Nano Mashine

# 55 Dragon Warrants (1) #

God's instinct to spit out anger with a lot of blood around his neck.

No one could stop her throat.

It was because of the dark truth that came out of his mouth that he understood her heart.

But it gradually passed me by. The place where the senses choked and pressed was blood in the bloodstream.

- Shhh!

“You're still a Guru? Die! Die! ”

“Queek, queek!"

‘Oh my… I'm going to die. ’

The shaman, who thought his face would no longer be a shaman, held her captive.

I haven't asked the wise man for any information yet.

“God's ball! Stop!”


The prisoner chokes harder as he hears nothing.

Her strength, usually close to twice the size of an adult male, but with thick muscles, was too lethal for an endangered sage to endure.

The dazed eyes try to turn upside down.

'You don't know enough.'

- Pot!

When she reached out her hand lightly, the body of God's prisoner who was choking Hyundai's neck bounced back due to the powerful force.


- Bam!

The Elder's Discipline takes over her bounced body.

The prisoner ran wild, but he was still scared.

"Let go of me! That son of a bitch killed my granddaughter! My granddaughter!"

"Calm down, Gamma Papa!"

It was not enough to deceive myself for a year, so it was inexcusable that I left my granddaughter to the eighteenth rank, famous for her wickedness among the safaris.

“A glimmer. Take the ball of God elsewhere for a moment. ”


Taken over, the auspicious painting forces her outside.

Thousand Yeon asked the dying sage a few questions in order to gain something.

"Heave... heave... heave..."

"Stay with me. What is the purpose of the Celestial Hall?"

- Exactly!

Hyundai mutters, exhaling heavily.

"Hehe... hehe... tea, the Chongcheon Festival... is the only world... that... is... slurry."

However, he was at risk of massive bleeding, unable to breathe, unable to answer the question, and eventually his life was lost.

"Damn it!"

A thousand fortunes lay their hands on his head and his left chest.

A slight electric shock flows from the palm of your hand.

I lost my breath but only to make my life last.

- Pachynchik!

However, stimulating the brain and heart with electroshock was useless.

The body of the deceased is freezing cold, rapidly stiffening.


If I had known this was going to happen, I would have regretted asking it first.

I was curious about what kind of organization was called the cult's hidden cult.

"Phew... I can't help it. I hope the ball of God knows about them. ’

What do you want to hear from a dead man?

I just wanted the faithful to know what information they wanted, who had previously cooperated with the Creation Society.

"The senator strangled Master..."

It felt strange to think of her just now.

In a way, he was also the first Muslim leader and mediator.

However, after going through this, I thought that there was no difference from the martial arts, whether it was the famous Jeong Fai or the do-gooder or the congressman who saved people.

‘Are they the same person after all? ’

Are they just differences in ideology?

The expectation that there would be a more fundamental difference was getting dull.

“My lord.”

At that time, this Elder's Figs approached the Thousand Woman.

She pulls something out of her chest, scraps of burnt paper.

Even the remaining pieces were blackened and could hardly be recognized.


“I didn't tell you before because I didn't have a situation, but I was burning this as a triangulation before I caught up with Hyundai. ”

Triple Evolution

It is a technique that ignites fire into the air.

As soon as I saw the burnt pieces that were taken out by the figs, the four elders came to me and said,

“Isn't that what faithfulness was looking for? ”

They knew that the Divine Instinct was looking for something.

I just heard it was made of a unique material, so I didn't know exactly.

“That's unusual, huh?”

It was a piece of burnt paper, but something much thicker and smoother than the traditional hanji.

"Smooth. What the hell is this? ’

Nano's voice echoes in her head as she accepts it.

- Beep, beep, beep!

[Program has a lock. Unable to analyze paper material and year.]

It was a beep similar to when you asked if you could send a portion of a nanomachine to someone else.

It's been a long time since Nano told me that information is locked.

"That's weird, huh? ’

On the back of the cover, there was a piece of charred paper that had been burnt half way through.

[⁄ 30596; ⁄ 272 ⁄ ්.....]

There were only three lines of writing left, which was not the Hanja he had previously known.

It seemed like something simplified.

Nano, can you tell me about this? ’

It's simple.]


[It is a simple change to traditional traditional traditional Traditional Chinese.]

How was it made? ’

[We can't let you know because the program has a lock.]

‘...... Can you interpret these three lines? ’

[Possible, I will translate the simplified version.

It was a mistake to target him. It was worth mentioning as the progeny of the bridge. I lost my job because of my greed. Let's just stick to the original plan... until then.]

The back was lost in scorch marks.

‘!? ’

Nano's interpretation made her look strange.

What the hell does this mean?

I heard that the objects that the ball of God possesses are even more humane.

But it seemed like I saw the contents of the journal.

The ancestor of the Church? Are you referring to Investigator Chunma? ’

The investigation of the cult that founded the Catholicism was widespread.

The author sought to investigate a thousand things, but it did not seem to succeed.

I remembered the scars of the Supreme Shinmu when the thousandfold luck that had lingered in my mind fell under the cliff.

‘Ah! Did the person who wrote this article investigate extremely unethical matters? ’

To make that guess, the anglers were somewhat right.

The architect of the Ultimate Physical Education Survey is the architect of the Ultimate Physical Education Department, and I don't know what route the data is from, but it is a matter of faith.

But after it was broken, what was he trying to write down?

‘...... Was he trying to say that he should have targeted the main school, not the investigator? ’

It was a shame.

If the back didn't burn, you'd know a lot more.

It did not become this big of information.

The one left in the back was completely charred, so I could only tell it was paper before riding.

"Useless. You're going to destroy what's in someone else's hands?" ’

This behavior by the Wudang Swordsman was a natural choice for the Creation Society.

If it hadn't been burned down, it would have fallen into the hands of the martyrs.

- Tak!


He handed the remaining piece of paper to the figs.

“You're no use to me. Return it to the ball of God. Then I'll interrogate the other two and get ready to leave. ”


Everyone shouted in the chorus.

After about half a watch, Lady Chun interrogated the masks who had been sequestered in two rooms.

However, they did not have much information, unlike the two hundred doormen who were the chief executive.

They were only familiar with their line managers outside of training in the stronghold, and did not know anything at all.

‘..... Is this why I don't have money? ’

The masks didn't have any special gold.

I didn't have the information, so I deserved it.

Unfortunately, I had to be satisfied with the information I had so far.

After interrogating the remaining masked man, Thousand women and their group are ready to leave.

Since we also found a special dispatch unit that had disappeared for a purpose, and God also agreed to take care of it, all that remained was to return to the bridge.

Just about to leave the Chief of Staff, loyalty called for a thousand bucks.

“Silver Ball!”

She bows and apologizes with a dark look on her face.

"The old woman's folly has plagued me."

He told me that the wise man was driven to his death in a flash of anger.

If she had remained a bit more rational, she would have gotten a lot of information from him.

But what about what's already happened?

"Don't mind me."

Along with that, she turned calmly.

- Fluffy!

The Divine Instinct knelt on two knees.

Then one of the thousand eyebrows lifted up.

The attitude of the prisoner was about to make a very awkward request.


I didn't have a clue.

Since her granddaughter had been held captive for a year for eighteen years, it made sense to bother her.

“Despite your generosity, I have a favor to ask you. ”

Tears poured down on the creased cheeks of the cold water.

The old man, when she cried and expressed her feelings, even felt sad.

“The granddaughter of this old man is in the hands of the wild bandits of the Yellow Emperor. It's already been a year, so... How can I ignore this as a delinquent? ”

‘That's right.'

As the words of the prisoner continue, embarrassment rises in the faces of the group.

It has already taken a considerable amount of time in the realm of the faction.

However, if it is not enough and they reach Safa's realm, they are more likely to be exposed.

"I hope this helpless old woman will help me save her granddaughter."

The prisoner appealed to the emotions and sought help.

At least if there is such a thing as compassion, I thought they would help me.

But it was a mistake.

"I'm afraid that's difficult."


Her wrinkled glabella was more distorted in response than expected.

I never expected to refuse at once.

'That is not part of what we can do.'

Even the sweetest things were the same as the servants.

I understood the position of God's prisoner, but not enough for them to take the risk.

Besides, she's already pledged to treat the monks.

Oh, my God. Well, those are some cold ones. '

God's frustration was not concealed by the attitude of the thousand women and their followers who made a breakup out of thought.

At this rate, I really didn't think I'd get any help.

"Here we go."


Oh, no! '

In a hurry, she finally took out her final approach.


The prisoner tightened his head on the floor.

“Ma, if you save the granddaughter of the old lady, I will take the silver ball to the stable for life! ”

“!!! ”

Everyone was surprised to hear that.

What he said was never light.

I was loyal in exchange for my loyalty, not to anyone else.

The value of loyalty, the best member of the midterm, known to have no incurable illness, is not only high enough for the imperial palace.

That kind of faith put itself on the line meant that the value of a granddaughter was just as great.


Her back trembles with desperation.

Even if you refuse, there is no way to get your granddaughter back.

[Bishop! This is a great opportunity!]

The four elders' shoes sent a message to the face described above.

It was rather risky, but to encourage her to reconsider her offer.

Thousands of women raised their hands and signalled to calm down.

"Faith pledges allegiance..."

I thought about it for a while.

Her emotional appeal turned her cold heart into a dramatic offer.

It was a good enough offer for Mahishmati or Lady Chun.

The worry didn't last long.

- Boom!


The body of the prostrate prisoner rises on its own due to a massive cold.

I warned God's prisoner with a desperate look, as if he had a low voice.

“You said it yourself, so be sure to keep it. ”

"Aaaah! Silver ball!"

Then more tears poured out of her eyes.

I was worried about declining even the last offer, but I was impressed to hear that I was helping.

“Deputy Hawk's will is done. Right.”


At this point, Hubon tilted his head and said hello.

Then the sandalwood breathed, smiling, and answering.

“Since I've gone to one of the eighteen. ”

“Huh! Is that so? ”

Said it would be a seed.

So, according to the vain saying that we should be careful of eighteen poles, Thousands of women and their servants came to them directly.

I was moved for a long time, so the god's intuition, which was shed tears, opened my mouth carefully.

“Then I couldn't even ask for the honor of silver. It's late, but can I ask you a question? ”

I knew nothing but that they were their lords.

Thousand Yeon said a solemn voice towards such a sensation.

“A thousand moons.”


Sounds like a name I've heard a lot.

The heavenly sanctuary was also very rare in the Middle East.

‘That's unusual. But the name is familiar..... Thousand.... Pretty..... Seo, no way? Ugh!!! ’

At first, the two eyes of God's prisoner, who had been unknowingly named, shook like an earthquake.

‘Ma'am, the new bishop of the Church? ’

No one didn't know that the martial arts regime had recently changed.

Even the sect sent a messenger to celebrate the inauguration of a thousand goddesses.

It was God's prisoner who heard the story through the sound of the Bladers of the Heavenly Council chattering.

"Oh my God…"

I assumed they weren't from the sect.

It was only the age of the terms and conditions, so it was probably considered to be a person of the senior sect in the Church or a new head of the Safa Federation, but it was shocking.

No one would have ever imagined that the Catholic Church would come in the middle of their territory.

It was like having a Buddhist monk on Mount 100,000.

"No, did the old man just say he's going under the bishop? ’

A new wind blew in the dusk of the life of the god's prisoner who had reached Gohui.

* * *

- Dagdac!

A group of thousand-year-old passengers ride south on horseback.

I wish I'd lost my horse, but it's where they hid it in the woods.

Moreover, I found some abandoned horses in the middle of the forest.

Like them, the ones who went in looking for the Abandoned Sword soundtrack seem to have dragged it.

They lost their lives by the Extreme Butcher Gate anyway, so the thousand runners took their horses by surprise.

As I drove the horse, I asked the four elders who were running side by side.

“Doubleshoes ball. Do you know where the dragonfly is? ”

I hid my title again because I had left the forest.

When he saw the documents containing the information of each of the major members of the middleman group at the bridge, there were several groups with unclear locations, one of which was dozens and eighties.

The dense watersheds are known for their strongholds, but they are nowhere to be found.

“I don't know that either. ”


It was embarrassing.

Nevertheless, he could not search eighteen bodies each day.

To take back the prisoners they have with them.

Seeing the thousand years of concern, the four elders smiled and said.

“Don't worry, Lord. I don't know, but I know people who know what's going on with their bodies. ”

She wondered at the confident tone of the pair of shoes.

Who really knows how many eighteen things happened?

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