Nano Mashine

# 85 North Sea Glacier Bow (3) #

Everyone aboard the ship thought the situation was resolved smoothly.

Although the commander took on the humiliation of cutting off his arm, it was much better than going up against the Catholic Church.


- Degulgulgul!

Seeing Commander Kang Soa's neck, rolling around on the floor, everyone couldn't help but wonder.

Who would have imagined cutting his head off right here?

They were allies, enemies, and the second son of a Muslim monk who symbolizes Buddhism, and there was no hesitation.

“Running the river! ”


Everyone aboard the ship cried out as if to Lee Dong-sung.

The horror and grief of the death of the commander of the Sentinel Squad and the Black Young Squad's short-lived commander are at the same time.

Je Gal So-hee, the second soldier of the Muslim blindness, called out to the Empress with red eyes.

“Wife, Prince Chun! Isn't this a little extreme? ”

“Overkill? ”

“He cut off his arm and pleaded guilty. Besides, this alliance with your church after everything else, isn't it too much to do this? ”

The original Jegalso-hee wouldn't have been as excited as the military.

However, when my fiancé, Yeonseo, came back half-dead, the anger in his heart triggered the death of the child and exploded.

- Pot!

At that time, the yellow power that had fallen through the bottom of the ship came up.

Seeing the blood stains on his pale face, he seemed to have barely recovered the energy that had infiltrated the flesh department.

“Oh, how could you do this! ”

Huangbo was also shocked to see Kang Soh's severed head rolling around the floor.

I never thought I'd kill him.

- Yuck!

“How dare you kill a speedster! ”

“Unforgivable! ”

The leaders and members of the Black Young Gang, who were staring at Kang Soa's head in despair, couldn't stand the anger any longer and all tried to rush in, aiming for the weapon.

After all, it was the worst, but to endure being pushed from the grass was like an insult to a dead child.

- Heave!

The two masters of the Black Brigade simultaneously flew their new sentences toward the thousand.

It was not their usual intention to spread a devastating chasm filled with rage.

“I'll kill you!”

However, it was before their new stature even reached Lady Chun.

- Heave!


An unidentified gangster with a unique symbol on the black packaging appeared and lightly blocked their path.

I didn't have enough, so I bounced off their new statues.

- Papa!



- Boom!

Two monarchs bounced off the ship simultaneously in a single blow to the chest and fell into a cold lake.

He shouted with a stiff face.

“The King!”

The man in the unknown mask must have been Maraheum of the Supreme Court of the Church.

There was no way anyone would ever have to escort the Catholic Church.

“Ha… ha…”

Rough breathing sounds in the mask.

Although he was also an expert on the landscape, crossing this vast half of the lake seemed rather tiring.

[sighs] Principal.]


I coughed a thousand times at the voice of Marahim who called out loud from his voice.

I felt sorry for him.

He suddenly expanded the equilibrium, leaving a note saying that he would come to see for a while.

Others had no choice because the equivalency landscape was impossible in the first place, but Marrakeem had a hard time catching up with him.

I did not do that to other people's eyes.

"Did he also control this vast lake? Ha... The current Bridge is full of monsters. ’

I had to stick my tongue out.

I was nervous about the eyes of everyone on the ship.

I couldn't cope with a thousand Archbishop, but he didn't have enough and even the infamous Prince appeared, so there was really no answer.

Everyone was hesitating, but when she opened her mouth, she pointed to the dead child's head.

“Let me be clear. This is his doing. However, if you think it's so unfair to lose a colleague, you can come forward. ”

It was a bold voice, but it contained arrogance.

Of course, that qualification was enough.

She was the ultimate master who could exterminate all those aboard this ship on her own.

The wooden river was clenching its fist in furious blood, said.

“Catholic Church! Does the ball really not matter what relationship you have with the blind? There is nothing more than an alliance after leaving the Heavens of Heaven! ”

The answer was not a thousand years old.

Marahem breathed a little and said, pulling out the sword that was on the sword at the waist dance.

- Chang!

“That's the opposite of what I want to ask you at the university. Did those who say their alliance is important ask the Barbarians to go to the mainland? ”

“Well, it's......”

The wooden river was silent when the horse stabbed the valley.

I had forgotten the momentary route, but I had always had a grudge against myself and myself.

I was able to stop them, but they were also intrusive.

‘Drink and be a prince...’

I was even more embarrassed by the way I felt at the end of Maracum's sword.

The only way to find out more was to end up with them.

‘Ahh...... I can't believe I didn't see leadership in the first place. ’

Je Galso-hee, who had just been unable to control his anger, sighed deeply.

I had to accept that there was nothing I could do.

If you speak calmly, your scar system must also be supported in order to be repaired.

‘Is this the feeling of an powerless person? ’

So far, Muslim blindness has been a leading position.

Not only the Imperial Court, but also the Moorish people.

In all my years of conflict with Samar, I have never been pushed aside, but the situation has completely changed since the creation of an absolute master of overwhelming competence at the bridge.

‘No one can stop the Catholic Church. Hah.....’

It was lonely, but it was real.

Maybe the real enemy they should be worried about was not extreme meat, but martial arts.

[Recruitment Master.....]

‘Jegal Military. ’

The river closed its eyes in the image of Jegal-so-hee shaking his head to the left and to the right while sending a message.

With Kang Soh's death, who had been appointed commander, all the rights were seized by the recruiting river with the highest position or distribution.

- Yuck!

The Mo Yong River, which was killed by a furious heart, took possession and said.

“...... This expedition has no intention of confronting the Catholic Church. And... I've paid enough. I hope this will be the end of our alliance. ”

Everyone was looking forward to a thousand-year answer with a nervous face.

As the recruiting lecture said, I nodded and confirmed it because it was a thousand years old that I was about to finish.


Everyone was humiliated by this attitude, but I was relieved.

The existence of the thousand-year-old woman who drank that much grew terribly, leaving Jung Samar.

'Is this such a relief?'

I laughed as I laughed at the response of the blinded detachment.

At the moment, Kang Soa thinks everything is over at the sacrifice, but she doesn't know that the giant chest is beating them.

‘You don't have to tell me. ’

It was their duty to remove the deceased.

Without Kang Soa, the Sentinels will have to endure the wrath of Asara, the great leader of the two missing arms.

[Let's go. The Great Escort Act.]

‘!? ’

When I went to the sound of the thousand moons, I shook Maraheum's pupils, which were shining through the gaps.

The direction he was headed was not the direction the bayonets rode in.

[Now that we're here, it's better to go to the island and wait.]

[...... Chung!]

He was absolutely right, but he was reluctant to answer.

I can barely breathe, but I can't help thinking about crossing this vast lake again.

- Heave!

First, Marakim disappeared after the thousand years of flying a new sentence to the front of the ship.

Not long after leaving the ship, I looked at those who became dotted with the face of a blizzard.

While everyone was doing that, someone raised his head with both hands.

I closed his beady eyes even when he was dead, and I was silent, gasping for silence.

His tingling that no one had ever seen,

‘Yangju, I will forever remember the noble sacrifice for your creation. ’

A surprising truth was revealed.

The second and hidden identity of Kangsoo, a short-standing Buddhist, was Yang, one of the five executives of the Council of Creation.

Je Gal Sohee brought the Black Young Gang's dagger that came out while collecting Kang Soa's corpse to him while he was in silence.

“Deputy Mack. It must be hard, but the deployment is not over yet, so please lead the Black Young Gang on behalf of the River Master. ”

“...... Got it. ”

The elderly man whose eyes were drooped by the hair of anti-whites who received a shorthand with cold eyes was the black gang's assistant, Erythema.

* * *

On a wharf in the southeast of the island.

Suddenly, the concubine, who was staring straight across the lake, looked surprised and said to Elder Seoulyoung.

“Elder Snow. We need to get down to the pier right now. ”

“Suddenly? ”

At that point, short-sheller pointed his finger somewhere.

I was curious to see where he was pointing, but I saw something that I had not seen before.

It was on the side of the lake enough to be seen from the pier.

As if you were flattening out on the water, there was an Incredible In-young who approached with a tremendous speed.

“Hey, are you sure you want to come here? ”

He couldn't help but be astonished.

When I heard it from Danju, I felt like I was listening to a slightly empty story, but I was surprised when I saw it with my own eyes.


However, there was not one person who did this diligent work.

A little behind, but at a decent pace, there was one more person.

“Ha, not one person. W-what the hell are they? ”

Even the so-called elite masters outside the northern hemisphere showed a pair of aerial techniques that could only succeed.

“I should go greet them first. ”

“I understand!”

I didn't know the exact identity, but I had to go meet them first.

Obviously, they came from a group speculated by the Church.

As they hurriedly come down the hill and get to the dockside, a hundred North Sea ice palace palace palacers who had been waiting in advance put their right hands on their chests and bowed their heads.

"Hello? Archer's representative!"

They were unaccounted for by one of the five fighters at the North Sea Glacier Palace.

The preaching of the snow dagger made a sudden commotion when he tried to report to the concubine that the ship had not yet arrived.

“Hey, look! ”

“Oh, my God! They're jumping up the lake. ”

“West, did you come all the way out here on the observation ramp? ”

‘Even though there's been a lot of history in ice cubes lately, what nonsense are you talking about? ’

The preacher turns his head toward the lake, bewildered by the sounds of the incoming Frostbiters.

Then it really looked like it.

“D, equality? ”

Surprisingly, two young men stepped on the lake and approached.

I couldn't believe it.

We cross the street by boat into the skylight.

“No way. ”

I was surprised by what happened to my mouth, and two young men who were just running over the lake stepped on the docks and approached them.

- Speechless!

The dockside became noisy.

Who were these two unidentified men who appeared before the Armed Forces arrived?

The first thing Danzhou found was a man wearing a mask.

"The mask with this unique marking? ’

I've heard of it somewhere.

When I was about to enter the jungle, I did some research on the most famous Muslims.

One of them is,

“The King?”

Only one of the martyrs wore a mask.

The man known to be responsible for death on the battlefield.

It was Maramagym, the Supreme Court of the Church.

"The King of Pluto? Did you really send a squad of guards from the Church?" ’

Although I assumed it might be a martyrdom with only red writing written on the black flag, it became a reality when I saw Maracum.

Protein Hyun, the concubine, really succeeded in requesting support.

‘Wait!...... The Supreme Court Law of the Church must be to escort the Pope. ’

The person standing next to him was only a young man with only the terms and conditions.

He was probably a fifty-year-old man who could not even know what the Archbishop was, but he was too young to do so.

A curious young man greeted him with a light embrace.

“I am the Catholic Church's Catholic Church. ”

"What the!!! ’

All the paladins around me were blindfolded, unable to conceal their surprise.

Unlike the top brass, it was natural for them to know nothing.

- Speechless!

We're not hearing this wrong, are we? '

"The Archbishop?"

Did you come from the bridge? '

The pier became more chaotic.

Surprised, of course, was the archery surrogate Danju as well.

He tried to defend his majesty on behalf of the North Sea Ice Bow, but he couldn't calm his trembling eyes.

‘Oh my god.....'

A prediction you might have made on the lookout.

Half wrong, half right.

It was not the kind of Southern horse that he knew, but it was the late Church of Mahishmati who came to the North Sea ice palace.

“Uh, how did the Catholic Church get here? ”

I was surprised and said to Seoulyoung, the elder who stuttered into the horse, smiling as if he had stumbled.

“I've received a request from the Palace of the Ovate to send me. ”

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