Nano Mashine

# Chapter 69 The Incarnation of Giraffes (2) #

Idiot! ’

I didn't die fighting during my life. I fell to the collapsing ceiling.

I didn't even want to mention anything.

I was surprised by the wind coming through the ceiling.

I was filled with the eyes of the Hematologist.

‘It's not normal. ’

Her keen sensation made her unusual.

He was craving the perfect energy, so the master must have gone beyond the glasses.

"I thought it was easy, but it's not?" ’

I thought it was the end if I just eliminated the person named Ran-young who was fighting in front of me, but it wasn't.

Apparently, he was a master of the Imperial Court because he was dressed in gold.

‘Appearing directly above.....’

It was highly likely that he subdued all those who were working to leave traces of martial arts on the bodies in the underground cavity above.

The bloodstain stared at Lanyoung in a thousand shifts with his attitude.

He was self-involved in nothing, but he would be disadvantaged if he was jointly attacked.


Meanwhile, it was not only the bloodstain who was bewildered by the sudden descent through the ceiling.

In one way or another, Ranyoung was also alert to his appearance.

I'm dressed in gold, but I've never heard of a master with that level of pressure.

‘I don't think the escort was like this either. ’

I was confident it was stronger than the escort guarding the Emperor by his side.

Moreover, he was craving for energy, but it was not the same as his own, yet it was full of dangerous energy.

‘It was not a normal passageway, but it appeared through the ceiling. You're her friend.'

Ranyoung glances at the Bloodshed.

I thought it was worth fighting for a long time because I was a provocative master, but there was no way those who wanted to take the treasure would fight fairly.

Even for me, it would be quite embarrassing if the two of them came at the same time.

‘It is dangerous to be legitimate at the same time. Then…’

It was very clever.

The appearance of the millennium made the same decision for the two best women.

With a cautious gaze, the two women who were looking at each other alternately flew the new prison at the same time as if they had hit each other.

- Pot!

It was the thousand who were aiming for the two masters at the same time.

To stop the coalition, they chose to subdue the remaining enemies after the new ones appeared.

- Bloop!

- Aah!

Joint ventures?

This development was also unexpected.

It was like a predator against each other, excluding a new enemy.


On the right, the flaming flame has been fierce as if a firefly were running, and on the left, the chords of unparalleled pleasure have been blossomed.



At the same time, the eyes of the two women who found each other flying herbs towards the thousand leagues were crossed.

I thought the golden mandate was an ally of the opponent, but what the hell is going on here?

But I couldn't even redeem it because I had already blown the herbs.

“Not a good start. ”

My eyes became heavy.

Two people's herbs were too fast to avoid using the footsteps.

- Chang!

As she reaches out her right hand, the white dragon that was in the doghouse behind her back is pulled out by itself and sucked into his hand.

That was not the end.

- Stop the car!

As I reached out my left hand, the black iron that was protecting my wrists disintegrated and was drawn into the shape of a black sword.

The armrest is the sword? ’

What the hell is that? ’

I felt that they were unusual in the shape of the Thousand Wolves in the form of the right and left swords.

And it came true.

- Tsk, tsk!

The cold heat rose in a room full of hot heat and steam rose from the White Dragon Province.

Despite the strange phenomenon, while digging to the left, Ranyoung's flaming meadow suddenly burst into flames.

- 52517;!

At that moment, the thousand-year-old White Dragon Clan moved at an odd angle and hit Ranyoung's meadow.

- Whip it up!

"This is Han Gi? ’

Lanyoung's eyes falter.

Docho is short on stopping her herbs, so she tries to dig a hole.

She wasn't the only one surprised.

I tried to split the thousand foods into four pieces in a heartbeat with the Extreme Shin Sect, but the Black Sword moved immaculately and stopped the Hematomaniac Sect.

- Whip it up!

Stop the dojo of the throne? ’

No wonder it was embarrassing.

I don't know how they got together, but it was hard to stop the elite who attacked one of them, but they stopped it at the same time.

with two hands spread a completely different kind of vinegar.

"Hand-to-hand with dojo and fennel"? ’

It was the first time I had practiced shamanism for many years, but I had never experienced a completely different kind of vinegar with my hands.

What was even more surprising was that the herbs were all fine herbs.

‘This… is dangerous. ’

‘It's not like I'm saving my energy. ’

It was a surprise, but it wasn't the two women who did everything in their power.

But when the millennium stopped their herbs, they realized he was very dangerous.


‘We have to rule it out. ’


When only his arms were covered with flames, a red scale appeared on Ranyoung's body.

Then all the red scales turned into flames, and she became an incarnation of flames.

- Glug glug!

The heat just rose beyond compare.

The white dragon that was exhaling heat was hot enough to run red.

- Cheers!

The heat seeps into the palms of my hands on a white dragon swordsman.

The black scorch burns.

“One who deals with the cold. Can we stop this, too? Twelve Fire! ”

- Gooooooooo!


Twelve spheres of flame appear around her, and rise in succession, striking down at the same time.

It was nothing compared to the sheer power of a flame that was just spreading from both hands.

- Boom! Boom, boom!

"Here we go!"

He did not miss that moment, and the blood mural also opened the top of the tree of Extreme Sinmyung.

It was the extreme freshness, the fifth herbicide of her extremely developed breeding spirit, which had mainly developed freshness.

- Good boy!

A sharp routine arose in the air as she tucked the way into the buttocks of her waist dance.

Her extreme ferocity has far surpassed that of the warriors of the Imperial Guard.

Suddenly, there were twenty-four types of conduits in the area covered in flame vents that caused the explosion.


- 52517;!

At the end of her talk, the chute is plunged into the flames that are exploding.

The baptism of the river that digs through the flames cracked open the inside like an egg.

Blah, blah, blah.

At the same time, the explosion and the river are concentrated in one place, and the aftermath cracks on the ground, and there is a whirlpool of flames.

‘It is a great power. ’

‘I didn't expect it to be like this. We need to keep our distance!’

- Pot!

At the same time, the two women fled from the aftermath of the herbs, flying their new sentence backwards.

The power of the two cultivated herbs was unimaginable.

It was not intentional to open the vinegar, but the two absolute masters' joints were perfected.

- Shh!

After the two herbs combined, the place was almost destroyed.

The explosion scorches a huge pit, and the place is scrambled with giant scars.

The center was just smoking black smoke, but there was no need to check.

With this immense power, even the corpses seemed hard to leave behind.

‘It must have turned to dust. ’

The bloodmaster kicked his tongue in the miserable trail.

Then, I looked at Ranyoung at his attitude with the eyes that he couldn't understand.

What's this bitch up to? ’

This golden statue must have been the Imperial Master.

Instead, he and he joined forces with him.

Thanks to you, I was able to handle it easily, but I couldn't figure out what my intentions were.

At that time, Ranyoung asked her.

“Didn't you just bring him to me? ”

‘!? ’

At one point, Ranyoung looked at her as if she couldn't understand.

Then the door opener raised his eyebrows and asked.

“What nonsense is this? You brought her here, didn't you? ”


Because of that, the expression on the two women's faces became subtle.

When they heard the story, they were not friends of each other.

Then, what is the identity of this gold?

‘Ha! … I should have asked you before I died. ’

At first, Ranyoung felt something strange, but she was unable to ask the deceased anything.

On the other hand, I thought it was good.

‘It was better. He was reluctant anyway, but now that we've solved it this way, all we have to do is get rid of this burning girl. ’

It wasn't meant to be a joint, but I'm glad it was this easy.

The night was not long.

I have to kill this woman and get the giraffe's blood out of the Imperial Palace.

- Zec!

The Doemenist said to her, aiming for direction.

“You're in luck. It'll only take four years. ”

Lan-Young, who is in a deep breath, replied, kicking her tongue.

“That's ridiculous. I'll give you that back. You should have just teamed up with her before you could barely deal with her. ”

- Glug glug!

The flame rises more vigorously from her surroundings.

One day, Ranyoung raises his hands, and the fireworks rise around him.

It was similar to the technology I just used on the gold dignitary.

“Hehe, do you think that kind of skill will work on the mainstream? ”

“Well, if it works or not...”

- Creepy!

Before she finished, I felt something that stimulated both of their senses at the same time.

Two women looked at it at the same time.

- Boom!

It was a place that was destroyed at the same time as before.

The aftermath of the explosion was still rising with smoke, and there was a chilling aura.

“What the hell is this? ”

“That can't be...”

It was strange.

There was no way he could survive the aftermath of that enormous herb.

This was the power to question whether even the great masters of the Middle East could stop it.


- Blah, blah!


At the center of the collapse, a large hole fills up the floor.

The entire cavity was filled with hot heat in the middle of the flame, and surprisingly, the floor was frozen because of the cold frost.

However, this frost had a black light.

“What do you mean, the ground is black and frozen? ”

A completely incomprehensible phenomenon led to the scattered smoke of their gaze.

Soon, as the smoke went off, someone appeared in it.

“Oh, my God. ”

“You didn't... die? ”

Surprisingly, in the smoke, two halves of the vinegar stood still, rather than being reduced to powder.

Of course, it wasn't completely fine.

The golden armor you were wearing was scorched, and the area where your face and armor were damaged was filled with burns and scars that appeared to be scars. A surprising thing happened.

“Ouch! A wound? ”

- Tsutz!

The cuts heal fast enough to be seen from the burn.

They disappeared in an instant like a wound that had never been inflicted in the first place.

"What is it? This is…"

Ranyoung's face hardened at a ridiculous rate of regeneration.

It looks much faster than its own regenerative power, taking giraffe blood and absorbing it completely.

She opened her mouth, gazing at them in wonder.

“I didn't expect two men from the Imperial Guard and the Ultimate Martial Arts to work at the same time. Phew... Well, it doesn't matter. From now on, I'll be joining forces. ”

“What? A joint? ”

The words "joint" focused their energy around them.

However, I did not feel any other people's movements around me.

What the hell does that mean?


The millennium sings the nano in my head.

‘Go to power. ’

[Got it. Overrides augmented reality with your vision.]

- Parr!

As the two pupils of the millennium swayed, white light particles drawn lines and augmented reality was opened.

As augmented reality unfolds, Lady Chun raises her right hand at them.

Then the blue light began to condense in the air.

- Whoo-hoo!

“Stop, really? ”

Hematoporist's eyes tremble.

Her ominous predictions came true.

The blue light aggregated in the air formed the shape of a sword.

“Yippee-yippee-yippee! ”

It was the Ignorant Black River.

"Without a vector called the sword, you condense strength into thin air." ’

A person who reaches the edge of a mature microscope can expand the sword river by harnessing the power of the vector called the sword.

One step further to this type of hardness is the ability to create a sword steel in the air without mediators, which Muslims call the polarity of the microscope.

“Tongue, microscopic drama? ”

It was no wonder that the landscape of the immature landscape, the blood punctuation, was frightened.

He thought that only the great masters could stand against him in the jungle.

But that wasn't the end.

- Whoo-hoo!

The blue forces of cohesion were not the only ones.

Twelve blue light strong forces were aggregated around the millennium, making the Black River victorious.

“No, that's ridiculous. ”

She was appalled at the twelve victorious rivers.

I thought it was unusual, but it was a monster.

Even the whole body was covered in flames and Lan Yeong lost her words to watch in front of her eyes.

Who the hell is this guy? ’

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