Nano Mashine

Chapter 57 Death has no words (2) #


The goddess's granddaughter, sweetened by blood, murmured.

Her eyes turned red with sweetness as she watched a large number of enemies die.

The smoking blood didn't stop her tears from flowing.

- Bloop!

Baeki, who was looking at it, quietly turns her back.

No matter how cruel the enemies were, they thought she was in agony as she died.

However, her eyes seemed somewhat sad rather than terrifying.

I feel like I want to say something.

“It's almost over, so bear with it. We'll bring the baby back soon. ”

He said as if he was relieved.

Instead, she opened her eyes and stared.


It was as if he was asking me to release the blood.

However, no matter how much the baby was held hostage, Baeki ignored the look in her eyes, saying that there was no way that the woman who once backed her head would not repeat the same thing.

Hubong glances at you and sends a message.

[I didn't want to say this, but I'm trying to save you. Right?]

‘........ ’

White was silent to the protruding expression on her lips.

Meanwhile, the four elders, who went to rescue the baby as a dragonfly, removed all the enemies from the watchtower and entered the half-decommissioned watershed.

Clearly, there was little popularity in the waters to see if the traps had been set in advance.

‘Are the women and children the only ones left? ’

All the combat-ready enemies seemed to be in the lead.

At the most, there were only ten watchers on the watchtower and a dozen people on the perimeter.

- Boom!


An enemy's neck turns to the side in the hand of the sneaker who approaches unscathed.

The shoes silently hide the corpse of the dead enemy in a corner.

‘Nine in total. ’

The doubloons silently killed all the enemies who stood before them.

In fact, we didn't have to kill those who were in the water because we didn't know who they were, but there was nothing good about leaving behind.

"The women in the cabin..."

I decided to let it go.

It will be difficult for those who were only in the water to know who they were.

Even in the fleet, the person wearing the ribs is mistaken for a very handsome group.

Is that it?

The loafers quickly found the Chamber of Shadows.

It was the most opulent hut I could not help but notice.

I felt like I was told to look at my majesty just by the hoppy hide on the hut.

‘There are two ways to feel inside. ’

It was the sound of repetitive footsteps of the rattling and room.

The shoes carefully open the entrance to the hut and go inside.

The middle-aged woman holding the baby in her hut was shocked and tried to scream.


- Tata!

Doubleshoes took her smoking blood and fainted.

I received a baby wrapped in a sack that was about to fall.

- Tak!

I pressed my blood until I could sleep because the baby I had picked up tried to cry.

It was the best because if I could die of shortness of breath if I had a little baby with a lot of blood on it.

- Zec!

I looked at the middle-aged woman with bitter eyes who had covered her ankles and prevented her from making a sound when she fell.

She was just a nanny who had not mastered skilllessness, but I couldn't help it.

Seeing his own face for a moment.

- Woodpeck!

The shoes snap her neck without hesitation.

Leaving a woman freezing to death, he hugs her and leaves the hut.

After leaving the watering hole, the shoes spread out and came to the river side where the tip was floating.


The elasticity of the shoe flowed from the mouth of the shoe.

Just before he left, there were five boats that were connected by chains before the sudden struggle.

Even the large ship carrying the load was sinking slowly, except for the head of the line.

"You'll exterminate him in no time." ’

It was possible enough for a creature of a thousand moons.

The landscape is nothing compared to the great masters of the Middle Jungle.

However, the speed was very fast.

Did you use that technique back then? ’

I still haven't forgotten that scene in my head.

The scene of a slaughter with over a hundred swords of winning swords in the air.

It was a technology that no strong man could see.

Even our allies were frightening.

[Elder Yang. This way!]

In his ears, he hears voices of vanity.

Looking in the direction of the motion, you can see the void waving at the middle of the mountain.

You climb up to the top of the mountain, and you see a group in the thickets.

“We have fulfilled your orders. ”

“Well done.”

When she showed him the baby, Lady Chun nodded and praised him.

Suddenly, the sandalwood looked over, and on the one hand, white skin was fixing the poor man's molten bones, with the blood on his body's skin, to a tree with a rope.

Just by looking at your elbows cut off,

‘It's the work of the Pope. ’

I knew right away.

As I always felt, those who touched the Thousand Dollars' hands seemed to be flying by default.

If you think about it, I heard that more than half of the minor Catholic candidates had their arms cut off.

Thinking about this, I felt a chicken in my right arm for no reason.


However, the condition of God's granddaughter sweetener on one side was strange.

Her blood pressure is thick and she's motionless, and she's trembling with tears.

“Deputy Heo. What's wrong with him? ”

“I don't know. I haven't released the blood clot because it's weird, but it's still happening. He even looked at us like we were enemies. ”


The doubtful expression on her face.

I felt anxious that the baby was still being held.

You take the baby in its arms and show it to her.

“I've got the baby safe. ”

When the shivering sweet saw the child, a light of relief appeared in his eyes, unlike before.

Is it the mother's heart?

When she saw that, she asked me to release her blood clot.

It was unstable until just now, but with the baby, it was determined that it would be okay.


- Tata! Tata!

When the isolation releases the blood clot,

“Ahhhh!!! ”

She yells at you to leave your eardrum.

Even the peasant who was stunned for a long time because of the noise.

The sober owner could not help but notice that he had been captured without dying.

‘What should I do? ’

It was a moment of embarrassment, and the owner closed his eyes and pretended to faint.

I'm tied up and I can't run away.

- Heave!


A bewildered pair of shoes silences her.

I was about to check the blood transfusion again, but I couldn't understand it at all, so I asked.

“What are you doing? ”

She frowned at the question of the loafers and wanted to say something.

“If you scream, I'll have your blood drawn again. ”

Then she moves her eyes up and down.

When she took her hand off the mouth that was blocking the shoes, she said in an angry voice.

"Hah… hah… Did you think you could forgive me for putting my husband to death? ”

“Your husband?”

The word "husband" made a sudden grimace, including the shoes, whitening and bluffing.

I couldn't understand what she was saying.

I asked myself, what do you think?

“Are you referring to the debt shark? ”

“Yes, you heard he was my husband, and you let him die! ”

Surprisingly, she thought of the debt shark as a real husband and wife.

Baekgi was filled with joy, reminiscing about her tears at that moment.

"Are you sure you're crying because you're sad? ’

At that time, I thought it was because I was afraid because I couldn't overcome the cruel scenery.

When the ship sank, the game started because the fainted debt shareholder was still alive with blood in the cabin.

Once she opened her mouth, she even stared at a thousand women and said,

“And how did you... kill them so cruelly? You slaughter that many people because you have power. You really are a demon! ”

“The Devil…"

I was angry enough to lose my mind.

Ordinary people were frightened because they were fed up with the thousand monsters like that and the massacre, but she was fearless.

‘Ey, is this woman really crazy? ’

Suddenly, the expression on his face froze.

Her eyes narrowed.

Even her attitude, which was not common sense, was questionable.

A shaman swordsman was kidnapped by a confessional agent directly from his mouth.

"Why does a woman who's been kidnapped stand up to her enemies? ’

Nano's voice rang in his head.

Stockholm syndrome.]

Stockholm syndrome? ’

[It is a sympathetic or psychological sympathetic sympathy for assailants who threaten their lives with fear. Sometimes it leads to love when it's too much.]

"Ha! What's wrong with that? ’

It didn't make any sense to hear Nano's explanation.

Meanwhile, while pretending to faint while tied to a tree, the owner was delighted to eavesdrop on the situation.

He was actually well aware of this because he had been reported several times.

‘It is true that the grandchildren of faith have become intimate with the debt shareholders. Hehe.’

That's why she helped set a trap for you.

She wasn't just cooperating to save the child.

For Miss Yum, Yongho's husband and child were like family and colleagues.

The length of a year changed a lot.

‘There were many sacrifices, but it may be fortunate. Now that they've bought their faithful granddaughter's hatred, it may not work. ’

Is it going to be as expected?

Sweet Miss said, staring at the thousand sailors and her henchmen with burning eyes.

“You came here for a favor from your grandmother? Then your intentions are obvious. You're asking my grandmother to save someone in return for taking me. ”

Miss Yummi was smart beyond thought.

It was not accurate, but the context was similar.

It is not just to save the Crown Prince who wants to be saved, but it is also a cost to be loyal to the Crown Princess forever.

“Calm down. We've been asked by your great-grandmother. I heard you were kidnapped, and that Chaju threatened you with a baby, and how do we know the details? ”

Ultimately, the doubloons opened their mouths to resolve misunderstandings.

However, the person who thought he had lost everything could not change his mind in a word.

Sweet potatoes shout out against the devil.

“Hmph! That's funny. Even if it were, you'd still want to hurt the people you care about. ”

“Ugh..... I didn't mean to. And I didn't say I didn't know. ”

“Does it all work out if you don't know? Let me be clear here. You'll never get what you want! ”

“Yes? What do you mean? ”

I asked him because his eyes became sharp.

She cursed everyone with hahn's voice.

“I'm not going to my grandmother. If you try to force me to go, I'll tell your grandmother you won't get what you want! Whatever it takes! If you lose something precious, you will know the pain! ”

She was terrified that she would interfere with everything she had.

I got what I was drowning in, and I was told to give me a bag of luggage.

It was a very difficult situation.

"Hehe, that's funny. I've got a loyal granddaughter, and you've bought up all your hate. Looks good. You won't get anything. ’

The peasant pretending to be unconscious brings joy to his heart.

The hostage that needs to be rescued has become a burden.

I had to take him away, but instead of helping him, he became an obstacle.

It was literally in English.

‘You pay the price for making the mainstay like this. ’

He likes it so much, but he hears the sound of his tongue kicking.

“...... What a pity. You must think we're some kind of puritanical bunch. Well, I don't know our Pope, but I don't know. ”

“The Pope?”

Her eyes, which had been plagued by evil, were curled by what Herbong said.

It was the same with the shareholder who was closing his eyes.

There was only one person who wrote the title "Bishop" in the Middle School Moorim.

"The bishop? You can't be..."

Surprised or not, she looked down at her cold eyes and said overwhelmingly.

“Do you think you're the only one who knows the pain of losing someone precious? ”

“Well, that! ”

“It is not my concern whether I fall in love with those who have kidnapped you or value them. ”

His words were cold, and he lost his appetite for a moment.

Something was completely different from what she expected.

As people who want something, they thought they would struggle or suffer to appease their grudges and anger.

“Did I say anything to you to get in our way? ”

“Of course not. I will help you, who have killed your husband...”

I couldn't make up my mind.

It was because everyone's gaze was cold and heartless.

She shakes her head.

“No matter what you say, we will take you. ”

She glanced at the doctor who said he was taking her by force.

“Hmph! It doesn't matter if you take me. Never let me help you...”

“Can I really say that? ”

“W-what? ”

"Dead men have no words."


For a moment, she mistook her ears for something wrong.

The same was true for the shareholder pretending to be stunned.

“What do you think? Elder Yang.”

“The death of a hostage in a dysfunctional war is multireflective. Even if you collect a body, it's a sensation. Faith will mourn, but what can I do? ”

Her impression of the four elders' discretionary responses solidified.

Their speech was completely different from that of ordinary scholars or ordinary people.

“Now, wait a minute. Wait, are you trying to kill me? Y-you! Are you out of your mind? You came to save me. ”

"I saved it because it's useful."

"Efficiency, utility?"

"You're nothing but a godly granddaughter. And you abandoned that value yourself."

"Well, well!"

Sometimes people think differently when they are threatened by life.

Anger drives him back and forth.

But by then it was too late.

I whispered to her.

“Good. Your child is asleep. ”

Sweet sheep shouted because her face was white with a lively voice.

“You devil...”

Before he finished speaking, she waved her hand to the side.

Then her neck was forced back to her side by profound force.

- Woodpeck!


Along with the horse's scream, she broke her neck and died.

It is said to have been consumed by rage, but it was killed by an unstoppable breath.


The moment I heard this sound, my breath seemed to stop.

‘Aigoo, these guys are crazy. Are you sure you want to kill me? "

I could not have imagined that I would kill the granddaughter, an important hand that could move my faith.

They say it's asleep, too, but in front of the baby.

I hear the sound of walking into his ear, which is absurd in this situation.

- Boom, boom!

And then...

- Heave!


The master of the steps grabs his neck.

When I opened my eyes, I was furious and looked at him with a strange gaze.

His eyes were filled with intense unpleasantness.

“Did you think you wouldn't notice if you closed your eyes? ”


The eyes of the human race shook.

My breathing changed from when I fainted, but I couldn't have known it was so bad.

Looking at such a shareholder, she said meaningfully.

“It's your turn. ”

- Creepy!

The tenant experienced for the first time a heart palpitation in his life.

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