Nano Mashine

Chapter 70 Become a Flame (1) #

- Splash!

After being pierced by the Black River and facing a miserable end, the Blood Doorman fell into a pool boiling with a huge flame and sank below the surface.

- Pop Pop!

"That's odd. How can a nail boil? ’

Thanks to her, I found a huge flame and nail.

The strange thing was that the nails boiled and did not wither even though the flames were burning like this.

The thousand women who had the breeze of the cavernous artery were not affected by this much heat, but did not feel the heat.

[You have 38 percent of your remaining energy.]

Nano's voice echoes through the thousand moods.

Although it did not take long, the internal air consumption of the typed Egyptian sword steel was burdensome even though it reached the pole of the phenomenon.

‘Is that woman on fire all that's left? ’

- Glug glug!

I met a woman who breathes heat from her whole body, but it was so strange to burn.

One aspect, Ran-young was busy trying to deal with Nano-adjusted Ignorant Black River, but he was doing better than the Hematologist.

- 52517;!

Winning swords filled every corner.

But she couldn't stop these herbs completely.

It was natural that a thousand swordsman and six twenty-four swordsmen who exerted enormous power with only one herb could bear it.

- 52517;!


A trail of swords produced by the Blue Sword River cuts through Ranyoung's ribs.

As the kidney falters for a moment, Sarah's blade of another steel slashes on her left thigh.

- 52517;!


However, she ignores the pain at all and raises a knot to stop the swords from spreading.

‘Ah… a wound? ’

When she looks carefully at this, her wounded area is regenerating.

It's not as fast as the nanomachine's recovery speed, but the cuts heal quickly.

The flame did not impede the regeneration of the body as if it were just wrapped around the body.

Is that why you're still here? ’

The rapid regenerative power has kept her afloat until now.

Of course, not only that, the way Ranyoung lived was not too stubborn, even though he was regarded as a water figure in Moorish.

‘But it's time to end this. ’

I killed the blood punctuation, so I had no reason to stall any longer.

- Whoo-hoo!

The blue light aggregated around the millennium, creating six victorious sword rivers.

Even the great master of the Two Swords declared her surrender when she faced twelve challenges, but could she stand it?

- Zec!

It was a moment when she was about to put her hands up and put them on Ranyoung.


At the sound of a familiar voice, a thousand glances were drawn to it.

The sound was coming from the other end of the cavity, towards the entrance.


Looking there, he was held captive by someone, who was wounded by bloodstained wrapping and disfigured.

Whether one arm is crushed or collapsed, the man poses a threat with bloodshot eyes, aiming a dagger at the neck behind the bluff.

“Hah… hah… damn…”

Oh, shit! What is this lightning bolt? ’

Suddenly, the bluff behind him did not conceal his embarrassment.

He came running down for a month just in case there was an explosion coming from underground.

A shortcut, of course, set in motion.

Then an ambush appeared, and this man came out of the rubble that was piled up on the floor as he jumped into the last cavity here and caught him.

"I, uh..."

“Shut up! Don't move if you don't want to die! ”

Hubong raises his air and tries to get away from him, but it doesn't work.

The target is the master of the image, although he is on the verge of a supernatural climax.

You stabbed him in the left shoulder before attempting it, and then gave him a lifelong warning.

- Puck!


“I told you not to move! One more move and I'll have your head. ”

The cold dagger was always able to slit his throat.

Eventually, Hubong could not resist.

Who the hell is this guy? ’

He breathed out a harsh breath because of the pain of his crushed arm. He was the master of the Extreme Butcher Gate, who supported the Blood Gate.

He barely survived the ruins, who thought everyone was dead.

He was injured throughout his body and was shocked during the weather, but how was he able to overcome the bluff that made a big difference in the water level?

"Dead bloodstainer..."

With one arm against the other, he decides what to do about it.

I escaped because I calmed down the boiling pot, but I watched the blood puncturer die from a cut off arm from afar.

‘Nonsense. Killing that monstrous woman so easily? ’

It was a monster that surpassed the monster.

In a short moment, he had a lot to worry about.

We keep hiding in a pile of rocks, pretending to be dead, waiting for them to disappear.

‘There's no way that monster won't notice. ’

After disposing of the two, it was obvious that they would notice their recovery.

Then, on top of a pile of rocks, someone said, "Oh, my God! 'I jumped down,' and he decided to use it as an opportunity for the bow.

“Ha… what do you have to do with him? ”

"Shut up..."

"You've got to be kidding me..."

- Heave!

Before he finished speaking, a thousand year old stature appeared in front of them, on the other side of the community.

It was so fast that even the master of the picture showed up.

‘Yi, this is really a monster. ’

I couldn't even deal with the bloodstain, but I couldn't help myself.

“Joo, Joo! ”

The bluff that was caught by the enemy suddenly summoned me with a face that I didn't know what to do.

It was a burden without Bourne.

- Gooooooooo!

The atmosphere was unusual.

I was keeping a certain distance, but my heart was engulfed just as many swords were aiming right in front of me.

I couldn't help feeling nervous, even if I was the master of the picture.

He tried to keep his cool as much as he could, so he swallowed it without even knowing it.

‘Let's calm down. It is clear that the party is pressuring the subject. ’

I was afraid, but this became clear.

I thought you said you were the Lord, but this person who was caught by you is definitely related to this monster.

At that time, she opened her mouth while staring at the portrait with cold eyes.

“Release him. ”

‘Ahhhh… Principal! ’

The blushing of my lips trembled at the indignant look of a thousand angry women.

After five years of serving him, I could see how much I cared for myself as a servant.

“Nonsense! Don't come any closer! If you move one inch from that spot, I will kill this man. ”

He said with a tense expression.

If you let him go as you warned, you wouldn't have to see what happens next.

- Gooooo!

"Ugh. I told you not to move..."

The lifestyle of the millennium became darker and darker.

It stimulated him even more.

There was no turning back because I threw it anyway.

“Yes, I'd like to make a suggestion. If you want to save his life, get Kirin's blood from there. And if you promise to let me go, I'll let you go. ”

His head snaps and points to the burning nails of a massive flame.

I didn't know if this kind of threat would work or not, but for now, it was the best way.

‘If you care about this man, you will fall. ’

If he saw that outraged attitude, he must have been a loving servant.

No matter how angry I am, I have no choice but to accept my terms.

But there was one thing he didn't know.

Ordinary people and ordinary people may sacrifice their lives to protect something precious.

However, she was a martyr directed towards Mado.

“...... I have a proposition for you. ”

“Proposal? ”

“If you let me go now, I'll kill you as painlessly as possible. But if you don't, I will kill you in agony, regretting the day you were born. ”


The words from the mouth of the thousand goddesses made me lose my words for a moment.

Of course, I thought I would worry, but I didn't expect him to threaten me.

Moreover, the option of intimidation was death in any way.

What the hell is this guy? ’

If this happens, it will not help to threaten him.

The target grows stronger, making it difficult for the user to figure out what to do.

But something unexpected happened here.

[You have 15 percent of your remaining energy. You cannot hold the Sword anymore.]

‘!!! ’

- Shhh!

Along with Nano's voice, the ferromagnetic steel that was running to the panel remote system was stopped.

It was because of the time consumed by the threats of topography.


Her eyes shook.

The internal air consumed to maintain the twelve sword steel is unimaginable.

When Nano consumed more internal air than this, she determined that she would be responsible for confronting the remaining enemies while protecting herself, and forced it to stop.

- Bloop!

Because of this, Ranyoung was freed from the task of dealing with the Black Cedar Herb spread by the six sword rivers.

After being released from this, Ranyoung suddenly started coming towards them without hesitation.

The sight of a flame gushing through the whole body was threatening.

It's dangerous up there! ’

Because I was looking ahead, the first bluff I found was instinctively considered dangerous.

In a short amount of time, the bluff bites my lips with a determined glance.

He decided that he shouldn't be a burden here, so he put his life into his hands and tried to attack the portrait behind him.

- Whoo!

“Hey, you! ”

This could not have been noticed by the Topographer.

As he tries to raise strength in his hands, he feels threatened and unconsciously slashes his neck with a dagger.

- 52517;!


The blade slashes its neck, and it tries to collapse forward.

The blood drops scatter the air, and it does so slowly.

"Jugun..... Behind....."

He falls forward, pointing his finger somewhere.

On his deathbed, he desperately tried to make it known.

“Herbaooooooo!!! ”

- Pot!

An extremely furious new statue rushed forward in a flash.

I've narrowed down ten paces in no time.

Dad, come on! ’

The goblin's eyes shook.

After everything that happened, he tried to defend himself, but it didn't work.

- 52517;!


As the thousand-year black sword moves like lightning, his arm, which was holding the dagger, is cut off in an instant.

Before the severed arm falls to the ground, Lucky puts a black sword in the ground and grabs his head.

- Squeak!


His grip on the head is too strong.

Even the Blue Orb possesses enough power to destroy it with pure power.

“What are you going to do now? ”

“You said you'd regret it! ”

“Please, just kill me...”

- Woodtuck!


A thousand fingers pierced through the skull of his head.

It was so painful even when the arm was cut off, but it was so horrible that it could not be used in words.

It was such pain that the soul would escape.

- Tata! Tata!

Damn it!

I wanted to cause him more pain, but I couldn't because I sensed the rapidly approaching Fire Qi behind me.

He grips his shoulder while digging his fingers into his skull.

- Tak!

Stop, are you serious? ’

Blood flowed from the fractured skull, and the two eyes of the topographical artist were enlarged, soaking all of his face.

It was because she instinctively realized what she was going to do.

“Oh, no! ”



Screams don't last forever.

The woman holding her shoulders ripped the topographical head from her body.

You were dragged along his torn head to the vertebrae for a long time.

He did not feel pain for long, but he suffered the most painful and cruel death, as I warned him beforehand.


A thorny woman throws her plucked head to the ground and reaches for the floor.

- Shh, shh!

A black sword in the ground is drawn into his hand.

When she grabbed the sword, she slammed her hands on the ground and flew her new sentence towards Ranyoung.

By the way,

- Fluffy!

‘!? ’

Lan-Young suddenly knelt on the ground, thinking he was going to attack him.

I wonder what she's up to, but she squeezes her head to the ground and shouts for the joint to leave.

“Ahh! How can you find me now? A humble Christian teaches the Catholic Church, the heavenly Catholic Church! ”

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