will be pushed, even if she is a middle-class strongman.

“God's ball. ”

Someone called the prisoner of God who couldn't conceive because he was looking for a book.

He was a thousand years old.

When others called themselves faithful, she was the one who insisted on calling herself senseless papa, but she couldn't do it to Lady Chun.

“W-what's going on? Silver balls.”

Because he saved his life, he was called Silver Ball.

“I know you're busy, but can I ask you for some medicine? ”


She wondered at the request of the millennium.

Then she took out a piece of paper on the table and wrote down the medicine she needed with a brush.

Nam Nam is a place of faith, the best congressman in the midterm, and I asked myself if you might.

When I saw the name of the medicinal ingredient handed over by Thousand Yeon, I opened my eyes wide and muttered.

“Dried poppy? ”

“Is there?”

“It's not much, but it's for anesthesia. ”

When I heard that there was a poppy, the tail of her mouth went up faintly.

Inside a hidden cabin in a building.

Mungyu and the ornamentation kept two surviving masks and one elderly person in each room.

Two women are doing something by looking at the person tied to the chair.

“You see that thin blood under your ears? ”

“Ah! Here? ”

“Yes! That's right. ”

After hearing Mungyu explained, the ornamentalist found thin blood between the old man's neck and ears.

I almost didn't recognize the seam because it was more sophisticated than I thought.

However, it was easily distinguishable by the phrase that had been around for almost four years because the person who had done it knew it well put on an inlet.

- Giddy up!

The old man's skin that was disguised as a guest grew longer.

Soon after the auspicious painting pulled it out, an old man's face was revealed hidden in an inlet.


The two women who had peeled the facepiece became strange faces.

I thought he was quite old because he was a spoken-word old man, but he was younger than I expected.

Since the master of the painting had a dislocation, it was difficult to predict age by appearance alone, but this person appeared to be in his mid-30s.

“I thought you'd be older. ”

“I see...”

- Squishy!


At that time, the man who was unconscious moved.

I thought it would take some time to wake up, but I woke up earlier than I thought.

Mungyu went out to get someone.


The man who was losing his mind opened his eyes, which was hard to close.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he found a rope restraining his entire body.

Did you get him? ’

When I was hit, I thought I was going to die from mutilation.

I lowered my head and looked down, and I took off my clothes and bandaged my upper body.

Did you let him live on purpose? ’

It was a clear trick to keep yourself alive as an enemy.

It was to find out information.

‘Fools. Did you really think the chapter would open its mouth? ’

No matter how much I lost, I had no intention of ridiculing him and revealing the secret of the Ultimate Martial Arts Gate.

It was the best way to confess to being caught anyway.


- Wook-sin!

The man who tried to kill himself by crushing the internal voids of a short circuit caused damage to the entire carotid artery had to stop it with intense pain.

I couldn't move the air at all because I was stuck in the door.

‘You've blocked the damn door. ’

I was definitely prepared.

He had a muzzle in his mouth, so it was hard to bite his tongue off.

Letting him not die made him worry about what to do.

Then the visit took place.

- Yuck!

The appearance of a young man with long hair coming in for a visit made the man's eyes wide.

He was a thousand years old.

He was the one who thought he had to kill himself because he was captivated, but when I saw her, I remembered before fainting again. I wondered how he got used to his shamanism.


But I couldn't speak because the muzzle bit me.

“The auspicious ones are out. ”


“It's okay.”

“I understand.”

Despite her reluctance, Lady Chun approached the man's two paws and sat down with a chair.

Then he lowers his coarsely bitten muzzle down.



When the bitten muzzle peeled off, the man breathed for a long time to see if the frustration was gone.

The man who took a breath once stared at me with a harsh look.

“...... Hey! How does the Democrat of the Church know his ways? ”

I didn't need anything else.

I wondered how I knew about it and why I was learning it.

She smiled and opened her mouth as she looked at the man who gave her silent eyes.

“Let me just fix you two things. ”


“Number one, I am not the capital of the church. ”

The man said as if it was absurd.

“Nonsense. You don't know what I saw at the cliff...”

- Tight!


She grabbed the man's mouth.

Then he waved his head.

“I'll make it clear. I am the Lord and Heaven of the Catholic Church, not the Master of the Church. ”

Heaven of the Catholic Church? Owner... stop, will you? ’

At that moment, the man's eyes trembled, not knowing what he was talking about.

It was because I realized that the word "heavenly Catholicism" means "the churchmaster."

“Yes, you are... the Bishop of the Church? ”

I couldn't believe it easily.

That means that the Bishop of the Church himself came to the realm of the sect.

- Tak!


The embarrassing man's abdomen touched the palm of his hand.

I said in a cold voice to the man looking at me with frightening eyes because I wanted to do something.

“Number two, you don't have the authority to ask questions. ”

“Now, wait...”

- Chieftain!

Before he could say anything, a deep air strike from the thousand leagues dug in.


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