Nano Mashine

♪ Chapter 76, two ♪

Northwestern Highlands.

They are the Name Family within three fingers in the wavelength.

Along with his other brother, Dowol Fangwol, Phenghul, Hawkfang's household eggplant oil was famous for being a five-finger rabble in the cult.

He was ambitious, unlike his father, though he was the end of the Muslim Viceroy.

I didn't have as much natural talent for nothing as my brother, but I wanted to be more than the center of the limp.

In order to do that, I needed that much work.

‘Extreme meat is too risky. ’

They had little information and were too strong to break through the Extreme Meat Gate.

Then came the opportunity.

Something crazy happened that turned the bridge into a country.

There are two causes of this.

He was a Pure Water Jinn who went to the Imperial Palace to answer questions about the renewal of the Unbreakable Covenant at the time of Danoze this year.

‘Cheongsoo Jin is twelve. Since he has resigned, the existing leaders will be promoted sequentially. But that's not enough. ’

As long as we're aiming for him, we need to hit him up faster.

I didn't know this was an opportunity.

I didn't think I'd be able to take his place if I could clean up after Pure Jin.

But here was one fact that he had overlooked.

Pure Jin said many times that the bishop of the Church was a monster until he stepped back in charge.

But no one believed him.

‘Nonsense. A man who's only qualified for life and death? Phew! You better excuse me for not feeling well that day. ’

Fang Goo oil also spilled the word into one ear.

Just a few months ago, it was hard to convince that the prodigal master of the image had become a living death beyond those many stages.

‘But just in case, there's nothing wrong with being careful. ’

I was afraid of the Magistrate, the Pure Jin, the American spy, and even the Emperor.

Perhaps the presumed absence is the hardness of a mature picture or, in the worst case, the polarity of a picture.

If so, it is difficult to deal with him because he is clearly better than himself.

- Boom!

At the instant of rushing through the gates of the Imperial Guardian Temple, Pang Gu Yul quickly caught a worthy opponent.

On the stairs, in front of the courthouse, there was a man with muscles and a blue hood.

As soon as I looked at them, I realized that Pang Goo oil was the master of the picture at once.

"There he is! He must be the Magister. ’

That guy with the beard looks almost the same age as himself.

However, the young man in the blue hood was the age of the terms and conditions.

Moreover, the strange aura that smells subtle is not unusual.

‘Then the opponent of the Vaughn is that muscular man. ’

I could have dealt with it right away, but before that, I needed a proper sacrifice to promote the fraud.

There must be more than a short-lived enemy in martial arts, not just martial artists.

That guy!

Meanwhile, I saw a young man standing in the courtyard.

Unlike other martial artists, he was wearing a luxurious black robe and was carrying a backpack. His energy was ordinary.

It could be a priest or a soldier! ’

Just the sacrifice he was looking for.

The new model of Fang Goo oil, who thought it might be a weak but important leader, swarmed at once to the young man.

“Hmph! How dare you go after the brothers and sisters of the Covenant! Lord of the Church!”

The wall that caused the ditch tried to slit the young man's throat in a heartbeat.

Here, the Fanga Bladers, including the mill, will come into the temple at the moment of his throat slaughter.


At that moment, the plan of the perfect eggplant oil was foolishly deviated.

- 52517;!

I must have cut the young man's head off with a wall, but it was scattered like a mirage.

The eyes of the eggplant oil grew larger.

“Yi, Lee Hye-hwan? ”

I've never seen a new method so fast that it could spread out in front of me.



I tried to find him quickly, but someone grabbed his right wrist.

The young man who disappeared to Lee Hyung-hwan was suddenly moving to his right side.

“Damn it!”

As soon as Pangu Yu tried to wield the wall passage after sprinkling it, I felt a creepy habit.

Blood, we have to move! ’

- Tak!

The unfaithful Fang Goo oil tried to spread a new law by placing the wall ramparts from his hand to wield the power.

However, I was caught on my wrist and my body fluttered.

"Huff! W-what kind of power? ’

I was not surprised.

While floating in the air, the young man's hand slapped his right shoulder.

In the eyes of Fang Goo oil, there was a blue light on the young man's hand.

“Deo, Dogang! ”

- 52517;!


Screams erupt from the mouth of the bulging oil as the sharp estuary cuts through the flesh and bone.

The pain was utterly unacceptable because the arm had never been cut off.

It hurt so much that I came up to tears, but the young man holding his severed arm pressed his shoulder with a cold voice.




It was a turbulent force, separate from the loss of internal air due to the amputation of the arm.

I could clearly see that I could never stand the moment I pressed my shoulders down.

Faggot was paralyzed by the internal air force.

"Khh! No, this is ridiculous. How could this guy... stand in the Imperial Palace? No way! ’

The two eyes of Pangu oil shook rapidly.

Even just before I got down on my knees, the words of the Pure Water Jinn flowed through my head.

[He was a monster, not a drunk.]

I slowly raised my head with shaky eyes and looked at the young man in front of me.

Eyes that look sharp and strong on white faces.

The feeling of intimidation was not a joke, but no matter how much I looked at it, it seemed only as a condition.

The master of the painting himself was ridiculously subdued like a tribal master.

[I am the Master of Life and Death!]

"Th-that's true? ”

Pangu Yu was able to sense how foolish he was.

As soon as they entered the church, they were a thousand martyrs.

What the hell did I do? ’

The whitened eggplant oil lost its words.

Immediately, the gates of the temple were filled with Muslim firstborn craftsmen's offices and Fanga's soldiers.

She swiped her long hair back and told them.

“Phew, so many people want to get their arms chopped off today. ”

The eyes of the mill were trembling to look at such delicacies.

I had no idea that it would become like that as soon as one of the seventeen Buddhist provinces of the Hungarian people, Fangbang, entered the country.


Looking to the right, the anti-midwives were kneeling on their knees, and there was postswordsmanship in front of them. Surprisingly, their arms were cut off like flaxseed oil.

“We've got a situation! ”

I was shocked and yelled at Fanga's outsider.

The foreboding and postmortem situation shocked everyone.

Her bloodstream is overwhelmed and she can't move. Her bloodstained eyes struggle to say something to them.

No! No! This man should never be confronted! ’

I couldn't move my mouth and tongue because I had the blood on my finger.

If you don't want to look like Fanga's housekeeper or yourself, I want you to run away, but it seems difficult.

There were martial artists blocking the entrance one day, and there was a masked figure at the center of it.


It is a notorious star lagoon for the Muslims of the sect.

He was also known as the three-fingered master of Mahjo.

He seemed to say that he was free to let life unfold, but he could not allow him to leave.

‘Yun Duke. ’

With worried eyes, I looked at Yeonseo, the firstborn son of the Muslim blind.

He was my only hope, but it was too bad.

Are you trying to fight the Archbishop? '

Unlike the other Fangga Bladers, the two eyes of the mill were staring only a thousand inches away.

Even with a distinct sense of preconceived behavior.

‘That's him. Definitely.’

At first glance, Yeonseo was convinced that he was a thousand Catholics.

The only person who is not recognized by his gut, who is at the beginning of the microscope.

Separate from the young age of the Terms, dignity can only be possessed by losers ruling over others.

I couldn't explain it unless I was the Bishop of the Church.

- Pussy!

The whole body of the mill trembled.

When I saw the thousand Catholic girls who thought they were hostiles who wanted to meet like that, I was shaken all over.

I would have been disappointed if I hadn't been expecting it, but it was great.

‘I can't even imagine how strong I am. Indeed, he is my enemy. ’

Fate has finally tied him and himself together.

I was overwhelmed by the encounter with an enemy who would challenge the great power of the Central Jungle Moorish.

It was a pleasure to know that the strong man who makes you nervous enough to risk your life is an enemy.

- Tight!

The slaughterhouse grips my hand.

I wanted to pick a fight right away, but Yeonseo was not such a fool.

Yeonseo shouts as she gathers her hands together.

“It's an honor to meet the Magister. I am the firstborn son of the Muslim blind and the Lord of the Hundred Fabric! ”

White fabric.

There are four groups of powerless men who boast about it.

One of them was the centurion, the elite of the top 200 elites, who specialized in killing thousands of martyrs during the Jell-O war.

“The mill!”

He looked quite surprised.

Although it was surprising that the brew of the platinum was called the next great master of the world, not only the sperm tree, but also the one who was noted in Moorish.

‘You were in such a hurry. What a great greeting. ’

It has been taken from us for 200 years.

Even though she thought she was going to take some action in the Muslim blind, she did not return directly to the Hundred Thousand Mountain Bridge after finishing her work at the Imperial Palace, but it was the right decision.

He's the son of a drunkard.

As the elders compared in the days of the Catholic Church, the name of the millennium was remembered because of what the elders said.

I heard he was called a genius or a monster in the sect.

‘But it doesn't matter. ’


I threw the severed arm of flapjack oil on the ground and walked forward.

He only takes a few steps out, but the Fanga Bladers, obsessed by the ominous pressure, take a step back without even knowing it.

What a rush! '

Not because I learned that I was a bishop, but I felt strange from the time I came to the temple.

She said to Yeonseo with a somewhat faint voice.

“Excellent. Then you are the representative of the Muslim blind. ”

“Well, that's... that's okay, for now. ”

Yeonseo glances at Woongju.

The two Gwangju were in position, including the election situation, but it was not a good situation to share.

He was badly wounded and seized by the enemy.

“You must have been prepared for a random attack. ”


At the sound of the lifelike voice, Pang Gu Yul, who was trembling with fear, was conscious because his arm was cut off.

They tried to conquer the Magistrate in order to establish their alliance with the Muslim blind and persuade the emperor.

However, it was assumed that the Catholic Church was weaker than the mill, but it was not.

‘Hey, I'm not the one who's fighting the Princess of Yun. ’

Even though the mill was the next generation of heroes called monsters in the sect, it was different.

The martyr was not a great master, but a hard master to make.

[Yeon Gong-ju! No. I think we should give up on reinstating our country!]

It was Fang Goo oil, who knew that the mill had strong intentions for the Magistrate.

I urgently sent a beep to detain him.

The mill looks at him and shakes its head lightly.

[Yeon Gong-ju! It would be foolish to fight him….]

Before the sound of the bells could finish, the mill seized control of the mill.


Then he lowered his head lightly.

“Archbishop, on behalf of this blind man, I apologize for attacking your religion. ”

Pangu oil looked at the mill with surprised eyes.

I unexpectedly bowed my head and apologized as I was afraid to speak to him.

A thousand unexpected actions were also seen in my eyes.

‘Take a step back. ’

It was a completely different attitude than the one I had been staring at on fire.

The mill spoke softly.

“As a matter of fact, I couldn't hide the means and means to distract the king because it was like stealing the position of the republic from your religion. ”

The sincere attitude of the mill was typical of a regular, well-disciplined person.

There was no reason to cheat because it was known to the Magistrate anyway.

When she was quiet and focused on her words, Yeon Yeon-hwon, who thought the atmosphere was ripe, came to the point.

“In that regard, I think this matter has contributed to some extent to your faith. ”

“Provide cause?”

Her eyebrows lifted up.

However, the mill continued to speak without regard for it.

“The Church and your religion have not made alliances to confront common enemies. I don't think the Magistrate would want this to break the alliance. ”


In the words of the latter mill, Pang Gu oil and Zhang Zhen poured out the inner elasticity.

I guessed that he would try to overcome this situation by bowing his head in shame, but he used a strange trick.

I thought only the artisans were good, but they were clever.

“I'll take a step back from this blindness and give up the matter of my country. So with the respect of the alliance, I hope you will release the two Monkey Lords and the disciples of the Antiquities safely. ”

‘It was a good move. Yun Gong-ju.’

He was complimented by the anti-midwives.

We must defeat the Magistrates and the martyrs before we can change the emperor's mind.

However, it was impossible to deal with the Magister by their power now, so it was better to focus on conserving the existing power.

"It is an offer that cannot be refused, even as a bishop, because it is said that it is clean to give up the matter of nationality. ’

Even a marshal would avoid breaking an alliance to confront a common enemy called the Ultimate Butcher Moon.


Yeonseo asked you to bow down once more politely to the top of the Fire Dragon Empire.

He came out like this, the son of a Muslim brutish and the culmination of the next sect, but he must not be able to do anything as a martyr.

That's what I thought.

“You're mistaken. ”

“!? ”

I thought I would have to accept it, but the reaction was different from what I expected.

Slowly, she walked back to the soft mill.

“It is up to the Emperor to decide whether or not to concentrate and sleep. Now that you can't reverse it, you've come to grips with means and means. ”

“Well, that's...”

The grinding mill was blocked at the moment by the stabbing horse.

“And I'm disappointed that you didn't want the alliance to break up, considering you've done some pretty bold things and avoided the pun. ”

- Chang!

A thousand women approaching the street in front of the fires and heat sheets picked the white dragon.

"Archbishop, your alliance may be broken..."

"Enough of this nonsense and I'll take an arm in return."


- Gooooo!

Living a life of horror is swirling around.

The impression of the mill was solidified when I was ready to go out immediately.

‘I can't help it. ’

I chose to negotiate because of the dangers of Nguju's lives, but it failed to look good.

It seemed that the martyr wasn't the only strongest.

Eventually, it seemed like he had no choice but to fight back as he had originally intended.

I looked at the two thumps alternately with the expression of apology.

‘I'm sorry for both of you. The Magistrate tried to avoid sacrifices because he was stronger than himself, but he and I were destined to fight. ‘

It seemed that the fate of the enemy was inevitable.

The soft shop slowly picked out its mourning congratulations at the waist.

- Chang!

He said, aiming for the end, even though he was heading towards the thousand angels who were walking towards him.

“I think you were aware of yourself. That's what being an enemy is all about. I'm sure the Magistrate as well, but I am also the so-called genius of the sect...”

- 52517;!

“!? ”

The cold talk passes through his right arm before he finishes speaking.

What happened so quickly was that the mill couldn't know its physical condition until later.

Boom, boom!

The right arm holding the crest falls to the stone floor.


You hear a thousand deafening voices in the ears of the mill screaming in the pain of the severed arm.

“What's the point of being a genius? ”


- Pot!

The severed section was too painful, but the mill opened its distance.

Of course, I predicted that it would be pushed to some extent because of the difference, but I did not know that I would lose my arm to fire.

‘I didn't see it. Incredibly pleasant. ’

I cut it from the front, but it reacted later.

Does this mean I'm being defeated even though I know it?

At that moment, she stood on his right arm, which fell to the ground, and asked.

"I got paid. Do you want to continue?"

Even the softer mill, which was always calm and had no big emotional changes, was filled with anger.

"Are you insulting yourself?"

- Tata!

Hemostasis was stopped by focusing the hemostasis of the severed limb.

‘We must avoid close combat. ’

As the new law unfolds for a certain distance, the mill bites its lips and gently shakes its left hand.

- Get it, get it! Chang!

Then, the high plains and the sarcophagus, which were waiting for the dojo on the back, were pulled out at the same time, including the high plains that had fallen off the floor.

It was to perform the Egyptian art in front of the Emperor.

“Ha… ha… I was careless just then, but I'll be different now! ”

After the mill shakes its left hand, the three sidewalks quickly crossed into the air and confused their vision. They soon graduated toward the Thousand Diamond in a dazzling fashion.

Heave-ho! Heave!

He boasts that the herbalized ecstasy he received from North Korea is the best technique he can practice.

Even the Magistrate was confident that he would go to great lengths to prevent this.

But something unexpected happened.

- Zec!

She reaches out lightly to the three sidewalks that fly towards her.

Then the victory stopped right in front of the thousand leagues.

“Uh, why? ”

The embarrassed mill attempts to win even more, but three reports are already out of his control.

It was literally erosion of control.

Even his father, Drumroll, could not do this.

“Now, hold on, Archbishop. It's not fair...”

“Then you should have quit when your arm was cut off. ”

- Wheelic!

As she moves her hands lightly, the three sidewalks turn upside down and fly like lightning towards the original owner and stab him.

- Papa Pa Pa!


You groan with a twist in both thighs and opposite shoulders.

Blood splattered from my mouth.


The mill was ridiculous, looking at the three sidewalks that were embedded in its body.

This nonsense of strength was unfair in itself.

‘Hnng… Isn't it overwhelming? You really are a master of life and death. ’

It was a soft mill that speculated that the thousand leagues were the landscape or the landscape of a complete landscape.

At the age of the terms and conditions, I have never heard or seen a person go through life cycle in my life.

'It's a real monster.'

After being beaten so recklessly, the mill was also able to face reality like the other monks.

‘...... This person is different from me. ’

He was never a worthy opponent.

A thousand fortunes came to him as he vomited blood.

He was about to finish.

It was a natural order.

“Cough, cough... Loser... What can I say?" Kill him. But you can also use this as an opponent... ”

“What nonsense. ”

“!? ”

“Why would I kill you? ”

“What's that? ”

She looked at him cynically, wondering.

“This is a good hostage you can use at any time. ”

‘This..... this guy is really......’

Made me lose my words.

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