Nano Mashine

Chapter 80 The Thousand Seasons (2)

The Palace of Nam-ju was completely ridiculous.

The Almighty Pil-sun died in vain.

Who would have imagined they'd freeze the Germans like this and blow them up?

Did you think you could handle ice balls? ’

The elites of the North Sea Ice Bow were as good as possible.

I had once seen a straggler handle flames, but I didn't know that a thousand women had even mastered the art of dark musical lines.

Unfortunately, it was a failure in the power analysis.

‘..... He is really scary. ’

The palace seemed genuinely frightened.

It was a tremendous judgmental ability, starting with the freezing to prevent the German from exploding in the middle of an ambush, and throwing it out of the castle on purpose.

‘If the poison had spread, it wouldn't have been dog death. ’

If she had only pushed Pil-sun away because she thought of her comfort, even the mixed martyrs might have been caught in the explosion during the war and spread the poison all over the city.

‘The experience has helped. ’

I did not intend to, but I remembered the battle against Baek Oho, the Goose Horse.

The spread of poison energy on the Grand Chamber of Mado was a reason for escaping those who participated in the six-stage test.

If the poison spreads in the city, it becomes a fight completely different from what he intended.

‘The remaining executives of the Changchun Church now have three executives in total. ’

An astrologer of the Holding Party,

The Great Beyond the People,

It is the Chongcheon Festival, where half of the executives died.

A thousand sharp glances pierced the southern palace, precisely in the middle of the chaos.

‘....... Are you looking at the state you just saw? ’

The Palace of Nam did not conceal the embarrassment of making eye contact with the Crown Princess.

As soon as I killed one of the leaders of the Heavenly Council, I looked at him, and it felt like my heart was pounding for some reason.

‘No, it can't be!... I can't believe you noticed who you were...’

It was impossible.

But why are you looking at yourself?

Just then, I felt something strange behind the palace.

What is it?

Surprised, the palace turns its head back.

Behind him was a young man in a blue hood dressed as an imperial official.

It seemed to be one of the martyrs who disguised themselves as the Catholic Church.

The young man in the blue hood jumped up and said to him,

“There you are! Heehee, I can barely find you thanks to the Pope. Is the nomenclature of a limitless man hiding in the middle of a war like this? ”

- Chuck!

The palace aims at him with a sword with tense eyes.

Apparently, he was a young man of the terms and conditions, who told me that the energy of the whole body was the masterpiece of the painting.

“… who are you? ”

Like Herbong said, it was the palace of Nam, which is a mythical monument.

I asked in a low voice, not as much as I could.

“Me? Hubon. ”


It was a name I had never heard before.

Among the people brought by the Magistrate, those called meat swords were the first masters I had ever seen, and he seemed to be a new reviewing index in the church.

Although, of course, the heat is too high for that.

“First mate of the Archbishop of the Catholic Church, second in command! Do we need to talk anymore? Then let's learn something! ”

- Bloop!

Along with it, a hot flame echoes from the sword of the bluff.

The strange and exotic energy that the palace felt must have been that flame.

It seemed like it wasn't something to look at as a young person.

‘You'd be in trouble if you were careless. ’

A thousand men's palaces squeezed the swordsman with sharp eyes.

- Papa Pa Pa!

At the same time, seven souls appeared on a single statue with a thousand fathoms.

It was the seven verses of the Extreme Butcher Gate that had fallen away from the sugar solstice when the poison was released.

Their faces were covered with regret.

“I wanted to do one thing right by these savages. That's too bad.”

One of them who came up to the top, Doganmunjo Religion, said in a hurry.

He was eager to poison the inner woman.

Even the masters of the painting felt extremely dangerous.

“Perhaps it is our destiny to meet the end of the Magister's life. Epilepsy! ”

“Forward!!! ”


When the draft statue was taken, the other six statues also blessed each other and took a different draft.

Chilseo eczema (38499;).

It was the pilgrimage of the spleen that was said to have been made by the fleshmen of extreme meat.

This dojo, which was made to deal with the Absolute Master, was surprisingly meticulously collaborative, making the power of the dojo spread by one person to reach the pole of the picture many times stronger.

Their faces were full of confidence.

It was because he exchanged six herbs against a thousand women.

‘I was very nervous because I was a master of life and death, but God made the best pulp. No, it's the best! ’

They were greatly burdened by the command of the Porcelain Moon Wook.

Even the master of the microscope had a monstrous status, but I wondered if we could match the master of the legendary past.

“No matter how much you say you're a lifelong master, you're not perfect! ”

I'm not as scared as I thought.

The fact that they fought herbivores on par with the master of life and death was evidence that they were more advantageous in working together in a long term battle.

“You talk a lot. Are you gonna keep talking? ”

I cynically asked with a gaze that was not shaking at all.

At this, Dogan Munjo Religion smiled and replied with a smile.

“That's a long story. What I've shown you so far is just an earlier herb. I will show you the last of the strongest herbs of the Chilsung Eclipse! Seven seconds to launch! ”

“Seven seconds to launch! ”

At the same time, the seven verses, including him, opened the scheme in the shouts of the cuneiform tablets.

There was a bundle of twinkle in her eyes.

‘It is not a schematic. ’

This time, it was okay to think of it as herbivores spreading simultaneously.

- Stop it!

Up until now, if seven people had cleverly made one herb by breaking the schematics, this time the seven herbs were simultaneously engaged and their power far exceeded the existing one.

‘Even the herbivores so far were barely stopped. If this is the most powerful herbalist He has ever made, we may be able to defeat the Magistrate! ’

Their eyes that spread the herbs were filled with victory.

The blue river draws a colorful trajectory of light and cuts through the sky without giving a gap.

It was that moment.

- Creepy!

Suddenly, the horror of Maestro's energy erupted from her body.

Their eyes tremble as they stretch.

Has the color of the sword changed? ’

The blue power of the Thousand Wind Blade turns black.

The Black Steel contained a fearsome castle, but its ominousness could not be accomplished by words.

Then the car moved a thousand feet.

- Glug-ug!


His new statue splits into seven different statues in an instant, piercing the very fine gaps between the intricately engaged herbivores.

- Whip it up!

“What nonsense! ”

“How can you do this at the same time? ”

At the same time, the seven sentences that were unfolding were frightened.

The gap that the millennium dug into the Black River was the only place for herbivores to connect, and it was aimed at the same time.

‘We have to force the herbicide. ’

When the gap is opened, the herbs may be shredded.

The seven passages were drawn to the tensile force and forced to carry on the herbs.


- Cha-cha!

“W-what kind of power! ”

Something even more amazing happened.

The last herb was originally a herb that emitted twice as much power as the Child Star Eclipse, which was much more powerful.

My palms are going to rip! ’

But there was something I couldn't endure before that.


- Blah, blah, blah!

Their outstretched right arm bounces back, and the fissures in their hands crack and crumble away.



- Wudang!

When the figure broke, their bodies bounced back and forth simultaneously, hitting the aftermath.

Pushed to the end of the large statue, they fell and vomited blood all over the place.

“Ugh, how could the last herb break so easily? ”

“Cough, cough... Uh, how did this happen? I just fought equally before.....”

Moreover, the last herb was twice as powerful as the first.

I didn't have enough to find even the weaknesses of the herbs, so I destroyed them too easily.

I told them that it was absurd.

“You're mistaken. ”


“You think I dealt with this tremor because you're strong? ”


“I fought you for two reasons. ”

“Two things? ”

“Well, you don't need to know both. ”

She raises her left hand and shakes it lightly.

Then there was cold air everywhere, and a degree of transparent ice formed in the air.

- Blah, blah!

Their eyes were startled by the astonishing sight.

“What the hell is this? ”


She shakes her left hand lightly once more.

They jumped to their feet in a panic, and one person, seven ice sheets, encircled the air.

- Bang, bang!

“Yi, even if this is a win? ”

I couldn't believe it.

The ice shaft was not enough, and it was carrying 49 sacks of winnings.

More than that, it bothered me that there were seven sacks of ice around them.

“What the hell are you doing? ”

Thousands of thousands of people who didn't know the English language raised their mouths and said,

“I learned well thanks to you. ”

“How did you learn? Wait, no way! ”

- Shushushushuck!

Immediately, the ice shafts that were floating around in the air towards those who were lying down were very familiar with drawing a trajectory in a frenzy.

Their eyes burst open.

“Don't... don't!!! ”

It was surprisingly the Child Star Eclipse they were unfolding.

They lay eggs with seven ice sheets unfolding on their bodies, without any fear.

- 52517;!


“Aaaargh! Oh, how did this happen! ”

At the top of the statue, the screams of the seven verses burst.

Their bodies were helplessly torn apart as if they had been egged at the very beginning of Chilsung Eclipse.

- Blah, blah!

What is even more frightening is the frozen section cut in the cold heat of the ice diagram, so that the bay feels pain and the pain of the verb until the moment of death.

[Shutdown the panel system combining the schematics of Extreme Cinnamon.]

- Paszzec!

Nano's voice echoes in my head, and the icy rays of the eclipse crack.

The severed skull's eyes were frightened, and one by one he met death with his eyes wide open.

‘You already know the Extreme Secretary's schematics, so you should be able to learn soon. ’

Thousands of years ago, through Nano, they scanned their Chilean eclipse.

Since there was a panel system, we did not need to expand it by ourselves, and when we gave it to Nano, we implemented the Child Polarity Radiation as it is.

Without the schematics, it would have taken some time to analyze, but the thousand years had already gone by.

‘If you analyze the true law to show weakness, it won't work at all for the main school's fighters. ’

This was the true purpose of the millennium.

When I first saw the Chilsung Eclipse, I realized that it had more power than the black marshmallow of the church, and I dealt with it deliberately.

From their point of view, they were robbed of the technique of the spleen that was first shown.


She looks at the situation from the top.

There were fierce battles involving swords, deputy bludgeons, and escort fighters.

They are all beginners of the 100,000 mountains for the first time.

The law of defence and the elders advised him.

[The Pope cannot solve everything by himself. I don't know if it's an enemy I can't handle, but I need to get the people of the church to have practical experiences so they can grow up.]

The second reason why the seven dead drafts of the Ultimate Meat Gate were not heard.

It was to allow the beginner escorts and martial artists to gain practical experience through the great war.

'Yes. You must be strong enough to follow.'

She raises her mouth in the middle of the battlefield, gazing at the fleshblades that are dispensing.

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