Nano Mashine

# 72 Handcrafted by (2) #

One aspect of imperial defense is Lanyoung.

Her true identity was Moon Ran-young, the exorcist of Mahidol.

Now she is reborn as Commander Moon Young by the command of a thousand fates.

"You're recruiting the two swords of the great master, plus the one true master of the imperial court!" ’

How excited he was, became the face that was reminded.

Since the end of the internal war against the six factions, power has risen more rapidly than ever before.

Of course, in the case of Ranyoung, it is not to recruit, but to return to the original position.


- Zec!

Ranyoung steals tears from the reddened eyes with his back.

When it seemed to be somewhat impressive, she said.

“I'd like to take you to the Headquarters right now, but there are still some things left. I'll take care of it, but can the Elder protect this place for a while? ”

“Why do you say that? Give the order! I will do it. ”

Ran-young said in an exhausted voice.

I've spent a hundred and ninety years here in the Yellow Hills underground cavity.

There was nothing to be sorry about waiting a little longer by the order of the current Church.

“Very well, then. There is something the Elder can do. ”

“You mean the spirit? ”

She told Captain Ran-young what she had in mind.

When she heard all that, she turned around and replied as if she had regained her lost interest for a while.

“Phew! I have orders. ”

“Good. Then I should probably head out of the Yellow Hills." ”

It was already a festival.

Before sunrise, I left the Yellow Hills and had something to do with it quickly.

Ran-young urgently summoned me like that.

“Now, wait a minute! My lord!”


“....... hmm, there's extra clothes in the stone chamber, and you can both wear them. ”

“!? ”

I did.

I forgot to tell the story, but I was naked because it was all burned by the flames of giraffe's origin.

It was embarrassing to wander around the Imperial Palace as a Nazi, no matter how fast the circumstance was.

* * *

The morning dawns and one side of the palace is turned upside down.

It was because of the bodies of alumni golden concubines, foodies, and palace warriors who were found in the same party where the alumni stayed.

Early in the morning, it became a candle, making it even more chaotic because it was discovered.

The imperial palace is alternated between two watchmakers, and has now been discovered because the previous shift workers were also killed.

“That's terrible.”

Yiam shakes his head trembling.

On guard duty, I got a distress call from Gold, smelled of blood, and the bodies at the scene were unpleasant.

‘There was a fight like this, and no one around him knew. ’

It was strange.

Even if the vigilantes were killed, they could have been noticed by the sound of battle if they were close.

It was strange that many of these people had died and no one had heard of them.

‘Don't tell me you're blocking the sound with a genuine... Phew, no. It's a stupid idea. ’

Even if North Jinsung, one of the best elite of the imperial palace, would come, it was impossible to block the entire sound of this vast courtyard.

First of all, it was my duty to collect and investigate the bodies.

“Hey. Classify the bodies...”

- Boom!

Before he could give all his orders, the front door of the main hall opened violently and uninvited guests appeared.

Bureaucrats in blue robes painted white fur rushed to the main hall.


His face became stiff.

They were the eunuchs of their peers.

The one who was wearing a prison necklace in their midst was an alumni's boss.

Dangdu approaches him and opens his mouth.

“Hehe, what has happened here since this time of year is being investigated by our alumni. ”

He said in a puzzling voice.

“What are you talking about? The murder in the imperial palace was committed by our golden dignitaries...”

“Where do you think this place is? ”

Accompanied party.

It was their territory running in alumni.

Of course, it was their responsibility to administer, but it was an act of gold to have the right to investigate events within the imperial palace.

An alumni is an intelligence agency and is tasked with spying on irregularities or treachery in management.

“Right now. This is not a territorial dispute. Dozens of women and officers were killed. ”

Tianho Yiam draws a line because there's nothing good to be long associated with them.

Then his alumni's sugar said with red lips.

“Hehe, you're mistaken. My golden angel. ”

“? ”

“This is a crime involving the golden dignitaries. ”

“What, what? ”

In a word unknown to the English language, Cheonho Iam responded with an unpleasant voice.

He has just received a report and is on his way, but I don't know what he's talking about by getting involved in the gold medallion.

"What the hell is this eunuch talking about? ’

The alumni's party ordered the eunuchs to make sure they didn't mind at all.

“Embrace all the gold dignitaries that drew bands of tyranny into the Imperial Palace. ”

When the order was issued, the eunuchs approached the golden eunuchs with a line of predetermined vanquishers.

Jeon Yi-am, who is out of his mind, cries out.

“Weightlifting! What the hell are you doing?! ”

The swarm of Weightlifting.

It's a quote for rebellion and thieves.

At the place where the incident had just been discovered, it was very close to the mob that pushed the gold medalists to the side of the road.

“Who gives our gold dignitaries such nonsense? ”

“Your majestic king and Admiral Yim's order mocks the golden archangel. ”

“Your Majesty? ”

The words that came out of his mouth did not hide his embarrassment.

Yoon Ju Tae-yun, the king.

The imperial enemy closest to the Tai Ming Empire.

What the hell is going on in there?

The same visual archery.

This is the palace where King Joogyeom resides.

There were 200 of my fellow eunuchs who surrounded and surrounded the entire palace.

There was a bright young man with a fancy white armor at the entrance to the front of the palace that had been sealed so that no one could escape.

Since then, a middle-aged man in a bureaucracy of old eunuchs and Imperial Bell ministers dressed in fancy accessories in blue bureaucracy has been assisting.

“You sure you're ready for this? ”

“Hohoho, yes. Your Majesty."

The young man in the white armor was King Ju Yoon.

Im Hwahwa, a homogenous Admiral, replied with a smile like women, not fit for age.

Called the Imperial Public, he was one of the three Imperial Masters, along with the Northern Jinsha Jo Jo and the receiver escort, who trained the legendary non-public secretary of eunuchs in polarity and brought to the forefront of the drama.

“Oh's undercover would have gone with the rabble scout inside the Yellow Hills by now. Hohoho.”

In response, the king nodded and asked the middle-aged officer next to him.

“I hope you are prepared. ”

“Are there any? Sire, I've received word that we're ready at the beginning of the Dawn. ”

The middle-aged officer glances at the point where he covers his face with a cotton cloth behind him.

Then King Yoon was satisfied.

“Very well. If this confirms the Crown Prince's position, I will have the King actively support the Ministry of Extreme Health." ”

“The castle is doomed. ”

Any middle-aged man who bows his head and raises his gratitude.

Surprisingly, he was an extremely athletic figure.

He was the only one who did not reveal himself because he was with Tae-yun at the royal palace, the Forest Bow.



At the command of King Joo Tae-yun, the former Admiral Lim called out in a loud voice.

“Your Holiness, come out of the palace and be persecuted! ”

Even though it was a faint voice, I could hear how deep the inner air was, and the eunuchs surrounding the entire palace were loud enough to hear it all.

Soon after the Duke of Lim repeatedly shouted this twice, the door of the front gate was opened and Yoon Tae-gyeom the king showed his face as absurd.

“I want to see you, Joogyeom. ”

He bowed his head and greeted King Ju Yoon.

Here, it was only natural that he had the highest status.

However, after finishing the greeting, I immediately told him in an unpleasant voice.

“...... What's this all about? Your Majesty.”

“It's been a while.”

Unlike what he called his brother, Tae-yun did not call him to embrace him.

Technically, I did not acknowledge him as my brother, an only brother.

“It's been a long time, starting with the former Admiral Lim. Why are the eunuchs surrounding my palace? ”

As if he were some sort of criminal mastermind.

It was the Yim Gong who answered such a question.

“Your Majesty. There's a big stool in the palace right now. The hordes of tyrants invaded and killed dozens of concubines and their ancestors. ”


At the words of the Public of Foreign Affairs, his eyes widened.

His embarrassing attitude resulted in the public being energized.

“That's not the end. Your Majesty, we've been informed that a group of people from this province have invaded the Yellow Hills and stolen the treasures of Emperor Cao. ”

“A tip?”

One eyebrow of Joogyeom came up in the words of Jebor.

He turned his head and asked the Duke of Im.

“Ha! Yim Gong Gong. What kind of report did you get surrounding the palace like this? ”

I simply told him to report it, but he had no choice but to be offended by the atmosphere that led him to the culprit.

The public responded with a distinctive laugh.

“Haha, don't be so angry. Your Majesty.”

“Is that what you're saying? ”

“It seems that you have infiltrated the Imperial Palace, hiding in a procession of martyrs who have returned as lions. My classmates, who discovered it last night, failed to stop it and reported it. ”

One of the golden statues standing behind Joogyeom winked at the public's words, and stared at him with a ridiculous look.

Fortunately, the public's gaze was still on him.

He said with an unpleasant expression.

“Do you expect the king who saw it to believe it? You mean King Bourne brought them here? ”

Then the Duke raised his mouth tail and said.

“You never know. Your majesty, the Emperor has ordered us to find the culprit and bring him to justice. It's obvious when you do an investigation. Hohoho.”

“Capture? Ha! I'm going to arrest the king I just saw...”


When he was angry, he cut off his speech and said in an overwhelming voice.

“Cocky bastard. How dare you mess with the Imperial Court? If you are involved with a horde of tyrants, you will not get caught quietly. ”

The mutual respect between the princes disappeared.

"The child of the afterlife. ’

He did not see him as an equal.

I thought it would be a good place for Joogyeom to kneel down and look up.

It was a shame to compete for the position of self and the child of the child after him.

‘I'll make sure you step on it this time. ’

Everything was definitely prepared.

It was my intention to get rid of the gold dignitaries who supported him at once.

It would be difficult to fully implicate even Prince Joogyeom, but it was enough to remove the support force and lose the emperor's trust.

“Don't show any more trends, and just stay calm. It will soon be known whether there is sin or not. ”

Joogyeom, who was silencing Joo-yoon for a moment with an overbearing attitude, opened his mouth with a cooler look.

“It is the mothership that brings us here without any increase. ”

“Hahahahaha, don't you think there are any symptoms? ”

The augmentation is already done in advance.

All the bodies of dead guardian warriors in the Yellow Hills underground cavity will be covered in traces of martial artists.

“Increases can be manipulated with any excuse, right? ”

“Do you think King Bourne will manipulate the throne just to pursue you? Now, not only the same bureaucrats, but the Imperial coroners and their envoys are checking in. ”

Everything is being done fairly.

Of course, even if he said this, he could not have easily convinced and accepted the persecution.

Without the Seal, we can't force them to arrest us.

“I can't believe it without seeing it with my own eyes. ”

“Hurrah! You sure are! ”

“Your Grace.”

The monarch who was about to rise called out in the voice of the former Admiral Lim.

“What's going on? Public”

“Hoho, since the Holy King is not easily convinced, why don't you show him the throne yourself? ”

They predicted that he wouldn't convince them at once.

If you take it with the golden dignitaries and show them that the martyrs have done it, you will have no choice but to accept the persecution.

Zhou Yun, who planned this from the beginning, said intelligently.

“What do you insist on doing if you are forced to pursue them? ”

While saying this, he stared straight at him like a hawk aiming for food.

I have provoked him enough, so he will definitely come out stronger if he hates to lose.

And the prediction was right.

“Hmph! Good. If I see the increase myself, I'll accept the harassment! ”

When I heard the answer I wanted, the eyes of the Ultimate Butcher Moon who was standing behind the King flashed.

If we capture the Holy King and completely lose the emperor's trust, we can safely make the king they support a prince and turn all their sins over to the Bridge as planned.

"Huh-huh-huh, it's going according to plan. ’

* * *

The enormous Taejo Yellow Hills to the northwest of the Imperial Palace.

The hidden passageway on the altar, King Ju Yoon and King Jugyeom, were walking in front of each other to confirm the throne.

Afterwards, the alumni eunuchs, including the former Admiral in charge, followed by four Supreme Leaders of Namjin and Gold.

‘I'm done with you. Hehe.’

King Yoon couldn't hide his satisfaction the entire time he was walking.

The result was fixed anyway.

Many bureaucrats would oppose the Royal Bookshelf just because he was accused of being a candidate for the Crown Prince and was arrested for his involvement with a group of lost Imperial Treasures.

- Speechless!

At the end of the passageway, you hear a loud noise.

The first underground cavity, lit by numerous torches, contained numerous bodies.

The members of the Imperial coroners and the teammates who came to the Muslim Apostles were looking at the bodies.

“Your Royal Highness! ”

“Your Royal Highness! ”

When the two kings appeared, they stopped working and greeted each other.

King Ju Tae-yoon raised his hands, puzzled, and approached them with him.

‘Hehe, everything is fine. ’

The middle-aged man at the Ultimate Meat Court was satisfied to see the bodies listed.

If all the Warriors of the Imperial Guard are killed by the Martians, the Emperor will be furious.

‘The blood punctuation and each of them must have suffered a lot. ’

I heard that there were several floors of underground cavities, but even here, there were almost fifty-nine bodies.

It would take five of these bodies quite a while to leave a mark of martial arts.

‘If the elite of the sectarian muslims testify, they will be more reliable. Heheh. Those Bridgers won't know anything about this. ’

I have planned thoroughly over the last few years.

In this regard, it was possible to obtain the support of the next emperor, the blood of the spiritual objects, and to suppress the bridge.

I was having so much fun, and suddenly I heard the bewildering shout of King Ju Yoon.

“W-what does that mean? No! That can't be right. ”

An extremely physical middle-aged man frowns at his unusual reaction.

Tae-yun expressions that he couldn't believe.

What's wrong with her? Is she screaming like that?

Soon that reasoning was revealed.

“What do you mean, there's no sign of a dead body? What nonsense! ”


Suddenly, the middle-aged's eyes widened.

What a sudden flash of lightning.

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