Nano Mashine

# 82 Visitor from the North (3) #

Triple taxpayers.

They are a jungle of immigrants outside the Central Circle.

Of course, from the standpoint of the middle causes, they know the center of the world, so they call it an extraterrestrial force, but the form of building and fighting over their own dominance is no different from that of the middle class.

The three main forces representing offshore forces consist of the east, west and north.

The white tide, called the home of swordsmanship, has its roots on Mount Jang Baek in the east.

In addition to Shaolin, the Buddhist roots were spread in the Tibetan plateau, and I became famous as a Buddhist palace.

Finally, there is the Northern Sea Glacier Bow ( ⁄ ⁄ 2), which deals with the lush, unmanned glaciers in the North Sea (Lake Baikal), an icy land in the northern snow.

In addition to these, of course, Nammann's Palace, Hermit Crab, Baektao Mountain. Although there are groups with various forces, such as Namhae, the largest force was now the top three.

"The North Sea Ice Bow…"

About thirty years ago, there was a group of outsiders who aimed for the dominance of Mu-rim in the Middle Church.

They are the North Sea Ice Bow.

However, they withdrew to the North Sea less than a month after entering the Middle School, and they gave up on themselves because their climate and food culture were too different to continue the war for a long time.

At this time, the North Sea Ice Palace was famous for its pact of peace with Muslims who were conflicted when it gave up the war.

“Death to the North Sea Ice Palace? ”

There was a bundle of twinkle in her eyes.

I had no choice but to wonder that the person who brought news of the missing former Catholic Church came from the North Sea Ice Palace.

‘Buy? Hmm. ’

He looks at him with a slightly unbelieving look.

The emissary of such a great power would have come to some degree of prestige, but the face with the blunt makeup and scars seemed to be just a romantic.

“If the Cowboy really is the messenger of the North Sea Ice Palace, shouldn't he have something to symbolize his candidacy? ”

Maracum, who had suspected him from the beginning, asked.

You nod your head to see if everyone agrees.

If he referred to himself as an envoy, he would have at least a letter from the Archdiocese of the North Sea Ice Palace, or a token of his own.


I was embarrassed by the look in the eyes of Protein prefecture, called the ambassador of the North Sea Ice Palace.

On second thought, the letter of the architect who formally asked for help took his uncle's monotony with him.

“Well, it wasn't me, it was my uncle...”


“Ha, how do I explain this…”

In fact, the letter to the Muslim blind was a formal request, but it was not only his intention to visit the bridge, but the North Sea Ice Bow.

I thought it would be very unpleasant for me to talk about this right now.

‘That's suspicious.'

He hesitated and became even more mistrustful in Marahim's eyes.

Then, he suddenly remembered something to prove his identity.

“Ah! I will show you proof that I am a man of the North Sea Glacier Palace. ”

There was the simplest way.

I asked Koh Wang Il, who was standing next to Protein Hyun, to take custody.

“Will you free the inner sanctuary for a moment? ”

“The Forbidden City? ”

The eyebrows lifted up.

When I saw the commander, he was not so dangerous, but I thought I might need to let him go without completing the verification process.

However, I had to let her go because she said she would let me go.

- Tata! Tata!


When the golden age of the air was lifted, steam poured from his mouth.

A blocked bet appeared as it rotated.

A protein suspension that circulated the air pointed to a cup of tea placed on the table.


“Take a good look. ”

With a half-full cup of tea, he operates the concealed black air.

After a while, things changed.

- Shoo, shoo!

Then a cold breeze rose from his hand, and the tea water in the cup froze with a light steam.

It was the symbol of the North Sea Ice Bow.

‘There was an easy way, but I was embarrassed and had no reason to suspect anything. Phew.'

Protein Hyun sighed for relief.

Since the Muslims of the Middle East have demonstrated impossible abilities, they thought they would no longer doubt their identity.


I still doubt the way I look at him.

I was very embarrassed.

"Why, why are you doing this? I saw an ice ball. Why? ’

The eyes of disbelief were still full of no one.

We showed by applying the ice vaccine, which is the symbol of the North Sea Ice Bow, and it was strange that this could not be proven either.

I couldn't understand why, but she placed her hands lightly on the table.

- Shhh!

‘!? ’

- Blah, blah!

‘What, what!!! ’

At that moment, a strong chill erupted and the whole room became cooler, and a white frost appeared on the table, frozen over time.

The frozen table slaps lightly, cracking around it and falling like a chunk of ice.

- Paszec!

Seeing the pieces of ice falling on the floor, he muttered as if the protein string was crazy.

“Uh, how did you get into this extreme internal air? ”

It was an absurd extreme period.

Moreover, it was much faster than the internal airborne operations of the Ice Vaccine Ball he showed.

Because I live in the cold North Sea, I was exposed to the heat of the season, so I was surprised when I showed my ability to do this, not even to the North Sea people who have a record in their bodies.

“Am I from the North Sea Ice Palace? ”

“......... ”

When I ask you like this, I have nothing to say.

For a moment, Protein Hyun, who was stuck in his mouth, opened his mouth as he stuttered.

“W-what the hell...? How did you come by this? ”

“Does it matter? I don't think it's that hard to show a sign that you're an ambassador to the North Sea Ice Palace. ”

Protein Hyun was embarrassed.

In the beginning, he was a suspicious situation.

Although I brought my Catholic identity card, it was hard to believe that this could be some kind of trap from the point of view of the Church.

“My lord, isn't there an easier way to find out than to do this? ”

He smiled strangely.

Recently, we can distinguish whether it is definitely false or not by using the suggestions and confessions that are used the most often.

Protein hurriedly said, feeling anxious.

“Please wait! You know that, right? Those of you who have mastered this palace's unofficial Ice Vaccine Ball in its polarity, your hair becomes silver under the influence of the air. ”

“..... Your hair looks black. ”

It is faintly gray, but still dark-haired.

“Because I didn't learn from the polarity. But even if you get to the fifth floor during the mid-arms, if you treat an ice vaccination ball with tensile force, you get blonde hair. ”

In saying this, I looked at the Great Lakeshow Maram with a questionable look in my eyes.

However, Maraghem, who also had the most experience in Moorish in the room, also shook his head to make sure he did not know this part well.

The North Sea Ice Palace actually had little interaction with any of the middlemen except when it was only a few hundred and thirty years ago, and only a handful of people who only confronted them were blind to it.

Because it was a bridge located just south of the Yellow Sea, there was not even a small number of cases to encounter or interact with the North Sea Ice Palace, so the full effectiveness of the Ice Vaccine Ball was unknown.

As an elder of Hwan, who is the head of the carcinoma that handles information, he was in Mt. 100,000, if you will.

At that time, Maracum thought of someone who deserved to know.

“Maybe the King would know. ”

“Oh, that's possible. ”

Then you nod your head to see if you think there's a reason.

There was no one who did not know that the Dual Sword Monarch was a Pagan until it became the great master of the massacre of thirty waters.

Thirty years ago, the time when the king was working as a member of the Muslim community was long enough to know.

“Herbong, fetch the ball of the king. ”

“Yep, Pope. ”

Hubong left the cabin in the name of Cheonyeon.

‘The King...... The King...... I've heard a lot about him, the King..... Ah! ’

Protein said in a surprised voice, wondering who the stranger's name was in the conversation.

“Dual Sword King! ”

On second thought, I thought I heard it on the way to the opening.

In addition to his remarkable devotion to the Catholic Church, one of the rumors about medieval Muslims was that the archdiocese King Two-Squared Sword entered the bridge.

‘The rumors are true. ’

The North Sea Ice Palace, also an overseas Muslim, once dreamed of going to the Middle East, so he knew the name of the famous Muslims in the Middle East.

Although it has become a rather trivial story at the moment.

'I can't believe there are only two great masters in the Middle Jungle. It's no exaggeration to say that even if you hold the power of the Moorish.'

The statue of the Great Master is deafening.

That's why it was amazing.

“Stop freaking out and prove it. ”

“Oh, I see. ”

I did not learn the Ice Vaccine Ball to prove it this way, but this was the only way to prove my identity now.

- Gooooooooo!

Unlike when we just applied the ice vaccine, when we properly operated the ice vaccine, there was a noticeable change in the body of protein prefecture.

Frost rose, skin turned white, and hair that had black hair changed from root to silver hair.


An astonishing phenomenon appeared in front of my eyes, and elasticity flowed from my mouth.

Until just now, Protein's hair, which was black hair, became completely silver, giving me a mysterious atmosphere that was different from other people.


It was a surprising phenomenon, no matter what internal aerial techniques he had.

It didn't seem a bit suspicious until just now, but I was sure it would be a North Sea Ice Bow if the king could prove it.

- Shh!

After protein stopped the Ice Vaccine Ball's aura, Silver Hair soon lost its light and turned black.

It was like seeing a magic trick.

“Have you seen it?”

Protein Hyun was fortunate because the atmosphere was clearly different from before.

I was confident that silver hair would prove sufficient because it was possible to learn the Ice Vaccine Ball.

“My lord, I have brought you the King's ball. ”

At that moment, Hubong brought the king who was in the other room.

As long as the Emperor of Two-Sword Swordsmanship proves it, there is one more challenge to persuade the Catholic Church to ask for help.

‘However, there is a Catholic identity card, so if he is right, he will help. ’

The door to the room opened, and the void came in first, and then someone followed.

"Ahh… the Great Coven of Kings!" ’

One of the great masters who came in as a child, Protein, who raised his expectation of seeing the king, quickly turned around and took possession.

“In the North Sea ice palace, protein prefecture is the Grand Coven of King Dae Su...!? ”

Both pupils of protein were shaken like an earthquake.

It was because I found the royal queen army, a silver-haired beauty, on a white face beside the king.

What the hell is this? ’

At that moment, I was embarrassed.

I had disbelieved because she had just shown me the Ultimate Inner Circle, but I explained because I was afraid the same thing would happen to me.

“Well, something went wrong. How the hell did he do that? Without the knowledge of the Ice Vaccine Ball...”

I was talking nonsense, but now I'm still making tears.

It was really unfair to see the identity of the Catholic Church.

* * *

Similar views, a lot of blindness.

In the room of the meeting room of the Muslim leader, four people, including the blind, were discussing with a serious face as they glanced over the long letter on the table.

There was someone who was anxiously waiting in the reception room outside the conference room, and his aunt was short-sighted at the North Sea Glacier Palace, protein prefecture.

He delivered a letter from the Archer's representative, informing her that it was urgent.

Hence, the oath leader was in an urgent gathering of Gwangju at the headquarters of the Muslim blind.

I was waiting for a close watch, but I was nervous.

If not, I heard a rumor before I came down here.

‘I can't believe something like that happened. Ah.'

It was because of the war in Tongheun Jinsung.

I heard that the incident has been severely affected by the overwhelming force of the blind.

I had regular exchanges after the peace agreement, but I was also concerned that I might not be able to get help this time.

The conference room was being held in a violent manner because the opinion was divided in half.

Red Palm, the Ark of Openness, raised his voice pointing fingers to one of the contents of the letter.

“This is too dangerous. A four-headed dragon, I swear. ”

“I agree with the words of the Red Ark. How long has such a monster been in the Northern Sea Glacier Palace? ”

A request for a testimonial that divided the opinion.

It was an indiscretion to help defeat the dragon called the spiritual spirit along with the weapon or the bogeyman.

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