Nano Mashine

# Chapter 58 Exhibitor of the Great Master (2) #

The great masterpiece.

The Muslims called them that because they regarded the strongest fighters in the middle school.

I don't know when I counted them as five, but as tradition has it, five absolutes reigned supreme in the jungle.

North Jeong ( ), South Horse ( ❗), Dongtu ( ⁄ 39722;), Surface ( ⁄ , Mid Pair ( ⁄ 38617;).

It is short for the current master.

North Degree ( ❗) forehead.

Chon Yu-jong from Nammaju, Korea.

Dongwoosin ( ⁄ 39722; ) malice.

Port of Surface King.

King Two-Squared Sword.

Northwestern borders are the swordsmanship and doorposts of .

He did not belong to the Old Gate Clan, but was from the Gate for generations.

Nammazu was originally the title of Cheonji, a former Buddhist monk, but he succeeded in defeating the Safa Federation in the battle of the plains of the noble temple.

The harbor of the Safa King is the leader of the Safa Federation, a leader who took his place at the end of the struggle between fierce Safaris.

He was also an outstanding skillless man, but considered a cunning figure.

These three are the leaders of the three generations who are in the third part of the current Muslim Empire.

However, the other two were the only ones who occupied the high ranks as nothing in the three generations.

There are very few known rumors about Dongtu.

Other than that, he had the title of perseverance because he was the only master of the world without an army.

However, the Dual Sword Monarch is different.

There was no one who could shake his reputation more than the entire forest.

In a way, it might be more infamy than prestige.

"Isn't he the one who made eighteen poles? ’

The cry of the four elders' shoes reminded me of this.

Building eighteen poles didn't mean raising them up.

In the Yellow Sea, there was a time when enemies were infested.

At that time, there were thirty canals, reaching about ten thousand enemies who ruled the Yellow Sea and decayed the hearts of the officials and Muslims.

‘The one who single-handedly wiped out over 3,000 enemies. ’

He was the Dual Sword King.

The monarchy was originally called an unmanned member of the Middle Ten Pass (now's helmet).

I lost my wife in a case of sorts, and in my anger I killed over 3,000 enemies, lowering the power of the bodies in half.

Immediately after this incident, the king who was banished from the sect because he had bought up Safa Fellowship's rage and killed thousands of people hid himself after several major battles.

"I can't do this....."

The young man looked embarrassed.

I didn't expect you to think of a double-edged sword just by holding two swords.

‘You're right. ’

His father always asked me to say that.

I warned them not to use two swords unless there was a crisis of life and death.

I heard that my father had been hiding in the forest for a long time, but I realized that the middle-aged man with the same eyes has a lot of experience in the city.

‘What should I do? ’

I just mixed my hands a while ago, and the middle-aged man in the one-eyed eye was a master of the upper line.

As soon as I saw the body of the sweet sheep lying on the ground, I was furious, but I couldn't help myself.

‘Era, I don't know. Let's run away.’

The young man decided to turn around.

Then someone rushes up to him and kicks him.

- Papa Papa Papa Pa!

In a kick that produced dozens of remains, the young man easily prevented the attack with the broad sword of the Great Sword.

“Huh? What about you? ”

The young man who was stopping the kick made a curious face.

The man who attacked him was a young man with a scar on his face who he considered weak.

It seemed to be the same age, but I felt the energy was below one step.

“Who would want to attack and run away?" ”

Baeki, who was throwing a residual kick, lowers his posture as he rotates and attacks the lower end.

Because the Great Sword is large, it aims for the empty side of the room.

- Papak!

However, the young man put the sword in his other hand on the floor as he had predicted.

The dagger clogs its lower end.

- Bang!

- Whoo-hoo!

The sword vibrates with considerable aerodynamic force on the soles of its feet.

The hand holding the swordsman trembles.

Likewise, a white statue that was blocked by a large sword bounced back and pushed back behind the sevo.

- Tata!

The mere feeling of energy changes the young man's expression as if he thought the opponent would always be weak.

“...... Not bad. ”

Baekgi still has a firm expression in the compliment from the mouth of the young man.

It was because the attacks were blocked in a row.

On the other hand, the tail of her mouth was lifted, watching her like that.

‘That's what I knew. ’

The image of Baekgi was like that of the time when there was so much devotion and speculation that I had seen in the Maguire.

Recently, he has not been able to perform well against the top masters of the world such as the Ministry of Extreme Education and the Cemetery of Creation.

‘I've got the wrong guy. Maybe I should give it to a week or two. ’

The four elders' discretion was also judged by the high intentions of the white period.

The youth's innocence with two great swords reached the extremes of the supernova.

It was even higher than Baekgi, who was a very mature superstar.

However, it was not only through infinite odds that an unmanned battle would result in victory or defeat.

Sometimes high standards and good tactics can make you overcome this.

‘The Great Sword is big, but it swings like a normal sword, if you are used to handling it. Then we have to create a gap somehow. ’

It was a complicated time to tackle all young people.

‘Ha. What a surprise. ’

On the other hand, the young man's face was filled with regret.

I was more eager to compete with the talents of the same year I had never met, but I was troubled by the presence of two people that I had not detected.

Moreover, one person recognized even the double-edged sword.

The young man shouted, looking at the white.

“Hey. Foot-wearer. ”


“Never leave because you're afraid. It's because I'm really busy. ”

At the end of the sentence, the young man raised his strength and put a sword through the two swords.

The young man raised the two swords high with a faint blue sword.


I tried to stop him urgently just in case, but it was too late.

The young man slammed two large swords into the ground simultaneously.

- Kuaang!

As soon as the strong sword touched the ground, the dirt sand debris that was on the ground splashed up in all directions with a loud noise.

As soon as the dust settled on all sides, the young man turned and blew his new sentence.

It's a way to escape.

‘I have to go back and tell my father. The one who recognizes a double-edged sword.... Huh? ’

At that time, the young man was surprised and his eyes widened.

When he moved, there was a young man with long hair in the direction of his body.

It was a thousand years.

“I heard you won't let me go. ”

“Damn it!”

The young man quickly crossed the two Great Swords and took a unique Riding Ceremony.

Honestly, there was no answer except to spread a proper herb because the guilt of the person who was blocking him could not have guessed.

‘Two-second Cordless Wave.' ’

A blade that maximizes the destructive power of the crossed Great Sword.

At that time, even before the herbs could be used, a thousand years old statue dug in front of me.

- Good boy!

I put my hand on the dagger that was crossing the millennium.

“Do you think you can stop it? ”

As the young man unleashed the condensed power of the sword, he pushed the thousand lashes holding his hand against it and tried to split into the finest waves in a heartbeat.


“What, what? Is it moving?”

No matter how much he pulled up the air, he couldn't stretch out his crossed arms.

It was because the air force holding down the Great Sword was overwhelming.

It was useless to try to stretch it out with force, even though I had to endure some internal injuries because I was pushed from the air.

‘Ey, he's just like his father. ’

It was like throwing an egg at a huge rock wall.

I feel dirty because the walls only mix yellow and white even when I throw them so hard.

That's just the way it is.

At that time, she fixed her stop finger on her thumb with her other hand and placed it on the forehead of the young man who was defenseless.

It's like the look of that finger.


“I know. ”

- Boom!



The young man who was struck at night with profound aerodynamic force dropped his sword and tripped over the air three times.

I jumped up and down to try to survive.


The young man was dizzy from the pain of the brain shaking, and soon fell to the ground.

- Bang!

The thousand fortunes lay their hands on him and tried to destroy him.

At that time, the elder's discretion quickly suspended him.

“My lord! Please stop for a moment. ”

When she stopped collecting air in the palm of her hand, Yanyang said.

“This young man may not be the Celestial Hall. ”

“Not the Celestial Hall? ”

“As you may have heard, the double-edged sword was banished from the Saffana sect. ”

A thousand years later, one eyebrow lifted up.

Of course, even the mild ones knew about it, but in a way, the massacre that created the notoriety of the Dual Swords was similar to the ideology of the Creation Council now.

However, since he did not belong to the sect, there was a reason for the words of the denomination.

“We need to find out his identity or purpose. ”

If it was about the Celestial Society or the Safa, we didn't have to let him live.

After all, I saw the dead shareholders, Fangwol, and the granddaughter of a saint of the House of Creation.

- Tata! Tata!

Thousands of years later, his blood runs through the thick air.

It contains the inner air of the microscope, so no matter how hard you reach the pole of the superstar, you will not be able to unravel it with magnetism for three days.

“I'll do it this time. The Pope.”

I decided to take charge of the trainers because they are so overwhelming at the end of the day.

Soon after, the young man regained consciousness.

“Er... what? ”

- Squeak!

He looks at the rope wrapped around his body and is embarrassed.

The bloody rope looks like the one the dead body saw earlier.

A young man who could not sense how he was caught could recall earlier because of the pain he felt on his forehead.

“Me, I just fainted at night? ”

I did.

I fell out in the middle of the night without even trying.

The young man remembered how embarrassed he was and his face turned red.

However, he had lived with one confidence, saying that no one could be dealt with at his age.

"I fell in love with the same girl. Father. '

I heard the voice of the pair of shoes in the ear of a young man who was in self-immolation.

“Are you awake? ”


The startled young man tries to pull the plug, but his body does not feel energized.

Even the senses of disconnection seemed paralyzed.

“W-what is this? ”

“I have your bloodline. ”

“Ah…… oh…”

He seems to have been caught thoroughly while he was stunned.

The young man quickly rolled his head, noticing that he was clearly overwhelmed and captured by his enemies.

And he said in a loud voice.

“What are you going to do with me? You're not trying to kill me, are you? I didn't want to have to say this, but... please help me. ”

“..... You're getting a lot of that. ”

I was overwhelmed by the rapid change in attitude.

It was hard to believe he was the one who attacked without looking back.

I needed to know who this young man was and what he was up to.

“I could have killed you, but I kept you alive for questioning and judging because I might have caught a living person." ”


The young man learned that life is determined by his own answer.

In a word, you have a better chance of getting by.

The young man who was thinking for a moment said with an awkward smile.

“Ask me anything. As far as I'm concerned, I'll answer everything. ”

“....... ”

I thought in my gut.

He didn't seem to belong to any organization.

If someone of this level is part of an organization, they want to kill themselves or stubbornly rebel against information, but they asked you to ask them anything.

“Can I ask your name first? It's hard to keep calling you that. ”

The young man hesitated for a moment.

“I am the king.”

“The King?”

Seeing the young man calling himself a prince, the weaver frowned.

If he was one of the great masters he had guessed, he would have to use the castle of the king.

Are you a student?

There was no chance of that.

Just because you are an ex-husband doesn't mean you are his son.

However, it seemed clear that he was trying to hide his identity just by revealing his name.

The sandals then asked.

“Why did you attack us? ”

Of course, I could only tell by the eyes of the king who attacked me.

He saw the body of the sweetmeat and attacked because he was angry.

He looked at the body of the sweet sheep still lying on the ground and said in a slightly heavier voice.

“..... I attacked because I killed that woman. ”

As expected.

As the pair of shoes looked back and gestured, vanity approached.

In Hubong's arms, there was a baby sleeping on a sheet.

The king who saw it muttered with trembling eyes.

“This baby....."

“You knew that, too. That's the son of a dead sweet. ”

Of course, even the king knew that.

I visited the debt hut several times, so I noticed the baby's face at once.

He said in his voice that he felt sorry for the shoes.

“I originally wanted to save all my sweets and babies, but this guy failed me. ”

What the sandals pointed to was the corpse of the human being sitting right next to it.

The king frowns at the horrific body.

“What do you mean, you're here to save me? ”

“We're here to rescue her granddaughter and her great-grandmother, at the request of her great-grandmother. But I fell into a trap and couldn't save her. ”

"Wow… really…"

The shoes shook their heads, and the void seemed strange to me.

I didn't look like it, but I thought I was quite good at acting.

I'm sure you're here to save her, but she died at the hands of a thousand women.

"Elder Yang, you're amazing. ’

His eyes were shaken to make sure that he was completely deceived.

He thought he was mistaken.

“....... Are you sure this woman's great-grandmother sent you? ”

“We are the ones who are holding you captive, why would we lie? ”

The king was devastated by the appearance of the pair of shoes smiling lovingly with only one eye.

I thought I was caught attacking them because of a misunderstanding.

When I felt that I had completely moved on, the shoes cheered me up, but I didn't feel like it.

He said with a sincere apology.

“...... I must have mistaken you for someone from a good cause. I'm so sorry."

“No. Hahaha. Then why are you trying to find Miss Yummi? ”

He answered the question with a bitter look on his face.

“I needed medicine. ”


The doubtful expression on her face.

Rather than expecting a relationship with her, she was found as a congressman.

It occurred to me that the granddaughter of a good man would be more medical than any other senator.

On the other hand, the bluff next to him mutters, shaking his head.

“Phew, you're a junkie. ”


I looked at the fool with my eyes that the previously bitter Lord was absurd.

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