Nano Mashine

Chapter 83 To the North Sea (1)

Mount Bigol, situated on the western border of Sacheon Castle.

In Mt. Vigol, famous for its steep steep edges, there is a place that lies on a thousand paths.

It is called "The Dead Song" because the valley is so deep that the current coming down from the upstream cannot be raised once it has been wiped out.

- Shoot him!

The valley that was blown was more ferocious than usual because even the rains were raining.

There was a violent struggle over the steep cliffs of death songs that no one could climb due to the harsh weather.

- Grab it, grab it! Shhhhh!

The sound of the jars and sharp waves cutting through the air resound in all directions. In the aftermath of the violent struggle, the surrounding cliffs were about to collapse.

- Shoot him!

Even though it was hard to open my eyes properly with the thick rainfall, there were dozens of people who were surrounded by deadly fighting.

Among the martyred there are those who are poisonous to their eyes.

He was a middle-aged man with two old men and a long scar on his face, and each time the raindrops hit his body, the water vapor rose.

The old man in the white beard with the golden eye in his left eye watched the battle and couldn't help but admire his elongation.

“He's a great man. That's how loyal you are to a fugitive. ”

“I see. I can understand why the Safa Federation's navy is celebrating civil war. ”

The old man in the golden eye said as if the old bald man agrees.

Those who were dealing with him fled as leaders of the Extreme Butcher Sect.

He was doing a great job with the so-called invincible.

“Only then can you dispense. ”

To such old men, the middle-aged man with a long scar denied it.

A middle-aged man adds a note pointing to someone in a violent fight.

“The fugitive is fighting without moving a step. No matter how good he is, it's like throwing an egg in front of a rock in front of him. ”

One of the two fighting, as the middle-aged man has said, is fighting the other without moving a step, as if it were a stake.

The user moves only with its right arm swinging, but it can still hold off the opposing Pokémon's massive sheaths.

“Old people don't know that. That's a great thing to say at that age. ”

As the elders said, those who ran away were only young people in their early thirties, even though they gave a lot.

However, even in Moorish, it had the skills to be regarded as a class of water.

Even in the middle of the fight, he tried to press the escape by spreading out the proper sword.

Then the middle-aged man's eyes narrowed.

‘Such a big forest. I can't believe there's someone in that age with that kind of lethargy aside from drinking. ’

It made sense for the Safa Fellowship to suffer civil war.

I heard that it was an excellent strategist who divided Safa Federation into two groups. He was more likely to become a member of the Safa Federation in the future.

‘One, bad luck. I met him on the run before the flowers started to bloom. ’

The young man who was dealing with the escape, as he thought, was not at all embarrassed.

These sudden appearances missed the opportunity to kill Gong-yoon, the ambassador who could be called the right arm of the King's harbor.

Especially this dead man before his eyes was a monster.

More advanced and full of confidence than when he joined forces with his colleagues not long ago, but he didn't make a move.

'Are you sure you are human?'

Even the great master of defeat, Hanyeon, was not this bad when it hit one-on-one.

He fought as best he could against himself.

But this monster was different.

"Not a single step, not a single step." ’

It was a profound difference in skills.

It was an absolute feeling of helplessness for the first time.

'It's a retreat.'

I thought I'd give up the battle and try to escape with all my might, but it didn't work because one of those dead men surrounding the cliff is watching me.

At that time, for the first time, the Baeklipper, who was consistent in silence all the way through the fight, opened his mouth.

“Is this the end? ”


The young man's face distorted due to his provocative tone.

There was nothing I could say to make excuses for him, and I couldn't give him a whip.

All he was doing was slicing the ribs off.

“I was interested in watching them, and there were 38 of them. ”

“!!! ”

It was astonishing to know exactly how many balloons he had.

Every time I open one of these herbs without using the same mason to confuse my opponent, I use a different mason, and I notice that.

“Don't you know any more? ”

The young man said nothing.

That was the right answer.

Now that everything was revealed, I had no choice but to respond to the situation.

“Then I have nothing more to see. ”


Then something amazing happened in front of the young man's eyes.

- Good boy!

I put the report that the skewers were holding in the house.

I thought he was going to end the fight, but suddenly his hands were filled with enormous pilgrimage, and he soon took the form of a single figure.

It was never like the River.

“Hey, what's this? ”

The young man was baffled by how surprised he was, but he was already digging into his chest the way of the Luigi Qi , which was in the hands of the Bamboo Lip.

- Puck!


The young man's screaming eyes were startled.

I was surprised to see the selfishness, but it meant only one thing: flying it through my chest.

“Yi, did you win anything? ”

I was surprised by the legendary figure, but I won with it.

Then this creature you were dealing with was meant to grow up in the land of the living.

No matter how much I hit, it was right to feel that there was no chance of winning.


- Twist!

The young man with a pierced chest tries not to collapse, but staggers and falls down the cliff.


Those who were watching the surprise battle hurriedly rushed toward the cliff.

And I looked down, and I saw a dot dripping down the fabric road and swept into the turbulence of the valley.


Some of them were middle-aged, red-colored, anti-whites who couldn't resist the thrill.

We don't have enough pierced hearts to make it to the Valley of Death, where the rains blew. Even the bodies won't be able to survive.

The middle-aged man with the red application approached the skewers with a happy face and said.

“Indeed, the deserter has reached the end of God. How can you treat a monster like that like a child.....”

The answer was the middle-aged man with the scars who was with the two elders.

He suddenly stood in front of the Baeklipper like a spokesman.

“Nothing is impossible for our fugitive. Gong Yun ball.”

The middle-aged man in this red application was the right-hand man of the King's Navy and the executives of the Safa Federation, whose rank was the Ambassador of the Above.

“You said slaughterhouse award ball? If you hear this news, the Lord of the Federation will not be able to stop you from rejoicing. ”

“I'm glad you said that. Now that I have done what I asked of you in the text, I urge you to keep your promise even in the ear blindness. ”

According to their conversation, there must have been some sort of deal between the Safa Federation and the Ultimate Martial Arts Ministry.

And the contents of the deal were revealed in public response.

“Of course you do. Now that I've eliminated that wretched creature, as long as I deal with his remaining forces in this oath, the alliance will be strong. ”

This quest was made for the cornerstone of the alliance between the Ministry of Extreme Education and the Safa Alliance.

From the position of Ambassador Yu, the leader of the force to be allied, fled in person and was able to trust enough to hear this request.

Gong Yun, who was happy to fulfill his purpose, invited them to the headquarters of the Safa Federation to serve them, but the Butcher Moon award refused and went back first.

- Shoot him!

A flea wearing a bamboo leaf was looking down at the valley of death rains.

His eyes narrowed as he fled between the ribs.

I definitely pierced his heart with the invincible sword, and I even felt the heartbeat stop because it was connected.

But something was wrong.

‘There was a strange sense of otherness. What's that?’

That was very troubling.

This is why he put the Butchery Statue on his behalf without speaking directly to the Ambassador in the alliance's situation.


Then came a man with a bandage on his skin next to him in his car.

The escapee looks at the man in bandages with mysterious eyes, and he urgently reports on one knee on the wet floor.

“What's going on? ”

“There seems to be a problem at the North Sea Glacier Palace. Most of the houses that were planted on them were gone. It seems that only two of the doorbells and one of the earrings are alive..... ”

- Gooooo!


As soon as I heard that, my life was intense in my fleeing body.

I thought there would be news coming from the North Sea, but I didn't think it would go well.

even though Marcin had nothing to do with it this time.

- Heave-ho!

“Queek, queek!"

When the escape reached out, the man in the bandage's body was forcibly dragged by a heavy intensity and grabbed by the neck.

It was not just anger that failed in the succession.

The strength in my hands made me want to break my neck right away, even if I said one word wrong.

“Why did you fail in your regime? ”

I had to make a good excuse here.

Fortunately, there was a reasonable excuse.

“Queek, queek, yo, the dragon doesn't seem to be dead... queek... alive. ”

“The dragon lives? ”

“Well, well, well. Queek." Besides, I've heard that, unlike information, you have four heads. ”

When I heard that there were four heads, I saw a double in the eye of the escape.

It was also unexpected to run away.

According to information, a two-headed dragon has been trapped in ice cubes for centuries.

However, it was a situation that was understandable if it was not enough to be alive and strong enough to be spiritual.

- Splash!

“Cough, cough!”

The man with the bandage sitting on the bottom of the water coughed as he placed his hand on his neck.

“A four-headed dragon……”

Even with only three heads, it was a demon called disaster.

The fugitive who was thinking about it for a long time opened his mouth.



The slaughterhouse award, which was waiting near them to chat, replied.

The fugitive gives him an order.

“Lead your slaughterhouses and your twenty earrings and bring the dragon's advance and blood. ”

The man with the bandage coughing said in an embarrassing voice.

“Twenty of us are half the nobleman's band. ”

“They're the ones who set out to do this anyway. ”

They were much stronger than ordinary power supplies, but made for generous use.

Nevertheless, it was much better than making unnecessary sacrifices by sending doodles because of the recent power consumption.

“That's enough power, right? ”

“Do you mind if I have half? I heard the ‘thing’ sealed in the Podallac Palace might still be alive. ”

That's why the army of the Fleeing and Extreme Meat Gates came all the way to Seongcheon.

Their true goal was at the Podallaq Palace.

Concerned about the Butcher Moon statue, you hear a cold voice from the mouth of the escapee.

“Since when did you vomit in the name of the throne? ”

The slaughterhouse award, which realized that it was uncomfortable, urgently took possession.

“Oh, no. Receives an order to flee. ”

Then he said with a meaningful look in his eyes.

“Don't mind the Podallac Palace. 'It' will be handled by the throne itself. ”

* * *

The essence of being so blind.

Over 400 people gathered at the North Gate, with five columns.

They were divided into three groups.

Hundreds of martial artists in bright brown uniforms were elite martial artists led by Huangbo-Saega Huangju.

Another hundred people in thick bags were the martial artists led by the Chilangju Mo Yong River.

Finally, more than 200 people were armed with thin armor, written black on their backs, and were among the armed men of the Black Young Dynasty, one of the Muslim military forces.

“Thank you for your support as well. ”

The short-lived pup in the Black Young Gang, who was riding at the forefront of the horse, thanked the Mo Yong River, who was joining him as he rode next to the horse.

The counselor who opposed it was the one who finally joined the regiment.

“Say thank you to your father. ”

It was originally a recruitment river that was never meant to go because of dragons, but the recruitment tax from the cold north did not win the Muslim blind's request to join them.

“Ahh! Let's show our gratitude to the three Grand Coven. A sincere thanks to the heroes of Muslim blindness who received this request for deployment. ”

Then short-term buyers of the North Sea Ice Palace, who were riding horses next to them, took possession.

His face was filled with color.

He was worried that he would be refused to ask for help, but the Muslim blind finally decided to send elite fighters, even if not large.

[It is important to defeat the dragon, but the fact that he was after the beast at the Ultimate Meat Gate must be up to something.]

The opinions of Kang Soh were accepted, and the opinions of Kang Ju were unified.

Helping the North Sea Ice Bow to defeat the dragon from a line that won't be hit by electricity.

“If you come out of the closed tube, you will be very excited about this. ”

On the right side of Kangsoo, you hear the voice of a beautiful woman.

In her voice, she was Je Gal So-hee, one of the middle class Sammi ( ) and the second military of Muslim blindness.

In addition to the three armed forces, there were twenty other people.

They were genuine experts in the Zegalsega family, who participated to try if they could seal the crypt of ice cubes with genuine wisdom in defeating this dragon.

“There is no need to evaluate the mill. ”

At that, Kang So-hee coldly replied.

Then she smiles bitterly.


It was because the children of the Muslim blind eye, Yeonseo and Kang Son, knew that they were not good together like water and oil.

Something bad happened to the mill, so I thought I'd feel a little better, but I still did.

Even his fiancée, Kangsoo, who hated Jegal Sohee, cried out to the guards of the Sentry Corps who were on their way to the North Gate without even giving them a look.

“We have a busy hour. I'm sure each of you will have prepared it in advance, but I will do my best to relax on the way to the North Sea. So be mindful of your fitness distribution! ”

“Phew!!! ”

About 400 strong screaming troops started marching through the North Sea through the North Gate.

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