Nano Mashine

# 81 The Great Coriander Pole (2) #

I'll give it back and take it back.


In addition to being a sharecropper, the sharecropper became deaf and dumb with honey.

Seeing the palace held in the hands of a thousand women, none of them could refute it.

They were clever with their own compulsion logic.

“Then I'll take this one. ”

- Squeak!

When no one could argue, Lady Chun tried to hand over the remains of the palace to the Christians behind her.

The reflected palace shouted evil, looking at the oath's attention.

“Hawk, swear! I can't wait to see this! If the Vaughn Village passes...”

“Shut up.”

- Tata, Tata, Tata, Tata!

“Hmph! Town! ”

Before he could finish his sentence, she subdued the bloodline.

When the blood pressure was suppressed and the internal air couldn't even be used, the penis could not even send an anterior tone but vomited madly.

Wind Chung, the leader of the lower volcanoes, stood up and said,

“Primitive. Primitive. Catholic Church. There is an alliance of nobles.Can you please hand over the Southern Palace Governor to the blind? The same is true of blindness. ”

Wind Cheon Un was the only face to face with Yeongju who was here.

Though he thought there was a modest bridge, he didn't want to make a move, it was rather dangerous to hand the palace over to the bridge.

Despite such an intervention, Lady Chun passed over the palace.

A bewildered wind raised his voice.

“Are you sure about this? ”

Then she said without blinking an eye.

“The storm leader. If you were me, would you release your mortal enemy? ”

“Well, that's...”

To the extent of the members of the Council of Creation, the leader of the Muslim Church and the head of the Council of Creation, the Palace of Namju, have attacked the Thousand Wolves and the martyrs regardless of their means and means.

When Wind Chung was unable to answer, she looked at them and said in a cold, sunken voice.

“Yewny of the alliance, except for all the good sounds. Are you trying to protect the southern palace owner as a colleague? Or else!”

- Whoo!

As soon as the millennium reached out, one of the corpses spread out in true form flew in.

It was the corpse of an operator with his head cut off.

These are dehumanized beings who can't feel their senses, so they must be destroyed or decapitated to lose their fighting strength.

“Are you afraid that this technology will enter your school? ”

“Well, that's...”

“If you wanted to protect the lady of the Southern Palace from the beginning, shouldn't you have persuaded him to strengthen your alliance before the war began? ”

“.......... ”

The words pierced the valley, and they could not rebuke him.

As Thousand Wolves said, there was only one reason to protect the palace, which could be a hardship eating inside.

Ultimate delayed procedure.

It was to prevent the transfer of this procedure to the martial arts that could create an army of mortals who could not feel pain or fear.

Of course, if you can use it in fractions, there is no more gold stature than this.

When everyone is silent and unable to say anything, the oathbreaker cautiously opens his mouth.

“Catholic Church. Honestly, all the heroes in the genuine world have seen this skill, but it's too dangerous. As you said, this oath is worrying about the misuse of its skills in your religion. ”

As the head of the committee, he expressing his opinions without hesitation.

There was only one reason to be honest.

It was speculated that it was not the intention to take the Palace of Namju from the side of the bridge because of the problem that would be abused.


After realizing the intent of the oath, Jegar Sega thought it was a good way to enter Jegar Yong and Red Palm Woo, the open ark.

Clearly speaking in this way, I was able to eliminate the justification that the bishop could bring.

Clever Jegal Yong helped to help this.

“Yes. As the oath says, I'm concerned about such misuse. If the Catholic Church really didn't mean it, it would be better to kill the Southern Palace Housewives with the blessings of Moorish. Isn't there enough room for doubt in this blind man to take prisoners? ”


In addition to the Palace of the Blindness, Kang Ju and the chiefs of each faction who were watching Jegal's words as they were filming the ascension of the Fire Dragon were cheerful inside.

As a result, the Catholic Church lost its reason to take the Palace of the Namju in a thousand weeks.

If you insist on taking prisoners from here, you'll be forced to confess your intentions.

‘This time, Magistrate, you'll have to concede. ’

‘Can we reveal our malice in this gathering of heroes in the Middle East? ’

Whatever he chose, it was good for him.

If they give up the Southern Palace, they will get this method of extreme delay, and if they try to force him to take it, they can push further that they are trying to abuse dangerous technology in the Bridge.

I thought it would be a problem.

After a short time of silence, she shakes her head.

‘Even if it is you, there will be no answer. ’

In his appearance, Jegal Yong was confident that his plan had worked and blurted his lips.

At that time, she said to him,

“That makes sense. ”

Surprisingly, even the meat swords around the thousand leagues looked surprised at the words that were completely acknowledged.

He really wanted to give up the palace because of reason.

Got it!

Jegar Yong thought that Jeongyeon would take a step back and concede. She thought it would be uncomfortable if she pushed him out more rudely.

“Surely the Catholic Church is the hero of the world. Even this blind man knows that the Catholic Church did not have such malice. ”

I set him up on purpose.

There is no one here who can stop him if he comes out with his strength because he is twisted.

Then I tried to tell the leaders of the Muslim blind to take over the palace.

“The headline. I can bring you a Southern Palace housekeeper....”


“...... Why is that? ”

Suddenly, when Cheonyeon stopped it, Jegallon cautiously asked.

Perhaps the short bird didn't change my mind, but the overwhelming power of the Master of Life and Death made me tremble for no reason.

“Let me be clear about this. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“There is still one executive and their leader, Gyeongju, at the Census Hall. ”

“That's when the Catholic Church sent the information to the blind? ”

She sent information about the executives of the Creation that they did not know.

Based on this, Muslim blindness was able to track down the clans who had joined the Celestial Hall until the treaty.

But I couldn't find them alone.

Gypsum, the veil of the Palace of Heaven, and the only remaining executive drink of Yang.

However, since the Palace of Namwon is the only one who knows about Circumcision, I thought we could find out through this opportunity.

“Hold them off. ”


Je Gal Yong realized that she didn't have any worries because of what she said.

But it certainly seemed to have a great distribution as a new hero born in the bridge.

Jegalyon answered with a voice of firm determination.

“Of course! Since the Catholic Church believes in their blind spots, of course not. Trust me."

“Good. I will never forgive you if you do not catch them and become blind or threaten the Church." ”

“!? ”

The expression of Jegal Dragon, who had just wanted to be finished with a warm atmosphere, was trembling.

More like a threat or a threat than a favor.

Jegal Yong hesitated because he felt that he did not say anything particularly maliciously.

“Hmm-hmm. I see. That will never happen. ”

“Very well. Take him, then. ”

In saying that, Je Gal Yong asked the consultant at Ouido Moon with a strange face.

“Bring him to me. Purple crest.”

“Oh, I see. Thirteen.”

As soon as the purple doorbell notices, it tries to pick up the bloody Southern palace.

- Puck!


- Bloop!

The eyes of the southern palace bleed dark blood and blurred their vision.

Surprisingly, his broad forehead was pierced with a black blade.

- Pussy!

The head of the palace, which was trembling badly, suddenly went down.


Everyone stares at the dead palace, dumbfounded.

What happened all of a sudden, including Jegal Dragon, did not conceal their embarrassment.

“Hey, what are you doing! I did not agree to hand over the Southern Palace Master! ”

Jegalyon yelled because his face was red.

You didn't just hand over a prisoner and kill him in a negotiated manner.

Then she said without hesitation.

“I don't remember telling you to let me live. ”

“What, what? ”

At that moment, Jegal Yong was speechless.

I knew it!

The tail of the mouth of the blunt blade and the blunt blade climbs to the top.

There was no way that Lord Chun Yeoul, the Lord they knew, would ever hand over what was in his hands.

On the other hand, he strongly protested whether he thought this was not the case.

“Catholic Church. We're not in a situation to be playing games. Now this is an insult to blindness. ”


“How can I kill the lady of the Southern Palace who refused to give it to me?" ”

He pointed to the palace where he died with his fingers.

In order to live that way, the man who sought all kinds of measures was put to death and wasted.

Thousands of years later, she said to me, "I want you to have a lot of fun."

“I did as Zegalungju of the Ear Blind said, but why protest? ”

“What nonsense is that...”

“I thought you said you were supposed to kill the Southern Palace Master with Moorish blessings, not take prisoners.“ ”

‘What!? ’

Along with that, I looked at the dragon with sharp eyes.

Jegal Yong was absurd by such poor words.

He certainly said that with his mouth, but it was to explicitly press the thousand moons.

By the way, he killed the owner of the Southern Palace.

“Oh, no. Catholic Church. That's not what you said before...”

- Gooooooooo!


In a sudden, intense life, all the people in this room were stiffened for a moment.

I even felt like I was standing on a slash because I felt like I was holding a blade to my neck.

Jegalyon took off her lips with cold sweat.

“Hail... King! ”

The one who breathed life was Maracum, who was wearing the mask of a unique symbol on the left side of the millennium.

He seemed to be coming with a death worthy of fame.

Maracum said in a young voice.

“Jegal Gaju. Who do you think is in front of you? ”

“Oh my...”

“Are you telling me you lied to the Headmistress? If that were the case, I would never forgive you! ”

The life I felt in Maracum was ready to expose me at any time.

Jegalyon, who was bored with the life of the microscope master, could not say anything.

- Speechless!

When? '

Suddenly, a large number of martyrs gathered around it, but the atmosphere was unusual.

It's like they're protesting whether or not they insulted their parishioner.

She said in a voice of ridicule to the Muslim monks who were embarrassed.

"If you had enemies to deal with inside anyway, wouldn't it matter if you were handed over to a corpse? None of the Heavenly Tribe procedures you're so concerned about will be abused inside the blindness."

Aniet? You're not looking for the Heavenly Tribe procedure, are you? '

The words shook their eyes like they were having an earthquake.

Of course, there was no need for procedures.

They don't know, but the faith that developed this improved procedure is in the Church.

Just before, I cheered up that the practice of the Chamber of Shadows had not been stolen from the bridge, but the situation was completely reversed.

"Ha! How did this happen?"

Jegal Yong only realized that he had been tricked.

From the beginning, the Catholic Church was not aiming for a procedure.

‘Hehe! If you do not catch them and threaten their religion, you will not forgive them.'

The true purpose of the Catholic Church was to be behind the Council of Creation.

However, it was not enough to lose the palace because he rolled his bald head so that the Muslim blind met the situation of having to find the Circuit of Heaven and its executives without any information.

As a result, the Bridge gave them a good reason to interfere or invade.

'.... I've been beaten!'

- Yuck!

Jegalyon, who did not overcome anger, bit his lips so that blood would be shed.

'Ugh! Mahjoo-woooo!!!'

It was a foolish mistake to roll the reed because I couldn't do anything by force.

It was an absurd result.

Thanks to this, not only the Jegalong dragon, but the leaders of all the factions in this place were clearly imprinted.

'This... is the owner of the party.'

There was no roughness in that walk.

They had to accept that they were completely different from what they had known before.

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