Nano Mashine

Chapter 60 General income (一 ⁄ 25831; ₩ 63864; 得) (1) #

Forty swords floating in the air and aiming at him inversely.

The sharp energy felt at the edge of the sword was always the force that pierced him.

‘What a peculiar thing. If you want to interfere with this many swords, you have to handle them with that much finesse. ’

It was a moment of embarrassment, and the middle-aged man with curly hair couldn't help but wonder.

The winning sword itself was merely an expanse of air through the vast interior, but the young man must have given this many swords a proper edge.

‘It looks like it's just a condition. ’

The energy you feel can't be dissipated compared to yourself.

With this kind of ability, it was okay to think that the middleweight master was a dancer.

The person who walked from the front of the inner circle must be a martyr. Who is he?

At that time, I remembered the information I had recently heard in the middle-aged head of curly hair.

I asked Hao Moon for information in order to find faith.

‘By the way, I heard there was a young bishop on the bridge. ’

His predictions were accurate.

Ji-hyun the outsider and the outsider, who were distracted by the middle-aged, later found a thousand women, knelt down on one knee and shouted.

“A humble Christian knows the Catholic Church, the heavenly host of the Catholic Church! ”

“You're betraying the Pope!!! ”

‘!? ’

The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed with a loud shout.

I didn't think he was really the new bishop of the Church.

Who would have imagined that the Catholic Church of the Hundred Thousand Mountains would be at the northernmost male extremity, which could be said to be the boundary point with the realm of the sect.

"Wait, so he's the one who defeated my daughter? ’

Among the energies I felt here, there was only so much power.

I could feel the energy of one person who was thought to be the master of the image, but his ability was too strong to completely overpower the buzzing sinews.

- Good boy!

An outsider Ji-hyun, who was approaching the front of the millennium, knelt on one knee and took possession and reported.

“Foreign party Ji-hyun reporting from Northern Honam. ”

“Tell me.”

“That dead man over there just barged into the headquarters and attacked the guards and the foreign party and threatened to let his son go. ”

“Give up your children? ”

A thousand years later, I heard the report.

I felt a trembling energy, and I thought maybe it was him.

The father of the woman in the grotesque artery.

And that's the name I'm guessing through two great swordsmen.

“Dual Sword King! ”

The eyes of outsider martial artists kneeling on their knees, including Chosun Hyun, were enlarged in the name that flowed from the mouth of the thousand mouths.

There was no Muslim who would not be surprised to hear the name.

He is one of the great masters of the Middle School and an infamous master who destroyed 3,000 enemies in one night.

- Speechless!

“A double-edged sword?”

“Are you saying we were fighting the great master? ”

That wavelength was amazing.

Even though the martial artists of the high incision and brave martial arts were able to see the master with five fingers in the mosque, I couldn't help but be interested.

The middle-aged curly hair, who was just a party, did not know what to think.

Then she spoke to him first.

“Are you hit by the Dual Sword King? ”

The middle-aged man with curly hair did not answer a direct question.

It was more positive than negative.

Middle-aged minds were quickly cleaning up the situation.

‘Knowing who I am also means that the person who took the children is the bishop of the Church of God. ’

It was very difficult.

He is the leader of a massive force that is nothing compared to the enemy.

I don't know what he took them for, but it would take a lot of work to deal with him.

‘If that's the case, the masters of the painting and the masters here will intervene. ’

It was a disadvantage in some way.

I longed for the overwhelming aura of a middle-aged man with good curly hair.

Then the air that was pressing against the outdoor courtyard became lighter.

- Tak!

A middle-aged curly-haired man greeted her with a light embrace towards the Thousand Wolves.

“It is an honor to meet the new Catholic Church. I am the king. ”


Elasticity flowed from the mouths of the outsiders.

I guessed a thousand times.

The middle-haired man was the Dual Sword Monarch, one of the middle-class master.

Being overwhelmed is an expression of his intention to solve the situation with words.

- Bloop!

As she pulls her hand, the sword that floats in the air falls to the ground.

- Ding, ding, ding!

“Ah! My sword! ”

The outsiders quickly pick up their swords.

Ji-hyun, an outsider on her knees, said to Ji-hyun.

“Take the fallen foreign party defenders and heal them. ”


Ji-hyun puzzled.

He thought four outsiders lying dead on the floor of the courtyard.

In fact, they were stunned with only minor internal injuries.

“Thank you for your reasoning. ”

She thanked me for taking over lightly.

In fact, not only did the king die, but also the guards who fell at the gate.

It was because I felt their spirit within the branch of the church.

If they had lost their lives, the situation would have been completely different, but it was still overwhelming for him to kill and even become an enemy of the Church.

It was only a demonstration of his impotence to draw out the man who had suppressed the woman who had suppressed the sinister artery and warned his children not to be careless.

‘I didn't think that was the Church of God. ’

It was just an unexpected thing.

After all, the man who took my children showed up, so I had to get to the point.

“Since I've met the Catholic Church's leader, I'd like to be more respectful, but I hope you won't. I can feel my children's energy here. I want to hear the reason why you took them. ”

I was speaking with as many examples as I could, but my energetic voice was full of unpleasantness.

After he lost his wife, his life was only for his children.

‘This is a great opportunity. ’

The question made me think it was rather good.

The one who wanted to create the most debt appeared, rather, the shape became more likely.

I heard the king is looking for someone desperately loyal.

“I apologize for the misunderstanding of King Michaels. I had to rush her here because her condition was so bad. ”


It made a dark impression.

He was temporarily prescribed by Yummi, a female congresswoman in Yongho Temple, but he was worried that his drinking became more frequent.

I still haven't found my faith, but I didn't know this month would come.

“The Lord said that with good intentions, I think I also made a mistake in my haste. But the congressman who will take care of my child is on the side of the sulfuric acid.”

- Creepy!

Before I finished talking, I woke up somewhere cold.

The air everywhere was freezing for a moment, causing frost in the outhouse building.

Suddenly, I turned my head toward the guest house with surprised eyes.

Oh, you're telling me your B.P. Is off? ’

I had never planted air in my bloodstream before just one watch.

However, this enormous cold phase meant that the hemostasis was resolved.

The king exclaimed with a serious face.


“Follow me!”

- Blame it!

As she hurriedly walked toward the guest house, the king followed her.

hurriedly approaching the guest house, there was a storm of strong temperatures that could not be compared to the outdoor courtyard.

- Blah, blah!

The floor and building walls were white and frozen.

Cold frosts float in the air as if they had come to another separate place.

In the courtyard in front of the guest house, the shambles were bleeding out on one side of the mouth, protecting God's prisoners, and the two of them were confronting a woman who was scattering long silver hair.

“I didn't know it was going to be like this. ”

“I think the Pope or the Elder Yang should come. ”

They were synonymous with literacy.

This incident occurred as a woman who woke up suddenly after the thousand years had passed.

It was hard to cope with the frighteningly cold females who exuded chills from their whole body, even though they were supernova masters.


Smoke poured from Mungyu's mouth.

It felt like winter.

It was cold enough to be shaken by the heat while protecting my body with the air.


The auspicious shouted urgently.


As the silver haired woman treads lightly on the floor of the guest floor, a white ice thorn protrudes from the floor around it and crowds them.

- 52517;!



As the ice thorns protrude from the floor, they leap up simultaneously.

Suddenly, the floor of the guest hall became an ice thorn field.


I flew tension while Moongyu was leaping, and it turned white foam and disappeared before it even reached the woman's body.

No way! ’

Without surprising, the woman crosses her hands and spreads them wide, causing a white frost-storm to hit the women who were staying in the air.




The two urgently protected themselves with self-defense, but their bodies bounced back as it was a huge lump of cold air.


The two women rolled around on the floor and struggled to get into position as they slammed into optimism.

Suddenly, a lot of sharp pieces of ice float in the air around them, surrounding them.

“What the hell is this? ”

“A portrait. My eyes aren't wrong, are they? ”

It was not a typical Muslim specification that they knew.

It was like the incarnation of a mythical virgin or a white-haired witch.

The eyes of the woman staring at them as she scatters her silver hair are becoming more and more transparent.

- Whoo-hoo!

A massive axe holding a fabulous picture of blue power coils.

Moongyu also formed a ledge on both palms, taking a riding ceremony to exert herbs at any time.

The eyes of the two women became tense.

The woman grips the palm of her hand as she reaches towards them.

- Suzus!

Then, a number of sharp ice sculptures that were floating in the air tried to huddle together towards them, like the recollection of the Great Rain.

- Shush shush shush!!

It was that moment.

The chunks of ice rush towards them and freeze in the middle.

Those who tried to prevent the Ice Sculpture attack by opening their feasts do not know the language, but they hear voices behind them.

“That was close. ”

“Oh! My lord! ”

“My lord!”

The owner of the voice was a thousand years old.

When I arrived at the guesthouse, I stopped the attack on the ice sculpture.

But it wasn't enough that I arrived.

- Tak!


A middle-aged curly-haired man appears in front of them, waving a double-handed grip against the ice sculptures.

- 52517;!

Surprisingly, the sharp words in the air draw a line, and the ice shatters into powder.

It was the Dual Sword Monarch who demonstrated this immense power.

‘Fantastic. With a fresh sword like this, you should have stopped the winning sword before. ’

I couldn't hide my surprise.

He was indeed a skilled swordsman who could be called a middleman master.


The king calls out her name with sad eyes.

Thought he'd been runnin 'off for a long time, but he seemed to be in bad shape.

‘We better hurry. ’

The king flies his new sentence towards the silver haired beauty standing on the floor of the guest house.

The woman tries to coalesce the frogs in the air to create a thick ice barrier, if she feels at all threatened by the appearance of the impenetrable palace.

However, nothing that did not work for the Thousand Wolves could not have worked for an absolute master like the king.

- Curr!

Before the ice barrier was even built, it split apart and the new royal brotherhood reached the women's army.

The ice thorns that were suddenly rising on the floor of the guest floor turned into powder.

It was absolutely overwhelming.

- Tata! Tata!

The hand of the king that reaches the woman presses against her bloodline.

However, before taking the medication, the blood pressure that had been eaten by the aerodynamics alone did not work.

Rather, a strong phonograph gave rise to rebounding forces.

‘It's getting worse. ’

The king, who thought it would not work, performed a hemostasis with an arm's length of force.

- Tata, Tata, Tata, Tata!

The deep air penetrates the major bloodlines, and the woman's body flinches, and Hangi, who made everything around her turn to winter, fades away.

However, she was still strong enough to breathe around her.

- Whiplash!

Surprisingly, the woman under hemostasis trembles to see if she feels the cold in the vagina emanating from her body.

I was embarrassed by the eyes of the king.

No matter how serious the condition was, it had never been this far.

‘Huh, what should I do with my teeth? It's gonna take me half a day to get to the Dragon Lodge. ’

I think we should take her to sweet potato in Yongho Hut, but if we keep going, she'll die of verb without being able to handle her record.

At that time, the old woman with muscle tone and a thousand tears came to their side.

The old man was God's prisoner.


The king grimaced as if he looked familiar, but the woman's pulse was trembling like an asphalt.

“Are you a congressman?”

At the king's words, she nods instead.

God's instincts, which had been in deep veins, spoke in a serious voice.

“Ahh, it looks like the phonograph has finally spread out completely in the body. If we keep going, we won't last half a day. We don't have a choice anymore. ”

“W-what do you mean? Sir, what will happen to my daughter? ”

The king who was obsessed with the fear that his daughter might die asked with a trembling voice.

Then he said with a voice that he felt sorry for God.

“There is no answer but yin and yang occlusion. ”

“Huh? ”

The king's face was strangely distorted by the sudden emergence of the yin-yang crossing.

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