Nano Mashine

Chapter 88: Capturing the Advance (4)

It is a different experience to see yourself from a third party's point of view.

The current mood of the millennium was more chaos than an unusual experience.

"I… myself…"

It was four years ago when the assassins were injured and dying.

She thought it was her escort who saved her because she was disoriented by the bleeding.

However, the memories that remained in my head were not false.

[Hey, my ancestor must be feeling good in the dying yard.]

[Woo! It stings to see me. There we go. Hey, ancestor?]

[Please succeed and let's thank this progeny too. The way to use the Nano Machine is new, so it should be easy, so try it yourself.]

A young man in this weird outfit called the Thousand Movies.

His words echoed in my mind, overlapping with the recording of the video.

‘Ancestor...... Ancestor......’

Dazed, he kept thinking of the same word.

Suddenly, my head was cleared of chaos and complexity.

It seemed clear from the video recordings that there were two locks.

You... are my descendants! ’

It wasn't a guess, it was a sure fact.

It has not yet been written down in the records. From the emblem of the Catholic Church on the wall to the emblem of the Catholic Church on the wall, Nano must have been created in the distant future.

‘Is that so? ’

It was unbelievable, but real.

Nano's ability to make the impossible possible is a performance brought by the descendants of the distant future.

Accepting the truth, I felt like I had widened my gaze.

‘So far in the future, there is a main school. Ha!’

The elasticity came out.

It was amazing.

Even in a completely different world, the Catholic Church has continued its course.

If you think about it, it was touching.

‘Wait… but in the future, the main school fraud was not my drink. ’

The star sign on the scam is finished.

I guessed for some reason that star was attached, but I tried to ignore it.

"Ah! The difference between the stars is that the future descendants gave me nanos and changed reality. ’

If his descendants had heard such thoughts, they would have been astonished by their insights.

It may not be an easily accepted reality, but it was through nano that we encountered future technologies and widened our mindset as we climbed into the biosphere.

‘Future descendants tried to change the past. ’

There was the most troubling part all the time I watched the footage.

It's, uh...


If what he saw in the footage is true, then what is the extremist identity?

In hologram information, extremists have lived for over a thousand years.

However, the records of their conversations and Catholic deceit showed up a lot longer ago.

‘Is it a coincidence that the names are the same?...... No. I don't think so... Ah! ’

When she was thinking about extremism, she suddenly remembered something.

When I think about it, there were traces of the Extreme Sinmyu that was fought in the closed quarry much earlier than in the first reign of the Seventh-Day Catholic Church.

‘Then it was strange. The scars on the cliffs of the alveoli were much more advanced than the scars on the undercarriage of the Mado tube. ’

Thanks to this, she learned extreme caution which complemented her weaknesses.

When the accident reached there, it made sense what the future descendants had raised.

It is not internal medicine, but herbs will evolve over time. Rather, there was a sense of disgust that herbs from the past were superior.

‘Is the extremist really from a distant future? Then why is he heading back in time? ’

I didn't understand that.

At that time, a thousand years old vision was about to be injected into him through a syringe.

- Pick!

The video that was implemented in augmented reality suddenly snapped.

And a blue flash flashed through my head.

- Pachynchik!


I was about to cry, but I couldn't hear the same noise as before. The white particles in augmented reality made lines, and the familiar voice rang in my head.

- Whoo-hoo!

[Self-recovery of chip damage due to overload of energy and strong current is complete.]


Nano finally finished his repairs.

Nano, are you okay now? ’

Despite that question, Nano continues to report on her condition.

[The Nanomechanisms are upgraded to accommodate the current energy charge rate and current.]

- Whoo-hoo!


It was amazing performance.

It would have been frightening if future scientific engineers had heard this.

Of course, it would have been impossible if it were a common metal material, but the metal, Gatenium, which is composed of nanos, was an upgrade that was possible because it was not a material on Earth.

Metal that self-learns about impact.

That was the core technology of the only seven-generation nanomachine.

This technique was also possible because it was able to withstand the thousand weapons, firearms, and extreme energy that existed in the thousand millennia.

[Some locks that were stuck during self repair have been forced off. Are you sure you want to assign locks again? Y/N]

‘!? ’

The sign that the lock was unlocked revealed a double glare in her eyes.

In any way, I had no choice but to wonder that the lock was unlocked, no matter what the command was.

He questioned his unauthorized abilities for four years.

You don't have to pick a lock, do you? ’

It was no wonder I hesitated to let him go.

[If no lock is specified, the user can use features that were locked on the system.]

Do you know what the features are? ’

[Yes, sir.]

At the end of Nano's voice, the unlocked functions were displayed in augmented reality.

She did not conceal her surprise by studying the functions.

Among the publicly available functions, when I asked if I could use a thousand dollars, a lot of what I said was blocked and unavailable.

Is this really part of it? ’

Quite a lot to say in part.

Almost sixty functions have been unlocked, and many were wondering if this was really possible.

[In addition to the current energy generated in the body, features that were not available while being rechargeable have been activated.]

When she looked at the functions, she no longer hesitated.

‘I'm not locking up. ’

[Okay, let's activate the unlocked features.]

- Whoo-hoo!

The white particles on the back with the functions shown by Nano became a triangle.

When Nano's restoration is complete and a portion of the lock is released, Thousand Yeon ordered the next urgent matter.

‘Nano. I will absorb the remaining cerebral cortex with a thousand strokes and repair the damaged arteries myself. ’

Now he had to deal with his injuries.

[Yes, I will self-repair the damage to your body.]

Squeeze, squeeze!

When Nano's voice was finished, the static whole body nanomachines were activated, and the unique feeling of ants crawling through the body reappeared.

This led to the realization that Nano was fully resurrected.

* * *

Underground in the ruins of the North Sea Glacier Palace, which are pierced by perforated glare.

No matter how powerful the absolute herbs were, the hole in the ground was pierced.

It took me a long time to spread out and go down.

The North Sea Glacier Palace rushed down because it wanted to take away the dragon's Origin. It was able to encounter the guards of the Moorish Blind without having to chase it for long.

- Curr!

A wide underground cavern resonates with an unusual vibration above the ground.

The Northern Sea Glacier Palace, which was filled with underground caves lit by torches, was being confronted by their leaders.

The Archdiocese delegation said as if it could not be trusted.

“You were attacked and still alive..... Hurrah....”

“As I suspected, I found a hole through which there was no dragon corpse. ”

The cauldron points to a large hole in the right direction.

It was to the east, but unlike the ice cube seal in which the dragon was trapped, it was newly formed.

Surprisingly, the dragon that thought everyone was dead was still alive.

Both sides who were eager were fundamental causes not to fight like this.

- Curr!

Seeing the caverns tremble, it looks like he's digging more and more underground.

- Papa Papa Pa!

Fragments fall from the ceiling as cracks occur.

Not a cave built properly against the pillar that would become a support, but a dragon dug it up to escape, making it quite unstable.

He looked up at the shaking ceiling.

“Recruiter. I think it's best to retreat. If you go deeper into the cave and the ground collapses, you can be buried underground. ”

Tracking down the dragon was dangerous, as she said.

The hole through which the ceiling was pierced by the Catholic Church is not going to collapse, so that's fine, but if you follow it deeper, you can't guarantee your life.


It was a situation that both sides had to consider.

At that time, Seonggoo, an elder at the North Sea ice palace, said in a serious voice.

“Ball! Come to think of it, if the dragon continues to drill holes to the east, it may reach the lake! ”


Everyone couldn't hide their embarrassment.

As the dragon continues to penetrate east, it reaches Lake Baikal, where the pier is located.

It wasn't that far away.

If so, the water of the lake might come in through this cave.

It could have been anyone, not just a store.

‘What should I do? ’

I am troubled by the intensity of my recruitment.

Following the dragon, I was too constrained by the situation.

At that time, this elder, Omu Bang, at the North Sea Glacier Palace, pointed to the bottom of the underground cave.

“Archer surrogate! Are you sure you want to miss this opportunity? Take a look."

There are so many crowds that I can't see very well, but when I look at the floor, there are sticky liquids everywhere, and there is a faint but blue flash of flashing light.

- Pachynchik!

This was the blood of the dragon's body.

I saw flashing blue lights everywhere in the cave, and I lost a lot of blood.

“The dragon is wounded and fleeing. If we don't follow them now and kill them, we'll have a long way to go. You cannot retreat like this. ”

“This elder. As you said, he is wounded, but if you pursue him too hard, you will be buried or drowned! ”

Elder Seong-goo objected to him.

Then this elder, Oh Mubang, said as if he was frustrated.

“How do you get rid of dragons without taking such restrictions or risks? If you miss now and the dragon reappears later, what can you do to stop it? ”


It was hard to tell what to say.

Obviously, the clever dragon appeared to seek revenge on the North Sea ice palace that had locked him away.

If he just wanted to be free, he would have run away.

- Curr!

The ground shakes once more.

If I waited any longer, I couldn't do anything.

- Yuck!

Omu Bang bites his lip tightly and sees the concrete of his concubine.

“I have no time to hesitate. Ball! Make up your mind! ”

Je Gal So-hee carefully sent a message to the Mao Yong River in this situation on the side of the North Sea Ice Palace.

[Recruiter. Too large a constraint. Whatever decision the North Sea Ice Bow makes, this blind man must retreat. The origin is not the problem.]

He also nodded lightly to confirm that he agrees.

There was a part of the eager party, but strictly to take it to prevent it from entering the Bridge.

If the dragon escaped to the lake, there was no need to pursue it too hard.

The recruitment river that decided to retreat was the car that was going to tell the archer surrogate Dancheon that they would retreat.

Someone appears from afar, hurrying for a walk.

“Archer surrogate! ”

There was a twinkle in the eye of short-sheet.

He was the Vice President Oh Young of the Snow Brigade at the North Sea Glacier Palace.

I ordered Elder Seol Jing Jing and 500 warriors who were guarding the ice cube seal, and they suddenly appeared from the direction they had come.

“Phew… ugh… khh, this is bad. Archer surrogate!”

My breathing was hard because of how urgent I came.

He frowned and asked.

“What's the matter with you? ”

“Ha… ha..... Archer surrogate! The Glacier Seal... Haa... The warriors of this palace who were guarding it have all been destroyed! ”

‘!? ’

In the unexpected news, Zhang Zhao hurriedly asked with a embarrassing face.

“What? What does that even mean? The dragon attacked them? ”

“Ha… ha… no! I went to deliver the concierge's order with the Snow Dagger. It looks like they were all attacked by an unknown group. ”

“An unidentified organization? ”

Just the work of the dragon made my head complicated.

However, I was embarrassed by the sudden sound.

Looking at the North Sea Glacier Palace, which was in a serious atmosphere, it was also embarrassing what to do.

What the hell are you talking about? Did any of them attack the North Sea Ice Bow? ’

In addition to themselves and the North Sea Ice Bow and the Bridge, my company's forces invaded the island.

At that time, Je Gal So-hee looked around the cave and muttered as if he couldn't understand.

“…… there's no vibration. ”

“Huh? My army. What's that supposed to mean? ”

“Look, the whole cave was shaken before, but I can't feel the vibration now. ”


As she said, the vibrations stopped.

The cave, which was trembling while digging through the ground, was calm.

Did the dragon drill a hole in the lake? No, so you're already... ’

The water of the lake would have flowed into the cave like a wave.

I tried to inform the North Sea Ice Bow, where the Yu Yong River, which I thought something had changed, was getting worse.

It was just then.


You notice a lot of popularity on the right side of the giant cave that the dragon pierced in order to escape.

It was the moment when the River of Recruitment turned its head to there.

- 52517;!



The blue river divided the place where the blind sentries were gathering.

After a surprise attack, ten unmanned sentinels were cut in half.

“We're under attack!”

“Defend yourself!”

- Get it, get it!

In a surprise attack, a group of brutish sentries and paladins in the North Sea Glacier Palace all took their weapons.

“The ballistic river?”

If you're good enough to blow up the river, you're at least as good as the camera.

I stared at the direction the grate flew with the shivering eyes of the embarrassed hairdresser.


At the entrance of the cave, which was pierced to the east by dragons, there were mysterious gangsters with iron masks and people holding more than thirty degrees.

They were one of the most unorthodox of all.

“Iron Mask?”

It reminded me of the story of a singularity that came as an ambassador in the head of the recruitment river.

The group that tricked the Arch of the North Sea Glacier Palace and tried to kill the dragon.

“Extreme meat!”

Obviously, they were extremely athletic.

He said with a surprised look that a middle-aged man among the crowd who did not wear iron masks was surprised.

“I didn't know you knew the text at the North Sea Ice Palace. ”

The middle-aged man did not deny his identity at all.

He shouted in a furious voice.

“Von Gaju is the River Von Yong, which is the grandfather of many blind people! Do you want to get out of here alive after doing this? ”

They were the true plagues that woke the dragons that were sleeping in the North Sea.

It was obvious that he was aiming for the back of his head in order to take the fishery.

The middle-aged man who had a curious look at the word "slim blind" said with a nasty smile.

“How blind are you? Hmm. I thought I'd take what I need and leave quietly, but I can't. ”

The middle-aged man raises the drop stick in his left hand.

Then he waved it lightly and said to those wearing iron masks.

“Time to get back to work. ”

- My daughter!

Along with the buzzing sound of the bells, a clear blue force rises from the armor of those wearing iron masks.


If you look at the strength of the strong force, you can guess his skill.

There was tension on the faces of the elders and concierges, including the Yu Yong River.

‘..... They are all masters beyond the picture. ’

Surprisingly, the iron-masked artisans were more than just masters.

Some didn't even have a clue.

The middle-aged man laughed at the nervous masses and the unmanned people of the North Sea Ice Palace.

“Chuckle, I would have died if I hadn't come down to the basement in a stupid quest. Huh?”

- Shh-shh-shh!

At that time, the middle-aged man looked at the place with a sound coming from afar.

At a very rapid rate, the sound of crossing the air gradually approaches, and you can see two eyes that look like eyelights in the dark.

What is it? ’

In the blink of an eye, there appeared to be a creature that was emitting an eyelight.

A flying creature sits on the ground in the middle of which both sides are opposed.

- Brace yourselves!

It seemed to be connected to a black armor that was tight to the whole body, starting from the head.

Everyone stares at the unidentified presence, wearing a smooth black armor of subtle colors.

- Speechless!

Am I flying? '

Is that a person? '

If it weren't for the white spectacle around the snow, I might not have thought it was human.

The middle-aged man frowned and yelled at his existence with his fingers.

“What the hell are you...”

- 52517;!

The middle-aged man's eyes widened.

His arm, which was twitching with his fingers, suddenly fell to the ground.

“My... arm? Shhhhhhhhh!”

You hear a voice in the mysterious black armor standing in front of the screaming middle-aged man.

There were no gaps in my body except for my eyes, but I was surprised to hear my voice.

“Can you turn this thing off on the side of your head? ”

- Suzus!

Along with the unknown horse, suddenly the black armor's helmet disappears, revealing its hidden identity.

He was a white-faced, sharp-eyed young man with long hair.

He muttered with a trembling voice.

“Wife, the Catholic Church? ”

The Black Armor Wreck was the true identity of the Catholic Church.

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