Nano Mashine

Chapter 56 Disaster on board (2) #

It was completely dark and dark.

A ship carrying the cargo of dragon bills slowly descends downriver toward the Yellow Sea and approaches where the ships are connected.

They skillfully moved the boat over dark rivers without revealing anything other than the required lamps.

“Keep it steady! ”

- Queek, queek! Bang!

“That's it! Tie him up! ”

Next to a battleship with five large ships carrying cargo, the anticipated enemies begin to attach themselves with chains.

When the ship was fully connected, six chunks became one lump and were stably fixed on the river.

Like a fortress floating on the water.

“Well done. Get up early tomorrow morning and carry the rest of the boat. Now, close your eyes. ”

“Whoa!!! ”

“You bastards! Will you shut up? The Lord is sleeping.”


Enemies cheering for relief shut up about Chaju's slumber.

Under the orders of the Senior Enemies, they finished what they were supposed to do today and went into a cabin on the boat to rest.

- Tak, Tak!

All the lights that were left on to connect the boat went out.

Everyone who was on board came inside and a calm silence appeared.

You hear only the sound of the water sinking into the deck of your ship.

Since there is no place to sleep on the boat carrying the luggage, there are only a few people guarding this place.

- Go, go, go!

The lid of the large neck of the boat moves.

The lid opened slightly, revealing three eyes in the dark.

The eyes glance around you.

And it was only after confirming that there were no people standing in the room carrying the luggage that I came out of the coffin.

[Quite successfully.]

[There's no time.]

In the darkness, they were the four elders' shoes and white shoes.

They had to hide within their neck about two watches in order to infiltrate the boat on the river.

[We need to find and retrieve the faithful granddaughter in one fell swoop.]

There was a reason to hurry.

According to the information I learned from the Watcher at the Watchtower, another shift worker came to the beginning of the festival.

That way, those who remain in the waters will be alerted to their intrusion and alerted by the missing watchers.

[The Pope says he'll be here soon, right?]

Thousand Yeon and Heo Bong said they would get a ferry and go downstream to the top of the night.

It's downstream before it reaches the Yellow Sea, so it's hard for a small ferry to anchor in the middle of the river.

That's why we decided to take the ferry upstream in time.

In time, the two of them had to reclaim their granddaughters and jump into the ferry.

I could see that time was very short.


[Yes, sir.]

Originally, Lady Chun said she would find her herself, but Yanzako held back.

I urged them to leave the hard work to themselves.

I didn't want it to happen again because a thousand years later it was swept away by the explosion.

[There are quite a few people who stand up.]

Significant popularity was felt on the ship.

But those who were on the verge of a primordial setting were not merely skilled enough to be detected by those who stood still.

- Heave!

They come out of the boat carrying their luggage and hide themselves.

The number of fire needles on the boat totaled six.

There were two men on either side of the ship, two on each side of the boat's head and aft.

‘Maybe it's better to kill them all or have a blood transfusion. ’

But I did that for no reason, and when someone gets on the boat, I get caught straight away.

Doubleshoes and Baekgi slaughtered the pilot, then opened the airstrip and blew the kidney to another ship that was connected.

- Shush!

There was little to shake with the chains on the boat.

The knowledge and experience of rivers or boats seemed to be more diverse than people on land.

[Did you say third boat?]

The Watcher said he thought it was the third time.

In case you are confused, he told me that there is a flag on the boat with two blades crossed, so I can look at it.

[There's the flag.]

It was said to be the third ship, but there was a flag on the fourth ship.

I almost went to the wrong place.

The two of them hurriedly moved to the fourth boat, avoiding the eyes of the burning bundle.

‘Down at the bottom of the boat is the cabin with the servants, down at the head of the boat is the room of the Fan Lord. ’

The watcher explained.

There are two men on guard duty at the head of the boat.

I felt like I had to knock them out just as badly as the other two.

[I'll send a signal. I'll take the right.]

[Copy that. I'll take the left.]

Doubleshoes signal you to wait in the palm of your hand, and then send a call to attack as soon as those on guard turn their heads.

- Pot!

At the same time, the two men blew a new sentence and caught the bloodstream of the border workers looking towards the boat's deck.

- Tata! Tata!

You grab those who are about to fall and put them down on the floor.

It was a series of tensions.

[I'll take care of it.]

[I see.]

Whilst Baekgi was guarding this place, the shoe calmly opened the door on the boat's head and entered.

As you go inside, you hear him snoring and sleeping.

- Rrrrrrrrrrrr!

On the bed in the dark room, men and women lay together.

The middle-aged man with the mustache had trouble sleeping in his bottoms, and the woman with the muscles next to her was sleeping with a different look.

‘You look so much alike. ’

I couldn't see my face well because it was dark, but one body resembles the other.

The upper torso muscles appear larger than the eruption that carries a giant axe.

- Tata! Tata!

The Four Elders' discretionary shoes caught the smoking blood of the man sleeping.

In case he woke up in the middle.

Then I carefully shook the sweet sheep, the granddaughter of the faithful next to me, to wake her up.




The trainer closes her mouth to wake up and sends a message.

[Quiet. Sweet Potato Saucer.]

She looks at the pair of shoes that are holding her mouth in awe.

I couldn't see my face, but I was sure it wasn't the debt shark lying next to me sleeping.

[It was sent by Gamma Papa, Sausage's great-grandmother.]

Her eyes widen in the antennae.

The title "gamma papa" was a title that God's gut instinct used to force others to do.

I was surprised by the sudden appearance, but soon I regained my calm.

[The Gampa wave asked you to escape the Saucer, so can you come out with us quietly?]

She nods quietly at the sound of the boots.

Fortunately, the situation quickly became clear.

If she suspected for no reason, she might have bothered.

However, I looked worried at the person who was presumed to be a debt that she was lying next to.

This reassured me.

[Don't worry about the man next to you. I just fainted from the blood transfusion.]

At that, she nods and gets up on the bed.

Doubleshoes lead her on.

Outside, Baekgi, who was waiting, looks at her and nods lightly.

‘You look a lot alike. ’

I thought the same thing about her muscles, which were full of white bread.

The only thing left to do now is to make our way to the Thousand Ways and escape.

[This way!]

He said six boats were coming from the right side of the connection, so he had to move back to the big boat with the luggage.

Baekgi carries her on her back because she has not mastered the art of skilllessness.

‘Dammit… even this. ’

The heavy weight reminds me of the time when White carried God's prisoner.

It was a God's family that was significantly different from ordinary women.

Doubleshoes lead the way by identifying the gazes and movements of those on the perimeter.

- Heave-ho!

It was easier to avoid looking at me because I had moved once.

They hurried into the fifth boat, but they were about to jump into a big ship carrying a load.

- Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

The sound of the flute echoes on a quiet ship where only the water is rotting.

Standing at the forefront, the trainers turn their heads and look back, surprised to cross over where the chains are connected.

"I didn't notice anything. What the...? ’

At that moment, I looked at her with a blank expression.

To be precise, it was sweetened on his back.

She was the one who made all that noise on the boat just now.

[What the...]

- Puck!

The moment Baeki is stunned and about to touch her, something sharp tries to dig into his side.


The sharpness of the skin digs out her hands and drops her.

Even if I was a little late, I could have stuck a dagger in my side.

"What's wrong with her? ’

She holds her dagger, her eyes trembling, and she stares at you.

It was then.

“Ambush! Ambush! ”

Those who stood guard found them.

As they shout, a large number of enemies come up from the inside of the boat with a sudden rush of belly.

- Glug! Glug!

It was unbelievably fast to come up from resting.

A number of lamps lit up on a ship that was dark, and a number of incomprehensible enemies surrounded them.

The impression of the four elders' shoes became cold.

‘…… a trap. ’

I never imagined this would happen.

The worst of times, surrounded by numerous enemies on a ship full of currents.

‘What should I do? ’

It was hard to know what was in English.

Why the grandchildren of God helped them behind their backs and how they knew in advance and set this trap.

At that time, some people appeared through the gaps between the enemies.

He was a tough middle-aged man with a lion beard and a blue revolution covering his face with his skin, which seemed to benefit from one of the weapons of the tentacles.

“Kuhahaha! It's just as I expected it to be. I never thought I'd try to take the Debtors' wives. ”

The middle-aged man smiling and speaking was a recovering line, the vegetable owner of the dragon loans here.

A dead man called the lord standing next to him replies with his mouth tail up in a slight revealing lower tube.

“Just in case, I'm lucky. ”

“I can't keep up with the wisdom of humanity. Kuhahahaha.”

Looking at their attitudes, they were treating them as if they had already caught the sandals and white flag.

Falling into a trap was an unexpected situation, so there was no choice but to call her granddaughter a goddess.

"Debt wife"? ’

I didn't think that was what it meant to be a debt woman.

Looking at those who were embarrassed, a dead man called Lord opened his mouth.

“Escaping this place is hard. You do realize there's no escaping this harsh place, right? Surrender."

‘...... Aah. ’

I shook my head to see if the sandals had collapsed.

This was a trap to isolate them thoroughly.

I felt foolish not to question why the ship had docked at a point downstream connected to the Yellow Sea.

'It is not a strategy in the minds of the enemy.'

In fact, this trap was impossible to spot.

I've never been to Susan, but how can I assess unexpected variables like that one?

"The Blue Revolution…"

By the way, even the shaman swordsman wore a blue revolution around his waist.

The landlord slowly walks towards them and says,

“Surrender. No matter how many shaman swords you slay, it is hard to deal with this many amulets, including the one you saw.“ ”

The reason why the shareholders were so confident was dramatic.

It was also because he was a master at the drama of the picture.

Even if it wasn't on board, I was confident I wouldn't miss them both.


As he sighed and sighed, the shareholder who thought he had given up gave up, laughed and ordered his enemies.

“Arrest them. ”


As the enemy approached, the trainers pulled out of their waist.

- Chang!

Baekgi also took a number of different methods to deal with the enemies.

Strangely, despite the desperate situation, there was no fear in my eyes at all.

The landlord kicked his tongue and said.

“Tsk, I thought you said there was nothing you could do. ”

“Who said it was just us? ”

“Nonsense. Who can come in the middle of this river....? ”

- Hmph!

You run to the end of the boat deck, surprised to see what the landlord detected.

- Shhh!


Immediately, he comes up with something in front of him at a tremendous speed, and is surprised that he steps back as he unfolds his approach.

- The coup d 'etang!


The man who fell onto the ship was a fool.

However, there was something else that surprised the enemy, including the human race.

"Oh, my God."

"Sa, people in the air?"

Everyone was staring up at me with their mouths wide open.

A young man flying a long hair in a black sword on a ship floats in the air.

“Uh, flying under a sword? ”

The landlord mutters in astonishment.

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